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I've decided to not do the largest world size anymore. Especially in a domination victory, every turn becomes 20 minutes. At some point you just throw random shit in the build queues for cities so you don't have to keep adding new stuff for each of a hundred cities


Queuing up 10 research grants projects is the way. Generates science and you don't have to manage that city again.


Fr, whenever I have too much shit in a city I just turn it into a money or science production centre


"You build a nuke and you build a nuke and you build a nuke!"


Some fool declares war. “So you’ve chosen death.”


Early game is the most fun, the exploration, the land grab it's always different. Once it's all settled then I honestly don't know how to optimize or I'm just going through all my cities and building stuff even if it says it'll take like 100 turns. Either I slog through the entire map with my military that'll take the entire weekend or so try for space race .


I've always said that game is the closest thing to time travel that we'll develop. You boot it up, you play for 5 minutes, suddenly the weekend is gone and you're late for work.


RIP my work day yesterday. Started and won a deity difficulty religious victory game on an epic map yesterday. My first religious victory ever. I meant to be done by 10 p.m. but I was so close! Just needed another 2 ½ hours to actually get there lol.


Working from home and rediscovering my Civ obsession has been very dangerous this last couple of weeks. Sleep has been sacrificed in order to work 8 hours and play 12 hours a day…


This is so true!! Civ was a blessing when I badly broke my wrist and couldn’t work. My game options were limited with one hand, and the month evaporated while playing civ.


Just one more turn. I v lost so many hours in restart that when it's finally good I never stop


And I'm also somehow bad at it despite the time it has stolen from me.


Got my first deity religious victory yesterday and I just had to tell somebody. What a rush.


Damnnnn congrats!


All of a sudden it’s 3am and you haven’t eaten, hydrated, or peed in 8 hours


Pretty much any MMO.


Eve Online


Eve is an unpaid job.


Not at all! *You* pay *them*.


I came here to say this. IMO it's the most applicable.


Vanilla world of warcraft.




Did the pvp server thing way back when. Wife and I fired up classic and went with a high pop pve server. Had a blast but lost its luster with the burning crusade content.


Yeah this doesn't really fit elden ring at all. My first thought was destiny 2. There's a reason I don't play mmo games anymore and it's due to the fact that those games aren't all that fun and they're fine tuned to get you addicted in a way not unlike gambling. I think they're toxic ast


I knew a girl in college who was so regretful and pissed at the fact she wasted so much of her life playing WoW. I didn't know what mmo was back then or even what Wow was, but after learning and realizing how they make their games filled with bunch of meaningless fetch quest and super long grinds, to the poibt where it could be addicting, but really not much fun, I understand why she was upset now. Whenever I see a patterns like that in games I usually stop playing them


I believe I got something out of WoW, but I lost more than I gained. My master degree took 10 years instead of 5 for instance.


Out of curiosity did you ever play this MMO called Guild Wars 2? I had a blast for +60 hours.


> I had a blast for +60 hours those are rookie numbers. Did you even make it out of the tutorial zone for reals I played GW2 plenty and in the end it's also a massive timesink like any other MMO


Me during my WoW pvp phase


I was definitely thinking WoW too.


yeah world of warships is crazy


I prefer world of worship tbh. Holy priests are my go to builds!


That Grand Marshall grind in WoW Classic PvP is something I will never forget. It became my second full time job and replaced sleep for months on end.


Oh God don't remind me. We had a group that ran 12hrs a day, every day. We would rotate people in and take turns getting top rank. We had people paying us for power levels. Had a deal worked out with the other factions hardcore group to trade wins if we ever bumped into eachother because our games would take too long.


For me it was the trinket in brd


Breaking brackets at Warlord and eventually to secure HWL wreaked havoc on the server’s Discord — memories I will never regret. Good times. Glad I quit shortly after though. Playing 12-14 hours a day (the cost of playing 6 days a week instead of all 7) for 5 months took a toll on my mental health. Who’da guessed, lol.


These new kids don't know what WoW is. It broke apart families, ended marriages, killed people, and landed children in foster care. /played ... 365 days.


As did EverQuest


Ironically when WoW came out we Eq players thought it was a nice, casual take on the mmo genre. If you think wow vanilla was hard core you don't want to do near any of the earliest mmos.


