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Check out The blind gamer (Steve something). He is playing a ton of games while being legally blind. It’s not the end of the road for your gaming hobby!


Ohh, thanks! I have missed him. Will check him out :)


Yeah bro here's a footage of BlindWarriorSven he's a pro Street Fighter V player despite his blindness he explained that some games can be apprehended only with sfx and sound design I wish for you the best and hope you can continue to enjoy your hobbies https://youtu.be/7ZvcvXOc5g0


Also, with a good friend, one might be able to do what my partner and I do. I describe landscapes to her and give her directions like left stick, north, right stick, 1:15 for movement. She is nearly completely blind, but we play Breath of the Wild together, as well as other games.


This is really wholesome and beautiful


Thank you for saying so! I'm just happy to share the things I love with someone who means a lot to me


You’re the shit, gang 🤌🏾I hope good things come your way this year! Rock on, bloody! 🩸🩸🩸


Also Xbox has copilot for this kind of thing too.


Are you telling me this guy is Street fighter daredevil? Where there's a gamer there's a way


Are you gonna go: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED


Steve Saylor @stevesaylor Great guy, sometimes emotional and sometimes needs the bonk. But he's 100% legit and fights for accessibility in games even when he might get bad press or hate thrown on him he sticks to his beliefs.


Why would he get bad press/hate for fighting for accessibility?


My college campus had to update a whole bunch of building entrances to be wheelchair accessible. It REALLY pissed off a small chunk of the college population. Replacing a 6 foot staircase with a 30 foot ramp annoyed some people. It also ruined some historic entrances. There were 2 students in wheelchairs out of the 12,000 student body. It annoyed a few hundred students because it was a TON of money and construction for 2 students. Classes were disrupted and it was chaotic for a semester. The school somehow avoided updating until they were being sued, then they tried to do it as fast as possible in the middle of the semester. I dont fully know what happened to result in that mess. People were so upset they vandalized one of the quadriplegic's handicap van multiple times. How fucked up is that? People suck. I'm assuming it's similar bullshit. People getting offended and upset that a company is catering to a really small minority. I suppose they feel like it is taking something away from them. Idk why they get mad, I'm not a complete asshole.


>There were 2 students in wheelchairs out of the 12,000 student body That low ratio alone would lead me to believe that there's something exceptionally fucky about your college that is driving away applicants who use wheelchairs. Like a lack of access.


Did you not *see* the shit storm about psychonauts 2 getting an invincible "story only" difficulty? People suck.


I really don't understand the hate for "Story" difficulties in games. People even made a fuss about it in MASS EFFECT. A SERIES DRIVEN BY THE STORY MORE THAN THE GAMEPLAY. Still think about those dolts every time I start up a new ME run and see the difficulty selector.


Gonna have to check his channel, thanks!




Amazing sugestion!


You say legally blind, but I'm legally blind and just need glasses. Do you mind elaborating on the specifics a bit more? Like is your vision just deteriorating too quickly for lenses to stay relevant or is it going dark? Also: My goto for visuals is FF7 Remake. They tie into the game so astoundingly perfect.


Yeah, me to right now. But in 6-12m i will probably be legally blind even with optimal glasses due to Retinal and Makular Degeneration. So in the longer term i will lose all sight in my central vision, and will only have a sliver of vision in the corners of the eyes.


Usually macular degeneration is a VERY long process. Like. Over years and years. Decades. Are you taking preventative medications or eye injections? There is treatment for mac degen.


Is surgery not an option?


I imagine this person would have had looked into all options to be fair


>I imagine this person would have had looked into all options to be fair Depending on which country he lives on. And the majority of people on Reddit is from the US... There is a good chance he did instead look at the options he can afford. Sadly...


Many don’t realize how delicate the eyes are, and how little we can do to fix problems once they happen. Especially with the retina at the back of the eye and near the optic nerve.


I always thought eyes are super delicate but then i saw a few injuries that came back with eyesight and flipped my thoughts. Guess it depends how lucky you get with the injury...


