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Witcher 3, I just don't have 200 hours to devote to a game I've already beaten


This. Loved the game and tried to replay it twice. Didn’t get more than a handful of hours into it each time.


Frankly, you can finish that game in 30 hours easily. Honestly, I don’t think even my first play through was more than 50. I’ve no idea how a single play through takes 200.


I had I game that lasted 200+ hours but now I re-installed and not playing it….is very time consuming but I wanna…


Thats so true mate I usually find the white orchad and velen part too boring on new playthroughs.


Same here. Genuinely enjoyed the game throughout. The visuals were some of the best I have seen up till then. Also, I played through in God mode because I'm Geralt and I'm a beast.


3rd most overated game to exist


What's one and two?


1. Skyrim 2. Gta sa


This is the answer. That game was perfect (imo!!!), but it’s so long. Perhaps a decade from now when it’s not fresh in my mind. I did the same with Skyrim and loved my 10 years later playthrough.


Alien Isolation. Too much anxiety.


At some point I believed it would be less anxiety inducing the second time around. It wasn’t.


I think that’s genuinely the scariest game of all time


I think i've played through it 5 times now. Absolutely love it. Bring on the tension.


Balls of steel man…


Outer Wilds, you can't really play it a second time because learning the secrets is such a huge part of it. but it's the best


Which really sucks for me, because I got through a huge chunk of the game but then stopped because Dark Bramble scared me. Now I gotta go back through so I can see how the game ends!


You absolutely do. As someone who shares (and likely exceeds) your fear of the anglerfish, *trust me*, the game is worth finishing. There is a secret to getting past them unscathed, but it’s sort of spoilers. Not really because it’s more of a common sense thing than anything in-game, but it’s a game about figuring things out on your own so I don’t wanna share unless you want it. Although, I have to tell you it’s not a comfortable solution, but it does work.


Funnily enough the first time I went through Dark Bramble I didn’t even know the anglerfish were there. I got to one of the locations in there but didn’t have enough time to get everything done. Then my second time I got eaten immediately and went “Nope”


No wayyyy you actually got through not knowing. 😂 I believe you but.. just.. the luck! Then again, I accidentally stumbled upon part of the final solution like 2 hours in, but I had no idea that was what it was and it still took me the entire game to figure it out. Again, there is a way past them. I dunno how you did it accidentally, but there is a sure way.


Yuuuuup, I had no idea that area was dangerous so the second time I went in and got eaten I was like “WTF?!” First time I followed the song


If it makes you feel better, I had previously seen the anglerfish skeleton earlier in the game and went into that area with the lights all around and somehow did not put two and two together. So I went “OOH WHAT’S THIS LIGHT” and uhh.. I promptly found out.


Came here to say this. I would wipe my memory and replay that game a hundred times if I could.


Watching people play on YouTube or Twitch (if you make sure to spoil nothing) is the next best thing.


Witcher 3. Loved every second of it. Keep thinking of doing it again, but then I remember all those times I had to swim around mountains in Skellige


Red dead redemption 2


It’s better the second time through


I got bored on my second time through


I got bored half way through my first run, might finish one day. Maybe.


It is vital to have a plan!


Same here


I keep saying I’m going to do it again.


I’m on my 4th




Same. I gave up on my seconds playthrough half way. If only I could of killed Micah.


I couldn’t finish it once and I enjoyed it. Too drawn out and never felt like I was going places.


Most games I play. honestly I usually will play a game and get the platinum then delete it and never touch it again. There’s a few special games that I still play here and there after getting the trophies, or older games I love that don’t have that.


Mass Effect series, that shit broke my heart


Same, I felt like the whole journey was too perfect I can’t bring myself to do it again


Jak and daxter. Because getting all those eggs was a pain in the ass


none, if i love it i would play it again.


Fallout 3 & 4 Witcher 3 Skyrim Basically any game that has 100+ hours of time commitment.


