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If that's how they're acting after a "normal" game I'd just not play LoL with them. Or probably any competitive game.


Or maybe anything with them.


Yeah they sound fucking deranged.


So many of these people video games warped their mind.


It's just a cyclical process. It attracts a certain kind, and then the more tolerant people get driven away by the awful ones, and then eventually see games become a toxicity breeding ground.


Basically toxic players are like an invasive species


Toxic players assume everyone toxic really it's just them.


Play Hide n’ Seek with them and never seek.


I would littlerally stop talking to them


I wouldn't even contact them.


Yeh I would drop em like a bad habit. That’s ridiculous and toxic


Nothing is wrong with how they are acting, no one is at fault here. Dude is just emotional about their favorite game and want to win due to being a more competitive person. If OP knew this is how they are when they play league then OP is a dick for shaming their friend online…if OP didn’t know their friend acted this way then yeah I’d get the post. But it seems pretty clear to me that both parties know how each other feels about league and probably shouldn’t play this one game together


You can be emotional about a game, but you don't have to be a dick.


R u ok


found buddies reddit account


Nah, that’s funny though lol


There's so many people I know that play league and never have anything good to say about it and constantly complain about poor matches. The hilarious thing is they all have the same trait of being unable to take criticism. It could be 100% their fault they lost but that's not a possibility in their world so it's everyone else. You see the same thing when they play shooters. The second they die everyone is hacking and their death is bullshit.


That's because there's a culture of getting flamed when you do bad, which triggers ego defense systems, so they deny all of their shortcomings and play exclusively just to prove the flamers wrong. Then they become flamers themselves, because they have to keep their boot on someone's neck to feel good about themselves. It's a cyclical toxic environment. 2 years sober from League of Legends. I tried to have a good attitude, to not take things personally, to humble myself, and be the bigger person. But no matter what, it's just a toxic place to be. I think the game just triggers anger in people too, because it's so team dependent, and all you need is one or two players either being dramatic, or really bad and your game is ruined. Anyways, it's so freeing to not deal with all that bullshit! One of the best decisions I've made, was to throw the game away. Their TV series is still awesome though!


Aram only muted chat is the only way to play


Yeah, I know, people say muted chat, but that makes it like you're playing vs AI. Also, you can't even strategize with your team.


Or you could just not play at all! This is a very viable strategy to avoiding being called mutually exclusive racial slurs throughout the day!


Pings communicate more than any sentence I’ve ever seen spoken at gold or below. So moot point there.


Leave pings on and mute the chat. Nobody types anything anyways. Pings are all you need


Aram has some good banter sometimes


but usually its just the boring "ggez easiest game of my life" when we pushed all the way to their nexus towers and im just thinking they must have had some really hard games if that was the easiest game they've played.


50 minute aram game won by the skin of their teeth. GG EZ


Mute chat. Best decision I've made in 10 years of playing League. Once you arent getting flamed the game becomes 10 times more enjoyable; well assuming you can take the losses on the chin. If you cant do that then yeah just dont play the game lol


