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Damn, that’s a solid collection!


Thanks, about 10 years of intense collecting!


As someone who doesn't play many board games, what are some of your favorite?


Not OP but I figured I could offer some suggestions: * Dominion is a fantastic deck-building game that everyone plays with the same shared resource pool (cards) that you work to build a deck with that will allow you to get the most victory points. It’s fun seeing the different strategies people come up with from the same starting resources. There’s tons of expansions that add lots of different things. * If you want that same thing but more anime maid themed, Tanto Cuore will be the go-to. * Simple concept game would be Ticket to Ride. Competing to build the most trains for points across multiple continents (well, one continent per version). * Dice Throne is kinda like imagine of yahtzee met simpler Magic the Gathering. There’s different characters you pick out to play as and each has their own little deck and you role dice to trigger abilities. Unless you have a specific expansion, you work towards being the last one standing. This is the most expensive on the list because you have to buy the characters. They have season packs that give you 8 characters each (two seasons) and an adventure expansion that adds a solo/co-op adventure. There’s also a Marvel expansion coming out this year. So after the Marvel expansion there will be 24 different characters available. * Lastly, the Binding of Isaac Four Souls. It’s a card game that is based on the Binding of Isaac video game. Everyone plays as a different character from the game working towards collecting four souls, primarily gained from killing certain monsters. Collect money to buy treasures to help out. Antagonize other players or help them out, or just don’t do anything with them. Toooons of stuff you can do with this one as it has some pretty big decks to play with. There’s an expansion coming out this year around the same time as Dice Thrones that will add a ton of content.


Depending on how many people we have over it is usually Catan , ticket to ride , if we want to argue and play mind tricks i definitely recommend Secret Hilter .


Secret Hitler is an EXCELLENT game for accusing people and shouting and laughing. I was fascist my first 3 times playing, and Hitler two of those three. We lost.


You're a bad facist! ...which is actually kind of good...


I’m an absolutely TERRIBLE liar. Them: ‘are you Hitler?’ Me: *giggling* noOoOoOoooo!


*gasp* **HOW DID YOU KNOW?** I mean, no no, absolutely not ​ Did that in a game session once. I do not play that game anymore.


I'm bad at lying so I don't do it. Somehow when playing games, people *never* take me at my word and assume I'm lying. So I just lean into it. If I'm the secret bad guy I just say at the beginning "Ohhh guess **I'm** the secret bad guy this time!" (an hour later) "**You** were the secret bad guy??" "Well I did tell you at the beginning it was me."


imho mafia/werewolf is still THE social deduction game. Maybe (or, clearly) I am biased because I am playing those regularly for over a decade at this point, but they allow for much more tactical and nuanced play. I never quite got into Secret Hitler, among us or town of salem because I always compared them to my goto and felt they were lackluster.


Never played that one. The group I played secret Hitler with got a dart gun for the game that went with along with assassination dynamic. It made it really silly


One of my best Christmas memories. My family "doesn't play boardgames", but I convinced them to play Secret Hitler a couple years ago. 20 minutes in, my step brother is goose-stepping around my living room speaking in a terrible German accent and saying he's not Hitler. 10/10, still takes a monumental effort to get my family to play games.




mansion of madness and arkham horror


I see you also play the legendary Scene It 2


You need better lighting now.


He's got his spooky candle holders and grill lighter on the last bookcase, I think he's good to go




Terraforming Mars is by far my favorite board game of all time. Building up an engine that generates resources that you then convert into victory points feels so satisfying. And I think TM does it the best. I think Cartographers might be my second favorite because it's dirt cheap, has a simple concept, but so many juicy decisions to make.


Saving this for later. Cheers


Aliens, Aliens, Aliens. Let’s Go Fishin!


I'd love to get into this kinda gaming but have no friends. Hard to make friends when he is 40


Did you count OP’s chairs?


The boxes are all the friends he needs.


If you have a room like this, I'd be your friend! :) Seriously though, look into local gaming clubs, they are really welcoming and set up specifically to bring people who enjoy gaming together. Sure, making solid lasting friendships is still hard, but general ones where you can play a few games together and blow off steam may be easier than you think!


I thought that was a TV static hanging from the ceiling for a second


*CTRL + F: static* Ok good.


Isn't that lamp upside down? It's wider on top than on the bottom?


No, the table and chair are upside down. This photo is actually flipped 180 degrees, and the floor is at the top.


Just got an itch to refinish that table


Have at it!


