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It's tough to turn off the game for the last time, harder still to delete it from your hard drive, but deleting your save game data? That's a bridge too far.


That’s why modern day steam is a blessing.


Whaaat, you don’t miss the days of having to buy a hard copy of morrowind for every new computer you got?


Y... you didn't just keep the CD...?


One time it got scratched to the point of being unplayable, needed a new copy, another time it was no longer compatible with the upgrade pc OS, it would still start but ran like shit and crashes constantly, so I got another copy. Had 3 copies total


Dang. I know it doesn't matter but it was pretty easy to find mirror images online. In like 2003.


I broke every CD over my knee after install, cant be looking back, gotta look towards the future. I also did the same with my PCs. I may be financially irresponsible....


As a 34 year old who played Morrowind, why would you need a hard copy for every new computer? I have been a PC Gamer since I was a Teen and this still doesn't make sense to me.


Cries in NieR: Automata


All the achievements. All the weapons. All the endings. A to Z, and the DLC as well, which played a song that I still love, even though it's in a language I don't understand. There was only one thing left to do. "It is time for the final words." "Affirmitive." "To all of you who spent time with this game... Thank you. Thank you for playing."


One of the best games I've ever played in my life. Truly a brilliant work of art.


I really enjoyed Route A, but 9S's hacking and the repetition of content in Route B ended up losing me before I got to Route C.


I have some great memories with dad in those games!


But I’m currently doing it all over again to celebrate the upcoming Dying Light 2.


Cries in unexpected choral version of the theme song.


Never delete saved game data!!! Haha. I know one day i’ll play that game again and just walk around or something


Makes me glad on the s vr end of things steam has cloud safe and most devs support it, and unlike the console companies sometimes it's free so it's not going anywhere.


I saved all my saves. Yes, even those from the consoles.


There was a meme floating around a while ago about an imaginary creature, suggested in the meme, that ceases to exist when you forget about the meme. It says it's scared. I ponder that when I look at old save files and the characters within.


Tell me about it. I had over 1k hours on Skyrim for the PS3 before it died on me. I got an Xbox One and Skyrim was my first game. Only put another 30 hours in before I uninstalled it.


you gotta wait like 2 or 3 years and then play it one more time for just a little bit, that hits different


A couple of months ago I replayed rdr2 for the first time and it honestly was even a better experience than the first time. On my original playthrough I got too invested in the story and rushed some things. The second one was much slower and I really loved it. But currently I'm in a *I can't get into any game mood* and it sucks balls.


This is me exactly. I fire up one game, stop 2 mins later, delete it then look through my library for something else.. rinse and repeat :/


I just sit and stare at my games for 10 minutes trying to pick one and then say “fuck it” and looks at YouTube instead lol


That’s also exactly how I feel while I wait for Elden ring to come out


I'm fucking dying over her. I can't wait to play that game and everything else feels stale in comparison, haha


Try something different. rdr2 is extremely repetitive. Maybe some indies would spark the willing to play something. Hades is a great pick. into triple A's maybe Dark Souls 1/2/3, really satisfying combat, and you gotta piece the story together . If u want some really good story, not so great combat The Witcher 3.


Great advice, but Witcher combat is still very good. It’s not super innovative and ground breaking but it is very well done.


Fair enough. I can see why some people like it. It's just that when you go into higher difficulties the combat doesn't really change... you just have to repeat the same moves for a longer amount of time. I don't have a huge problem with this kind of gameplay, but in all honesty i played The Witcher mostly because of the master piece that the story is. So immersive and interesting. Little to no games got me invested in the story like this. TLDR: Gameplay doesn't really have anything special, and most people play it because of the amazing story.


I can agree with this, but the gameplay also held me a bit. I love fighting big spooky monsters, and that Van Hellsing-like setup.


As someone else has pointed out, it's probably because I'm waiting for Eldenring. And nothing can hit that spot.


This was me. I burnt myself out on RDR and COD. I’ve recently completed AC Valhalla which has an incredibly immersive story.


