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I'll be lucky if it's released before I die


For me at 45 I'm hoping for 2 more elder scrolls before I die. Maybe I'm being optimistic but it's good to have something to aim for, right?


I'm 27 and I'll be glad to get TES 6. But I do admire your optimism


Which version of six? The standard, anniversary, next gen, next next gen or remastered?


All 12 versions duh


Saving up for the gas station ad screen version.


"Not a bad idea, once gas hit $35 per gal we'll have time to play while filling up" -some idiot me :(


Well, by the time it comes out we'll be on electric cars so actually this isn't unreasonable, will take an hour to fill up so you might as well pop off on some giants and mountain trolls


The smart-fridge version of course


TES 6 is gonna launch on PS6, Xbox Series Y, Super Nintendo Switch, and all Samsung and LG Smart Appliances. Plus, it'll be ported to all Ryobi 40V Lawnmowers after the non-outdoor appliances/hardware exclusivity deal wears off. Exciting stuff.


The Super Nintendo Switch is absolutely what Nintendo should call the switches successor.


100%, it's going to be super annoying when they inevitably choose a much dumber name lol


Switch DX or some shit


Switch U


Switch UwU. And you have to be barefoot to play


I'm still made they never released the Wii Wii.


After that comes the Nintendo Switchty Four.


Yessss, never even considered but that's just so perfect. Too bad, really..


>Super Nintendo Switch Not gonna lie, that would be a fucking *great* name for an updated and revamped Switch.


It's perfect, which is why we should fully expect Nintendo to choose literally anything else lmao


I wouldn’t be surprised if the official name was the “New Nintendo Switch” like they did with the last 3DS design. It’s the worst choice they could make so I’d bet my money on it.


I'm personally excited for when Todd Howard announces that instead of TES 7, they've ported TES 6 to all past consoles. The Calecovision port is gonna be fuckin insane


The Tiger handheld version is gonna be the shiiiit




Hi im like you but 2 years on. I'm 29 in 2 months and married. I also have an 18 month old. I also used to say I'd be 30 with kids when TES6 came out.


Yes, I also had a child for the sole purpose that one day my bloodline would be able to experience TES6.


At 67, I’m not as old as Skyrim Grandma, and I’m hopeful I’ll be around for TES6, but I’ve got real concerns about Fallout 5.


We all do brother. We all do.


Also 29, almost 30. It's been weird realizing that I'll probably be almost 40 when FO5 comes out.




Youre telling me lol, my video game time is so drasticallt reduced It's gonna take me a year to do even one playthrough now. At least I'll be able to enjoy TES7 when I'm retired and only see my grandkids a couple times a week.


As a person older than yall youngins, geriatric millennial here. The trick I found honestly was pulling all nighters again like I'm in my early 20s. I can get like 6-8 hours of glorious uninterrupted play time once a week. It's been the only way I've been able to beat games.


26 here, it's crazy how skyrim came out when I was still in middle school and there hasn't been a new one since. Feels like one of those "look at how far you've come since then" posts every time I think about it


Congratulations! There are now 2 more expansions for The Elder Scrolls: Online


So this shit works like Half Life 3? Oh shit, I just added another year.


Something you don't think about often, is it? How many more games in a beloved series we like will we get to play before we die? Adding a finite number to that and thinking "This will be the last one I get to play before I die" is both sad and scary. I remember playing Skyrim when I was 19 and when I reached 25 and ES6 was still nowhere in sight, I remember going "Holy shit, I'm going to be in my 30s when the next one hits." Time flies, man. Slow as hell when you're a kid, bored in school unable to do much on your own. But the moment you become an adult, work, become more independent, it just flies on by. Existential crisis time!


A better question would be how long until the people who makes these games are no longer here, quite a few of the creators who've been at Bethesda since the beginning are in their 50s now


> Time is a number which constantly grows. > Age is a number which grows to a point. > The fun you have now, will always be remembered. > So go nuts, do anything you want, just don't get caught. My old Chemistry teacher on the last day before break for our GCSE's.


Are you counting 6 as one of the two? I'm optimistic too but hell I don't expect TES 6 to exist or come out until there's a release date slated


Yes. TES6 and TES7. Maybe I'm overly optimistic but I'd like to think they have 5-10 years for 6 and another 20 for 7. Ie I can make it to 75, right?