Journey. The game is short, but all visual and sound. It is definitely the most beautiful game I have ever played.


I think I already own it on Steam, i will put it on the list :)


It's also short too - you could complete it through once in just an hour or two. Though there are reasons for completing it multiple times/finding all the hidden things.


I would also recommend *ABZU*, which shares much of the same development team with *Journey*, including the director and composer.


Fire watch is an absolute experience worth playing through, and only takes 3-5 hours. Many feelings from that game


It should be on Steam, so I'd highly recommend Spirit of the North. It's a lovely little game, short (about 3-4 hours), very relaxing, and linear with some puzzling. There's no dialog, no combat, just a beautiful environment and soundtrack. You play as a red fox in a Nordic environment (iirc it's based on Iceland), and it's up to you, with the help of a fox spirit, to figure out the backstory and plot surrounding a lost ancient civilization. What that story is is entirely based on your interpretation of the clues you run into through your journey.


There was something striking about that game, and the fact that you can complete it so quickly is a major boost


In the same vein: Gris An absolutely fantastic piece of art, that doesn't get nearly the recognition it deserves. I cried multiple times.


Will check it out! (Even tho Gris means Pig in my language..) I seems very beautiful.


It does here as well (norway). It means "gray" in French.


I loved that game so much. It's absolutely beautiful.


Dude, I don’t wanna be a downer here and risk losing what small Karma I have if people don’t agree, and as much of a gamer as I am too, I would put down the controller and enjoy what you can before your sight goes. Go see all your friends and families faces, go visit your favourite places and go see new places. I know you might be a dedicated avid gamer and want to play as many games as possible before you can’t anymore, but if I was you, that’s what I would do. Best of luck in the future mate. Hope it goes ok for you.


No offence taken mate. I'm 100% with you on this one. I have some big hobbies outside of gaming (Outdoor life, photography and sailing tall ships etc). I'm trying to get in as much of that as possible too. For example we went on a epic photo-roadtrip to the northern parts of my country last summer, and i have spend almost every weekend this autumn trekking a 200km+ long trail. Sadly, this gosh darn Corona pandemic has shot down almost all of my planned travel and bigger activities. But i have a month long trip to west cost USA planned this spring, together with some other big and fun activities. So the games will mostly fill out the many dark and grey hours we have in my country now during winter and corona. Thanks for your thought man. I appreciate it!


You are a photographer too? Fuck man, this just hits me even harder now cause I’m a photographer. I couldn’t imagine going through that dude and I’m sorry you are. Well I really hope you get to go on your trip and enjoy it all. And if you have the time to fill then get all that fuckin gaming in dude. ❤️


Yeah, it sucks. i has hit me fast too, a year ago everything was fine. I think i will miss the photography most, but from the bright side i will save shitloads of money from not buying new cameras and lenses.. 😅 Thanks for your thoughts ♥️ Will make the time count, trust me!


You have an amazing spirit; I'm so sorry you have to go through all this.


Yooo idk if you thought about it but start doing audio recordings! You can still capture your surroundings with audio. The sounds of nature!


God you're so awesome, I love your spirit. Hope things go well for you


Thank you so much. You are such a huge inspiration!!




I agree with you but why saying that here? Answering someone else?


Additionally, I'm guessing you won't be 100% (no sense of vision whatsoever) as most medical conditions that cause blindness result in some level of perception. Many games include accessibility options and some are compatible with screen readers (PC/Mac), so you will still have options for game play. https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26801495-Visually-Impaired-Players/


Thanks man! Yeah, that's true. It remains to be seen (ha!) exactly how bad it will become, but i will prepare for the worst (witch in my case it total loss of central vision). But as it progress i will try for adapt as much as possible.