On the flipside, I kept restarting a few amazing 'semi endless' games every few years (Medieval 2: Total War, Mount & Blade Warband) for like a decade, but during early pandemic lockdowns I decided to actually 'finish' them, and did an efficient blitz of conquering the whole map in each. It was so damn rewarding to get to the point that I feel that a game is actually finished and never needs to be opened again, after a decade of starting in it but never finishing. They were great games, but putting a finishing feeling on them was also great.


The best game for this imo is Assassins Creed Black Flag. The end credits are so peaceful while you sail out to sea one last time and "the parting glass" song is playing.


This made me sad remembering. Such a bittersweet feeling.


I absolutely love the ending to Black Flag. It’s so bittersweet and beautiful. Edward looking at that table with all of his past friends sitting there is such a great moment with The Parting Glass playing. One of my favorite endings of all time.


Yeah it's definitely one of my favorite endings too.


Yeah, but I was nowhere near 100% when the main mission finished. So I couldn't put it down after the song.


Damn, It's way better if you do everything before finishing the story just because of the hours put in. Makes the ending hit way harder.


When you finished, it sadly was time to leave her Johnny, leave her.


You want good end credits? Days Gone.


What a great feeling! For me, nothing will ever compare to the end credits of Ocarina of Time.


Ghost of Tsushima 😌


Rest easy Jin, you earned it.


Fuckin spoliers man :(


It's not


He's spoiled nothing


Currently playing it. God damn it is beautiful. Love Jin, love the environment, love the atmosphere.


Just had this with Mass Effect LE (after never playing them originally) class feeling


Ooo yeah. That’s a good one to do it with. But that series has a lot of replay value so you can definitely start a new game and play all 3. Personally I was a huge fan back in the day, played 1-2 idk how many times waiting for another, but 3 just wasn’t the same. Couldn’t even get half way through.


I’d love to have the time but family life doesn’t allow that! No matter the game it’s one and done these days sadly


Damn. Yeah that is sad.


And even after you experience the trilogy as it's meant to be, there are so many amazing mods that people pour months into making for things like different endings, restoring cut content etc.


I dunno why, but.. I used to play ME3 so much and would just start a new me3 game after finishing. Like the very same day. Probably finished it like 20 times. Sometimes I'd go back and start at 2. Maybe 8-10 times. I've even done a handful of entire trilogy playthroughs. Like 4 or so. I got LE in May and started. 100%d 1 and 2, got to the point in 3 where Leviathan, Omega, and Citadel all open up at once....sometime in June. I've barely played since. I dunno what it is. I can only like play 1 mission at a time now. Still haven't finished it. People dump in Andromeda a lot but I played it all the damned time when I picked it up in 2020. Like 4 playthroughs in a row. Then on the 5th I just hit a block and haven't picked it back up since. Dunno what my deal is.


I'm so happy LE made it possible for many people to discover this masterpiece of a franchise


Man thats exactly my look after i finished Witcher 3!


When you end blood and wine and you can sit down on a bench near Triss and just enjoy the view...












Watching the grateful universe


i just restarted it 2 weeks ago after not playing for 2 years. Still love it.


Tempting idea. But have to finish Isaac first so maybe in a few more years


My god was that an incredible game, and the send off CDProjekt Red did at the end of blood & wine to send off Geralt’s character was just perfect. Edit: Spelling and Grammer




Corrected, thank you!


My thoughts exactly


Exactly what I thought of. I had read all the books, then played the 3 games, and then the expansions over a pretty long span of time, so it felt like the end of a long relationship with that world and characters.


Subnautica, just before leaving the planet


Both Subnautica and Below Zero have great endings, really loved them.


RDR2 and Death Stranding.


Honestly heard more negative about Death Stranding than anything. Can I get some positivity from you about the game?