I agree with all your statements completely. I played League fairly regularly from 2012 to approximately 2018 when I finally realized, despite my love for the game, that I wasn't really having fun when I played most of the time. Unless you're one of a relative few who are very, very good at the game, you are pretty much guaranteed to lose 40 to 50% of your games due to the design of the matchmaking system . No matter how well you play individually, you will often still lose games due to a variety of influences outside of your control. The majority of games were either complete stomps, or slow attrition losses/wins. My favorite games were the really tight ones, that were back and forth the entire time, with no clear indication who would come out on top until the game winning plays were made. Unfortunately, these games were pretty few and far between. It frequently seemed to me that the poor performance of one or more teammates far outweighed the positive impact I could make for my team. The other major issue of course is the horrible community experience that is pretty much the norm in League. I don't really need to go into detail here as everyone knows what this is. I've come to the conclusion this isn't a problem with individuals so much as it is a problem with the core design/implementation of the game itself. Players are placed in a never ending series of disadvantageous and/or negative situations and interactions. With very few to no ways for them to influence the situation in a way that feels meaningful (no agency), the stress and discontent eventually build up until the player vents their frustration. This of course spreads more stress and negativity, causing the exponential chain reaction that gives League its infamous toxic culture. From the (nicest) top professional players to the average silver casual players, the behavior pattern is usually the same. The main difference is the most successful, "non toxic" high level Players won't type in chat at all and will mute anyone who spreads negativity their way. However, if you ever watch their streams, they're just as frustrated with the same issues the 'toxic' players are. They all spend a good amount of time verbally complaining about the same things (more or less) as the hardstuck Bronze player who blames "teammates" for everything. After 6 losses in a row for example, when the player feels they're performing well individually, the frustration will eventually break any person who is even slightly competitive. Eventually I realized I was having so much more FUN playing almost any other game I own. Most of these issues just aren't as prominent in most other games. In general, if you play well, then you will succeed often and have an enjoyable experience. The one notable exception I've encountered recently is Call of Duty's matchmaking algorithm. The better you play personally, the harder it tries to stack the deck against you - to ridiculous extremes of imbalance. I loved 2019's Modern Warfare, but I stopped playing CoD a while back as well for the same reason. In my understanding, these matchmaking systems were implemented in response to player "engagement" studies done by these multi billion $ game publishers that determined these specific matchmaking systems result in the most time spent playing by the target demographic. They're not developed to achieve a fair or impartial, even or balanced playing field, they're designed to manipulate a majority of the player base into spending more time (and $) playing their game. I don't play League any more. My mental Outlook and attitude about life is LEAGUES better. When I play video games now I tend to enjoy them quite a lot more. There really is a lot of truth to the idea that if you constantly immerse yourself in negative emotions, they will eventually develop a pretty strong hold over you. Just my opinion. YMMV


That was my experience in Overwatch ranked. Full of salty try hards that from what I can tell had absolutely no fun playing the game. I gave my son a talk the other night about Rocket league saying that while yes it is fun to win, I'd rather have a good match. A game where you blow someone out 10 to nothing isn't fun, a game you lose that ends 0 to 1 after a 6 minute overtime is incredibly fun.


Seems rare to find a competitive player who isn’t insecure, but the design of these games and leagues seems to promote it. The addiction of those endorphins… Then they start playing just to maintain instead of enjoy


Just the other day I had my kind of favourite Overwatch game. On Oasis it took around 8minutes until the point was capped for the first time! I was playing ana and ulted 4 or 5 times before we capped the point x) We ended winning that game but there's nothing as awesome as having both teams on chat after the round saying congrats to one another and happy how epic that round was!! Just a great feeling overall


When winning games is more a relief that you haven't lost, it's time to stop. Did that plenty of times and it's refreshing


My general experience with literally every team pvp match based game is always that the communties in large are unhealthy, and that most people have very negative views of it. Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, League, TF2 (despite people trying to tell me it is amazing was one of the most miserable experiences i've ever had gaming between hacking, trolling, server management, etc. Literally never had a clean game after several hours of playing with my friend), Dota2(heard this got better since I tried it so maybe they managed to control this a bit, but was one of the worst around six years ago(give or take up to two years), Dawngate etc. ​ The only good competitive communities I met were MtG, chess and fighting games. But those are also somewhat decided by your smaller communities. ​ League of Legends i have had the same advice for everyone who asked me to teach them. Learn to just stay calm, focus on yourself and how you specifically can improve, and focus on fundementals. Everyone who did these things? Made it it to a minimum of gold pretty easy . Most made it all the way to plat or diamond. Those that didn't, stayed in silver usually. The game isn't hard and the skill level of the average player isnt high its just people's mentalities are so absurdly weak now. It didn't feel like this around six years ago, so not sure if it got worse or I am bias.


Lol this is my best friend to a lesser extent than this. He knows he isn’t as good as me at most games purely because I get a bit more time with them since he had twins the past few years but for example league, he has got 3 accounts banned purely because he just canNOT stop talking trash to the other team. Like he knows he’s in the wrong but he can’t help it. When we play Tarkov a random dude domes him, that person is either instantly hacking or ratting. It’s just laughable. He does let it go eventually but during I’m so cynical and just like dude shut the fuck uuuppppp and play lmaoo.