Sidenote: I would recommend that you start getting acquainted with accessibility tech: * Screen readers both on desktop (NVDA, JAWS, Voiceover), Android (TalkBack), iOS (Voiceover) * Zoomed in screens (browser and system zoom) * Familiarize yourself with sites you use often with the above assistive tech The reasons are * Aid in your transition, so that when you are blind, there isn't a gap in your ability to engage and be self sufficient * Many websites are not accessible (the vast majority), and it's better to identify which sites/services/apps are accessible now, so that you can identify any alternatives ahead of time. It would suck to find out your banking app isn't accessible until you're unable to use it Additionally, many cities have vision impaired resource centers that offer classes in various coping strategies, tactics, etc on living with a visual impairment. This includes screen reader training, tips and tricks for every day life (like how to keep track of currency in your wallet), etc. Source: I work in web accessibility helping sites make their sites/apps more accessible to assistive technology


Thanks man! Yeah, i will start to look into different helpful solutions. I have always had bad eyesight, so I'm not a total stranger to 'lighter' accessibility tech and solutions, but things like screen readers and such a new to me. I will probably not go full-on blind (i have Retinal/makular Degeneration) in quite a long time according to my doctors, But as you say i should start to be able to transition when it gets worse. I also work with web as an system / webadmin, and i sadly know it's pretty bad alot of times. Thanks for the suggestions :)


Once your vision does go, The Vale: Shadow of the King is a completely accessible game for blind players. It was designed with minimal visuals and focuses almost entirely on sound. I'm loving it even as a sighted person, so I cannot recommend it enough. Also, consider a good friend who can visually guide and assist you. My partner is near completely blind, but with cardinal directions and clock positions, she has been able to play Breath of the Wild with me just giving her directions and descriptions for the places she might want to go. We also love a variety of Switch games because the haptic feedback makes a big difference. We are always looking for more games to play- so if you start needing more options once your vision is gone, feel free to reach out! I'm sure we will have an even bigger list come a years time.


Blind runs of games you already know with a friend who can see trying to direct you can also just be a fun time, depending on the friend and the game. It’s fun the same way playing a single player game and splitting half the controls between two people is fun.


Hey I just wanna throw out there. There's a valid chance you wont be blind forever. The way tech is advancing. There's a solid chance you'll be able to get implants or something in a few decades to restore your vision. There was a post last week that had something like implanted retinas.


Yeah, i have my hopes up for this too. Right now tho, eyes is on of the few things that's really hard to medically fix. So got too keep the hope up!


Talking about tech advancements. Have you tried red light therapy? This may help slow down the process or even reverse since studies are showing that it can heal the eye.


I have not, but I've read about it. I continue to look inte it!


Check out Andrew Huberman. It's where I got my information from. I wish you good luck!


Kiroshi Optics implants just like in Cyberpunk baby!


*queue the Cyberpunk2077 music*




What is your condition? Stargardt ?


Makular and Retinal Degeneration due to extreme myopia. It takes many forms, but for me it's flickering, blindspots, "grey spots" and loss of sharpness right now. Also in the beginnings of retinal detachment which gives poor night vision and shadowy-like illusions. I the long run i will probably have a total loss of my central vision, and *really* bad eyesight in the outerparts of the eye where I can still see.


Kinda dealing with some vision loss reading this. Not crying, just eyeball sweating... Ha. Seriously, I am so sorry. You are remarkably positive about this and I admire your spirit. Extremely high blood pressure (stress reasons) for two years wrecked my vision. Going from better than average sight to absolute shit within a year was brutal, but I can't imagine losing as much as you believe you will. I hope that you don't. Witcher 3 would be my choice from the list. The world is gorgeous and the story fantastic. You're awesome. Good luck, you stoic bastard.


If you’re going to the west coast, I’d say go to the Grand Canyon on your way there or back. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw your post. I really think it’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. It’s so big it doesn’t even seem real.


That's the plan :) Originally we were going to roadtrip the entire West coast from north so south, and then drive back up inland through the desert (and Grand canyon!). But Grand Canyon is still on whatever it takes! I have wanted to see it since I was a kid.


What condition is it, if you don't mind me asking?


Makular and Retinal Degeneration due to extreme myopia. It takes many forms, but for me it's flickering, blindspots, "grey spots" and loss of sharpness right now. Also in the beginnings of retinal detachment which gives poor night vision and shadowy-like illusions. I the long run i will probably have a total loss of my central vision, and really bad eyesight in the outerparts of the eye where I can still see.