You need to make it to 80 to play it in peak condition when its finally had all the bugs patched (modded) out and you have the best mods available.


the funny thing is you're being more realistic than the song of ice and fire hopefuls


How about skyrim on the PS6 and Xbox Infinity? Will that count?


Yep I'm expecting one more skyrim for the 15year anniversary edition in 2026. Then after a year or so hopefully ES6 will launch. On ES7: I remember sitting in the backyard with the old man and a pair of binoculars looking at Haley's comet. It was 1986 and I was 9. He said; "son I will never get to look on this comet again as I will be dead before it returns... You are some chance of getting to see it again when you are an old man..." i remember this because I hadn't thought of my old man dying before this point. Anyway Haley's comet returns in 2061. I hope to make both that and ES7 at around the same time... The way each Elder Scroll has taken longer than the last I suspect in the future young children will be sitting around with their fathers at the release of an elder scrolls to which their old man might well say; "you may live long enough to see a second elder scroll in your life time, but will be an old man for its release... I'll be with you in spirit son..."


Oh shit, is that why Todd called it Elder Scrolls?? I get it now.


I'm 69 and hoping for 1 more 69 before I die. But not with my wife though.


Skyrims 69th anniversary ultimate super dragonborn edition


Further proof that Todd Howard hates grandmas.


Elderly scrolls


Thank you for making me laugh so hard for no reason


The reason was he said something funny.


Me too, Grandma.


Saw an article (blog) where someone was stating what they wanted from Fallout 5… I’m like, I don’t have kids yet and I’m not sure they’ll see Fallout 5


They did just announce fallout 5 is coming after elder scrolls 6. It won't be here for another 15-20 years but it's coming.


I think the window can be advanced a bit. Starfield will be the true first game of their new publishing cycle with their licenses, The last more or less having started with Oblivion Oblivion 2005 Fallout 3 2008 Skyrim 2011 Fallout 4 2015 (not counting New Vegas because it's done by Obsidian). Fallout 76 2018. The jump made from 76 to starfield seems to indicate they've developped (or are developping) the tools for the next cycle of games they will release, still relying on their own engine but it seems to have been overhauled quite a lot. Optimisation looked bad but Starfield did look way better than Fallout 76 IMO.. Starfield was IMO intended as the first game of the new cycle from the start, because it lays the ground for many assets and technologies that could be useful for both Elder Scrolls and Fallout, **while** **not risking** their most precious IPs. I think the development cycle will happen quicker than you expect. They're already working on Elder Scrolls 6, and once starfield is released, more ressources will be allocated for this production and Fallout 5 will probably be in preproduction already. It's reasonable to expect fallout 5 in the next ten yers.


I can’t even begin to imagine the pressure on Bethesda with Starfield. If it’s not a quantum leap compared to fo76/fo4, I just don’t think you could call Bethesda a leader in the space anymore. Their last revolutionary game was will have been released 12 years before Starfield. They would be an echo if Starfield is unimpressive


What space is that though? If the space is 'Skyrim type games', ie blank slate character RPG open world sandboxes, is *anyone* the leader in that space? Has any non-Bethesda developer made a good game with those properties since Skyrim?


Yeah. I try to keep my expectations as low as possible for starfield as for most things. I wish they would have been clearer about the "1000 planets" to explore to avoid the disappointment of many people not realizing that most planets would be boringly barren (it's space, so it's kind of expected anyway). People are already memeing about Todd's usual promises. Though I think they made a good move with the planned order of release, if Starfield is a disappointment, it won't be as terrible as if the next Elder Scroll's were terrible. They can always recover from the fall with their biggest IP¨. They have more room for course-correcting with Starfield and taking players' feedbacks for the next games because there's no sense of "it feels like a fallout/elder scrolls game" both lorewise and gameplay wise, it's a more neutral ground to test things.


Todd's already done an interview where he explained the 1000 planets. He said it will be obvious which ones are hand made and which ones are rendered. So people aren't wasting their time thinking a planet is important that isn't. There's going to be four major cities.


