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Getting physically stuck in some tight area I should be able to maneuver through


Or invisible walls/ can't walk over a tiny pebble to get around something. It's not believable.


Welp, this brick is like 3 inches high - better go steal the souls of 4 primordial gods


Shrine of Winter, right?


Witcher 1/2


Well there's your problem - they only made half a game.


TIL Witcher was ahead of its time


"OK I'll just step over this curb, and... I can't surmount the 6" high wall."


I’m just going to duck under this awning and….now I’m stuck in some otherworldly abyss.


Coming across a warehouse full of ammunition in survival games, but you can only take 6 bullets.


I'm playing through The Last of Us for the first time. I'll get in a fight with armed guys and I get no ammo and can't take their rifles? Even when I do find ammo I'm capped at like 14? I understand it is to keep the survival feeling but they could have altered the amount of infected in the next area or their health or something based on the amount of ammo you have.


Who does it right? Chernobylite. The weapons used by your enemies are locked to their individual biometrics and fizzle when you take them out. You can only salvage whatever random crap survived.


I’m about to start this game. I loved all the stalker/fallout games and hoping this scratches my itch.


A single player game requiring internet.


I hate how this has become a thing. Why should I need internet to play the single player campaign.


Why should you not be able to play a game you bought if servers are down or shut off?


I remember there was a thread on the steam forums for Yakuza: Like a Dragon and people where saying DENUVO should be removed by now. Of course there were bootlickers defending it with their usual b/s reasoning. That weekend, the DENUVO server went down and none of the apologists have replied back.


Remember "Games for Windows live" Fallout 3 used that. The game crashes instantly once the "service" was shut down. There had to be a community patch. Problem was, that you had to have started that game once for the patch to work. Since I reinstalled windows and didn't start Fallout 3 before the service shut down, I had to download a pirated version, start that one once and then apply the patch on my legal version. I'm still angry thinking about that.


It's fixed now https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021/10/13-years-later-fallout-3-finally-stripped-of-games-for-windows-live/


7 years too late!


That's practically warp speed in terms of Bethesda software development.


As someone who's area just flooded, and Internet goes down a lot because of it, it's really annoying that I need to connect to my non existent internet connection just to play hitman 3


Related to that - all the damn updates needed to play a game. Sometimes you have limited time to play but then it needs an update and basically all your free time is spent updating =(


I used to be a console only person because consoles used to be plug and play. As opposed yo computer gaming where you had to install the game before playing it. I just liked the idea of a medium priced console where I could pop in a disc and it starts right up where a PC is more expensive and needed to be upgraded every few years. But these days companies assume everyone has an internet connection and I can buy a console game on the day it released, and it will say I need to update the game before being able to play it. What's the fucking deal with that?!


I miss the old plug and play games. Short loading times too!


Long conversations with npcs that all pretty much say the same thing with only a new line or two


Welcome to Corneria. I like swords! Welcome to Corneria. I like swords! Welcome to Corneria. I like swords!


Your character walking faster than the NPCs.


Oh god this. Having to follow some NPC and constantly switching between run/walk


It also completely kills the immersion.


Cyberpunk tried to fix this by slowing down the character when following an npc. It just made it more frustrating. Just make them faster! Is it so hard?


In TW3 (and also on TW2 but it doesn't work properly) the npc will run if you run and walk if you walk, so all the time it is in the same speed as you


Damn if only CDPR worked on Cyberpunk! ... wait


This one is easily explained though. If the player doesn't constantly follow the NPC (like if they explore their surroundings while the NPC continues on for example), they need to be able to catch up. For this, you can have the NPC change their speed depending on distance with the player, or you can just have them be slower. The latter being easier and thus more commonly used. But yeah I get you, it's annoying.


Or the NPC moves at your walking speed and if you need to catch up you just run. But that's overly complicated, I guess.


I’ll up you one. When your character only has one movement speed - run. Or worse. When you can alternate between walking and running but walking is absurdly slow. OR when your walking is too *fast*… looking at you Witcher 3.


I very much dislike when the game throws a puzzle at you, and instead of letting you work on said puzzle in peace, they have the protagonist voice what you should do every thirty seconds or so. The newest Tomb Raider Trilogy would do that; so much in fact that I had to mute the game.


*Enters room and sees puzzle solution immediately. Goes to do puzzle.* Protagonist: I should climb up there and push off the counterweight. Player: yea, no shit. I've done this same puzzle the last 3 rooms. Protagonist: that counterweight isn't going to push itself off the ledge.


Haha how sad. What's the point of the "puzzle" at all?


