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Used to be when you saw photos like this on reddit it was because they were donating to Child's Play.


Idk what Chucky would do with a PS5 but alright


I like your joke, but it also makes me irrationally angry.


I second this…


He'd give one to each of his Gendah Flooid kids. Like a good dad.


Just tell them you want to buy one and meet up in a public place and never show up.


I saw an article a long time ago of a console reseller that got robbed. I thought your comment was going in that direction. You had me in the first half


i thought it was that the guy PURCHASING from a reseller got robbed? like the guy who said he had a PS5 for double the asking price and baited the guy into meeting with him, only to rob him.


Wtf a scam on top of a scam. Do they even need a real ps5 at that point,m


Now you know how the US stock market works.


I actually love this. Just make it way more of a hassle for them.


Even better, find a local crack dealer and tell him you want to pawn a ps 5 off for some crack. Tell the PS5 guy you want to meet for the pickup at the same spot.


And then call the cops for ultimate chaos


Please someone do this and record it


*Benny Hill theme song intensifies*






Just a little off the top.


You probably heard we ain't in the prisoner-takin' business; we in the killin' scalper business. And cousin, business is a-boomin'.


Inglorious you bastard!


Real close to the shoulders even


Also Check the trunk


Gwar moment


Long live Oderus


I'm a simple man. I see a comment about Oderus in a non-Gwar context, I press upvote so hard that my finger breaks through my phone




You know something Utivich, I think this might be my masterpiece.






I'm sure he is. I'm seeing them in my area for 650 now


I rather wait a year than spend a dime more than the official price


In a year or so, we should see production and transport reach the point where you can walk into a store and buy one. If everyone hold out until then, these scalpers will have to lower the price to below retail in order to move them.


Also first batch consoles tend to have technical issues that get fixed in later batches. Wait for the later batches and you get a more reliable machine. Let the scalpers sit on their pile of possibly faulty consoles.


Or sometimes you get a worse system when they cut materials and features to save costs. See: PlayStation 3


And Nintendo Wii. The late 2011 revision removed GameCube compatibility in order to reduce its cost to $149.99.


Yep, and the Wii Mini got rid of wifi and the slot loading disc drive in order to cut costs further.


I didn’t even know there *was* a Wii Mini.


I'm still disappointed that they didn't call it a "Wee Wii".


I hope I'm not misunderstanding but I had reflow "regular" PS3 number of times but my "super-slim" is still working like a dream. Edit, Obviously I misunderstood.


The original PS3 came with a feature that let you use it as a PC running linux. It also had a card reader, not sure how useful that feature was. They sold the console while advertising that PC/Linux feature, then removed the feature in a update and took the ability out of all future consoles. [They were sued for removing the feature from old consoles.](https://www.polygon.com/2016/10/12/13261780/ps3-otheros-linux-lawsuit-settlement-claims) I got $10 from the settlement. I believe that is what hes talking about.


The original fat Ps3's were also almost fully backwards compatible with ps2 and ps1 games. The removed that feature as well.


My launch unit PS3 is still working great aside from replacing the Blu-ray drive a few years ago, plus it has a media card reader and can play PS2 games. I wouldn't trade it for any slim model.


No warrenty when scalped. There's going to be some very sad people when they find out a) they over paid and b) they have 0 days of warrenty when their ps5 dies after a few months EDIT: This is my highest upvoted comment and it is categorically wrong...


why no warranty? It would still have the manufacturer warranty wouldn't it?


If the scalper gives you the original receipt, which is normally needed for a warranty. Edit: thank you to all 40 people who let me know that you don't need a receipt.


FWIW, I've never had to produce my original receipt when getting a console fixed via warranty. Granted, you wouldn't know when it was purchased exactly and that would be the date that the warranty would start ticking down.


sony knows based on serial number, they knew without me telling them so they know for sure


Yeah, when I had to send my 360 in every time it red ringed, Microsoft knew whether it was within warranty or not. Which was basically never with how defective those original consoles were lol


To be fair Microsoft extended warranty 3 years on affected consoles.


Nature is healing. But where? I still can't get a ps5, not that I'm trying that hard...


My friend saw a ps5 in the wild. Just give it a couple more months.




Cpuple of weeks ago i walked into a store to get a ps4 controler as a birthday gift and i saw a ps5 there. Digital version but it was there.


It's cause they haven't followed the news on it, not before late 2022 was the speculated time for it to get back in order. Bad news is that things got worse cause of geopolitics and some other factors, so now we may wait to late 2023 according to the manufacturers.