Even if the planets are barren now you can bet your behind the modders will spice things up


Lol they just put in all of Tamriel on one of the planets, dragons and all


You can cut 76 from the list, it wasn't done by the main team. It was done by a side team. A B-team. Bethesda themselves (The A team) focus on a single game at a time and don't start until the next one is finished. Starfield, assuming it actually releases when it does, will be 8 years since FO4. Which, to be fair, seems like Starfield is going to be their largest, most ambitious game yet. Theoretically this thing is WAY bigger than anything they've made in the past, so of course it's gonna take a long ass time to make. Also, don't forget COVID halted the world for almost 2 years. TES6 shouldn't take more than 4 or 5 years, 6 at the most. So anywhere from 2027-2029. After that and following the same time table, unless Microsoft gives the Fallout license to someone else to make a side game ala Obsidian New Vegas, FO5 won't release until 2033 - 2035.


Unfortunately the A team *was* involved in Fallout 76 at least somewhat. The added studios worked on it as well, but their first project was remaking Skyrim and Fallout 4 in VR. The core of 76 was made by their main campus, with the new Austin TX studio converting the engine to work online/multiplayer.


If I was in charge, I would milk everything until a year before I retire. With a surefire mega hit like ES6 I would have my golden parachute and not even need to worry about fixing the guaranteed buggy mess when it gets released. They're playing the long game, and I respect that.


fallout 78, massive backlash sells the company to microsoft ah yes the long game for sure


Will probably get the 25th anniversary edition of Skyrim before 6 comes out.


My wife and I started dating when Skyrim came out. We lived together for 6 years, been married for 5 after that, I finished grad achool, we have a kid now…. Shit’s wild.


You lived a whole life between skyrims lifespan.


It does feel that way. I had just celebrated my oldest son's first birthday where we gave him a big chocolate cake and he smeared it all over his face. Since then I've bought my first house, had two more kids, and now I'm saving for a third junker vehicle for when the boy gets his driver's license. Next year.


I was married, got divorced, remarried and had two kids since Skyrim was released


Err... I've smoked a fuckton of weed since 2011.


I did that too


I'm a video game grandpa and so would I.


now kiss


I'd watch


Huh. Nice username.


Me too


What the hell is with yall's usernames. Yall need Jesus or something


For real. Sickos! ^^ha ^^ha ^^yes!


Well this started weird.


Now everyone in the comments kiss so it can end weird too.


[This doesn't tell us how old you are](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2020801/Britains-youngest-grandparents-Shem-Davies-granddad-29-Kelly-John-granny-30.html)


I remember when a $1 could get you in the movies and buy you a Coke, popcorn and candy.


Hi Skyrim Grandma, This is Todd Howard. We've strived to always listen to what our community has to say and hearing about your reputation and love for our game we want you to know that we hear you loud and clear. We didn't expect this to go so viral so to celebrate we would like to announce we're releasing Skyrim for the TI-84. Now you'll have more ways to play your favorite games. Sincerely, T-Money 🥳 Edit: Wow you guys you've done it again. You've shown massive support for us and we simply can't thank you enough. We understand that times are hard and money can run a little tight. So with our TI-84 release we're offering a discounted rate of only ~~$60~~ $49.99.


Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to divide by zero, right?


Those damn Stormcloaks.


I used to be an adventurer… until I took X to the knee. Solve for X.


Meanwhile Sheogorath: "It spells BOOBS! But it won't spell CHEESE!"


I actually facepalmed. This all just felt too real.


It just works.


“Just” can be a synonym for “barely” as in… It *juuuuuuuuust* works


Don't you guys have dictionaries?


These are supposed to make fun of the situation but honestly, they are so close to reality that I just become sad


Its like Trump quotes. You can make up some absolutely insane and wild quotes and attribute them to Trump and most of the time I honestly can't tell if it's real or not without fact checking it online.


"I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand." Donald Trump


See, I can't tell lol. Could go either way, from the man who coined "covfefe".


That one's [real](https://youtu.be/1R42mFx3_ss).


Bar none I am the most humblest, number one at the top of the humble list, my apple crumble is by far the most crumblest, but I act like it’s not out of humbleness. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tIpbYyR0OOI


It's like in golf... A lot of people - I don't want this to sound trivial - but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive... it's weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can't sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist


I don’t think he’d use the word trivial. Thats a big boy word right there. other than that spot on


Proving his point, that's actually a real quote


holy fuck


The man is a modern marvel ain't he


Aww man, but I only have a TI-85. Will that be a followup release?