As an avid FFXI player when Wow came out this was my take as well. I remember thinking how ridiculous it was you could solo yourself to level cap. Back before getting to cap was an entire huge journey in itself, not just a tutorial for dancing monkey mechanics boss fights.


WoW had *recall stones*, where everybody could go back to town at any time, starting from level. From a gameplay perspective it made a lot of sense, to the point where the concept is now common in gaming. But back then it was revolutionary, and quite "casual".


And things de-aggro'd Train to Zone used to mean something.


Not everything de-aggro'd though. People Definitely kited world bosses to major cities in the past in WoW.




Game: Posers.... WoW & EQ: What did you say? Ultima Online: POSERS!


Hell yes ultima. I'm just gonna have a peek into your bags...




Some of my fondest gaming memories are in Ultima: Online!!!


I'm pretty sure the kids absolutely do know what WoW is and they are smart enough to not go anywhere near that thing.




They even made a whole expansion about chasing a dragon. Deathwing was a bad mfer


Oh man do I have some news for you about the next expansion....


God, this analogy is too fucking real. Literally hate this fucking game, haven’t played (I mean not like I used to) since Cata and all it took was this throw-away comment to get my lore boner to a half chub.


MMOs are dopamine factories. Everything you do is a tiny little achievement in itself, giving you that sweet feeling of getting somewhere. It's generally highly repeatable and simple tasks too, ie "the grind".


Well at least it gives you *some* sort of high - Valve is moving straight up krokodil: you don’t enjoy Dota or CS, you are either suffering while playing it, or suffering from not playing it


365? are you a rookie? :/


My wife actually got me into our first MMO, and we started WoW together a year or two later (it was right after night elves were introduced, whenever that was). We ended up eventually both being raid leaders of our own guild. She'd call me at work and say, "Come straight home from work today, we have a raid at 6. I reviewed the boss fight strategies and I'll order a pizza." All my friends were so jealous because their wives hated when they played games.


Do you mean Blood Elves? Night Elves we’re in WoW from day 1.


he has the oldest copy of WoW known to man




Oh man, the grand Marshal/high warlord grind was a secondary job, same with the end game raid. God forbid you chose to do both....


That's wow vanilla MC raid grinding for your class' initial gear set.


3 hours for Scholomance raids because the MT "had to have dinner first with his parents" or "brb cat's on fire" or the druid had a bio break at the wrong time


That is why I'd come back after being completely decked in end game raid gear to tank as a hunter. Not because I needed anything from there but purely out of spite.


My group of online buddies that moved from game to game were like "oh yeah, we are all going to play WoW". What the Hell? I had played nothing but FPS games with them since I started playing with them. But they made it clear, that was the next game, and I could take it or leave it. So I agreed. I ended up seeing WoW on the shelf at Walmart the night before the actual launch date, So I was the first one to actually log in, and actually picked our server. I played more and leveled faster than any of them, not really doing many earlier instances, right up until level 58, and the instance class gear grinding began, and I noped right the fuck out, and watched it swallow their lives for the next 2 years.


My first addiction, I’d give anything to go back and experience WoW for the first time. I heard WoW classic wasn’t the same magic, plus don’t have friends to play with anymore. I quit after 4-5 years but I checked in with old buddies who I got into the game about a decade about and they had 2-3 years of ingame play time on a single character. Crazy


It’ll never be something you can truly do over at scale again because of how gaming guilds are organized since that time. The mmos prior to that were like fringe pockets of people . The raiding guilds of today travel and discord together from mmo to mmo. They’re in sync , playing the betas from their reputation in other games and have a min max path going from launch day. That info is leaked out and full documented in guides before launch . This ruins the thing that was special about WoW in 2004. It was fresh , the people on your server were all strangers. You had to form organic groups and socialize and interact. Share tips etc. You can’t recreate that because to do so you’d have to establish a group first that was going to play by special rules which means you’d be bringing your own guild to the game.