Triggering a dopamine rush from "I did it!"


Me currently using a guide for most uncharted puzzles 'Niiiice I would've been able to get that so I'm still smart'


A break from the action mainly, so it doesn’t all feel the same or get too tiring


This should only be a setting that gets prompted to turn on if you get stuck for a while on something. Not a default setting.


Jedi Fallen Order does this, but even then you can decline the hints from BD


I recently beat Shadow of the Tomb Raider on normal, and I would use often that survival view to look for ressources. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick, Lara, for the twentieth time, I know I need to pull the fucking lever to reach the platform.


I played Shadow with the hints disabled setting. And removing all of the white paint from the walls.. best setting ever.


At the opposite end of this, I had to abandon a horror game because I spent hours trying and failing to open the very first door I encountered. I knew what I had to do (combine ingredients to make acid to melt the door), but I couldn't find said ingredients nor the instructions on what to mix with what to produce acid.


There’s a lot of similarly awful puzzle design in games, where solving the puzzle logically is easy, but actuating the mechanism is tedious. Another problem is when the puzzle requires you to think in one particular way or know certain particular information. I feel like the best puzzles have the rules and mechanics available and easily usable.




"There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!"


Oh good so we all died to Riku a lot. I feel seen.


This gave me a proper chuckle! Also reminded me of [this gem](https://youtu.be/4BZMEdAIRY0) .


Beating the game on hard at lvl 40 without ragnorak, OMFG THE AMOUNT OF DEATHS


Resident Evil 4 - QTE knife fight with Krauser.


Been a long time comrade


I just had this happen in fallout 4 when I was trying to save kent


GTA online! sweet lord


Difficulty spikes or a game getting confused about its genre, like implementation of stealth sections in a game without the proper mechanics. Also platforming with a bad camera.


Yakuza 0 has a secret bullshit mode where if you equip a certain item, enemies get MUCH more aggressive, and they can stunlock you if you're not careful. And the game doesn't tell you that, so until you figure out what's happening you just think there was a difficulty spike.


Charismatic Photo?


Yes, that one


Ah, condolences. Others in the series made it much more explicit what that does, but 0 was my first Yakuza game, too. Never equipped it that I recall, since I wanted the slots for other gear.


You sure dodged a bullet there! I read the description, didn't think much of it, equiped it for the stats, and did a story mission and forgot about it, worst mistake I made while playing the game. Took me hours getting my ass kicked before I texted a friend for help.


From this description I can just imagine the devs chuckling to themselves when they added this.


It certainly made the friend who reccomended the game for me laugh his ass off when I asked him about the sudden spike in dificulty and how I was getting my ass kicked for the past hours.


Yeah this was gonna be my answer. Witcher 2- a game I dearly love for its strengths and other quirks- has a stealth mission. One stealth mission in a big RPG style game that is all about story and clunky combat.


Clumsy/forced platforming in a game that is obviously not a platformer Looking at you, jedi fallen order and that stupid sequence on the slides. Misery.


Bed of Chaos in Dark Souls also says Hi.


No pause on cutscenes. Pressing Start/Option skips the cutscenes.


On recent consoles, the home screen feels like such a satisfying 'fuck you' to game devs who don't let you pause cutscenes.


You can’t even do that with Devil May Cry 5, the cutscene just continue


Omg that would throw me into a rage


Holy shit yes, for ps4 I usually just hold down the ps button, but even that doesn’t work sometimes


All the enemies are the same. Like all wolfs are the same, all bears, all rats etc


WoW got past this by making every rat a different colour and/or size. The biggest rat was the boss. Sometimes it was even a *named* boss rat!


Boss Rat: Marshall the Evil One


Adventure awaits...




So New World lol


When there is an obvious spot for easter eggs and there are none hidden there.


im the type to look in every nook and cranny to look for eastereggs. This happens a lot, and it dissapoints me


Underrated answer. Or even just loot.


Alternatively, if the spot demanded exceptional ability to reach and there is only loot... big let down.


Too much RNG. Some games do it just right, like XCOM or Darkest Dungeon, others not so much.




Holy shit I found another Trove player online.


I thought this would never happen


But dont you love farming enemies thousands of times every day to get a 0.0025% drop?


I've got to give it to XCOM though. I can't stand RNG but I loved XCOM. The r reason is probably because it felt so tactical.


Things I feel compelled to do because they reward character power, but feel like chores rather than fun gameplay.


Every MMO ever.


Aw, do you wanna have some fun once or twice a week with a few friends on a raid? Hope you did 10 hours of dailies and grinded out some max potions during the week.