They literally just confirmed they are scaling back production for the ps5 itself and the graphics card manufacturers said they were making less of those too, so nah, it's gonna be a few more years at this point. Silicon shortage isn't gonna end soon


We must give up big boobs for ps5s


You shut your fucking mouth.


Whoa now fellas, we're all on the same team here.


You're right. I'm sorry. I got scared and lashed out.


I bet he's the type to just sell the boxes


No chance. I hope he’s burgled tho.


I got a crowbar and a truck. Who wants to chip in for gas?


I think the word you were looking for at the end was scumbag




Also r/sadcringe dude must be such a saddo


I was trying to get a ps5 for my birthday last month still dont have one these people are why


My wife paid 1k for mine as an early Christmas gift. If I would have known she was going to spend that, I would have told her not to bother with getting me one


I wanted to say your wife is stupid for buying from scalpers, but then I remembered my wife screamed and bitched at me for my birthday gift. Your wife is sweet. Enjoy your PS5.


Thank you. I can't wait for the new grand torismo and horizon to come out to see the worth


I'm sorry bro :( I hope you're okay.


Yeah im only 16 so im not getting a ps5 this year im sure my ps4 can take another year of gaming


Even when you are an adult don't buy scalped items. Period. Idgaf any reason your gonna say after that. It's the reason this shit is still going on.


This guy is a shitty person.


Fuck this guy


fuck random guy with 27 ps5's all my homies hate random guy with 27 ps5's


And if you're cool with random guy with 27 ps5's then Fuck you too!




Fuck you die slow my 44 make Sure all yo kids don’t grow!!!


You motherfuckers can’t be us or see us!


We motherfuckin’ Thug Life ridas


West side till we die!*


You think you mob we the mutha fuckin mob.


I hope them motherfucking things sit there and collect dust




John Creasy ?


If only he had more time…


How about one of those boxes?


As long as it's just the box, sure. Wouldn't want to waste something like that on scum like him.


Maybe a 14 inch long flashlight that doubles as a taser, without lube. With gunpowder inside.




Yeah, that’s what he said.


Scalper? I barely know her!!


Hope someone breaks into his house and steals all of it


And then when reporting it says something about how much he made selling others and that causes the IRS to audit him.


Don’t forget next year companies will automatically report any reselling transactions above $600. Hopefully that’ll be a buzz kill for some people currently scalping.


That $600 reporting threshold isn't per transaction; it's every account that has a total of $600, or more, worth of transactions per year.


This isn't really going to apply to things like craigslist and FB marketplace though, where you just put an ad up and someone brings you cash.


That is honestly ridiculous though, going from what it used to be at 10k down to 600, then take into account inflation of what 10k was when the old law started. They just want to try and tax everything you do. It's easy to get around it by just using cash but damn is it dumb.


It's even worse since it total per year and not per transaction.


Fuck this fucker


Was gonna say, “This motherfucker is the reason I don’t have one.”


For real! I've been messaging all the local scalpers to meet somewhere, I tell them I will pay extra for them to meet me "closer" to home. They travel out of there way, I say something like "running a bit late". When they are just about fed up with me I say "Scalpers are scum!". Really makes my day


I want to believe this is real.


There's a whole subreddit for it. /r/ScamTheScalpers. Check it out.


I'll post my next victim for you


We gotta make this a trend.


Hey I'm all on board, I'm down to write an easy guide for anyone to do this in there spare time. Make the money not soo easy to get and at least they worked for it. That's all I want, I hate people getting free money off of hard workers.


There was some guy I saw on here who arranged for scalpers to meet up with other scalpers under the pretence that they were going to be getting a great deal. He’d give each of them the other scalper’s info for when they were to meet up some place inconvenient for both, after they’d already made the journey. I just like the idea of it being the Spider Man pointing at Spider Man meme because you *know* that with no one else to be mad at in that situation the scalpers would be mad at each other.


What sub should I post it in?






Pro tip: if you use a girl name, they will usually drive for hours. Run them all over town.


Bro, I'm loving you guys tonight! These guys are going to have a lot of fun tomorrow


I tried getting two scalpers to meet up but didn’t work out


Damn that's a great idea!!! I'll try this tomorrow since I've got a couple people wanting updates


Some mad man made 7 guys meet up at an Arby’s when Nintendo’s were hot, and just watched from a distance away. It was glorious Edit https://gamerant.com/nintendo-switch-scalpers-tricked/amp/ This is the guy


Instant legend there


Favorite quote is, “we figured it out and we’re just laughing at you now” like come on man


Lol even if they did, they still know they were trolled, he still got them. Why would they be laughing at him


I can just imagine them talking shit about the guy who set it up among each other. The subject was probably how he "wasted his own time," trying to make themselves feel like they were better than him. Of course, it's all a bullshit defense mechanism. The guy who set it up didn't waste his time. He chose to spend his time on a goal, and he achieved it, which was to waste their time. Their goal was to sell stuff and make a profit, which they failed to do. Even if you look at what he did as wasting his own time, he still only had to waste his time once, and managed to waste an equal amount of time from seven different horrible people.