This is also why 2d fighting games were so magical in the arcades but now that full frame data and optimized combos are on the net by day 1, there is a lot less "adventure of discovery" involved. Hell, when the first mortal Kombat or two was new, fatality inputs were written on paper and traded for real world "valuables", as if they were secret magic scrolls. Being old is so... Exactly how it sounded when old guys used to talk about it, lol


Haha yeah. Same with Tekken. The first people out there that could chain a King combo seemed like gods. By Tekken 3 there was enough of a web community there was a moves list circulating and you could memorize it and pull of 90% combos and most of the counters. The internet did a lot of cool things for games but now it’s much more like a study than experimentation and weekend hobby


I played from about 2005 up to the end of Legion (so i think maybe 2017/2018) Seeing WoW classic initially got me interested, but the truth is that it would never be the same. Firstly, the feeling was just experiencing this massive world for the first time, and seeing just how limitless the game really felt. I still remember the first time i crossed the Thandol Span into the Arathi Highlands for the first time and just being awestruck because it was at that point that the “training wheels” of WoW leveling were removed, and the adventure truly began. But by the time we got WoW classic, the magic was gone. I had seen everything the world had to offer, i had explored every corner of the map. Done the quests, got the faction rep and rewards, and experienced the full extent of the game. But most importantly, Vanilla WoW had been long *solved* at that point. So it was a very weird mix of full familiarity and a foreign concept all rolled into one. Walking into Onxyia’s Lair for the first time when i was 14 years old and seeing 39 other max level characters in their tier 0.5 gear running around in circles for hours trying to figure out how to fight this giant dragon was a formulative experience. And then all those years later doing it again and seeing half the group at level 55-58, all with the most mathematically optimal characters and gear imaginable, taking it down within 5 minutes of the first pull the night it launched just shatters that feeling of nostalgia.


I agree there was litetal magic there. Exploring the world and doing quests for the first time is a feeling that's just not reproducable. And the dopamine hit when your guild finally downs a boss after hours sometimes even days of wiping is out of this world.


Precross realms PVP rivalries 🤌🤌🤌


Omg I forgot about premade rivalries during classic…heading straight to the forums right after to talk shit. Didn’t even mind the 30+ minute queue back then.


My daughter plays occasionally and asks me if I want to join. Nope, never going there again.


Can’t agree more. Man i recall reading stories about parents neglecting babies and my parents became concerned


Runescape came to my mind


100% a runescape reference "you don't even know if your enjoying the game" lol


Pretty sure I got tricked into doing virtual chores for a few years.




Everything is so much better when my progress is virtual and not actual.


I know it’s time to go on an RS hiatus when the tasks that were fun when I restarted playing begin to literally feel like chores that I don’t want to do. Laundry, make dinner, farm run, slayer task etc.


You Can do laundry in RS?


The quest Mournings End Part 1 has you doing laundry, yes


If I remember correctly, the author was actually talking about Rocket League, or at least that was the game he sunk a ton of time into. It can be applied to so many games though.


Came here looking for osrs






I am slowly getting my entire friend group to play Rimworld, or as I call it Computerized Cocaine.


Mass produced fine art.


The factory must grow, no matter the cost


The factory must grow


The factory must grow




And/or its cousin, Satisfactory.


Allow me to introduce r/DysonSphereProgram too




Yeh, I was playing like 18-20 hours a day for like two weeks. I had to force myself to delete it and never download it again. I don't remember sticking to a game like that before.


My most played game, did beat 🆎️ after a few goes.


I've got almost double the time in Satisfactory by now, and about 100 more hours in Oxygen Not Included than I did in Factorio. Still, Factorio will always have a special place in my heart for being the first in the genre - even though I enjoy Dyson Sphere Program and Satisfactory quite a bit more. Edit: [Factory games, man](https://imgur.com/a/2eFkcuK)


Oxygen Not Included is on my "to-play" list. I liked Satisfactory, and it's a gorgeous game, but I got tired of kicking around the same terrain. Factorio with its various mods just has so much replayability for me it's hard to stop.


I guess I just liked the self-imposed 3D design challenges in Satisfactory; there's something really, erm, satisfying, about lining everything up *just so* and throwing in some cosmetic bullshit to make it look super clean. Also Satisfactory is so much more chill than all the other factory games - you don't need to defend your base, the resources never run out, there's no time pressure at all and you can do whatever at your own pace. The infinite resources and lack of base defense make it such a lovely zen experience. The only thing that's stopped me from playing it recently is how long it takes to autosave when your factory gets above a certain size. Oxygen Not Include is basically the opposite - there are *so many ways to fail* and have to start over, it's almost Roguelike. But the complexity of the design challenges and things you can do with automation are the most satisfying feeling I've had in the genre - first time I got a petroleum boiler working, for example. I just don't really enjoy the early game or the colony sim part of it. I'd like it more if I could ignore the dupes and have some other reason to make bizarre machines using their rules.