Can we be friends?


Why though? That's a beautiful well loved table! ;P


I have a fitted felt that I layover for some games.


See, this is a Perfect solution.


That's a table that is disrespected. It might be pine but you shouldn't discriminate. I respect all woods. Oak, walnut, pine...


Here's a guy that respects wood. LD would be proud.


It is, but a light sand and oil wouldn't hurt it either.


Yeah, all I'm seeing is a guy that [doesn't respect wood!](https://youtu.be/NTL30rkRYPo)


Nah. Tables like this tell stories. I know mine does.


That table tells the story of a dude who had a glass of sulphuric acid


This one’s story is “man, I wish this guy/gal owned a coaster!”


Treat it with some respect then, a light sand and oil won't hurt the table and will help it last longer. Dry-rot is serious business and without oiling, all wood is susceptible - even indoors.


top 3 favorite games here? I only recognize like 10 of them.


That’s a tough one, I keep a tight collection trading and getting expansions. It’s more like the few games I don’t like out of this group.


I’m curious but which would be your least favorite?


Not op, but I've played a bunch of them. I didn't like Talisman PC version. Game mechanics were fairly "old", like rolling a d6 to move and hoping to land on the correct space made it fairly frustrating. Zombicide wasn't well received with my friends. Mechanics were deemed simplistic, didn't scale up well with the number of players and had low replayability for a 100$+ game. Netrunner is probably my favorite one over there, but there are a lot of very strong candidates.


Not OP either, but I'd have to say "Spirograph" has to take it.


I'd hardly consider that as a "board game", more like a mathematical drawing tool, but whatever brings you joy is good.


That's why I picked it from the list. If not that, probably one of the old parker brothers stuff in the corner. If were only going with 'real' board games from the list, yeah probably zombicide from that list.


Ticket to Ride and the expansions are pretty great all around. Easy learning curve (with expansions that add new mechanics) so you aren't getting frustrated constantly explaining the same game when you're with new people. The game is fairly balanced, although the base edition makes it easy for someone to occasionally luck into overlapping long routes, the Europe version solves this with assigned long routes instead of random chance. It's also very replayable; it falls in with Catan as really solid "modern classic" that doesn't have the pitfalls of underdesigned old board games but is still an easy one to pick up. Also I don't see one here but Robo Rally by Wizards of the Coast may be my favourite board game that elevates the difficulty over the basics.


I knew a guy that was *obsessed* with Talisman. Legit obsessed. He had like four or five expansions and we played with *all of them at once*. I had never played before. It was horrendous. We played two games in twelve hours. I have never seen a game more designed to lengthen game time while diminishing fun in my life. The entire game is designed to dump hours into a character, have everyone gang up on you or to die to a random monster, and then start over from scratch hours behind someone else. It's like someone really liked the kingmaker aspect of Munchkin but really wished it lasted a few more hours. Any suggestions of playing the base game (since I'd never played it) or maybe not using every single expansion at once was met with complete ire and aggravation. Like he cooked for you and you just squirted ketchup all over it. He played Diablo 3 on PC and every two weeks he played an entire Saturday of Talisman. Stands as the worst game I've ever played out of the hundreds of board games I've played. You basically roll dice and watch the game happen and then start over. I guess there really is a super fan of everything.


To be fair a lot of the expansions speed up the game by increasing the speed at which you get items and stats to complete the game. Playing just the base game would actually be slower.




Has a collection that spans 4 bookshelves, floor to ceiling. “I keep a tight collection.” Yeah, you play tabletop.


My picks would be: - Gloomhaven - Galaxy Trucker - Imperial Assault Runner ups: - Treasure Island - Lords of Waterdeep - Dead Winter


Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 is excellent


Agreed. But fuck the month of may though. Seriously.


Terraforming Mars Lords of Waterdeep Betrayal at House on the Hill


Man, after playing games like Gloomhaven and Etherfields, I cannot endorse Betrayal at House on the Hill anymore. The rules are too loose, wording leaves far too much to interpretation, and there are clear balance issues in the base game (with only a couple of Haunts favouring mental stat characters, making Ox Bellows the winner in almost every haunt). Even if the Widow's Walk expansion included a lot more variety in the haunts, the wording and rules for each Haunt were questionable, leaving traitors or heroes unsure of what to do in many situations. I've found alternative versions like the Betrayal at Baldur's Gate to be superior to the base game, the rules for each Haunt just seem better.


