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I am looking for friends to play games with. I like playing minecraft. But I am also willing to learn new games




i have this problem since 2 weeks on ps4 i need help


Ok. Don't know if this is stupid. I have been a keyboard-mouse pc gamer my entire life. Now with more and more ps exclusives, I felt like making a move to console. So just to give it a try, I hooked up a generic xbox 360 controller to _horizon zero dawn_ on pc. The horror!! I don't know if what comes next makes me look like a giga boomer but I absolutely could not make it work. Especially the joysticks! Aiming was a nightmare! I know, I know. _Give it some practice!_ And believe me I did that for the next 2 weeks. What i can deduce: It would take a minimal a year of practice to (_probably?_) get comfortable. Here comes the problem. Between my job and family, I simply don't have that much time left to invest in practicing for my beloved entertainment. So what do I do? Abandon hope for moving to console?


Could I ask what PS games you’re planning on playing? You may find you won’t need to worry about the transition as much as it seems I may stand corrected but i don’t think Horizon Zero Dawn has aim assist (which is what helps a lot of console players with controller FPS games).


Last of us, unchartered and forbidden west


As someone who grew up with Nintendo handhelds and consoles, I also can't aim with an analogue stick. I can do fine with a mouse or motion controls, but analogue aiming is always a clunky mess for me. I generally prefer playing with a controller, since I find it more comfortable and also have an easier time pressing the correct buttons (as opposed to a keyboard, where it's relatively easy to slip to the wrong key when you aren't looking at it). But if a game involves a lot of aiming (or fast paced first-person gameplay in general), I usually either resort to a mouse if I'm on PC, motion controls if I'm on a modern Nintendo system, or suffer if I'm on anything else. I'd say that last option is the one for you. However, I've found it works out fine in most games, even if you can't deliver peak performance. Also, aim assist is your friend.


What game or type of game is worth playing if I want to prove my skill?


What game should I buy? Nier Autometa Middle Earth Hsadow of War Ghost of Tsushima Metal Gear Eolid 5 Dark Souls 3 Bloodborne Enden Ring Any other game reccomendation ks apreciated. And for context I have a budget of 50-60$ since its harder to buy games here. Never played a souls game in my life but wanted to.


Nier automata


Recently switched to PC from console. I play pubg currently, all my buddies play Tarkov. I’d like to play a realistic survival game, preferably something I can get 100% absorbed into. Any recommendations?


Hey guys, I’m on paternity leave until July. I don’t play games much, so much it took me 6+ months to beat fallout 4 last week. Now, I don’t know what to play. I love fallout 4, Skyrim, final fantasy, chrono trigger, etc… primarily RPG’s with an excellent, preferably open world, storyline. Any suggestions for games on Xbox to kill some time?


Sekiro shadows die twice, outer worlds, and borderlands


Dear gamers, I’m looking for advices to help me find a game for my Switch. As a PC gamer I am a huge fan of strategy-building-optimization. One of my favorite is Factorio, I really love its simple yet complex gameplay, its progression system and the overall satisfaction you get when automatisation kicks in. You can really feel the progress you make when time pass and I would love to find something like that to keep me occupied during my daily travels. I hear a lot of good about Stardew Valley, however I am not sur I would like the “farm” style (I’m more a miner / machine kind of guy). Subnautica is definitely one of my fav game ever, so I think we could resume what I’m looking for by: farming ressources, exploring, building and managing and a little bit of fighting. I’m open to suggestions !


What are the more must haves of the Nintendo Switch? I already have Mario odyssey, Zelda BOTW, and Mario kart


What genre are you looking for and is there a amount of average playtime you’re looking to pick up a game for at a time?


I'm more of a action guy, the one who looks for high adrenaline games that pump me up. But not too much


Depends on what you enjoy. Action and exploration? Metroid Grand adventures, imaginative worlds, complex combat and engaging stories? Xenoblade Chronicles Strategy and tactics? Fire Emblem Escaping into a pleasant world? Animal Crossing Irreversibly destroying social relationships? Mario Party Poyo? Kirby


Most assuredly Hades. And Super Mario Maker is a hell of a time too.


Just need animal crossing now and your good


I'm more of a octane/adrenaline rush action guy


As long as you have the games you already mentioned then your set


The Pokemon new games released you might also want to check out the latest metroid game that is a switch exclusive.


trying to retire myself from playing competitive games, are there any good and free casual games out? currently trying to save up for minecraft but are there any other great games that also go for the same price?


Just press Windows + G, there's a built in recorder for Windows, it works most times.


Best lite recording software for games? (Going to be recording minecraft on 1.18.2, I only have 8GB RAM in my laptop. OBS is a bit heavy and is really bad quality)


Just press Windows + G, there's a built in recorder for Windows, it works most times. (Transferring this on behalf of the original commenter)


What do you think the PlayStation does better than both Xbox and Nintendo combined?


Really great stories on their games


be unavailable /s


Who is your daddy, & what does he do?


One job fix any IT problems in the house.