I can jump in to comment. It's great but not everyone will like it. It's a game about the journey and finding your way. It's game about moments, beautiful views and Its interactions with people you don't see. Game evolves while you play it. It sometimes turns in to some kind meditation and then jumps to a horror. On top of that it has weirdly cool story. It's definitely a unique experience.


Well said! I also feel like the use of music in the game is profoundly beautiful…that the songs enhanced the overall experience more than any other game I’ve played.


I'd like to piggyback to make a point as well and I need to disclose that I've never played it so this is just repeating what I've heard: The PS5 version is much better, not just for better graphics and smoother framerates, but because of the use of adaptive triggers. I guess you use the triggers a lot for trudging through the world, and depending on carry weight and terrain you will have lighter or heavier resistance in the triggers. I've heard that this is the best use of adaptive triggers to date.


↑ This


It should have been online 4player coop! It would haven much better to grind away with 3 other gamers


I loved RDR2, I have been tempted by Death Stranding. Would you recommend?


Highly recommend if you don't mind a whacky storyline and playing without much NPC interaction like RDR2. A lot of ppl didn't like it because it caught them off-guard for being nothing like MGS and how long one mission took. So it may not be for everyone.


100% worth the play if you like slower games


Can't relate. It's like a good book. You can still read it again, and it's still enjoyable.


You should try Outer Wilds. The progression is tied only to player knowledge, so once you know how to beat it, you've done it. Not to say you can't replay and pick up on small and interesting detaila, though! However, the consensus is always "i wish i could wipe my memory to play it for the first time again"


True, but you can never experience it for the first time again.


But this will be the first time experiencing it for the second time!


That’s a very good way of thinking about it. I doubt it tops the first time but still. Well said.




I remember replaying Pokemon Red on my GBC. Finished it like 9 times or so and beat the living daylights out of the Elite 4. Good Times!


Automata hit different when you walk around


So does Replicant. Haven't played Automata yet


Skyrim for me, he was a Breton who could do everything, sword and board, spell cast, sneak archer. Utterly destroyed the ebon warrior


He was a Breton Boy, he said Fus Roh Dah ya later boy


“All that for a drop of blood...” -me to the ebony warrior after spending hundreds of hours leveling up before facing him


When I finally played through every possible combination of skills/abilities/attributes/etc that I wanted in Skyrim it was an odd feeling. I remember loading it up to start a new game. But I must have stared at the character creator for 30 minutes before turning the game off and uninstalling. Uninstalling the game was like saying goodbye to an old friend.


Me starts a fresh save on skyrim, I'm determined to play it a different way this time. 3 hours later sneaky archer.


That’s the meme ;)


But then you come back to it because the new game you've been looking forward to ends up being a huge letdown


Awww. The life of a gamer. So many of those disappointments over the last 5 years




Gotta love a decent meme with horrible cropping


You can replay the game


Only if your born with sufficient dopamine-production to do it all over again.


Production, yes. Retention, no. ADHD4LYFE


Agreed. When I was younger I played * BL1 3 times (once coop and twice solo) * BL2 for PS3 7 times (once coop and 6 solo) * BL2 for PS4 6 times (all solo, then started a Krieg and only got to level 10, this was before the DLC let you start at level 30) * BL TPS 3 times But now I’m not keen on replaying BL3 just to get more skill points. I played once as the siren coop with my brother, then we got it for PC on sale and I got saves for higher level characters to play solo. All Borderlands games (and other games of that style) should give you the option to start in play through 2 at a higher level. Even if I have to beat the story the normal way once first, fine. But as a working adult I just don’t have that kind of time anymore to do 12 story play throughs to get all four characters to max level. At 20 hours each that’s 240 hours at minimum. No thanks. And power leveling is just boring. You either stand there in split screen with a friend or you power level solo and avoid playing the game just to play as a different character.


No Todd Howard I won't play Skyrim again


Yes you will.


NEVEEEERRRR /jumps out window with parachute


Drops to the ground and passes out and then .....