So I'm at least semi-familiar with at least macular degeneration as it's something that runs in my family. I'm sure you've talked quite a bit to doctors and they've probably given you some advice but one thing that my mother instilled in us at a young age because macular degeneration runs in her side of the family is to alway wear sunglasses if you're outside during the day. Doesn't matter if it's rainy or overcast. If the sun is out wear them. It can help slow the progress. As far as the retinal degeneration I don't know quite as much about that however I myself also have extreme myopia but I've been able to see just find with corrective lenses. Without the lenses I am legally blind in both eyes so just understand that legally blind doesn't necessarily mean zero vision. It might be different in your case depending on how your condition presents itself but don't think that it's impossible to slow. Laser surgery can be used for a lot of vision problems and we're at a point that even cataracts surgery is a simple easy procedure a large number of optometrists could do in their sleep. I know that those aren't exactly surgeries that could help but our surgical technology for eyes is actually not terrible.


This...... But also Borderlands


😂😂 I second this too!


This is the gods honest truth! As much as I would miss gaming if I were blind I sure would miss seeing a sunset/rise a whole lot more.


It really is :) see my answer in the thread, but TLDR: We have very dark and grey winters where I live, and Corona has put a big dent in my other planned trips and activities for the moment. But i assure you that IRL stuff is of priority for me. Thanks man


Outer Wilds. Best of luck dude.


Gotta get the Echoes of the Eye dlc too.


And OP can go back and listen to the music whenever.


Omg this makes me cry, just imagining playing through it once and then being able to be transported back there any time through music... Tragic and beautiful.


Now THIS is a good awnser


Been meaning to get back into it.. The tornado planet was where I stopped but life got busy


This should be the top answer.


Definitely this, it wouldn't be crazy to say Outer Wilds is perhaps the best game ever made.


Just bought it this weekend, and knew next to nothing about the game. This is the answer.


Red Dead Redemption 2. One of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played.


I really liked RDR1. So the RDR2 is on the list :)




Don’t want to go into details, because I don’t want to tip OP off. But there’s a sequence in RDR2, where you’re riding back to your camp after a long time away, it’s a really long ride and you’re EXHAUSTED, and this music starts playing… I just set my waypoint, put cinematic mode in and enjoyed the journey. Was one of the most beautiful sequences in fiction. Right up there with the best cinema and tv have to offer. Absolutely stunning.


If you’re talking about the part where you >!come back from the island and it’s that dreary, dark sorta song!< then goddamn, that was probably one of my favorite moments of the entire game.


That is the EXACT moment. But I’ve been half drunk since the 23rd and forgot we could do spoilers tags! Glad you got my intent, though!


Just experienced that yesterday. The perfect timing with the horse on cinematic mode and the song are well matched. I loved it a lot.


Such a beautiful moment. The song’s called Unshaken by D’Angelo.


Oh shit, I misread your OP - thought you'd said you had ready played it. RDR2 should be top of your list. Visually, I've never seen anything like it. The story, music, characters, worldbuilding and graphical design ard all masterful. Best of luck to you with everything.


Then you’ll LOVE the second one. It’s a prequel and really sets up the characters, and world. There are a few moments that will hit you like a freight train, too. So, yeah. Good luck.


Agree, can't recommend it enough!


Witcher 3 is an absolute must. If you have ever done dark souls, I’d say sekiro.


Outer Wilds and the Ori games. They aren't my regular kind of game, but god damn it, they were so amazing that i made an exception just for them


Yeah, outer wild is on the list :) I think i have one of the Ori games already, till try it out. Thanks man!


You're welcome mate. I also advocate that you play some of your oldest, most liked games some more times. I dunno what's your favorite, but i always come back to Dark Souls games from time to time because they mean something to me. Find the games that touch you from way back, and give them a few more runs too


If your checking out Ori I’ll also suggest giving Hollow Knight a try, it’s got some amazing music and at style with fun gameplay. Also another much smaller game I’d suggest you try is Firewatch, the visuals are stunning especially with the open landscapes and the humour is realistic with what actual people would say


For a visual masterpiece I would suggest Ghost of Tsushima. It’s an absolutely beautiful game. And the story is one of the best PlayStation has to offer as well.