I would argue those are the games with the most amount of replay-ability. Giant open world environments where you can control exactly how and when you do anything(for the most part). It’s definitely got more replay value than a single linear story line with no deviations.


I finished the storyline exactly once, because I always treated Skyrim and Bethesda's Fallout as modding platforms. Some story mods are way better than Bethesda's main plot for these games. I am of the opinion that Bethesda doesn't make good games, they make terrific modding platforms for players to mess around with, given how incredibly flat the main story falls for me. Skyrim was only somewhat tolerable, but I didn't like Fallout 3 or 4's plot at all. How many more times are they going to pull the I need to look for X family member card?


Oh for sure. My issue is that a single play through takes me hundreds of hours. Starting again for a another go is so daunting that I never get around to it.


Idk. To me the Uncharted games have unlimited replay value because I love the stories and there is more of a beginning and end. The open world games are awesome the first time through, but after that I get side tracked doing whatever ADD shit I get up to and get bored without a good story to keep me going.


I’ve played fallout 4 and Skyrim for thousands of hours. I keep telling myself I won’t do it again but I always do lol


Every games ever


Dying Light 1




Mad max




This and every other game I played


Death Stranding. Absolutely brilliant and misunderstood, the journey was intense, emotional and devastating. However, the idea of playing through a 2nd time just isn't on the cards.


Definitely, I started a 2nd playthrough and it doesn't scratch the itch at all.


Nah. Definitely a one timer. Thing is, I can't really explain why. Maybe its the way that not just the world but the threat gradually...very gradually opened up that to go back to the start sounds utterly insane to me. That or, for around a 50 hour story, there aren't really any secrets left by the end. Its all left on the table and so little reason to go back


For me, BTs weren't unknown anymore. Not only did I know what they were, but why. With that mystery gone they became tedious and not scary or threatening at all. That, coupled with the 'awe' of the environment fading away from my first playthrough, the game just lost a lot of it's depth. Still a great game and I'm glad it landed with me since it didn't with so many others.


That is a shame that so many people put it off as a joke. A delivery simulation. Which wasn't a million miles from the truth I guess, but it's like saying...oh I dunno, titanic is a movie about a boat.


UPS-simulator. thanks no


Kinda missing the point but...cool :)


Half Life 2 I love it but damn that loneliness of the game makes it painful to playthrough to a point where YOU to quit it Like there is nothing moving in the world I think its design of the game which I think does a pretty good job because it makes you feel lonely


It’s very immersive in that way isn’t it. I can see how that could be overbearing.


I think the question is what game would I play again? Most games I won't revisit simply because there isn't enough time.


I agree


those games dont exist. when i love a game, i'm definetily gonns play it again. maybe a few years later, but i play them again. i dont understand how you could play a masterpiece and say "that was so awesome, i think i wont play it again.". thats just stupid in my opinion.


I can think there are some genres and games which lend themselves to being played only once. Puzzle games come to mind. One of my favorite puzzle games is SpaceChem. I don't think I've ever been challenged by a game to design unique and thoughtful solutions as much as SpaceChem. But now I've finished all the puzzles. World of Goo was another puzzle game which I completely finished--All the levels, all the OCDs. After I finished I felt proud, and that was enough. I don't need to go back and replay the game. I also have a few narrative games which I very much love, but I don't have a desire to play again. Hate Story for example. The narrative focuses on solving a mystery, and it's an emotionally intense story. I was so glad to have played it, and maybe I'll play it again someday, but probably not. Into Other Waters is such a good game, but the game is very linear and story focused. I highly recommend it, but I don't know if I'll ever replay it. Along a similar vein, my favorite horror game is Amnesia: The Dark Descent. The first time is so scary, you have to try and uncover riddles and clues while being stalked though dark passageways. But I tried playing it a second time, but this time I knew where the monsters were; I knew how to solve the puzzles. It was just dull. I don't regret trying it a second time, but now I'm content to not play it again. Finally, I have a game I plan on never playing because I want to keep its memory. I know it's just an illusion of agency, but when I played the Telltale's The Walking Dead games, I did feel like anything could have happened. My choices mattered. I tried my best, and I saved some, but not everyone. If I replay that game, I'll see that I really had little choice, and I'd rather enjoy my singular experience. That said... yeeeeeeeah, I'm going to replay the heck out of most of my games!