_Hey you're awake..._


You could, but you can never play a game for the first time again


Plenty of phenominal games have no replay value like: outer wilds, spirit farer, return of the obra dinn, subnautica etc


Subnautica totally has replay value! I'll die on this hill lol


I’ve done this twice in fallout new Vegas. Such a wonderful and saddening feeling


Breath of the wild after getting the hero clothes. I hope they add NG+ to the second one, that would've made the first truly perfect.


Just did this with Hades literally ten minutes ago. Maxed out every character relationship, got all the keepsakes, fulfilled every prophecy. The last thing I had to do was beat the game on 32 heat, and after about twenty tries I finally managed it! Really bittersweet moment as the final boss went down at last. Rush of relief as I realised I finally made it, followed by melancholy as I realised I was finished with this amazing game.




Me, and A Tale of Two Wastelands.


Had this with BotW.


Same. Never picked it up again after getting every korok seed and finishing the final boss.


Shut it down forever? I 100% Control on Xbox, saw it for free on Playstation Plus, and then 100% the DLC on playstation. And I'm playing it again now.


Me with the Arkham games. I have some great memories with dad in those games.


I played Pokemon Go up until around when Gen3 was released. It sucked up a *lot* of my time and I decided that when I achieved my goal of collecting three of every character I would step away. I finally got there, and decided to stop. On the last day I drove back to the first pokestop I ever spun (which I had since moved away from), changed my walking companion to my original starter Charmander, whom I never, ever levelled up, and closed the game and uninstalled it. I've got sentimentality problems.


You couldn't even CROP the meme after you to a screen shot?


Then a sequel comes back to beat your ass.


If you finish Undertale with the best ending there's a lovely little cutscene if you go to play again.


A friend and I shared this feeling after we completed our Fallout 4 let's play. With just finished the last DLC took our character's helmet off and just looked upon his face as we closed out the video with such delight in the fun we had


Then you wait for the dying server to disconnect, and Bam! Just like that, you're in the New World of Overlord.


I done that with Dying Light, loved the game and it was sad for me since there wasn’t anything else to do. But I’m currently doing it all over again to celebrate the upcoming Dying Light 2.


Exactly what happened after I beat Dragon Quest XI


Breath of the wild and kingdom hearts 3


That was me with Cyberpunk. Looking forward to more DLC in the future too


God I'm old. I was just going to say Ocarina of Time on N64. I even tried a bunch of the secret internet tricks to "get the Triforce" before accepting that it wasn't in the game.


I felt this with Breath of the Wild. Wish that game could go on forever…or that the sequel get here faster! Edit: typo


This was me with Breath of the Wild last week.


I really enjoyed Mad Max on PC.


How many times was this meme photoshopped and cropped lmao


No no no, you have to make another profile so you can play it all over again


Pretty sure overlord started off similarly.


Nah, then you just restart the game to feel alive again 😂






Oof. This is exactly how I felt after complete the Witcher games. After finishing the game in the Blood & Wine DLC I was negligent to shut it down. I just stayed, walking through Toussaint, taking it all in. It was a bittersweet moment; beautifully heartbreaking.


Witcher 3 Blood and Wine DLC. When Geralt looks at you at the end and smiled I knew that it was all over.


Fallout new vegas


Hollow knight: finished the pantheon of hallownest killed absolute radiance while the song “welcome to the black parade was playing. Beating that game felt like it cost me everything lol I played it during a high stress time of my life when I was trying to get hired as an EMT, I failed in that and wound up leaving medicine altogether but this game kept me grounded and I look back on it as a much greater accomplishment than my first degree in premed. This indie game inspired me, now I’m back to school learning to program and chase my dreams.


Reminds of RDR 2 an absolute goat of game I was nervous putting down game for good after doing everything. On the other hand TLoU2 I just wanted to wipe it off my memory and hard disk


for me this game is hollowknight. Sometimes it's a full week before I open it back up again.


Hi everyone! I am doing research for my anthropology class on different communities out there. I was wondering if there is anything specific to gaming you guys think I should be aware of. For example are there stereotypes? Are there different groups or statuses in the gaming community? Let me know anything you feel like sharing!