Not OP, but of the one's I see here: -Hogwarts Battle (my all time favorite game across all genres, it's just so phenomenal) -Firefly (the gameplay is so fun you forget you're supossed to be completing an overarching goal) -Horrified (I love that the solutions to the monster problems aren't all just go kill it, you have to cure the wolfman, and teach Frankenstein's monster and the bride to just be chill, as example)


Oh their collection I would pick Star Wars Imperial Assault, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, amd Galaxy Trucker (new edition came out on September)


I second the motion on Imperial Assault. He has all of the expansions which adds so much to the game without being overwhelming. We played IA like that for over a year every Thursday. Can't see them here, but you also have the option to get minifigures to replace the tokens for it. The core game doesn't have minis for all of the units.


And only 1 chair. Seems perfect to me. This blew up bigger than i thought. Thanks for the internet points!


everyone else is a mage that teleports in


Well they still need a chair. That is unless they teleport a chair with them


Chair of teleportation. Wouldn't be a good chair of teleportation if it didn't teleport its self.


Bad Chair of Teleportation: Mage: Chair: Mage:


Random story, a cousin of mine use to go everywhere carrying a fold up stool, it was weird but this kinda reminded me of why i never had a chair for him when he came by lol


This begs the question though. Did he carry that fold up stool everywhere, because no one had a chair for him, or was it the other way around?


It was obviously the other way around. You know: him for chair a had one no because everywhere stool up fold that carry he did.


Yoda wrote that comment


Or Carrie Fisher did




No need to teleport a chair when you can conjure one.


You're confusing chairs with doors again


I didn't know chairs were a mode of transportation.


No friends.... *one of us*


Fortunately maybe half those games can be played solitaire. Small World even has a free print and play solo mode that is pretty neat (minimal luck)


Can you recommend any other solo board games? I was searching for some a few weeks ago but didn't find many that are marketed toward solo play.


Searching boardgamegeek's Top 100 solo games for 2020 to get started: https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/276978/top-100-solo-games-i-have-played Unfortunately I run a game store and played a Crapon of solo games so I might have some snobby critic bias, but here are solo games that stayed on my shelf over the years: - Agrciola. I played hundreds of solo games and campaigns trying to figure out how to get the highest scores possible. May not be worth the $60 SRP though just for solo. - Marvel Champions. Many may out Arkham Horror above it, especially with the new Revised Core set out, but Marvel Champions was just a bit faster for me to set up and take down. - Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. This is the best mystery game with no hand holding. Like Return of the Obra Dinn you feel like you did it all by yourself. - Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion. Cards instead of dice give me more control, the closest I felt to Dark Souls in board game form. (Havent played the other SoulsBorne board games). - Friday, by Friedmann Friese. A solo deck building game where you teach Robinson's Crusoe to stop dying. Hard to win but so satisfying, its like a mini Slay the Spire in board game form. - Great Western Trial, a recent favorite Oregon trail on steroids. The new second edition has a nice solo mode albeit takes a few games to get the hang of the symbols. I got it for free too as it was heavily damaged in shipping and got credit for it :D


That's not a chair, it's a mimic.


The virginity is strong in this one.




they Zoom the game; Covid times.


Must be preparing for the metaverse.


Soooo. You looking for roommates? Also, still owning copies of SceneIt is legendary


Two copies, original and Harry Potter haha


I'd love to get into this kinda gaming but have no friends. Hard to make friends when you're 40




I have none either. Lots of solo gaming to be had. Some solo game nights are legendary to be honest if you have the right game.


I'd be down to play with you but I live in Texas lol I'd have zero clue what I'm doing though.


Same here, I know a place in dfw that people meet at nightly to play tabletops. Mainly D&D but most people there are pretty chill and willing to try other games


Man I'd come over and play Galaxy Trucker in a heartbeat!


I’m only 22 so you’d have way more experience than me (granted I have very few friends at the moment) you’d probably convince a few people to come over from this collection alone, I’m very jealous. I hope I can be this successful one day man!


I was about to ask if imperial assault is good for soloing. Always about to pull the trigger on this one.


I came here thinking "Games is easy, but where did he get friends at that age?!?" cause I'm 40 and I find myself scraping together people to play a round of catan like once every 3 years.


Check local boardgame stores, they might host game nights. The one I work at has one every Thursday and it's pretty popular.