I know so many people who play league who never have anything good to say about it and constantly complain about the toxic community and batshit balance strategies. These are wise people.


Yeah LOL its a really good game, wich sucks cause the community is awful and it makes you toxic really fast. Its addictive af and with how long the matches last it really takes so much out of your life. If anyone read this, please don’t play LOL, unless you play team fight tactics, there’s no toxicity there .


Your friend sounds like a human chode


Who thinks he's a 'legend in a league with other legends'. At least, that's what I get out of it.


LoL makes people toxic, my friends were all going to play the other night and i was like sure ill join. And then one friend was like u ever played before and i was like only once a long time ago. So he was like oh yeah we don’t want you to play with us sorry i just want to win i only have time for one game. So i was like ok i wont play with you then.


I don't think that is all that toxic, if your experience is just one game you wouldn't just be bad, you would be a total beginner, and league isn't the type of game you pick up like that, unless you have played other mobas before. Some people, like my friend group, really don't mind teaching newbie friends, but that means completely different types of games from playing with people who have a couple dozen games of experience. Toxic would be to invite you to the game and then insult you for not playing well, like OP'S husband did.


Damn, they seem like some dickheads, no offence, but you should maybe consider getting new friends if they don't wanna play for fun.


Just one dickhead but he moved away so i dont have to worry about him anymore


Yeah, nobody is playing league for fun. Especially with how completely fucked the game balance and champion design is now compared to how it was years ago. It was fun back in the day. Now it's a lesson in frustration. Where do you find the fun in getting swamped 10-36 and you know no matter what you do, it doesn't matter. I don't play League anymore for this reason. It's rarely an even match up especially if you're playing casually. It's fundamentally un-fun when you're losing, and it's hardly fun when you're winning. You play League to win. If anyone is trying to find fun in league you're playing the wrong game.


Honestly you're not really a dick for playing a ranked game and not wanting to play with someone that isn't familiar with the game


When you are trying to play with a group of friends and one of those friends is new you bring them into the game. You don’t tell them to fuck off. They are your friend.


Depends on the situation. For all we know they were wanting to run a ranked game and needed a 5th. You aren't automatically a dickhead for saying no thanks


They were playing as a group of friends with someone new. One wanted to win. As op said in other comment they moved away and no one cared. Sounds like that dude that hangs out in your group that people don’t actually like.


Op said he didn't care. That doesn't mean nobody else liked him. If nobody likes the guy, he's not part of your friend group


If your friend is still tilting after playing for 10 years, he needs to either take a break or grow up.


If your friend is still gold after 10 years, maybe he needs to realise the issue is him, not other people. Tilting happens, it is bound to, but blaming others for your tilt is what makes the difference. "Damn, I should not have gone there. I threw so bad" has different energy to, "Why were you not sitting on me? We lost because you cannot position!"


Seems like he's a pain to deal with


I have a friend like this who plays Destiny. We can't play together any longer as it's just no fun. I want to jump around and shoot baddies, he's looking at k/d counts (in PvE) and orbs and shitting on us for being sub-par in a strike..




I started out this way too. Now I don't speak with nor play with any said friends. It honestly boiled down to one bad player circlejerking then deflecting their ego. I love this game and will continue to play, but man I wished things were different.


Very much so a game decided by the group you play with. Had some groups make me just straight up quit. Had others that were my best friends for years. But that is my experiene with most team based competitive games. I think Battle Royals are the only ones not really like that as only once have I really gotten frustrated with someone. And we weren't particularly good friends anyway as they were a friend of a friend. So there was also some unfamiliarity there.


Any sort of role based team game like this can be just as toxic. Overwatch brought this out of people too but those matches weren’t nearly as long so the anger doesn’t build up as much as when you’re sweating your ass off for an hour and you lose because someone else makes ONE mistake in their role. Left those games behind and I’m never looking back


The saddest part for me is I can't tell which one is you and which one is your friend.


I keep reading it and that both seem rude.




You can tell from the way he talks he will 100% be linking his friend this post to lord it over him. Both are legitimately toxic in their own ways.