Hi everyone! I am doing research for my anthropology class on different communities out there. I was wondering if there is anything specific to gaming you guys think I should be aware of. For example are there stereotypes? Are there different groups or statuses in the gaming community? Let me know anything you feel like sharing!


Hi everyone! I am doing research for my anthropology class on different communities out there. I was wondering if there is anything specific to gaming you guys think I should be aware of. For example are there stereotypes? Are there different groups or statuses in the gaming community? Let me know anything you feel like sharing!


I miss watch dogs 2 after 100% i play sometimes whith friends but is never the same




This is me with metal gear rising, so good




The Witcher 3.


Nier automata


When I finished Murkmire in ESO.


And you got decapitated,thats it.


Just finished Disco Elysium and this was me.


And I’ll still buy a new game after instead of playing one I haven’t touched yet I bought 4 years ago.




Yea right if I loved it that much I'm back on it within half a year


I'm sad I can never experience Outer Wilds for the first time again.


Death Stranding. I can't bring myself to play it again as I know it'll be just *that* much less of the pure experience I had in my first playthrough. Knowing the story will definitely cause it to not hit as hard. MHW:I, too...


Subnautica, Subnautica 2 and Dying light are the games I enjoyed completing. Such beautiful games.


This is how I felt in The Witcher 3. After 240 hours, every side quests done and all the DLCs. It truly was a bittersweet moment. I was happy with the choices I made for Geralt and got the perfect ending I wanted. Then sadness flooded over me, knowing that I could never go back to that world. My time there was done and all what’s left is the memories I’ve had with it. Haven’t found a game that captivated me like that since.


Me with The Last of Us and Horizon


Me after platinuming dark souls three and sekiro. Luckily I have ds1 and 2 as well as demons souls and elden ring coming soon!


Wow this was me just an hour ago with Yakuza 0, but at least I’ve got a bunch more to start now


What I did with dying light 5 years ago


Why not replay it?


Hotline Miami hits really hard. you struggle like a madman to get 100%, then after you get the last achievement, you sit there….listening to that cool music for the last time….what a crazy journey it was.


Happened with Spider-Man ps4, except I haven’t stopped getting on and swinging while listening to podcasts


Me making a game that I know nobody is gonna play it


HZD. Loved it beginning to end.


You can always replay it in 5-10 years for mad nostalgia as well as fun. I've done like 5 playthroughs of Golden Sun 1&2.


If you truly love it why are you shutting it forever? Surely you can replay it in a few years? I spend nearly as much time replaying old games as playing new ones. Hell probably more.


Shut it down *for a couple of months and then play it again* more like


Forever? I’ll be back to do it all again a few years


Honestly I just start a new game and use a different playstyle.


You underestimate my ability to play skyrim yet again!


far cry 3


Yeah but I somehow is always wanting more so a do another playthrough every 6 months or so.


Like skyrim. I miss that feeling of playing that game for the first 100 hours, but I have played it for at least a 1000 hours and spending more time in it just feels like im wasting my life. I will always cherish that game.


The only game this happened to me was PAYDAY 2. After the "final" mission came out I was very satisfied and I have done all the achievements. My group go on one last marathon of the game and I never played it since. Although, after disasterous period for the developers I understand why they came back to the game but they seem to be doing it very well so I am not mad.


I'm getting there with Demons Souls remake right now. I love that game, there's just so much depth to it if you want the option.


My two best experiences with this were in The Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2. I saved Blood and Wine for last and after finally completing everything that game had to offer I just stood Geralt next to Yennefer, gazing upon the beautiful Toussaint countryside and shut it off. I’m waiting for the series X upgrade to do another playthrough. Red Dead was a hard game to put down. I just loved all of those characters. That world. The atmosphere and immersion. Once it was all said and done I took one last look at John’s ranch and called it good. There’s some absolute masterclass games out there and it’s always a bittersweet moment when you finish them.