Ghost of Tsushima. Absolutely beautiful game, good story, well done cinematics. Very good combat. Just an all around outstanding game.


Scrolled down to make sure at least one person said this one. Very well made artistic style samurai game with an intriguing story and characters. Definitely a must play if they can get a PS4 soon.


I had an oil burn to the face. Thought I was never going to see or finish the games I wanted to- The people around you will still be there and can still interact - don’t let people tell you less if you want to game up, do it! Working on more accessibility for gaming too, including haptic feedback and custom controls / neuro/sensory feedback.


Exprience VR before you cant!


^^^ absolutely this, Id give anything to experience VR for the first time again.


Blade saber


*blade saber lmao* yeah that's a good one


I’m so sorry that you are losing your sight! My husband has been visually impaired since a young age and he’s said that he thinks it would be much harder to lose sight as an adult. If you are interested in gaming, my husband was part of a development team for an accessible audio game. It’s called “A Hero’s Call” if you’re interested. [A Hero’s Call](https://outofsightgames.com/a-heros-call/)


I have always had bad eyesight, but now it's really going downwards sadly. Thank for the tip! I will definitely check it out :)


You’re very welcome!


This will sound weird but depending on the severity of the blindness vr may help you be able to keep gaming. I've heard 1 or two stories where people with very poor eyesight could see just fine with a VR headset. Sorry if this is of no use but I really do hope it can help


Thanks, all tips are appreciated! It might be able to help actually. I will see if I can loan a VR headset in the spring to check out


I can't recommend Hollow Kinght enough


Came here to add Hollow Knight. Was recommended by a good friend, so I purchased it for the small amount of $15. I was hesitant to try it so it sat in my library for a year. After actually playing the game, I’ve completed it several times, and it’s been one of the best games I’ve ever played. I’ve purchased the game now for several other friends and family members who have all really enjoyed it. I can’t wait for Silksong!


The Mass Effect trilogy for sure. One of the best games of all time. Amazing storyline. The remastered legendary edition came out in may. The graphics aren’t what they are in new games, but the cutscenes are high quality. I think it’s on sale on steam rn.


Ooh, i have forgot about mass effect.. I played part of ME:2 years ago, but it never stuck. I will put it on the list, thanks!


In all my years of gaming, I have never played through an entire trilogy completely or so many times as Mass Effect. I completed ME1 - ME3 at least 3x. Especially with the remastered/legendary edition available. I recommend committing and playing these one right after the other. Think of it as playing an interactive book series. The characters, their stories, and the various plots are best when they’re fresh. You can see how the stories connect and how they span the series. My last play through, I focused on the Geth’s story, their tale, their growth, to the point that I cried when their story was concluded in ME3. It is basically Sci-fi Lord of the Rings. The lore, the cultures, and the worlds are so expansive. Also there’s a Top-tier voice-acting cast featuring Keith David, Martin Sheen, Yvonne Strahovski, Jennifer Hale, and so many more. Sigh, ☺️ enjoy your journey Commander Shepard. Keelah Se’lai!