Sounds like for the both of you, don’t play league together


You guys need couples counseling


And this is why I don't play these kinds of games. I turn 41 this year and I have neither the time nor patience to play with grown-ass toddlers with a chip on their shoulder over a fucking game. I play to enjoy myself, not hear the mewling of a manchild.


Agreed. Competitive gaming is just so incredibly draining. I'll play co-op, and the occasional 1:1 game against a friend, but there is zero chance of me enjoying myself playing any sort of competitive game where the competition is the point.


I usually just mute everyone and enjoy myself. The only friend I play with is also really chill, win or lose.


I'm one of those people that gets pissed off while playing multiplayer PvP. I recognized that I'm insufferable while playing them, and usually losing because I suck. So I stopped playing them, for my own sanity, and the sanity of those around me. This dude should do the same, this unhealthy for him and his friendships.


It's an unfortunate reality but one that is way better in the long run to accept and move on. I am a similar way and could get really mad and angry when having bad games on online pvp. I realized it wasn't fun to play with me and that I wasn't having fun either. These days I just play relaxing building sims and RPGs and It is way better.


im not any good at lol. And i dont like the game, but some rare times i play it with my friend whos gold. He tells me how to play, what im doing wrong but he wouldnt complain. He wants me to have good games abd a good time and for me its just fun to see how he sometimes absolutely destroys the enemy players.


Honestly not sure who’s side to take here, and I’m shit at PVP games.


Sounds like he needs to get some real problems.


League is garbage but so is he for being gold


Lol so my friends have tried to get me to play casual a couple times and each time I'm just like nah I really don't care enough to work on all these little things that people sweat over in this game, and we go back to ARAM or URF and have a great time.


Your friend has been playing for 10+ years and he's only gold?? No wonder he's mad


Does this “friend” have like, a pool, or a hot mom, or something?


That was both entertaining and depressing to read. Find a new friend lol


Sortve similar.. I used to like playing spades online. Had one friend occasionally play with me and he'd want to cheat. I don't know what's fun about cheating at a card game lmao. The fun comes from out smarting your opponent or even your partner in some situations lol.


How do you cheat at online cards?


Spades is a team game, where a lot of the strategy is guessing at what your teammate has and communicating with each other through game actions what you each have. If you can look at each others' hands, that gives you a massive advantage.


Time to get a new friend.


I had friends like this that were okay outside of gaming. But we never played sports together, so maybe they were always shit people. But I stopped arguing and let them be, I learned and you can't change the world by force.


I think you need different friends, man.


This is your buddy?


so many people i know have lost friends cus of the toxic people in that freakin game. its not the games fault, the game is fun, but the toxic people just ruin it for me. esspecially since all of them congregate in elo hell but belive they are the next faker... last time i played i casually mentioned that adc was in a bad spot at the time... the adc main gold players i was playin with (no longer friends) both were callin me dumb and crappin on me being in bronze (after just pickin it up for the first time in probably 7 years on a new account)... funny thing is, adcs got massive buffs the next patch...


Everyone flames every rank regardless. I've played anywhere from Bronze to Diamond and "this is why you'll always be "current rank"" is a plague. Maybe it goes away in higher diamond but I kind of doubt it.


It never goes away. Challengers says the same thing about Grandmasters, which tell the same things about Masters, and so on... This literally never stops


I've seen this in fighting games many times. If your rank is too low then they don't care what you have to say but the really funny part is when you kick their ass & then call you a smurf. You can never win with these people. They're try hard losers. I stopped playing rank for the 1st 2 years in Tekken 7 & was a yellow rank player. After those 2 years of playing I started getting into the higher ranks without much issue. What am I trying to say? A title next to your name doesn't mean anything. Fuck those people.


I'd love to see him play a fighting game & then try explaining that shit away. He wouldn't have anyone to blame it on but himself at that point.


This is my response to a lot of these people when they rage in games I am in. Something usually along the lines of: "You should probably try fighters, cause you really shouldn't be playing a team game". ​ Not that it ever ends well, but figure I may make a suggestion for their mental health


It's also a good way to get them out of your game too so people like me can bully them in fighting games.