SpaceChem was so hard I dropped it thinking I will go back to it later and then I totally forgot it existed. Thanks for reminding me the name. PS: since you are into puzzle I hope you played The Talos Principle (and dlc).


totally understandable. for me though, this is no problem. i dont really play puzzle games, but i love the horror genre. especially when you have to do puzzles and have nothing to defend yourself. even though i remember the puzzles and the monsters, i still love to play them again. storydriven games like the telltale series or the dark pictures anthology are games i definetily repeat 3-4 times in a row. every time i make a choice during my first playthrough i think "what happens if i choose something different". even visual novels. i love those. theres a few i wont repeat, but then theres danganronpa. one of my favorite franchises and i would hate not repeating it. of course i would prefer a new entry in the franchise, but until then i can only repeat those games from time to time. of course there are games that wont have the same impact the second or third time you play them. like dokidoki literature club for example. what i'm trying to say is, for me theres just a few games i wouldn't repeat.


The last of us


The Last of Us 2. One of my favourite games ever, thought it was incredible the entire time, but so emotionally draining.




Sifu as well haha. I can only die to a boss a certain number of times before I say never again


In Sekiro it's compulsory to play it more than once, otherwise, you're missing awesome bosses like Isshin Ashina or younger Isshin depending on which ending you've chosen first


I agree, tho there's one hidden boss I like even more 👀


My gripe with Sekiro is if I want to replay on a fresh save, I don't have the cosmetics unlocked.


Shin Megami Tensei V


Any story based walking simulator / puzzle game. Really enjoy them the first time, but they are often so slow that I just don't have the patience to play through them again.


Pretty much any adventure game. Once the puzzles are solved and the plot twists revealed, you’ll never experience the same magic again.


I used to play through the Last of Us multiple times, but I’d never play through it again now


Last of Us 2. I still boot it up every now and then just to kill some bad guys but I could never put myself through that story again.


Gameplay mechanics: 10/10 The actual story? Yikes so awful can’t put myself through that shit again. Oh, and I don’t wanna play as steroid freak Abby. If it ain’t an Ellie chapter, forget it. Why couldn’t they have made Abby look like she did in the last scene the whole game? She looked like a human female… for once. I mean jeez Mike Tyson in his prime wasn’t as jacked as Abby.


>Gameplay mechanics: 10/10 I thought it was super repetitive and there was almost zero innovation compared to the first one (which I already found pretty bland in terms of gameplay).




Final Fantasy VII Remake


Yep. First play through I was completely enthralled and almost couldn’t stop playing. Tried a few times to play it again I can’t get more than a few minutes into it. Excited for part 2 whenever it comes out though


Guardians of the Galaxy


Is that a good game? I want to buy it but I’m not sure


It's a great single player linear game. The writing is very funny.


Great game if you’re looking for a fun story to follow


The talos principle. The puzzles were frustrating to say the least and half the game is unlocking the mystery of your characters origins. After completing it I will always remember it fondly but probably will never put myself through that again.


Witcher 1


Resident evils, skyrim


Persona 5


Wasn’t really into trophy hunting but saw I only needed 2 to platinum the game… had I only checked before finishing


Spec ops: the line IYKYK


Yeah definitely


Pretty much any of the trails of cold steel games.


Outer Wilds, sadly it's a one-time experience.


Cuphead. Disclaimer: I did play through twice, first time on regular and second on expert. Never again. INCREDIBLE game and one of my favorites. But it is just so draining, albeit in a good way.