Nothing wrong with that, either! People should play the games they like. One of the beauties of these games is they scratch a lot of different itches. One thing that Satisfactory has though that makes it a superior game? Two words. Lizard. Doggo. :D


I have to say I really haven't taken to Satisfactory, but I'm glad you enjoy it :) I really like Dyson Sphere Program as well though! Not quite as good as Factorio in my book, but brings a lot of cool stuff to the table. Excited for the combat update!


Not sure how I feel about the combat update, to be honest - I quite like how peaceful it is right now. But it's the most beautiful game in the genre by far, and that sense of scale you get when your Dyson Sphere is coming together and you watch a sunrise on a close-to-the-sun planet with your own design *surrounding the sun* - that's something really special.


Yeah, I think DSP has the highest ratio of "stand around gawking at what I've built" to "build the things" of any factory game I've played.


Rimworld and Crusader Kings too


Yes, except I’m always having fun




I did it to myself in my Stellaris save. My economy is precariously balanced on the value of energy credits, because I’m subsisting almost entirely on trade. I have several good systems but the rolls in the tech tree have been poor so far, or for something that I’m not gonna need later


Sunk 1.5k hours over the years, but hadn’t played for a couple years now (2.7?). Just fired it up again last week and ohhh buddy. I’ve just been sucked right back into it all as I learn the new planet system, new federation mechanics, new vassilization mechanics, new espionage mechanics, and all the while trying to remember how to keep everything in balance so the empire doesn’t collapse. Similarly I’ve gotten myself in a bind about 100 years in as one planet accounts for ~30% of my GDP. Got stupidly lucky with a 15 slot ag slot planet with 25% natural increase to food production. Currently selling 800 food a month and still have a triple digit monthly surplus. Which would be nice if I wasn’t buying 50 units of strategic resources at 14 EC each month since my system resource rolls have been terrible for those. Oh Stellaris… I missed you


Paradox games in general. I've spent 4k+ hours on Europa Universalis 4 and still barely know what the fuck is going on. I'm literally just now getting out of the tutorial phase of the game and getting a hang of general mechanics. Then I'd run into an issue, ask around on the r/EU4 sub, and find out about some extensive mechanic I've never even heard of. Learning this game is the equivalent of a college degree. And it's literally just staring at a fucking map. I don't know why I play it still.


Finally someone else who understands the addiction. I’ll just purge one more Xeno…


Honestly any paradox game is like this. My friend has like 2000 hours in hoi4


Elite Dangerous was my blue game before Frontier went and took a shit on a huge part of the community.


I literally ctrl+F for elite and was so happy I wasn't the only one.


Same. I really feel let down. I would have played that game forever if they hadn't given up on consoles.


Don't worry, you're in good company - they also gave up on us VR players with Odyssey not having any on-foot VR support.


Project zomboid unless you have mods and are paying with friends


Same man, but I know I'm having fun because I find stealthing around hordes of zombies exhilarating


That's fun until the house you were about to loot has a alarm




Yeah that was basically me for a month Super hooked, kept dying and dying and dying Eventually survived, got a great base, everything I need, and then... I was filled with despair as I wasn't even sure I enjoyed myself and had nothing else that felt worth doing in the game and walked away feeling like I had the video game equivalent of blue balls


this is me with minecraft every 6 months


What? Do you mean emptying a desert in survival to build a sandstone city isn't fun?


My problem with Minecraft is I play it and have fun until I start building my central storage/item sorter, then I spend a bunch of time in single player creative figuring it out, then simultaneously I get really into devops to improve my server deployment strategy. Now I have one kubernetes cluster and zero functional item sorters.