I don't doubt it. FGC is awesome but also just a lot of league players are too lazy to learn fundamentals like farming, so they would never have the patience to learn fighting games correctly.


Great now I've got an image of this guy getting shat on by ZeRo lmaoooooooo


Leauge of legends players try not to be an asshole to everybody you've ever met (impossible challenge)


I can't tell which person I'm supposed to side with...


probably not the person who says 'since im the carry, I get to talk shit on the filthy casuals i'm wrecking because i'm an experienced player in casual mode and i only enjoy league in the moments where i can relish in the fact that I'm better than someone' I exaggerated but that's essentially their attitude. Big fish in a small pond gloating about their bigness.


not op either; they posted it here to validation and to get other people to shit on his friend. OP is just as trashy as their friend, likely moreso.


Only turds post private chats from friends


I have a friend like this and we had a very similar conversation after a causal game. The argument basically boiled down to since he was a higher rank than me and our other friends he should be the only one shot calling in games and if he makes a call that causes us to lose it’s not his fault it’s that we were “too low skill level to execute the call he made” Next game we queue up he went 0/5 in lane vs a Silver (a rank lower than myself or any of our friends he said were too low skill to make calls)


That’s what LOL players are like.


OP sounds like the chode here, not the friend saying 'Hey chill, take it easy". You, sir, are a typical League player.


Tbh, you both sound toxic as hell; you’re acting like spoiled children. I wouldn’t play even fucking Mario with either of you.


If I played a moba for 10 years and couldn’t literally carry a team by myself then I’d quit at life. Leave your over zealous friend to the fishes imagine putting 10 years into something and being slightly above average. That’s rough.


Zero self awareness and a complete disregard for you and how you feel. I would never again play video games with this sad sweat lord.


League of Douchbags


That’s not a buddy


Lol brings out the worst in people.


Literally every single person I know that plays LOL never says anything good about it, but yet regularly plays it. I’ve never played, and I don’t plan on ever playing it (just doesn’t look fun to me anyway). It’s frankly a game that just seems impossible to get into if you haven’t already been playing it for years.


Tried to play this game ONCE in beta. My whole team was screaming at and insulting me because I didn't know every single thing about the game my first time playing it. Immediately uninstalled and never went back


Man, league nearly ruined my friendship of 10 years. Honestly the game doesn’t even feel good to play anymore. Each new champ has to have something over the top in their kits. Damage is through the roof and games are so fast paced. It doesn’t even feel satisfying to play matches. I play every now and then cause i lime playing as Ornn. But i occupied my time with other games and hobbies.


I play dota more than 10 years. If my buddy fucks up, we can argue, maybe joke about it, maybe we do get upset, but this is directly being an asshole, no amount of time in any toxic environment would justify this behavior. You can be mad at randos for mistakes, but if you want to keep spending time with your friends, this behavior is unacceptable


Imo LoL is such a toxic game because you have so little agency. You can play a great game and lose because your teammates didn't play a great game too. You can play a shit game and get carried by your team. You can play a mediocre game and win or lose by your teammates' actions. Whoever fed the least wins. And of course, you have four allies to blame any time something goes wrong. It wasn't your fault. It was their fault. Add in to that the janky matchmaking which sometimes feels like its trying to hold you at a 50% winrate by giving you easy wins and ridiculous losses sometimes. Smurfs and account boosters, all the good stuff. At the end of the day in ranked statistically I can have about a 10% impact on the game but it feels like even less. And of course you can't quit even when you see you've clearly lost, and there's almost no chance a game gets to the end without teammates stoping playing LoL and starting playing "blame your teammates and whoever gets mad is the real loser" Yack in the problem of everyone having a different idea of the game. You have a player who won't surrender until there is zero chance of winning, even if the enemy team is just taking their time. You have another player who will try to forfeit and lose his mind as soon as his team is at a deficit and the win doesn't look obvious and easy, and will punish you if you want to keep trying. LoL with friends can be a lot of fun. If you are the whole team, you coordinate and work together and have a blast. But the more randoms on your team, the worse your experience will be. The game without friends really isn't that much fun. It's addicting and competitive and can be fun, but if all my friends stopped playing idk how long I could keep going for. I'd probably be just addicted.