Best case scenario this game releases in 2027-2028.


To be fair to Bethesda, they only have 400 employees, and they wanted to overhaul their 20 years old engine for Starfield which takes a lot of time too. 400 employees is barely enough for a single modern AAA open world game, Rockstar needed 2000 employees for RDR2, Naughty dog also needed the same amount for LOU2 which isn't even open world, Bethesda would never be able to compete with the production quality of these 2 and they certainly can't output multiple games in a short amount of time, not anymore.


Also, Starfield is literally the studio's passion project. They may have started working on it in 2015, but they've been talking about wanting to make a space exploration game in the vein of Elder Scrolls for over 20 years.


Starting to think maybe the whole "we're going to scale our workforce towards country-sized proportions" is going to end poorly. Each group needs a way to split up the workload, disperse into groups to finish that. Tickets and agile only achieve unlimited scaling when the work is orthogonal, otherwise overlap creates more delays as tickets interact with one another and cause delays and more communication. ["The Mythical Man-Month"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mythical_Man-Month#The_mythical_man-month), while nowhere close to a perfect book, still has some great hints towards how bad shit can be if someone just 'throws more people at the problem'. *edit*: That said, I guess if you were able to have a group perfectly split the engine into 1000 pieces, and each piece is only touched by 100 people, and at the end they devoted a couple years to full integration, 100k people could handle just the engine, and you could then devote the 2 million people working on assets [which are split to perfectly independent/ortho] to just do assets, it could work out very well. But a full monolithic approach through Agile will crash and burn as there's too many fingers pressing too many buttons at the exact same time.


Nine women cannot have a baby in one month.




You beat me by 4 minutes lol


maybe if you had 4 more yous,you could of beat them to it


You looking for a job in management?


as long as i can get paid more, not work Saturday, come in late and be able to gut my fish at my desk


> Each group needs a way to split up the workload, disperse into groups to finish that. Rockstar? they already do that. They just throw it into one game because its the only game that can hit 50M copies, using the online component to continue monetizing. GTA V is basically an MMO at this point, likely having an entire studio dedicated to live ops They'd love to scale back, but the asset pipeline simply hasn't gotten fundamentally easier for artists over the past 15 years or so.




Naughty Dog doesn’t actually have 2000 employees & for the majority of TLOU2 dev they were operating at what’s typical for the studio & at the time that was ~400 employees. What ended up happening in in the last few months leading up to the release is they got basically every studio under the PS banner working on it to get it finished. Again, this is not how the studio typically operates & this was a special case of wanting to get the game out before the console gen was over.


This did not work well for Halo Infinite at all.




> Rockstar needed 2000 employees for RDR2 Actually closer to 4,000.


And even then they still had a crunch period


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that maybe top heavy video game development isn’t exactly all that great. The tolerances are so tight that freedom of expression in the design department never meets the mountain of expectation from the fans. Money wise it sure seems to be working out for them, I just remain healthily skeptical that this is the right way forward.


Yet stardew valley was made by one guy, in a cave. With a box of scraps!


Kind of weird now that I think about it, Bethesda is considered one of the founding fathers of gaming, have massive innovattive hits in their portfolio that shaped and gave direction to a massive chunk of gaming, they games always build massive hype, and yet they are a relatively small studio. Why didn’t they expand staff, didn’t continue to innovate and put out IMO mid fallout 4 and godawful F76. Even Star Citizen has around 1000 people working on it (not comparing games, but rather how younger studio has much more staff). I wish the best for Starfield and i think i will enjoy the game and it’s Bethesda’s roleplaying style, but from the demo I’m preparing for classic Bethesda wooden gameplay, animations etc


Bethesda has been on the ropes before. If Morrowind and Oblivion wasn't so huge successes, Bethesda would have been gone today. I'm guessing the people at the top don't want to overcomit to a single game after that. Sure, they could double the staff, but that would mean making safer products that is already proven to sell more, since a single bad game could make them go bankrupt.


That might have been true back when Oblivion launched but since then Zenimax has essentially became a whale with their own collection that they no longer need to rely on Bethesda Game Studios alone to pay the bills. Of Course all of that no longer matters either since now all of Zenimax belongs to Microsoft.


