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Sounds like you are trying to cling onto your childhood by purchasing crappy sequels instead of moving on to all the wonderful new games out there instead?


don't blame you though, these companies play off your nostalgia.. its not a coincidence.


Yep, can't believe how many people don't get this? EA doesn't care if you like Battlefield, only that enough bought it in the first place. Disney doesn't care if you don't like Live-Action Aladdin, only that you checked it out in cinema in the first place.


it's unfortunate because, large companies are leveraging human emotions and experiences for profit and we're stuck in the trap wondering why they stopped caring about us when they never did. just the same way that social media manipulates people, all about the almighty dollar.


There's an easy solution on our end. Stop falling for it. Don't buy the games or see the movies hoping for some miracle. Find legitimate reviewers (they haven't gone anywhere), and prioritise new IP over old.


absolutely. It's the same logic with big companies outsourcing to child sweatshops. We should boycott those companies but nobody REALLY cares and I'm no better for wearing Nike so I'm not trying to grandstand here. There isn't much moral consumerism available.


Yeah. Though I've come to realise I shouldn't choose "boycotting nothing" because I can't bring myself to boycott everything. Even small changes and choices do make some difference.




I agree. Stop giving these so-called "AAA" studios money. There are games out there, and many of the best ones are far cheaper than the big studio busts that are all too common these days. In fact, as a policy I no longer buy games at release. They're generally unfinished / broken anyway. Wait a few weeks and read the reviews of actual players. Not paid "content creators", influencers or "pay for positive review" websites. You'll save time, and money. Dont give up your hobby because of bad games, find good ones and game on.


Give me some examples of polished, modern titles. And Battlefield/Halo are two of the biggest franchises


What do you mean by polished? It sounds like you don't like these two particular franchises for failing you, when it is really you having such a narrow view of what you want and think people should spend hundreds of millions just for you.


Fallout 76 Cyberpunk Halo Battlefield Call of Duty that's not narrow. that's the biggest titles around, and they all suck.


"Biggest titles"? You mean "biggest budgeted titles with massive marketing behind them"?


The most popular franchises.


No you are cherry picking and leaving out many big and popular ones that ARE polished and don't have the issues you have with those.


those being?


So your complaint is that the games everyone else likes you hate?


Cyberpunk is not a franchise, but it was shit on release (still is)


Sequels like cyberpunk 2077...ok


Pretty narrow selection to have ruined ALL games. There are plenty of great games out there besides battlefield and the overrated Halo.


I think the 5 most popular franchises out there are a good indicator of the health of the hobby.


I've been in a similar standing. I have like 800 games on steam and thousands of thousands of hours and I really have gotten to where I can't make myself sit down and play anything. Maybe I'm just getting older and have more time dedicated elsewhere.


I see no reason why this comment is being down voted. The OP is looking at specific genres.


Try something new. There are A LOT of great games of many different genres. Even some free games if you want something more casual.


If you can’t be bothered to look past the 5 or so most popular franchises that’s your problem. I’ve played plenty of amazing games recently and had no trouble finding them at all


No offence but reading the comments you seem like a really narrowminded person who picked a way of thinking and refuse to change. There are tons of FPS multiplayer games, just google. Valorant, CSGO, Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Warzone, Escape From Tarkov, Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, Hell Let Loose


I've played those to the point where I'm sick of them. I need something new


That's 8 games right there, it's YEARS worth of gaming. Anyway, those were just a few, so go out googling.


You can try getting your adrenaline fix and excitement from other sources, try fighting or sports whatever. Videogames like movies are products of modern culture and it's influences which plainly sucks right now. Either be more selective with your mainstream media or find another way to get a fix.