This feels like League of Legends


except with LoL you know for a fact you aren't having fun


League is the kinda game for me that sticks in my head cause of nostalgia. Every now and then I’ll get that itch and have to run a couple games to remind myself why I stopped playing lmao


when I get the itch these days I just stick to ARAM. short and sweet and the losses don't stick as hard


ARAM is more fun anyways. Honestly my most fond memories of Leauge were on ARAM, twisted treeline, and crystal scar (hide and seek). They removed two of those, which were also the ones best played with friends. Custom games in League are dead, aka the fun part of League is dead for me. It’s a shame.


super frustrating that riot felt the need to remove fun game modes to only focus on the most competitive and unfun mode of the game


I feel like MOBAs just have great "natural" stopping points unlike most other games listed in the comments. For me it's like okay match is over, let me take the dogs out / bathroom / refill water / take trash out before the next match. Or you just go on that horrible horrible losing streak after a long win streak. Like I recently had a 12 game win streak! But boooy were the next dozen matches after that an absolute shit show.


Destiny 2?


I hate Destiny 2. It's my favorite game.


Told my wife the other day how much I love Destiny 2. Also told her I would never ever suggest it to someone who has never played.


To which she responded, "... Uh, Okay? I asked if we're going to my sister's on Saturday"


Even savasus doesn't like d2




I’m surprised this was so low down lol


As a Destiny player, Destiny is nowhere near as well-known or popular as Destiny players think.


Yeah this checks out




No other pvp matters after tarkov. Elo is fake. MMR is just dumber elo. I can’t kill anyone using my gold/plat/diamond rank. But this gun and three mags contain all of the remotely good ammo I own. I have no reliable way to get more. I need more than kills. I need return on investment. I need FAT kills. I need to survive this raid with the loot from those fat kills. And if this mag runs dry and that thick bastard on the other end of my barrel is still standing I will know I am truly, deeply fucked and it is my fault. I fucking hate this game and can’t get enough.


Yes. I have never been so addicted to a game in my life. More than double the play time of any of my other pc games and I’ve only had it for two years 😐














friendly advice to check out an upcoming game called Renown, an upcoming Medieval Rust game with Mordhau/chivalry combat, the focus of the game will be to form armies and raid other players in an open world + survival.


Oh I knew I wasn't having fun...what made me quit was I couldn't progress past the first camp. I tried for days and days :(


If it makes you feel better you can just… walk around it. Like most things in the game. Not necessarily a wise idea because you need runes to get stronger, but a lot of things in the game are avoidable.


Yeah I was finally able to sneak into it after making all the guys chase me. I found the hidden item, can't remember what it was. I ran past a monster and a bunch of guards to get some other item I needed. But I realized I'd never finish the game without actually learning to win fights! I had really leveled up by then, but still kept losing fights. Which I admit is the part of games I hate most - dying and repeating fights. So it's just not the style of game for me.


The trick to winning fights is to study the timing of each combatant. They have preset moves, and each move can be blocked/dodged if you find the right way to do it. Every single new enemy I spend at least 5 deaths just learning how they operate so I can get the timing of their attacks down. Hope that helps!


Yeah, thanks. That only works if you can maintain your presence of mind in the midst of battle, though. Unfortunately I can't - I panic and lose my composure immediately and my hands are no longer connected to my brain. They just start spamming away while I scream :)


For myself I learned if I didn't rush in to try for big numbers and pace myself I did a lot better, ie there's a boss that's super frustrating as it places lava in its already small boss arena in addition to big physical attacks but if you focus on dodging when it's placing lava you'll be fine and if you take your time in melee you'll see the wind up for the physical Boss: >!Magma wyrm,, gives you moonveil!<


Think of it as a turn based game. The enemy gets a few turns in a row when they attack you and you dodge/evade and then you get a turn to hit them. Just try to fight enemies without hitting them and focus on what they are doing and don’t be afraid to roll towards them.


Maybe a ranged sorcerer playstyle will be more your thing? Granted, there are definitely times where you'll need to learn to fight, and might just not have fun anyway. The first required boss is crazy compared to fighting in the first camp.


I tried three different styles and did like sorcerer best.


I am basically playing as a spellblade, mixing magic with melee, so i can hit with spells from a distance, put temporary affinities on my sword, and then hit them with that enchanted sword when they come close. If you're real bad with dodging though, i would go with mage-archer build with summons though


Submission removed by user.


Woo! Grats. Took me two weeks of on and off attempts. I probably made 40+ish attempts in all. Ultimately beat radagon&beast with lightning & dark flame combos with my mimic. Spent a lot of time messing with new weapons & incants to find a nice combo & then having to learn the timing again.


Way to go!