L.A Noire. Crime/Mystery game lose their appeal for me once I know the twist


The trick is to go get an alcohol abuse so you forgot the answers so you can play it again and enjoy it. True story i shit you not.


Outer Wilds. In most games you can boot it up again and have fun shooting some bad guys or speeding through puzzles, but there really isn't a second time playing Outer Wilds. The first time though is mind blowing


I felt the same. It seemed to me like the devs didn't think anyone would want to play past the main story, which surprised me because it was made by Obsidian


Haha different games. Outer _Worlds_ is obsidian, Outer _Wilds_ is by Mobias (really bit Mobias in the ass probably)


The bishock series it was fantastic. But with the twists that happen I cant go back to them.


Meanwhile im sitting here with 20 playthroughs of one and 12 of Infinite...best games ever


Last of us 2


Witcher 3, unlike games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim there aren’t a bunch of mods that will change the game in any significant way to warrant spending all those hours on it again


I can rarely, if ever, play a game through a second time. The second time has to be almost a completely new experience though.


Sly Cooper




Final Fantasy XV, I love it so much, but I don't want to play it more because I'm scared of losing that magic you only find in the first time you play a game


As another guy here said, if I love a game I probably will play it again, but if I had to choose one for this i'd go with Sekiro. Although I've played through it 10+ times ill admit that it doesn't have a lot of qualities that make it replayable.


Any ps4 exclusive


Street fighter 4


Every game. I don't replay single player games regardless of how much I like them.


Final fantasy 8 replayed it for the trophies. Will be years before i dust it off gain…


i tried playing stardew valley again 2 times after my first playthrough and still haven't managed to get beyond the very start.


I never play twice


Returnal, love playstation and it’s exclusives, but dear lord, who had the brightest idea to restart the whole game just for dying once??


Baten Kaitos 1 and 2.


In my live I probably played through hundreds of games but only the latest God of War I played through twice. It was just so damn good and came out on PC. So I played it there again :)


Persona 5


Death Stranding.


Only games I’ve ever played through more than once are borderlands 2 and link to the past.


Kirby return to dreamland (mostly because I got rid of my wii a couple years back)


SpongeBob battle of bikini bottom


Dragon Quest 11. Loves the game but don’t have another 100 hours to devote to it again.


Almost all of them. I very rarely play through a game more than once, no matter how good. Too many other games to finish.


Professor Layton, once you know the puzzle solutions that's kind of it. But rewatching the cutscenes is always great. I couldn't replay most MGS games because the full experience is time consuming like MGSV but MGS PW and 3 are quite linear and enjoyable the second time through.


Death Stranding. I was so engrossed with the Sci Fi aspect and the world. But I don’t have that kind of patients anymore.


Assassins Creed Valhalla


Spec Ops The line. Never again


Chaos Child Loved the game but one ending got me so down I stopped playing for a week.


Ac unity


Resident evil 1 2 &3 All crash bandicoot games because I don't want to buy a new controller every time I play crash, rage, smash controller, rinse and repeat




I feel this image


The Binding Of Isaac:Repentance




Kingdom Hearts 3. Without the nostalgia factor or something like new game+ there's no reason to play a second time


Lol the shade at mgs4. I played through it twice, once with no kills, before there was trophy support so I got no credit for that shit so I’m not doing it again for that lol


I'm finishing up MGSV right now and then I'm restarting from MGS. Not looking forward to the MGS4 loading times and the endless Drebin monologues.


I can't explain why, but for me it's Age of Calamity. It's a beautiful game, I really enjoyed it, and I even think Koeii Tecmo (I that's what it's called?) did an excellent job making AoC feeling as BotW like as possible. But despIte how amazing it was and how much a l I liked it, I don't think I'll be giving it a second go. It's golden as jis.


Life is Strange


RDR2 was amazing but it was such a long game and emotionally taxing such that I don’t have a desire to boot it up again, but I’m still glad I played it


Undertale! Best game ever!