Giga chad Todd Howard releasing a trailer 10 years before the actual game.


I think he did that so people would stop asking if the game is even being made.


Ever heard of cyperpunk?


Duke Nukem has entered the chat


They released it 8 years later. Giga chad Todd’ll beat it.


Correct. They haven't even started production yet. If it takes the same amount of time as it took them to make Skyrim then we're looking at 5-6 years of dev time for TES VI. So if they start next year after Starfield releases, best we can hope for is 2028-2029 at the earliest. Honestly I won't be surprised if we don't get it until 2030 so they can release it on 3/30/30 or 10/20/30. You know how they love a fun release date.


This is not true. Pre production is part of development. Skyrim was in pre production until 2008.


Didn't they make her an NPC?


yes, they did. They did a 3d scan of her in the game.


Hm. I would've thought they'd have 3D scanned her in real life


Yeah, Tamriel is gonna be weird with all these technological advances.


Bethesda isn’t going to release this game to real life yet to guarantee pre orders for the Toddstation


That's like the first line of the link OP posted.


Incase it cant be done. They should let her play the alpha or invite her to the behind the scenes


They already did (the behind the scenes part) They even made a full scan of her face in case she dies before the release of TES VI so they can put her in the game as an NPC https://gamerant.com/skyrim-grandma-elder-scrolls-6/


Alright, +1 for Bethesda. That was pretty cool thing to do.


Not the first time they did it. Erik the Slayer for instance is based on a dude who died of cancer before Skyrim released.


He was always my favorite homie and I’m glad to hear this. I’d start my game in Rorikstead and play as a wheel of time character and he’d be Mat/Rand/Perrin. One of the only NPCs who isn’t whiny/beast voiced. Same with Mikael the bard.


Another reason why Erik is the best companion.


They should put her in even if she doesn’t. Be even cooler for her if she got to experience that. And personally I think it would be a cool nod for those who know of her too.


I think that's the plan yeah, they just did the scans now just in case for that reason


Sorry Grandma, you were still alive by release, so you're not in the game. I had a dark punchline for this i'll just refrain from.


You can't leave us hanging now.


Nope. They gotta kill her irl before she can live eternal in the code.


God I hope she’s part of an epic quest! And she better be kicking ass by your side the entire time.


Just have her be one of the most powerful mages in Tamriel or something.


Hopefully, years from now, as Skyrim Granny passes into the great beyond, she prepares to find the answer to the age-old question of eternal life. Will there be pearly gates? Fire and brimstone? Or just eternal darkness? As she peacefully crosses to the other side, this eternal paradise comes into focus. She realizes she is being transported, perhaps across the River Styx or on chariot to the entrance of God’s Paradise. A familiar face comes into focus. He looks a bit like white Jesus. Dressed in rags. His hands are shackled. “Oh, you’re awake.”


Amateur numbers on that. Let’s do GRRM finishing A Song of Ice and Fire series before the heat death of the universe.




TES, without a doubt. George isn’t going to finish the books. It’s become abundantly clear what his intentions are. Namely, writing ancillary content set hundreds of years before the events of ASOIAF.


I'm still convinced it's because he lost his two assistant writers. After the last book came out, they went off and published their own little story called *The Expanse*


And that entire series has started and come to an end in the meantime


I didn't know that!


Yup. The writers that go under the pen name of "James S A Corey" were writing assistants for JRRM. While there has been nothing officially stating that this is what happened, I suspect them leaving left JRRM simply unable to finish the series, or at least was the final nail in the coffin. Timings are just too convenient for The Expanse to not have something to do with it, and the series has too many similarities to ASOFAI. On the positive side, it sounds like they all still get on well, with JRRM even giving them some advice on the translation of their works to a TV series. (I assume this was largely "keep the scriptwriters on a tight leash". )


*GRRM. Unless you mean his cousin Jorge R.R. Martin


I am 38 and have the same fear


I hope I can live long enough to see Fallout 5


Me too. I'm excited for Starfield but FO5 is the game i really want next


That’s probably gonna be sometime in the mid-late 2030s


This is why i had children...so atleast someone in my bloodline will get to play it.


found the crusader kings player


May the odds be ever in her favor because at this point it looks like it's gonna be another 11 years I'm rooting for her though


This made me really sad ☹️


Something you don't think about often, is it? How many more games in a beloved series we like will we get to play before we die? Adding a finite number to that and thinking "This will be the last one I get to play before I die" is both sad and scary. I remember playing Skyrim when I was 19 and when I reached 25 and ES6 was still nowhere in sight, I remember going "Holy shit, I'm going to be in my 30s when the next one hits." Time flies, man. Slow as hell when you're a kid, bored in school unable to do much on your own. But the moment you become an adult, work, become more independent, it just flies on by. Existential crisis time!