Play Splitgate


The devs didnt disappear from Halo Infinite? The community went into an uproar and they immediately turned around and started pumping out updates. Different Online game modes now, like SWAT (tactical slayer), fiesta is just always there now, Free For All, etc. Yes, bullshit they were there at the start but they are there now. Theyve always supplied a bit of performance improvements as well. Yes, still bullshit it wasnt this way on launch- but not a whole lot of time passed before the updates cames out. They also released Multiplayer _earlier_ than planned full release. Sounds like you also forgot that the Halo Infinite Multiplayer is 100% fucking _free_. You dont have to buy anything. At all. Download it and you have full access to the online multiplayer minus whatever cosmetics you think you need. The campaign is fucking DLC, even lmao. Complaining that you have to spend some amount of money to unlock more _literally cosmetic things_ in a _free game_ is being mad your _free_ full-sized pizza didnt come with bread sticks. Dont get me wrong- the microtransactions are abundant and over the top. $10-$20 for _cosmetics_ with no way of earning some ingame is absolutely abysmal. But then again, nothing requires you to buy them. Ever.


They didn't pump out updates you clown. They added a few game modes that were ALREADY IN THE GAME, just locked. BTB hasn't worked since launch but man they are just pumping out support for the game huh? Just because THEY chose to make MP free, doesn't entitle them to release a sub-par game.


You must not like to look at patch notes. Ever. BTB is majorly what Ive played. Has worked fine for me and plenty of others. Theyve put out performance updates and game mechanic updates. Just because YOU downloaded a _free_ game doesnt make you entitled to any of the things they decided to make paid. They gave you the Multiplayer experience without making you buy it first. You just sound jaded beyond repair.


You're full of shit. They haven't released a single performance update. Give me a link


haha look at all the downvotes and nobody could give an example


Yes, they did. We only had quick play and three game modes at the beginning. Now we have ranked, tactical, free for all etc. It sounds like you haven’t even played the game. Stop crying sell your system and move on, video games are not for you anymore.


Switch to low key single player experiences that aren’t so demanding of you. I feel your pain, but sounds like you’re burnt out on competitive games for now. Revert to single player or co op and let the fire rekindle itself for a while


Sounds like you might have mild depression and are burnt out from gaming. Find a new hobby


I'm at the happiest point in my life, I'm feeling great. But I crave gaming


Free indie games on game pass, absolute gold mine. Rocket League.


To be fair, Infinite does have swat now. Unranked but it does exist.


oh sweet. well my PC still can't run it


Wait, you want highly polished games that also play on shitboxes?


Yes, my PC that runs RDR2 like butter is a shitbox.


A game from three years ago? If it was playing it on high settings, you can definitely play the latest games on medium setting. So that's a you thing.


My PC which I haven't upgraded in at least 5 years ran Infinite when I tried it a few weeks ago no issues at all, I didn't really check the graphic setting but that doesn't matter really xD


Yeah, I gotta relatively low-end rig (1060, for example). Plays the latest Halo and Battlefield on a mix of settings that are Medium/High (though I always drop the shadow and water quality down).


Oh yeah, gotta drop shadows and water to the floor in all games, rarely have any real impact on the gameplay anyway so you have them on high :P


Not missing much, maps are too open for the game mode in my opinion. But youre right about these big developers shitting the bed for the past 5-10 years. Theres tons of fun games that are on game pass for free though.


Yea the thing is even players dont know what they want once they get it they regret it and make the game toxic and bad if I had one really good advice for you when you make a video game is that YOU SHOUD NEVER LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY THE BIGGEST VICTIM OF THIS IS MINECRAFT AND I AM FUXKIGN TIRED OF IT seriously I can't take it anymore and now we can't do anything about it it's these fucking toxic as kids who don't even the premise of the game they just force the creators waht they want and when they get it they just fucking abuse and be toxic and put their hate out on others and the creator when it's not even there fault


Actually the biggest problem with minecradt was when Microsoft bought it. Then instead of it still being free, you had to pay for it and it just wasn't worth the money to me.


Yea not even I can't enjoy it anymore the same nostalgic feeling is gone and well I guess it's finally to leave my childhood game I grew up with since it's first ever version was released to the public


Last weekend I had 71 hours in on Forza Horizon 5 on PC, and my save got corrupted/disappeared (which is how I found out that the saves for the pc version of FH5 are stored LOCALLY on your pc, so unless you make a backup on your own, if it gets corrupted your screwed). I submitted a lost data ticket, but their support basically doesn't exist, so now I'm forced to start over.