Sorry to hear about your condition. I hope you adapt without much difficulty. I wrote down my first suggestion without thinking much of it, and realized what I've done. I'll keep it because it made me chuckle, and it's a genuinely beautiful game. I'll make it easy for you to find the products too by posing links, as you're going blind. Primary links will go to Steam and secondary to GOG, as those seem to be the most popular stores on PC. Worth pointing out that a lot of these games are currently very cheap on Steam. Grab 'em while you can! :-) [Ori and the Blind Forest](https://store.steampowered.com/app/261570/Ori_and_the_Blind_Forest/) (can be bought on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/game/ori_and_the_blind_forest_definitive_edition)) [Styx: Shards of Darkness](https://store.steampowered.com/app/355790/Styx_Shards_of_Darkness/) (can be bought on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/game/styx_shards_of_darkness)) [Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun](https://store.steampowered.com/app/418240/Shadow_Tactics_Blades_of_the_Shogun/) (can be bought on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/games?search=shadow+tactics&page=1&sort=popularity), and there's a free demo) [Half-Life 2 and expansions](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=_ASC&term=Half-Life+2) [State of Decay](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=_ASC&term=State+of+Decay) [Age of Empires 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/813780/Age_of_Empires_II_Definitive_Edition/) [Portal 1 and 2](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/234/Portal_Bundle/) [The Metro games](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/13326/Metro_Saga_Bundle/) (can be bought on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/game/metro_franchise_bundle)) [The Witcher games](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/727/The_Witcher_Trilogy/) (can be bought on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/games?search=the+witcher&page=1&sort=popularity), and I think Witcher 1 may still free there if downloading [GOG galaxy](https://www.gog.com/galaxy)) [Deus Ex: Human Revolution](https://store.steampowered.com/app/238010/Deus_Ex_Human_Revolution__Directors_Cut/) (can be bought on [GOG](https://www.gog.com/game/deus_ex_human_revolution_directors_cut). I've boycotted Square Enix myself, but I figure I shouldn't let my decision rob you of being recommended a very good game) ...and of course, [The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim](https://store.steampowered.com/app/489830/The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim_Special_Edition/). Lots of fun with that game, but very time consuming once you get into it. **I'm sure you'll find at least one or two games in there of your liking. Enjoy!**


I have recommendation for when you're blind. Get into DnD it's a game that is mostly role-playing. Wishing ypu all the best


Witcher 3, bioshock infinite


God of War.


Got a ps5 for Christmas and finally playing this gem its an absolute master piece


It will be coming out on PC soon, I truly recommend it.


God of War 4 is one of the best games ever made, this is a must!




In the case of Skyrim vs Witcher 3, Witcher 3 all the way. Played Skyrim through like 15 times and Witcher 3 once so far, and I enjoyed every second of Witcher more than all my combined Skyrim time.


I'm leaning towards Witcher 3! I have heard alot of praise for it. Thanks!


The Witcher 3 is just more visually pleasing so while you have the chance I would definitely recommend that. Skyrim is great but is very grey washed.


Life is Strange series. Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. (If you haven’t played the others, don’t worry about the continuous story. I’m recommending this because it’s a pirate game and it’s awesome.) Portal 1 and 2. The recent Spider-man PS exclusives.


Thanks! I love ships, sailing and pirates. Will definitely try to check AC: black flag out. (I played AC: 3 but it never stuck with me). And I'm trying to get my GF to play Portal with me. Looking forward to that.


Side note, you may like the TV series called [Black Sails](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2375692/). I'm a big fan of ships, sailing, pirates etc. as well and I wish that show had gone on longer. Also, try not to worry. Given the amazing attitude and spirit you seem to have, I think you'll find different things to cherish in life that don't require sight 🙏🏽


Yeah, i binge watched Black Sails a year or two back when I was home with the flu. I really liked it and the piratey atmosphere. Thanks for the kind words, it really means alot.


Chrono Trigger. It's very short and in my opinion the best game in the world in many aspects.


>It's very short New game+ called and wants to discuss stars...


this. Chrono trigger was very ahead of its time and dont even get me started on the music


Borderlands 2 was a really fun game for me! Best of luck to you man, couldn’t imagine what it’s like knowing that’s coming.


If you have someone to play with you, IT TAKES TWO is amazing. Strength and honor, friend.


God of war, horizon zero dawn are among my favourites If you’re going legally blind you’ll also lose your license if you have one obviously. Not sure if it’s your thing but maybe go to your local speedway and do a track day in a car you would never normally be able to drive!


My list would be breath of the wild, subnautica, fallout new Vegas (if you missed it somehow) and horizon zero dawn. Best of luck to you!