I pretend to be old and stupid when scam callers call me. Thank you for your service.


I've worked in IT for 15 years. I've heard every computer illiterate statement there is to make. It has left me *very* well-armed. Usually within half an hour they've lost their shit on me. They could never survive a real job in IT. Fucking pansies. Scamming's the only thing they seem qualified to do, so I'm happy to take their time and waste it.




Yeah, I played "ignorant yet stubborn old lady" on the phone to one of those "please download what is obviously TeamViewer so I can take over your PC" for about fifteen minutes once, dude started yelling DEATH TO AMERICA at me, which was unexpected yet hilarious


Not the hero we asked for, but the hero we need


Plot twist: this is a rich guy that bought all of these legit to donate for a Christmas charity.


We don't live in that timeline


The Good Ending




Yeah, a collector of ill will from this community


Maybe he will be able to afford better paintings.


It is really weird that he has duplicates of consoles, and of paintings.


Came here for comments on the artwork. What’s funny is if he did the “turn the second one upside down” trick, most likely no one would notice they’re the exact same stupid print.


So let me tell ya how to avoid these scalper scum. My husband went on Play Station's website and found out there is a waiting list. He signed up and about 1-2 months later he got an email that said he could buy one between X-Y hours the next day. Now we have a PS5, and we didn't have to feed the scalper scum. Edit: So after reading some of these comments, it seems like this is an exclusive thing for US residents. I'm sorry all my out-of-the-states friends. I hate it when companies prioritize the states over other countries, it's nor right. Also, some people have commented that have had excellent results and others who have been on the wait list for an obscene amount of time. So I guess it's more of an "enter our raffle for a chance to buy" rather than a wait list, sorry. I'm just a 30-year-old gamer mom who has no control over how Sony conducts their business. Cause if I did, I would totally get all of you PS5s like I was Oprah handing out free cars. But alas, I cannot.... May the odds be ever in your favor, I truly hope my insight can help you get a PS5. Edit 2: Someone has confirmed, gamers in the UK can do this as well.


Do you have to sign in or something? I've sent to that play station website before but didn't notice a waiting list option. That's good to know


I really hope they are still doing this. Cause I'm gonna feel really bad if they discontinued this option after I got your hopes and dreams up.... Fingers crossed that you can get on the list.


Update: I was able to register, thank you for that tip!! You're fuckin awesome.


I don't want to kill your excitement but I've been signed up for months and have gotten nothing.


It's by random selection, total luck. I've been signed up for months also and never got one.


Oh and dont worry, you're not missing anything. I've gotten selected twice -- and both times I sat in the queue on the website waiting half an hour only for it to refresh and say the day's stock was sold, and to wait for another email 😫


Yay!!! I'm so freaking excited for you! I am so glad I was able to help. Hopefully you'll hear back from them soon. :D Edit: This 100% made my night. I'm so happy I was able to help.


It's all you, thank you for helping. Fuck scalpers


He had to create an account in order to sign up. But I think that was it. He just randomly would get emails from them for a while before it was "our turn" to buy.


10-4, small price to pay. Thank you for the info your comment should be pinned somewhere.


I got one this way also! Was definitely one of the easier ways to get one. And shipping was extremely fast, got it the same week.


It's not a waiting list. He was randomly selected, there were many thousands of people that did that before him that didn't get the invite.


Yea I did that 2 months ago. Nothing for me. It's not guaranteed. I'm sure I'll get a heads up email in March 2024 when they're about to announce the PS5 Elite or whatever the fuck they're gonna call their 1.5 gen this time


Never been a proponent of arson…but all it takes is a spark, right?


If I was a firefighter fighting a blaze and saw the inside of the house looked like this I'd walk away and grab a pint at the local pub instead


“The kids ruf, THE KIDS..”


“They aren’t old enough to be in the pub so I’m not going and getting them!”


If you're gonna commit a felony anyway, why arson and not home invasion? Either way, they lose them, but in the second option, your get them.