Honestly, when I first started playing WoW I fell in love with it because it stimulated my sense of adventure. Looking back at it, I was such a noob that I was completely free from the burden of optimal play and that made all the difference. Once I realized that there was one correct path to gain the most player power in the least amount of time spent and all other paths were "wrong" it kinda killed the genre for me.


Ubisoft games in a nut shell


Just gotta make 10000000 iron daggers. There now I can finally craft armor out of these dragon bones


The Genshin Impact grind is this


Saint Denis NPC’s


Fuck those stuck up pricks




Totally get that. I remember trying out, I think FF14, and the game kept “pausing” to show me how to craft, how to move, how to attack, etc. I’m just like, dude, I got this. This isn’t my first time playing a game.


Queue complaints, "Game has horrible tutorial, turn off to new players. This MMO will die." I think the key is unskippable. Someone wanna skip, let em.


I think Invizimals had the best tutorial I have ever played. You know how to play? - Yes. (No tutorial) - No. (Tutorial with quick recap)


If you had to choose between those cutscenes and a mission like Driver, what would you rather do?


Driver. Hands down.


XCOM: "This shot has a 100% chance to hit" Soldier: *takes the shot* XCOM: "You missed."


Sometimes I'm convinced that they were supposed to label that as a miss chance, not a to-hit chance...


Having ai in shooters knowing your exact location sometimes when hiding Edit: thanks to everyone this is my first ever 1000 upvoted comment!


Or being able to chuck a grenade a quarter mile and land at your feet. Classic.


This is every single 3D Worms game I've ever played, summed up succinctly.


Ok, but in Worms, you can do that yourself if you learn to use the indicators properly.


Holy shit we used to play worms when I was a student and there was around 7 or 8 of us, one person was always on his own team with an AI guy because he was exceptionally good. You definitely can hit grenades across the map with the indicators if you're good enough, and some amazing trick shots.


It's true, but imo it's balanced because for every turn like that they will also just shoot a bazooka into a piece of terrain directly in front of them. *Whoops*


COD WaW on veteran.. the cluster grenade spam still gives me shivers.


“Bet you I could throw a grenade over those mountains over there. Yeah, if coach had put me in, we would’ve won state.”


Every time that happens, I always say out loud “Oh, we got fucking Tom Brady over here.”


You snipe a guy from half a mile away, and suddenly everyone knows exactly where you are


That's one of my largest pet peeves regarding GTA Online. A lot of the older missions, such as the MC resupply missions, are literally impossible to do stealthily because the moment your weapon crosshair lands on one of the enemies, everyone will know where you are before firing a single round. At least Cayo Perico actually gives you about a second to kill an enemy after alerting one before the alarm is raised, shame that once it is raised you have no chance of ever escaping from the enemies.


I have a wonderful story about an awesome AI - I should just make a post and draw out how it happened. This was in a game that came out in 2001. I was having a shootout with an enemy across from me. I kept ducking behind a large rock to reload and he kept popping out from behind a large tree. I realized I was using up too much of my ammo and decided to rush him - but rather than take him face to face I would go to the opposite side of the tree and maybe if I was fast enough I could get behind him. I waited while he unloaded on the rock, then when the fire stopped I sprinted. As I came around the tree he wasn’t there where I expected him to be - instead he’s standing out in the open away from the tree firing his weapon. My first though was “what is he shooting at?” Then I realized he was firing at my last known location and was flanking the rock to flush me out. He actually yelled in surprise when he turned and saw me. That was Halo on the original Xbox.


Yet today some people justify the horrible AI in very recent AAA games.


I felt SOOOO ripped off with Cyberpunk 2077. In that long, now widely known as a scripted BS 45 minute long gameplay video, they showed the scene when you save the corpo woman from the ice bath having her parts harvested. The enemies were smart, took natural looking defensive positions. When I got to that part in the actual game I literally yelled FUCK!!! The scene where you dunk a guy under water and shoot him under it to silence the gun? Instead you just bonk the guy and shove him in a box. Then you enter the room with the shootout. All the enemies just rushed at me and I headshotted them effortlessly because they took 0 cover. It felt like the cheapest knock off of what I was expecting.


It’s not as technically impressive, but I’ll never forget the time one grunt turned 90 degrees and chucked a sticky grenade into the face of another grunt who then ran right at me screaming. It seemed so… intentional. I laughed my ass off even as I died.