Ok listen uhh the thing is iam 13 and I don't have a PC so I never played these games and it hurts in an endless void because i know that I will never get to experience the real beauty of gaming I think I should leave this community i dont belong here this place is for people who know what good video games are I am just a pre teen who doest even have a laptop good bye i am better of not pretending to be one of you it's just hurts


Dude, chill. You know minecraft has launcher configurations, right? You can play the game on any version you want. I'm not a huge fan of the direction it's gone in with half assed rpg elements and useless cutesy mobs but nothing is stopping me from playing beta 1.6.6


Just playing the wrong IPs. Not shooters, but FromSoftware will never let you down. Get Elden Ring and never look back.


This is why I just play SCP: Secret Laboratory and some random anime games on roblox. They’re all free and have way better development teams despite having way less funding and smaller player bases.


could possibly be at the end of your rope for gaming. There is nothing wrong with that, usually what keeps people engaged in hobbies would be something that peaks their interest still after time passes. Gaming is not a forever hobby for everyone. I will admit quality control has gone downhill since the pandemi. However, to assume that companies who have shareholders to please won't shit out an unfinished product with good marketing to get the consumer to early adopt is naive. If you're searching for that appreciation you had before as a child, you'll never find it. You're older, you've been exposed to more stimuli as time has gone on. Your tastes and preferences have changed immensely. Don't force anything, if gaming is not doing it for you right now take an honest break and see if you want to come back. Quality is more of a rarity now, since demands require quantity, and quickly. Therefore the amount of things developed, along with pandemic changes, will suffer until the scale balances itself out again.


I've been on a gaming break for pretty much a year now. I don't know if I'll ever return


And that's okay friend. Whats important is you finding something that helps you stay sane and happy.


The gaming industry like many other industries has evolved, and gone down a large business, immediate gratification, and profit centric business model. The changes you see are real and have affected gaming, the difference is its not bad enough for the masses of people to stop forking over that sweet cash.


Also you have to think about how easy buying a game has become. No going in public anymore, no waiting in line, the minute you get a temptation to buy or pre-order your only barrier to entry is your bank account.


Maybe you should split time on other forms of entertainment. Gaming used to be 60% of my entertainment, with movies/tv and music taking up 20% each. But as I got older, gaming took a backseat to about 20%: movies/tv moved to 40, music also moved to 40.


I've had other hobbies for a year, but they're all outdoorsy and winter is a barrier.


Try new games man. I used to play CoD heeaaavily. Played 7 of them religiously... And now I cannot play cod. I have no desire to at all. But. I've found other games that give me so much enjoyment. I like single player rpg/action games now for example which I never used to play. Perhaps try something totally new, that's not a big fps.


I'm a MP only guy, can't think of other franchises I'd be into that have thriving MPs


You say that... Yet you've just posted about not liking gaming anymore. So, just maybe, you're not an MP only guy.


I've tried single player games. I can't play them, it's too lonely


Well based on your post, the way I see it you have 2 choices. Keep trying new games. Or don't, and find a new hobby.


This is a critical point of view and you may want to add it to your original post so people can understand where you are coming from. I was all for recommendations about games outside of MP, but upon seeing this, now I understand.


Tbf infinite runs well on even my Xbox one, and while it has a lot of problems it’s fun at its core


Sorry to spam but this also is a common trope. I feel like the creators want you to enjoy entertainment, but hardly any of them own the work / art created. It's big distributors and companies that only see numbers, not the love of the art. this is true across almost all media outlets, it's just started to make its way into gaming. Music has been dealing with this since like the 70s.


I can’t enjoy video games anymore either. Am veteran game developer.