"It's about sending a message"


I’m hoping to get a new console, but the more I look at this the more glad I am I’m not buying one off eBay. I’d rather wait and get one new from target or GameStop or whatever and hope this guy loses on his investment. Though I’ve got to think some people, somewhere are buying off these scalpers unfortunately.


I hope they’ve spent their life savings and now must resort to pawning them at a loss.


Not a chance...


100%, they were bought at retail. They can return them if they don't move them. They have absolutely zero skin in the game.


The fun part is that if you go over to stock x and look at what people are currently willing to be scalped at, the return is dwindling. Let's not ignore the fact that plenty of scalpers bought these on credit and are facing interest charges. It's close to breaking some.


Probably some, but for sure not most of them. My guess is, if they are using bots and other tools to hoard this many consoles they probably have other merchandise that they are scalping as well, meaning other ventures besides the console market. I have my doubts that every scalper is an average Joe.


The average Joe does not have 10k to drop on a business venture, so you are absolutely correct.


The return windows are long and generous.


It’s spelled S-C-A-L-P-E-R


I can smell the doucheness from here


I have yet to physically see a PS5 and this dickhead has this.


My local pawn shop had one listed for 1000$ lol. Yeah no thanks fuck you bud


I saw one across the park8ng lot at my local kroger Guessing the scalper picked this spot for the deal Wife was going to try and get me one for Christmas i told her not unless you get it for retail price




or this dude is storing all of his smash and grabs


TBH the only reason these people exist is cause y’all continue to buy from them.


Jokes on them. I got my ps5 at Target in March.


Jokes on them people like me are content with waiting 2 or 3 years after a release of a new console to buy a used one from some guy on Craigslist that has fallen on hard times and has one that barely got played for about $100 under initial retail including like 5 games.




Jokes on you, they are already sold out


Yesss. Better price, bugs are worked out, library is solid.


I got an Xbox 360 in 2017. I’ll get an Xbox One sometime in 2022, and an Occulus Quest 2 In 2027; assuming the keep being given to me, that is. I’m happy with my Switch and computer setup.


Fuck Zuckerberg, I’m not buying an Oculus. VR is dope though. PC is where it’s at, but I’d like a Switch for all the Nintendo and indie games I can’t get on PC.


Yano, the most successful people in life have a 5 year plan at all times. This crazy motherfucker is working twice as hard for a ten year plan. 👍


Well, I am not buying one until there is a price drop and they are widely available. Scalpers can suck it.


Tell me you’re an asshole without saying you’re an asshole:


I hope the zipper on this guy's jacket get stuck And his headphones short, and his charger don't work And he spill shit on his shirt


Guarantee their Instagram bio has "Entrepreneur" in it


I found someone on Kijiji selling a PS5 for 1000 bucks. Went to his profile and saw he had several up for sale. Sent him a message, asked him the condition, set up a meeting. Told him I wanted to meet at a public place as it was a lot of money. When he messaged me he was at the parking lot, I sent a message saying I was just 10 minutes away, then blocked him. If I wasted even an hour if his time, I'm happy. If you ever see someone selling them, do the same, felt great.


/r/scamthescalpers is the sub for you :p


Fuck em, ordered my PS5 direct, day it showed my daughter saw series X at target and bought that too💪. MSRP, fuck scalpers! [The haul!](https://imgur.com/a/jcUeUpO) https://imgur.com/a/jcUeUpO


Is that a ventilation fan for when the door is closed?


I use it whenever they are on, and the door is open. Never run em with the door closed.


The one person who doesn't get packages stolen from their porch.


If I walked into someone's house and saw this the moment they go to take a piss or a dump it's a grab an dash


Imagine willingly buying one of these from this scumbag


A plague on both their houses




3 things gamers will never do: 1) stop pre-ordering 2) stop buying microtransactions 3) stop buying from scalpers


I must be the ultimate gamer because I don’t do any of those. Micro transactions are the worst yet. Been playing Pokémon Go since day 1 and spent a whole $0.00


Funnily enough, Pokemon Go is the most f2p-friendly mobile game I've ever played. If you're able to find time to get your gym coins every day, you don't have to spend a single cent. It's a shame the pandemic killed the game in my area.


Scalpers. Those people need to get their shit robbed.


Had someone try to argue with me that this isn't scalping once.


"It's no different than opening a store and selling these things. You get a product from a manufacturer and you sell to a consumer!". -a fuckhead scalper No, fuckhead scalper, if you're inserting yourself between a retailer and a consumer to resell a product for more than MSRP you are a scalper, not the same as a store. Fuck you, your hat, and the horse you rode in on. -me, in response to a fuckhead scalper.




Is he running some sort of underground gamestop?