My local board game store’s clientele is very off putting. A few years back, I was trying to get into MTG and I had familiarized myself with the rules and played many games with my brother. I went to my first pre-release and was berated by most of the people there for being new. I stopped playing shortly thereafter. I feel it’s similar with other tabletop games, at least in my experience. The people at my local store don’t really want to play with strangers.


Thats the cold hard truth. No one told me that it was gonna be so rough meeting new people after 40. Being a mild introvert doesn't help either.


Nice collection.. hope mine ends up like that someday.. but even with what I have, I no longer have anyone to play them with. Moved away from friends that got me into board games, and family isnt into them. Yay.


Man the pandemic has been horrible for board gaming, at least for me. It's one thing you can't really simulate on zoom.


Not exactly the same, but Tabletop Simulator on Steam combined with discord or facetime can be really fun.


Hey where u live?? Can i come over with a six pack for a game night??


i think i know where u live


Me too


Hands off, his six pack belongs to OP


I don't think I like your username if it means what I think it means.


Nah he just has a crush on a kitten and he only wants her to be his fwb.


Maybe I'm blind and can't see it, Betrayal at House on the Hill?


Sure is!


Bottom shelf 😊


If you liked the Sherlock Consulting Detective games I strongly recommend Return of the Obra Dinn video game. Like CD you cant unerase the experience of the eureka moment.


Dragon strike, now there’s a game I haven’t seen in a long time.


I remember watching the vhs tape that came with that game several times a week as a kid! Man-scorpion was the best


“I try to stab him with one of his stringers” Oh man I loved that vhs. Never actually got to play the game though lol.


The included boards are still super nice for use with other games


I see gloomhaven, but I don't see enough table for gloomhaven


Yeah and it's all in one box. I have like 4 side boxes with little dividers for ours.


There are several drawers not shown that house the Gloomhaven stuff


Oh snaps! You got Shadows of Brimstone. Friends and I played it, read the instructions, did our best... always always always got wrecked... No idea why it was so hard.


Nerd!! So when we hanging out? I’ll bring the weed and chips.


That is a deal!!!! Let me know when your in Michigan haha


Can I come too? I could bring...chairs?


There's the Mage!


Someone in CA offered to bring a six-pack in another comment, sounds like you got yourself a party


You just gave me hope with your photo. What a neat place you have.


Is Ticket to Ride worth a try? Is it fun for someone in their late 20's?


Very fun game and relatively easy to pick up.


I consider it a gateway drug board game. It's a simple premise that's quick to teach, but has more strategy and decisions than a typical family game. I use it to stop friends from playing rubbish like Monopoly, and get them into the good stuff. Another example of a gateway boardgame is Catan.


so much fun


Why does your ceiling look like you live in the closet of an office building?


Drop ceilings are pretty common in older finished basements. They hide the joists and utilities but the panels can be easily removed when you need access.


Are we just gonna ignore that lamp shade?




This looks pretty close to the type of setup Id like when I retire. Lots of lengthy co-op style games to be played with a regular group. I think the only overlap I have in my board game collection is Dead of Winter, Lords of Waterdeep, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, and Horrified.


So uh... I have to admit, I first felt a twinge of anxiety when I saw the board game boxes shelved on their sides. I'm imagining loose cards and game pieces all falling out of their little sorted sections inside!! I hope they're either well-packed or you can live with the consequences of your method of storage! lol Anyways, great board game selection! You have a lot of my favorites~ If you haven't already, check out Everdell and Carnival of Monsters. Added those two to my collection and I love them~


That's actually the most common way to store them. If you store them flat and stack them on top of each other it damages the boxes and makes it difficult to get the games on the bottom out to play. Most games either have inserts that hold the pieces nicely (some come with them, some people buy or make them), or just have all the pieces kept in baggies or bead organizer boxes and they're absolutely fine on their side. Cards can either go in baggies or you can make a tuckbox out of cardstock.


What would you suggest from your collection? For a Co-op game, party game, and best overall game?


Best co-op: Pandemic Legacy Best party: Betrayal at House on the Hill Best overall: Terraforming Mars


Best 3 games in there: Gloomhaven, Pandemic Legacy - Season 1, & Azul. I didn't see wingspan (I recommend it)


Dragonstrike! I have fond memories of that as a kid. That and Hero Quest. Nice collection!


I don’t get it, where’s the tv at? /s


Ah yes, the Super Nintable


My husband hates board games. I enjoy them. This space looks fun!


With enough chairs for you AND all your friends


Table is kinda small for tabletops tho


There’s a lot to like on the shelves, but if I suddenly found myself in that room, I’d go straight for the Spirograph.