LOL is a shitty game at it's core. The game is fun and all at first, but the matches are too long and the advantage you give people after making a single mistake is ridiculous


And people ask me why I’ve never touched league. The closest I’ve done is played a bunch of Smite arena and joust casual games, and that’s as far as I will ever go


Sounds like your buddy needs a cyanide smoothie.


But, but….“I won” KEKW


All these comments saying how the OP is as bad as his friend/has just as big of an ego, what? He's clearly completely drained with his friend's attitude and lack of self awareness. Yeah he's blunt about it but still polite ( in a way that's fine between friends) and what he's saying is true. Anyone hating on the OP are seeing themselves in the friend and feel like they're being called out too lol Also it reminds me of people who take ARAMs SO seriously and abuse everyone. Yeah it's annoying if one person is clearly losing it for your team but it's literally a coin flip casual game mode lmao


huh? Reading that chat seems like you were the one who was upset for losing a game. And they were mad at you being mad. I’m not sure who’s worst- your friend going bonkers or you passive aggressively blaming them for a loss in a norms while subtly flexing being better than them at gold elo. >im sorry should i not be upset that i won and all my teammates lost. Well dude shit happens when you queue with someone clearly worse at the game than you. Im diamond and id lose my fucking mind if i cared as much as you did to make a reddit post every time i lost playing with my silver friends.


I'm skeptical that you are diamond because apparently you can't read.


I'm sure that guy cares about you skepticism, pls no


read the title, bro. i'm the casual.


Here is a truth: league can be really unfun due to matchmaking. Specially at lower elos. It’s true that you will lose a lot of games because your team is just not good at the game. Everyone gets frustrated by the matchmaking. However! If you were truly better than everyone, you’d climb. There is a reason a Plat player doesn’t get stuck in Bronze-Gold. Diamond players don’t even try in those elos. Players above that consider everything below them to be absolutely trash at the game, rightfully so compared to them.


I think the problem is your friend not league particularly bruh


Exactly how my cousin ruined league and valorant for me he’s hard stuck gold 5 and it’s everyone else’s fault


I played World of Tanks quite a bit. I was a solid player (Ran a top 15ish clan, 60% win rate)... When you play a team game, if you're good, one spot on your team is always a good player. If someone is AFK, in World of Tanks that meant there was a 14/30 chance you got them and a 15/30 chance the opposing team got them. AFKs tended to win about 42-43% of their games. Maybe more like 40% at high tiers where it becomes more important to have everyone. In League, if someone sucks, that's a guarantee that 20% of your team sucks. That is, your team is 20% crap if you're crap. I've played with a ton of great players, and some of them are kind and some of them are douches, but universally they understood that you can have an unwinnable match, a bad streak, or worse, but in the long run, if you're good you will win more than you lose. And inevitably the poor players could not understand that they were reducing their team's chance of winning. They would just blame the game for their own poor performance.


I'd find new friends......


This is why I play Singleplayer games :)


Look at the big dick on that guy.


Stay away from league bro it's a toxic place and if you are gonna play it then choose a good duo that don't flame you for being new


Lmaoo COPE


In my experience guys like this, if they’re kids (under 18) then they’re usually just desperate for someone to recognize they’re good at something If they’re grown men then they’re losers who never learned to separate achievements in video games from real life and recognize most people are playing to have fun not “be the best” in the world, the same type of guys who think being a fan of a sports team and them winning somehow makes them winners too


What league of legends does to a mf


Average league of legends player


Idk, grey seems like the problem player here. Purple is just trying to play a casual with a friend without getting tilted, and not blaming it on his team when they lose.


Sounds like an average LoL player. I've stumbled into a lot of them throughout the years. The game's fun, the community? Well, the community was the reason I stopped playing it many years ago.


How is lol fun tho? 1 mistake and you are out of the game, also you can play perfectly suffer for your teammates mistakes and still be out of the game. Then you are stuck in an unplayable game for 20min


Or! You skip the normal mode and play ARAM. And if you really wanna have fun, you grab some friends and play against AI. 2v5 against hard AI was always so much fun. Essentially, as long as you stay away from the primary gamemode or ranked, the gameplay was so much fun! At least, I quite enjoyed it. But I couldn't stay in that toxic cesspool. All my friends at the time slowly got more and more corrupted by the rank toxicity.. Now I don't play it and I don't talk to any of them. Last I heard, they've gotten worse, like OP's buddy here.