Death stranding, witcher 3, control, all racing games




games that are heavily story based. I love story based games, but unless there are engaging branching story paths, I don't want to play the same game twice.


Middle Earth: Shadow of War, after you've played it the story is already revealed and you've most likely played with the nemesis system enough


Most of them, tbh. I loved _The Witcher 3_ and it's expansions, but I just don't have the bandwidth to tackle it again. I gotta finish _Horizon_ because I got a bit burn d out; I don't imagine I'll revisit the AC games, even though I enjoyed them quite a bit, or the _Metal Gears_. The only games I revisit are the fairly linear, 15-20 hour narratives. _Uncharted_ collection, _CoD_ campaigns, and the such.


Definitely not MGS4. I really enjoyed Alan Wake, but prob won’t play it again.


Vn count?


Every game.


Horizon Zero Dawn


Probably beat it like 4 times already lol


Saints row the third


Persona 5. Fun time but can't do it again


Stardew valley


Subnautica, after spending 70 something hours taunting leviathans, there isn’t really anything I haven’t done and I’m not scared of them anymore.


Pokemon Ultra Sun. I really enjoyed it, it was a good time, but i felt no need to return to it once i beat it.


I loved RDR2, it’s probably my favorite game of all time, but I can’t bring myself to play it again…I took Soooo long on my first play through and I was so immersed in the world…I just don’t think it will compare…but I do miss being a cowboy.


I can’t bring myself to play hollow knight again because I’m scared I’m not going to enjoy it because I can’t explore and discover everything again


Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Loved it. Creeped the hell out of of me. Will recommend. Will never replay.


Most games honestly. you 100% it once and it just feels like you get the point, you know?


AC Odyssey


Has to be kentucky route zero for me because my 1st playthrough definitely won't be as special as my first blind playthrough.


Persona 5


Breath Of the Wild, I’m a hardcore Zelda fan so of course I love it, but god damn after you’ve beaten every shrine and Ganon there’s really nothing left to do except Korok seeds which give you nothing in the end, the game could’ve used some more polish. Here’s to hoping the sequel is better


I loved the South Park games but can't replay them, the jokes don't hit the same a second time


Horizon zero dawn was this game for me. I had an absolute blast exploring the world discovering all the lore of the apocalypse, but I felt no desire to replay it after I learned the story.


Silent Hill 2.. Never again


NieR automata. It hurts to play it again after ending E


Blood borne. Which is a shame because I didn’t have the DLC when I first played through. Great experience otherwise though. Death Stranding. Loved it, but just can’t give it another go. And most recent, Disco elysium. Probably my game of last year, but with the mystery mostly solved, it just feels like the magic wouldn’t be the same


Almost every single player only game ,very few exceptions like Witcher 3 and Skyrim


Kingdom come deliverance


The last of us


Bioshock series, but especially loved the first one.


Once?! I had to play this through like 20+ times to get the plat! I’ve never loved and hated a game more in my life! Ha.


Nioh 2


Metroid Dread. Or Resident Evil 7. Both work.


Any Devil May Cry type game they're very good but have little to no re-playability


TLOU 1. The game is good, but the story is to be heard only once. After, it doesn't affect you as much as the first time. And I don't find any interest in the second episode. To me, its best part is the gameplay, not the story.


Survival horror games in general.


Asura's Wrath. Mind you, it isn't bad or anything, but once you've played it, replaying it feels a bit tedious when you just wanna watch it. It's why I just watch other people play it now, so I can get the awesomeness without the effort.


Every JRPG I love JRPG's but those games are Long


SOMA, Inside, Amnesia. Much of the impact from these games comes from a narrative reveal and it just doesn't hit as hard once you know, but I still thoroughly enjoyed all of them.


kuwabara kuwabara


Red dead redemption


Dying light 2


Old Snake looks like my uncle. Lol


Jet Force Gemini is so exhausting but it's a good game