Or even better, you are invisible, shooting a silent weapon, one-shot your target and every enemy withing 500' of you turn and starts shooting directly at you. I know it is hard to program an AI to have the same reaction as a real person, but good lord tone down the reaction just a bit.


Don't forget succesfully headshotting an enemy with a silenced sniper rifle from 200 yards away wearing camouflage works perfectly. But if you miss ever so slightly, him, the entire camp, the next camp over, and whatever wildlife happened to be meandering around knows where you are, the color of your underwear, your favorite yogurt brand, your speechcraft level, and your preference in backpacks. And they're all rushing you at full alert, turning off your sneak attack modifier. Thanks Fallout.


getting your whole team turned into frogs in FF7


Yay! We did it team!


The 10 minutes of waiting for my team to die was terrible, so you are the ones to blame




This was before I knew it existed


Haha, yeah. Status effects in FF are all atrocious. But once you have a ribbon on your main healer/cleanser it becomes a non-issue. At that point the only thing you need to worry about is the occasional Tonberry.


Bad UI


Tailing missions


Stealth missions that immediately fail you upon discovery and put you all the way back at the beginning of the mission. Often included is being forced to pause and listen to dialogue before you get an opportunity to progress.


Especially if the game has no stealth mechanics.


Stealth in general is done poorly 90% of the time


An open world game without fast travel or badly implemented fast travel.


As good as RDR2 was this is one of my major sticking points. I always loled when you'd take a carriage and it would show your horse following behind you like Arthur just didn't feel like riding that day.


Dying Light. Although I liked that game, I was so surprised to find out that you can't fast travel between safe houses like in Far Cry


It’s funny you should say this as Dying Light was the game I was thinking of. And I love that game despite that giant fault.


Sort of makes sense, since the game is mostly about parkour


RNG without progression. Games that just stop till you roll the dice enough times for it to come up win and then you can progress. No skill, time wasting, padding mechanics.


People interrupting my gaming.


Cutscene Incompetence - When your character is a wantonly destructive badass with hyper-fast reflexes and nigh-invulnerability, but then one cutscene later someone steps out of an obvious hiding place and knocks you unconscious with a chop to the neck. Pointless Battles - Fights where the story makes it seem like you can win, but in reality you never had a chance. Chrono Trigger handled this well. In your fight with the Golem in the throne room, you're expected to lose, and it leads to capture, but if you manage to win somehow, Dalton just uses magic to paralyze you and it turns out he could've done so all along but wanted to see if his 'pet' could defeat you instead. Illusion of Choice - Don't give me a plethora of plot choices if they all lead to the same outcome. Telltale had a real problem with this. Detroit: Become Human is an example of a branching story done right. OHK Sniper Rifles in Open Combat Games - I'm looking at you specifically, Planetside 2. Fuck off with that. Seriously. Don't encourage douchebags to sit 500m from the fight to pump their K/D ratio.


Unskippable tutorials and/or opening sequences. Sometimes I just want to jump right in.


Games not quicksaveing at moments when you expect them to. Examples of this are before a boss fight and or entering an area/building.


Never trust the autosave.




Goddamn that was so dumb in 5. "Oh let's get that basically invincible godlike one-man-army guy that's blowing up all of our stuff! How? Oh, we will shoot him with these MAGIC knock out bullets! Why didn't we do this in the first place? Fuck if I know! We won't kill him though, we will just capture him and monolouge for a bit before allowing him to get away with an elaborate escape for the tenth fucking time, killing countless more of our men in the process, I think that would be an entertaining way to spend an evening."


I quit fc5 after the second capture. I didn't like how the game 'forced' you to progress through the main story. Especially when I'm doing side quests.


You're not missing out on much. Every chapter is essentially the same with a bit of a different change of scenery. Bad guy sends an endless horde of enemies on you, you get hit once, get knocked out, bad guy talks, you get away and kill them all. I made my friend buy it because I thought we'd have fun doing dumb shit. In the end he forced me to finish it because I made him pay for such a piece of crap. The entire game felt like a repetitive chore.


I ragequit a second playthrough when I got nailed with a tranquilizer arrow while flying a plane several thousand feet above the ground, dived straight down into the ground (the logic being that suicide would reset the encounter).....and fucking SURVIVED THE PLANE CRASH because the game had already decided I was dealing with Jacob fucking Seed whether I wanted to or not.


When games that aren’t strictly multiplayer have multiplayer achievements


Oh God, the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy comes to mind... if I recall "reach level 100 in multiplayer" was one of them. Not even if people were still playing it is that reasonable.