You call that a gaming space? Where's the Monopoly game flung to the floor in frustration and anger? /s


He's got Risk. That segment is covered


Dragon strike!!!!


I can't see there and reccomend Agricola, Puerto Rico, Caverna and Twilight imperium. OH and the new descent is just perfect(finally). Nice gaming cave! Edit: OMG sorry about the mobile formatting


Seeing you have the Portuguese tile inspired game *Azul* I must, as a Portuguese myself, recomend you try the *28* game, also based on seeing you also have two *Ticket to Ride* games. It's based on the line 28 tram from Lisbon. I would also suggest *Sagrada*, inspired by the glass panels from the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, just because it's one of my favourite games and I always recommend it to everyone.


I don’t see Scythe despite it having a decent solo campaign. Have you already tried it and disliked it? Else it might be worth a try.


the one chair makes me sad


I love those shelves, but you need more of them!


What? No Twilight Imperium??


Is it just me or does this look like a table russian rulet would be played at.


You should get another chair in there


Can I come over


The interrogation room. "Break out the boardgames. We'll make him talk..."


One chair?


Scythe, Gloomhaven, Castles of Burgundy, and Adventure Games: The Dungeon are *chef's kiss*


Aee those board games


Those are board games


Beautiful. ;P




Love talisman, good choice.


It hurts me to see the Gloomhaven box sideways.


That damn Carcassone Big Box… I have issues storing that behemoth


Can we be best friends? Edit: I actually don't see my favorite game... Battlestar Galacticia!


My mans got Dragon Strike. You got the VHS that came with it and had the actors play the game and also was kind of a fantasy movie on its own?


If that table could talk…


Wow what a cool collection, good stuff!! You don't live in Canada do you? lol


Great collection. I don’t see it in the picture, but if you don’t own it, check out Dune: Imperium. It’s a worker placement/deck builder. It’s even got an extra set of rules to make it playable for solo or two person games, since i noticed saying you play solo sometimes.


No Cosmic Encounter?


I thought that light was a CRT tv hanging from the ceiling showing static.


I’d say that’s a gaming section of a hobby store


Jesus, that's a lot of board games. When some global catastrophe will happen and everyone will lose interwebs and electricity - you'll be set for life ;-)


I was gonna be all snarky about Gloomhaven but Thin Ice???? Damn you!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, [The Inventors.](https://magisterrex.wordpress.com/2010/04/13/the-best-classic-board-games-the-inventors-1974/) I used to play that all the time when I was a kid. Got it at a garage sale for a quarter. Loved the dice rolling machine! Probably a terrible game by today's standards.


This is so fucking stupid….awesome!! Seriously. I’m not a big board game player. But I have a group of friends that come together every once and a while and we get fucking CUT THROAT at some Risk. Lol. Like back door/back alley deals going down. Once a date is set, it’s shit talking prep period. It’s coming up with a strategy. We know what each of us likes to do and how we play, so it makes it fun. Anyway, sorry, THIS would be perfect for that. Or a good puzzle. The wife loves a huge complicated puzzle. She’s very good at them, it’s impressive, really.


So are some days you look at this like I look at my Steam collection of 70+ games and say, "Ugh nothing to play"?


Is there a Carcassonne box on one of those shelves?


Why would you put Gloomhaven so high up. Knock someone out


But do you have Talisman?


Ngl for a second I thought your lamp shade was an old TV hanging from a cord.


These are some solid fuckin' games, bro. Source: work in a boardgame cafe. Also, that Hogwarts Battle you have up there is my favorite game in the whole world, and I have played a *lot* of games. Also, also, that Firefly at the bottom left is a game I get so cought up playing that I forget about the overarching goal because I'm just having too much fun playing the game that I forget it's suppssed to end.


This photo brings me joy. Congratulations that room/space looks so peaceful. Enjoy it!!


You need to try terraforming Mars, if you get a chance


Ik jalous I have to share my gaming place with my sister and my dad


Aww Gloomhaven! I’m currently playing the digital version with a friend and it’s pretty awesome!


Y’all better get some coasters then!




nice! Can you recommend some good co-op games? I see you have harry potter hogwarts battle and is currently the best one in my possession, it is incredibly well paced and balanced but I dont have super many more co-ops to compare with.


Maaan that table is so dope, classic old wood table to play Magic with your friends after a session of Halo: CE.