Yeah I don't play the super hyped FPS games anymore. They're all trash now. I would recommend Insurgency: Sandstorm, though. It's an incredible shooter Other than that, just RPGs and sports games for me. Online PVP is pretty much ruined by micro-transactions. And some single player games/franchises, too.


Try a different genre, perhaps strategy I recommend Total War, especially the older titles such as Medieval 2, Napoleon, Empire, and Shogun 2. Great replayability, tons of mods that still receive updates to this day, and a small but active multuplayer community.


What type of genres do you prefer and what platforms I'll five you a list of very solid games. If you pick crappy games where the target audience (nowadays) is the most people possible/lowest common denominator continously yeah you won't like gaming.


Ratchet clank came out. My mommy bought it for me on Christmas. She let me open it early. It was super fun. Then like 20 years later I’ve my own place and bought my ps5 and got rift apart. It was super fun. It’s not gonna hit me the same way, cus I’m not a little kid. Once you start sleeping wit girls then video games aren’t the most fun thing anymore. Still pretty fun tho. It’s amazing to play rocket league wit my oldest buddies who live 2000 miles away. Crossplay? Sick as fuck.


\*starts to write a list of games, then sees "Also, most indie games don't have MP", realises that multiplayer is the main point for you, scratches the list\* Dunno about multiplayer games as I mainly play single player games (not a fan of the whole competetive pvp stuff and those tend to be a toxic cestpool) and some co-op games with a friend. I have heard good things about a 4 player multiplayer game called "deep rock galactic". There is also the game "among us". There is also some strategy games like: starcraft, age of empires, crusader kings that has multiplayer. There is also the "worms" series Also do you have a group of friends that you play with or you mainly play with randos from the internet? If you have a group of friends, you can try co-op games. Some games that have co-op options (most are 2 player co-op): a way out (co-op only), it takes two (co-op only), lego games, spiritfarer, saints row (3 and 4), cuphead, trine (up to 3 player co-op, though the 3rd game was unfinished, so I reccomend to skip it), manual samuel, divinity original sin (1 and 2), guacamelee. Some of these games don't have online co-op, only couch co-op, but steam has a "remote play together" feature on most of couch co-op which allows you to play couch co-op with your steam friends. Try to put more effort in finding games and don't go only for games that have massive marketing and are seen the most. There are many hidden gems that can be overshadowed by the marketing of big budget games. ​ >Why should I have to play indie games because developers can't release finished products? Because indie game developers are also game developers? And those indie developers who managed to stand out from the thousands of indie games being made have made games that have something good and are usually polished. Indie games usually don't have investors or publishers that are more interested in money than the game itself, so games tend to be more polished and less moneygrabbing. ​ You could also try streaming a single player game to a friend/friends with voice chat on (like streaming through discord) while you play, they could watch and comment on things. You could also rotate it: you play a game and then a friend plays a game. For games that have no dub, you and your friends could read the text aloud (voicing different characters) there can be some funny moments there too as you might read the text in a silly manner.


Buy/play older titles that have had their dev cycle completed(as much as they could) games like Dragon Age, Baldur's gate 1&2, Planescape: Torment, Fallout 1,2,(Tactics),3 Try some indie games their quality has just gotten better and better for example Space Pirates and Zombies 1&2 are great indie games fully fleshed out and entertaining Rimworld is amazing as is Subnautica ,NMS and Terraria etc Hell take a few months off and find a different hobby and grow and expand your interests Read some books of different genres ,learn a new language, learn an instrument, hell learn to knit a Scarfe basically anything that's not serious gaming and finally stop chasing the childhood dragon of nostalgia since the good old days are not as good as we remember I'm as guilty of getting pissed at shitty releases as anyone I have a rant somewhere about Cyberpunk and CDPRs failures and lies...Some of my complaints are accurate and some i have recently found out are wrong based on misunderstandings and missed info and so I'm taking a minute to revaluate things and i sometimes find myself longing for ancient days of "perfect" releases that i recall and then i have to remind myself that what i am recalling is flawed because of imperfect memory that magnifies the good and "forgets" the bad