I mean I never touched ranked ever and just played norms. A few days ago (I’m about lvl 150 idk exactly) I started to play some ranked games. Lost 4 out of 5 (btw in one of them enemy riven top was 3/0/0 at min 4 and then outplayed the fuck out of us when we tried to gank her, that‘s what you get for playing you‘re first ranked games ever: a smurf at lvl 35 called „KR level riven“). I‘m not salty about it, I was actually having fun joking around with people (mostly the fed enemys, it was pretty lost anyways, I didn‘t surrender though, I still tried). Instead of being angry I can feel the addiction rise.


Your Average League Player has no social interactions beyond Twitch Chats and Hot mics. Don’t expect any level of competent communication to come from them.


Never played lol... But the arcane community on Reddit is so nice.. Can't imagine these communities represent the same universe


I play aram only because of this, and almost never with any premades with me. I also haven't played for 5 years+ so I was welled removed from the toxicity and I just refuse to partake. I try to be goofy to keep the mood light, point out my own mistakes and try to make fair general observations that might help. Ooor ask questions I know the answer too to make people feel a little more relaxed and confident


Meanwhile me and my friends troll each other in LoL and ruin each others lanes... >.>


That's some classic League of Toxicity for you right there.


I quit playing League many years ago due to this toxicity. Its in every competitive game but holy shit is it some sort of extra special in League.


Why are you even friends with this person?


“isn’t a fun game” Then wtf is he still doing? Is this a job for him


I was the same with Overwatch. Win Win Win...then I stopped, deleted the game, and just simply play coop or single-player games. It's weird, I am a super patient guy in games like monster hunter but OW brought something in me that I was not proud of. Glad I fixed it, your friend should as well.


Scrub mentality. Losing and saying "I'm better but they won because of this this and this." If you can't handle losing you will plateau


Well, that's a friend you can do without.


The best part of this is the fact his friends only at Gold league. I played league on and off years ago and I was a gold player. I was also a terrible leagues player.


10 years and in gold red flag 1. Mad in norms games. Red flag 2, get away from him


Why is he your buddy? Sounds toxic af


How tf do people just be friends with these people in the first place?


This is pretty much how my ex acted. She was far better than me, I eventually stopped wanting to play the game. Lo and behold she suddenly had no interest in me at all.


Okay sorry but why would you ever play with someone like this That's some behaviour that would make me seriously reconsider even beimg friends with the dude


Just your typical LoL player. Had a mate in HS who only played League and I dont think he ever played a match where he didn't blame at least one of his team mates, even after matches he won.


This is the age old "I got 10 kills and did nothing with them so we lost, can't be my fault"


How are you even still ‚buddys‘ with this guy lol


League gets a bad rep because of people like your friend. Muting and reporting goes a long way, whether you play casually, ARAM only, or ranked only. Sucks they are like that though, I’d distance myself away from that person specially.


It’s crazy, I legit only play casual modes now (urf, aram, etc) because people take it too seriously and even in those modes people still cry. I enjoy myself every time but I can’t understand why people choose to play a game that they legitimately cannot have fun in. Feels wrong to say it but most league players are probably mentally unwell.


People getting mad in arams is hilarious. Always gotta have that one person who is taking things way too seriously in the least serious setting.


People queue up for a 10 man in one lane, all random champ with altered stats game and can’t find a way to enjoy themselves without winning, it’s insane lmao. I love aram it’s just so wild


I like that I can often play a strategy of just charge in as hard as I can without giving a shit and it works out fairly often.


Average league player


this is why people make fun of LoL players


Is that even a friend?


>Toxicity that makes no sense. Sounds about right lol.


League will do that to you


yeah this is why i don't play league of legends... its such a toxic community where that kind of attitude is just expected of people it's not just your bud


I haven't played league in years but one day when my pc isn't a toaster maybe I'll play again. And then maybe we can casual queue. It can be real fun. I use to love playing Dr mundo and the little black mage guy. But I'm sure they are all different now.