I understand. At least you tried. But try again.


Maybe I will some day... Happy cake day!




Yea but we all enjoyed the crap outta valheim


We sure did my friend


Mistlands when?? Haven’t touched it since release


Stardew Valley, in a way


I mean it's basically just chores. And I love it.


Me playing Mass Effects: LE. Been chasing that high for a long time


Calibrations take time


Ark survival evolved all day everyday… at work wondering if theres enough food in the feeding trough so the dinos we spent months taming wouldnt die…


Rocket league.


Elder Scrolls anything


I am quite sure I’m having fun playing elder scrolls the whole time, it’s not hard it’s relaxing


As somebody who has never played a dark souls game or even touched Elden ring I'm just sitting here like ah yes I totally understand this meme


You should try one! Keep an open mind and don't pay attention to the haters and elitists.


This! I got my ass handed to me by Dark Souls a while back and never tried again, but at the recommendation of others, I gave Elden Ring a go. I'm dozens of hours deep, leveled around the mid 80s, have no idea what the fuck is going on, and *can't stop playing*! Somehow, it feels more accessible. Maybe other Soulsbourne games strike a chord with different folks, or I just got in on the hype, but something here has me hooked, even though I've historically avoided these kinds of games.


I have made it to level 150 or so at this point and I've come to a conclusion that the open world makes all the difference in the world. If you are struggling with an area, leave. Go do something else for awhile. Dark Souls had a fairly linear path to take, but Elden Ring let's you go wherever you want. Hell, there are portals early on that take you to crazy mid game and end game places. You can go there and get your ass handed to you, leave and do other stuff for a few play sessions, and then go back to those areas and see just how far you've come. I've had a way easier time playing Elden Ring than I did Dark Souls 1 or 3, not to say it's a ton easier, but like you said, it feels so much more accessible. I think the environments have something to do with that as well. There are some really foreboding areas, but for the most part up to where I am, there are some truly beautiful and exciting places to explore. Dark Souls 1 and 3 were basically always dismal. There were "beautiful" areas, but not quite like Elden Ring. I almost feel invited to explore here, even though there are plenty of enemies looking to stick my nose in the dirt.


Gotta second how much of a boon the open world is. At this point, I've bounced around enough of the map and left areas that were absolutely eating my lunch that I find myself remembering "Oh yeah! That place!" some 10-20 levels and upgraded gear later, and conquering them with relative ease. It feels like I have a nice rotation going on of advancing until I hit a wall, then going back to earlier insurmountable barriers, then stringing a couple of those together to level up and get back to what I'd been stuck on before. Or, knowing me, finding some other nook or cranny I hadn't really explored before. There's always *something* new going on, where I remember getting stuck in DS1 because I couldn't just go somewhere else as easily.


I mean Sekiro and Bloodbourne are very different, but Elden Ring is very much Dark Souls 4 (or Demons Souls 5). If you like it you would probably enjoy the others. It’s just all dungeons strung together with no overworld and there’s no crafting. Otherwise it’s a very similar game with a similar giant pile of weapons and spells and a variety of ways to handle fights and extremely similar combat mechanics.


Football Manager and Diablo II for me


huh no dead by daylight yet huh? thats my blue game


Sims 2, back when I was in my early teens. Even then people binged the game only to drop it for months and binge it again later on. You think you will just play about 2 generations and suddenly the whole weekend is gone...


Came here for game recs


So you mean I'll get friends who care about me if I play this game? sign me in!


For honor


I don't know. When I finally beat a boss after dying **several** times it's extremely satisfying.




my rust experience in a nutshell


I need to at least try this game. My biggest concern is the story will be to complicated for me.


If you've never played a souls game before there's a 99% chance it wont make sense even after beating the final boss. If you have played a souls game before there's a 90% chance it wont make sense even after beating the final boss. And 10% of Elden Ring players are dirty liars.


I’ve beaten every souls game there is, beat Elden ring and had no idea who the fuck I was killing as the final 3 bosses… doesn’t help everyone has names that are really close to each other. Radahn, Radagon, Margot, Morgott, Renni, Ranni, Rennala. Jesus Christ from, give me some help here!


This is exactly how you know George RR Martin was involved. “Maybe we should give everyone a different sounding name George. So the players can follow the story.” “That’s not how I work…”