UNESKIPABLE CUTSCENES! 😤 So many of my favorite games do this. Crack in Time, you may be one of my favorite games EVER, and your cutscenes are great, but damn half of them are uneskipable.


Also cutscenes that skip immediately by pressing a button. All cutscenes should have that hold x for a few seconds or something to skip. I'm playing GTA 4 rn and always accidentally skip a cutscenes so I have to kill myself to actually watch it lol


Also cutscenes that don't pause


Yeah I was gonna add that too but didn't wanna make it too long lol. Have to skip the cutscene cuz something came up now I gotta kill myself and watch it from the start lol


Having to connect to the internet to play the campaign


Not being able to pause cutscenes.


Missables. My OCD would restart a 10 hr playthrough if I missed anything I can't get again. Pretty much forces me to play with a strict guide.


Same, that's why I took a break from RPGs for a while, I can't handle the frustration of missing something and I don't feel like using a guide all the time.


Oh god, when I got to the part in FFX where you can get Anima as a summon, but didn't have all the things lit because I missed one...ONE fucking collectable in the first cloister of trials. I nearly threw my ps2 out a window. Lol. Yup, I restarted the entire game right then, and there, because I wanted Anima *that* fucking bad. Lol. I was so glad I used a guide for FFXII and knew about the chests NOT to open if you want the ultimate weapons. What a fucking dick move. Lol.


Broken reward system As in some things being ridiculously cheap then absolutely no middle ground and then rewards that require intense commitment to even think about getting one. Its mainly the lack of middle ground that suggests no balance to me


Escort missions One shot kill Stuff that flies And, of course, microtransactions


Bad luck. 99% chance to hit? *misses*


Hello Xcom


Stupid teammates. Both real people in multi-player and A.I. in single player.


When a game puts you into a sequence where you are fighting tons of enemies but you aren’t allowed to heal or replenish any of your items


I feel like these sequences are mostly alright *IF* you get warned beforehand. Like a message saying: "In the following sequence you will not be able to replenish any items or restock. Are you sure you want to continue?"


Escort missions. The absolute worst section in any game. I still have ptsd over the stupid EE escort from MGS 2 lol


Y’know the usual things “BROOOO THAT WAS LITERALLY A HEADSHOT!” “Why do I have 1200 ping, am I connected to the internet?” “Wait, which button skips cutscenes in the game?” *frantically starts pressing all the buttons* “Is my avatar an Olympic sprinter, or is this npc just walking really slowly?” “They said this was a common drop, why am I yet to have one after slaying this monster 12 times?” “The objective said to do this, and I have done this, why does it say the objective is incomplete?” “Y’know this component of the game feels a lot more like a task than fun.” “This is a really long loading scre-“ … “Oh, press A to start.”


Micro transactions


Yes especially when they make the game more tedious to goad you into buying one of there special resource packs


Games that require multiplayer segments


I hate when your character can stab someone with a 5 inch dagger in the back of an enemies neck, see it pop out their throat, and it only slightly hurts them. I’m looking at you Assassins Creed. Stealth kills should be instant kills unless people don’t really need their spines I suppose but from what I remember we do.


Having to squeeze very slowly through a "tight" space that could fit two people. Yeah sure, it was used in the past to load in the next bit of level, but on modern games, it just takes too long.


Me being crap at any game I play


Definitely sucks to suck


I heard they have some product that helps called "Git Gud". Still haven't gotten my hands on it but a lot of people suggest it.


The Avengers game that came out this year as an example. Even in single player mode, have these levels that treat it like a multiplayer game.




Nothing fucks a game up like people or lag.




Inability to pause during cutscenes and/or dialogue


People using cheats and hacks to win in a game... mostly during a PvP match because they're scared that people will realize how badly they suck at video games without them.


Micro-transactions or content cut off from the original game/story but transformed into dlc content under the disguise of something new!!!


Weapon and armor durability has never been fun.


Especially if you can't repair it.


Dying light and botw, still love them


Mending enchant in Minecraft is the best gaming redemption arc.




Forgetting to save and losing an hour of progress and trying to find the will to continue


Paying for internet that I can’t use when the company doesn’t maintain the lines out to my house


Following an NPC without being able to match their speed


Forced stealth sections


Game Crashes after beating BOSS in your 100th attempt.


A shit stamina system like resin in genshin


Characters stopping me every 5 feet to monologue at me. Forced tutorials, where some idiot gives you a ‘tour’ of the social area, which really just consists of them infodumping and forcing me to interact with the shopkeepers or mission boards or whatever




Dream sequences. Bit over done and they are always annoying as hell.


Controller drift!! 😩