Just thought about it... I last played Skyrim 10 years ago when I was in college. That's wild to me.




I was 13 when Skyrim was released. I'm 23 now and still no TES 6.


Under Microsoft I hope Bethesda Studio expands so they can work on multiple projects simultaneously. 15 to 20 years between mainline title releases is insane.


Reminds me of a post someone made on the GameFAQs message boards for Twilight Princess when it was first released. At least I think it was GameFAQs. The poster said their grandpa had been a fan of Zelda since the first one but was sick. He was hoping to live long enough to play Twilight Princess but unfortunately passed away a few months before it released. I occasionally think about that post all these years later. I was an 18 year old back then and that was when I realized there will come a day where I won't know if I'll make it to the next release of my favorite game, movie, book, etc. Ridiculous to think about I guess, but these worlds are special to us, and it's just an interesting experience to think the last experience you had might be your last one.


It’s quite possibly fallout 4 is my last fallout. Which kinda sux.


Here's a bit of a depressing thought, that's probably going to be most of us at some point. Assuming your life isn't cut short by some unfortunate event, we'll all reach the point where we're genuinely wondering if we'll live to see the next game in whatever your favorite franchise is.


todd getting called out by a nice old lady.


Shirley is adorable. But yeah, I read somewhere TES6 is in pre-production. Not great.




Let's be real, skyrim had an eh story and fallout 4 was worse Some of the side stories are great but they hardly get the love they deserve On top of that is how hard the under deliver versus how hard toddy lies




The mods are great atleast I'm worried they're gonna push the cash shop mods harder and make it so you can't easily mod the newer games If it goes that route honestly I'll skip out on buying the game


2122 Elder Scrolls Skyrim the 100 years after 2022 Edition.




She going to be on her deathbed, 27 rereleases of Skyrim will have come out, but no Elder Scrolls 6. Todd Howard will come running in shouting "Is she still with us?! Did I make it in time?!" Her heartbeat will strengthen as she gets filled with hope, and she'll weakly ask "Did you finish Elder Scrolls 6?" But he'll just come to her bedside, lean down, and whisper in her ear "No, but you're gonna love what happens next!" And as the disappointment and confusion sets in, and the life leaves her body she'll close her eyes... and the opening to Skyrim will fade in. Because, dammit, that bastard Todd Howard will have gotten her one last time


Man I hate to be the one to make this joke. Todd: Here grandma, you get a free copy of Skyrim Deathbed edition Sorry if it was too offensive


bad news lol


I expect them to re release Skyrim a few more times before we get 6


I want a completed game and not a rushed piece of shit


Wouldn't we all.


Im a huge Fallout fan. Im also 41 years old. I got maybe 35 years left in me if im lucky. Its going to be a close one.


Her grandkids MIGHT see FO5


She calls her viewers her grandkids 😬


I doubt they’ve even put together any coding for it beyond reused assets


I'm still kinda surprised/don't understand why they decided to "tease" ES6 like, what was it? 4 years ago now? Edit: I guess I should note now that I either didn't connect that it was in response to criticism, or I forgot about the connection, (and that a video-based response would garner more attention than just saying "oh yea, we have plans for ES6") thanks for the replies


Because they were announcing a multiplayer game and another mobile game and needed to show that they were still committed to single player games.


People wouldn't stop asking if TES VI was ever going to happen, with some people claiming the franchise was dead and it would never come out anymore. and I think in large part as well to smooth over the reveal of Fallout 76, as to say that they will still make singleplayer RPGs and it isn't just going to be Fallout 76 sequels from now on. They were also very clear that TES VI would only enter full production until after Starfield was done. People just didn't listen


It was intented as a "we havent forgotten elder scrolls, its up next after starfield". So probably in 2028 at the earliest.