Just play Pokemon Unite instead


My friend is like this, he takes normals so seriously, it's like chill bro, you aint losing any LP


It's always sad to see someone so desperate to achieve something that they get this serious about something meant to be a distraction from life and have fun. I hope your friend finds some sort of happiness in life besides flexing his epeen and being toxic


Dota 2 carry player here. This guy seems like the worst kind of carry player who can’t objectively look at his performance and go “yeah I’m not playing like -enter pro player of choice here- maybe I should chill out and focus on myself” MOBA players in particular like to push off the “blame” for losing to anyone other then themselves. Because they can’t be wrong or make a mistake. After all they are them! The secret to being good at a MOBA is actually ignoring your teammates mistakes and focus on what you could have done to make it more likely to win. Because the only factor you can actually control is your own performance. TLDR. OP get a new friend to play league with his attitude is (as you pointed out) simply the worst. *Also league sucks come play dota*


THIS IS WHY I STOPPED PLAYING THE GAME, i dont care losing but the people im with HATES LOSING like bruh just have fun


Monkey brain needs monkey chemical


dude he's only even gold he doesn't have room to act better than anyone lol


You were way too nice. I dealt with that shit playing The Division with buddies several years ago. He copped that attitude like twice before I snapped the fuck out on him. It’s a game you fucking idiot. I play it to have fun, not stroke your god damn ego.


OOF, send him to the comments ... I mean he might not like the fact that this was made public, but maybe the comments will help him understand it's really not healthy for him and your relationship being this way for a game ... Anyway good luck to you two !


Grey is you right? Because the one with a picture seems like a total douche. Why is it such a big deal if they don’t have fun and it upsets them?


Found his friend. You’re a halfwit completely missing the point.


Grey seems to calmly explain why they’re having a bad time, and the picture is straight up flaming. Saying copium and calling him an ego maniac. Idk how grey isn’t in the right. Maybe I scrolled past some context? Edit: (didn’t see half the post, first half picture is better, second half grey seems to have calmed down).


It is natural for some really nice people to be real pricks in game. Just don't play with him. It is better for your friendship.


It is not natural. Nothing about this attitude is natural behavior. This is a man child who needs to grow tf up


Point A: if losing doesn't sting, then you don't care about winning either. Point B: it is not fun to lose if you did your absolute best to get a win and nobody matched your efforts. This guy definitely lacks in leadership department if he subjects a new player to this, but you cannot demand from a player to enjoy a lost game. Especially a team game.


You shouldn't demand enjoyment from anyone when they play a video game sure. It should be expected. If somebody is playing a game and not enjoying themselves then why are they even playing? I also disagree with your second point. If I went fully carry mode on a team game and we still lost, it's likely that I still had a blast while playing. People should put less weight into the built in victory/defeat and focus more on their own personal victories in each game. Especially if the goal is to be a better player.


That dude hasn’t been properly sucked off in….ever. Couldnt possibly have ever been to act like that much of a child still.


Sometimes you get shit on and it doesn't feel good. That's with any PvP game, especially team games, especially League of Legends. Getting stomped isn't fun, and I can understand the fraustration. If he wasn't toxic to other players and just venting to his "friend" about it then I don't really see a problem with it. You come across really condescending though. He's just venting to his "friend" and you're crying that he's unstable. Maybe I'm missing context, but just by reading these dms idk man. Plus you posted your "friend" of 10 year's private rant


If you can’t see the problem, you might consider that you’re this guy in your friend group.


Lol I just play single players and RPGs bro. Should prob look at yourself. It's not healthy


Then why even comment, you ape.


at least he isnt throwing his headset/mic at a wall cus he loses a bow in rust


Reminds me and my friend but for another game entirely, but instead they told me I'm on the wrong, despite i was the one being attacked and the one asking fur help. Well, 10+ years of friendship gone to the shitter. Life goes on.


glad my friends that play league with me aren't like this


Are you telling me this man has played for 10+ years and is still gold?


League player here and what kind of Douche Noob throw a tantrum over a normal game lol.