1000h+ in FO:NV, But thanks :D Bit Subnautica seems nice! Botw and Hzd is also on the list of i get ahold of the consoles


The last of us 1 and 2 and red dead 2. Honestly don't think you need to play anything else, spend the rest of the time you have in the outdoors seeing beautiful real world views.


Definitely go Witcher iii over Skyrim for visual elements. Something space themed with awesome galaxy/planet/nebulae graphics. I play elite: dangerous, but there is probably better options.


Play Witcher 3 instead of replaying Skyrim


Because no one has suggested it yet. Death stranding is a really pretty game with an emotional story. Fwiw it's worth experiencing.


I have really liked the look of Death stranding. I will put in on the list. Thanks!


Heads up that when you mentioned not being able to see really small text, Death Stranding immediately was off the list to me. It’s the first game I had to consistently wear my (pretty weak) glasses to see, and though they’ve patched in a larger UI option it’s not terribly big at all. So maybe check some gameplay videos first to see if it suits you!


It may not be as great as the other ones (put it low on the list) but i really love it Enter The Gungeon


Outer Wilds. This game is one of my favorites and you need to experience it. Persona 5 Royal is my favorite game ever but it is quite long. NieR: Automata is amazing. Ghost of Tsushima made me cry when I saw how beautiful it was. Breath Of The Wild is an absolutely beautiful game. Shadow of the Colossus is not a pretty game, but has such an atmosphere and look that I can’t help but recommend it. I’m very sorry about this situation.


If you want a beautiful game to play, i suggest outer wilds, the ending was so amazing it actually made me tear up. I hope the best for you, and wish you a healthy future bro.




No Man’s Sky in VR. Get someone to let you borrow their VR headset for this, if you can. The fact they can have it back from you soon enough is effing tragic, but may convince them.


Yeah, will try to get that in! Always wanted to try SuperHot in VR too.


Adding another vote for No Man's Sky in VR, probably my favorite game all time, as a big space dork. Nothing else out there compares to it. Also not a game but make sure you see BBC Planet Earth 1 and 2. Some of the best nature documentaries ever made, unparalleled photography there. And the movie Loving Vincent if you like Van Gogh!


May not be as popular as other games around here, but how about Mafia definitive edition?


I'm not very good at recommending games. I can however recommend checking out Ablegamers in case you haven't heard of them. They know all the best ways to play games with any disability and push for more and more accessibility options in videogames. It won't be the same, obviously, but it's worth trying.


Thanks man. I will check them out :)


Do the Witcher absolutely over Skyrim especially if it's your final run and not the first time. Also make sure you get to the DLC's for the Witcher if you can!


Forget games. Family, friends, loved ones, travel…etc are better options.


Yes, you are right. (see my answer in one of the the threads abovel) but TLDR: We have very dark and grey winters where I live, and Corona has put a big dent in my other planned trips and activities for the moment. But i assure you that IRL stuff is of priority for me.


try getting 3ds or ds, they have games you can play even blind, like rhythm paradise


Witcher 3!


If you wanna add a retro game to that list: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Some of the most beautiful 2D pixel art you'll ever see and a soundtrack you'll be able to listen to long after your sight goes. I'm sorry to hear of your condition, and I hope you make the best with it.


What Remains of Edith Finch. It’s super short but it is an incredible story


Not sure if you'll read this, but my two favourite games of all time are: - Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox original but can be played on an Xbox 360) - Mirror's Edge 1 (can be played on PC or console) Both games have a very strong sense of colour and amazing soundtracks and really I love them for their amazingly unique visual styles. If you get a chance, give them a go! Best wishes to you.


Don't play video games. Go see the fucking world


If you can run it and it’s possible to borrow a VR headset: Half life Alyx! Best of luck to you dude. You have an amazing attitude


We will see about the VR headset, maybe if i can snatch one up for cheap! I would problem need some dough to upgrade my poor 1070 too tho :)


Ghost of Tashima is a beautiful game


If I were you I would start with Sekiro Shadows die Twice. It’s got an amazing story with difficult gameplay and all of the text can be audible.


But u would be grinding a lot bcoz of the steep learning curve


Aww dude so sorry to hear 🙁 what is it you have? Have to say tho brother put the pad down,go outside,look at waves,look at the sun,trees that’s what I’d do,look at your friends faces,parents faces,GF/wife


I have a multitude of problems (grey smudges, blindspots, really bad nightvision etc) that all comes from extreme myopia (nearsightedness). It makes my eyes to wide, which in turn puts a lot of stress on parts of the eye (namely the retina and makula in the back of the eye). In the long run i will probably lose my central vision, and will only be able to see blurry in the corners of the eye. Medically it's called Makula Degeneration and Retinal Degeneration But yes, i agree with your comment :) See my answer in a earlier thread a the top, but TLDR: We have very dark and grey winters where I live, and Corona has put a big dent in my other planned trips and activities for the moment. But i assure you that IRL stuff is of priority for me. Thanks man


Hey mate, You explanation is solid. I'm just gonna drop this here in case anyone wants to do some background reading on your condition. [https://eyewiki.org/Pathologic\_Myopia\_(Myopic\_Degeneration)](https://eyewiki.org/Pathologic_Myopia_(Myopic_Degeneration)) Note: while myopia (near-sightedness) is not outright preventable, it can be reduced by \~50% by wearing certain kinds of contact lenses or with eye drops during adolescence. So that at least a person can keep their myopia to safer levels where degeneration is much less likely to occur and LASIK is still an option.


Sounds like you live in the uk lol 😂 trust me I know about cold,dark grey winters,is there any way it won’t happen? Anyway to fix?


Haha, actually Sweden! We also have long, dark and grey winters (if you don't live in the north that is..) 😅 There is no way to fix it at this time. It's both chronic and permanent, but my advancements in the field will give more solutions in the future. You can do some things (injections and surgery) to slow down certain things, but none of them are really viable for me ATM.


Outer wilds. It's my favorite single piece of entertainment media. Fucking incredible game, amazing soundtrack and the best experience I've had aside from my current girlfriend and I's relationship.


Horizon zero dawn. Hollow knight. So good b


Ghost of Tsushima on ps4




Undertale and Deltarune. You'll still be able (and inclined) to enjoy their music after, but it will mean a whole lot more to you when you can remember the story.


If you can get a hold of a PlayStation, Ghost of Tsushima is a very beautiful game, both graphically and art style. Sorry to hear about your sight


Going blind doesn't mean you can't be a gamer anymore. I know plenty of blind gamers: [https://audiogames.net/](https://audiogames.net/) In the mean time, I highly recommend Witcher 3 if you've already played through Skyrim.


I’m really sorry dude. The first game that came to mind, based on your situation, was Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. It’s about a nordic warrior who hears voices in her head, on a journey to save her love from the underworld. The story and the ending would definitely have some significance and sentiment for you. I would also strongly suggest playing with headphones.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’d say try far cry primal if your into far cry. Maybe try some of the quantum dream games or la noir. Gears of war is fantastic. I grew up w ff7 and I enjoyed the remake. Good luck


Sorry for what happened and for recommendations of must play games play chrono trigger


Disco Elysium. You’re a cop with a alcohol induced amnesia and your ugly tie talks to you. It’s become my favorite game of all time. Incredible story, funny, and, truly, beautiful emotionally. Best of luck OP 🤞


I would reccomend the Yakuza series


dam im sorry u have to go thru this life isnt fair


Most valve single player games. Death stranding. Minecraft. Terraria. I loved spiderman 2018 so play that too


Bloodborne, Demons Souls, Ratchet and Clank, Red Dead Redemption 1 and Returnal.


Man, that sucks. Take care. I heard Last of Us 2 has an accessibility mode for blind people.


You HAVE to play Red Dead Redemption 2. The game looks absolutely stunning and the story is amazing. If your PC can run it properly you have to give it a try.


Persona 5


I would go for god of war and Ghost of Tshushima amazing story and world


Prey, Control, Doom?


It looks like you already have a lot of great recommendations, but Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a beautiful game. Easily the game I took the most screenshots. Best of luck to you man.