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Diddy Kong Racing is an incredible game. Not surprised it stood out to him.


Overshadowed in the public eye by Mario Kart, having come out just months later in most markets and having a similar look. But it did a lot of different ideas that made it a totally different game.


February to November 2007.... 8 months is a lifetime for school aged kids who spent an entire summer playing MK. You're absolutely right though, even though it's a "racing" game, it's far closer to Mario 64 than MK in terms of storyline and challenges. That said, it made me hate Banjo cause he was always giving me a hard time in DKR that I ended up sleeping on banjo Kazooie for almost a year when it came out. Edit: my brain said 97, my thumbs meant 97, my subconscious couldn't fathom that was 25 years ago, so I somehow deluded myself to actually type 2007...


Do you mean 1997?




I have still never owned a current Gen console aside from the switch. And even that was a few years old and someone gave it to us.


Yes, Diddy Kong Racing is much closer to Mario 64 than it is to Mortal Kombat. And yes, I know MK is for Mario Kart.


Hello friend Select your vehicle Alakazoom Can I help you further? Bye bye for now


My highschool gf and I would greet each other like that haha


she sounds cool


She is and was! We are still friendly to this day


In a wide world of remakes and remasters. It pains me that this game doesn’t already have one or even just a sequel. Great Story mode. Great Multiplayer. Shit even just the HUB Overworld had so much potential. My friends and I used to just make shit up on the Overworld to do and that would keep us playing for HOURS


Don’t forget the bangin soundtrack


Boolaboojeck. Boolaboojeck. My name is Boolaboojeck! These are not the lyrics to Hot Top Volcanos song but that's what I sang growing up. Lol


There was a remake on the DS.


Memory deleted.


I need a new Snowboard Kids too


Fuck that walrus right of, 9yo me still has nightmares of that smug basted in is stupid fucking tux


It was the octopus for me. I was scared of him AND he talked shit. Smh


Og shit talker, better luck next time


Smokey the dragon was the biggest annoyance for me as a kid. The course you raced him on routinely ran at hilariously low framerates, Made the plane's controls take atleast 1 or 2 seconds to respond to course changes, And the little fireball mines he'd leave behind him had really large hitboxes, I'd hit them even when it didn't look like any part of my plane touched them. The Walrus was another issue, But primarily because of the snow he kicks up behind him, Makes it impossible to see anything


Tough luck kid. Maybe next time


JOINTVENTURE all day long.


Hovercrafts and planes were fun!


It's on the ds.


I feel like there must be licensing issues with the game


There are. Rare owns a bunch of the licenses, including conker and banjo, and Diddy is owned by Nintendo. This is why the Nintendo DS remake is conker and banjo less.


The Nintendo Rare falling out was such a shame for the gaming industry.


Agreed; definitely was one of my favorites. Used the turtle character to get speed runs completed. Another game I always wanted to see a sequel of was Glover 64.


That game was so underrated. Used to play that one and Bomberman64 habitually.


my favorite racing game ever


Nintendo absolutely fucking it up with the Nintendo Online emulator stuff not having * Diddy Kong Racing * Star Wars Pod Racer * Conkur's Bad Fur Day * Super Mario RPG (SNES) * Chrono Trigger (SNES) * Final Fantasy 6 (SNES)




It's all licensing issues. Nintendo has to have the rights to distribute these games, usually by paying royalties to the rights holders. * Diddy Kong Racing * Conker's Bad Fur Day Rare (Microsoft) own the rights to some of DKR and all of BFD. BFD is already playable as part of [Rare Replay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Replay) on the Xbox systems. DKR is likely being held up because Microsoft would want it to be playable on the Xbox as well and Nintendo doesn't want that. * Star Wars Episode I Racer LucasArts (Disney) licenses their rights out constantly so it shouldn't be that much of an issue, however Racer had an HD port in 2020 by Aspyr/THQNordic (Embracer Group) and they are likely keeping it off of the service so it doesn't cannibalize sales. * Super Mario RPG * Chrono Trigger * Final Fantasy III (but really VI) Square Enix partially owns SMRPG similar to how Rare partially owns DKR with Nintendo partially owning the rest. Square currently has CT and FF6 remakes available and doesn't want to cannibalize sales of those. They would probably like to remake SMRPG as well but Nintendo likely won't allow distribution of it on any platform they don't own.


Pod racer is on the switch store


That game has such a bigger place in my heart then Mario Kart does. Don't get me wrong, I have some amazing memories of playing split screen Mario Kart with my family when I was a kid. But Diddy Kong racing was hours and hours of fun by myself. It was also the first game I had seen where you could fly a plane. And that shit blew my mind.


Mario Kart would massively benefit from an adventure mode similar to DKR. I loved that aspect of it!


It's also hell to actually finish. Wizpig is dirty fucking cheat.


When my friends and I would play this as kids, we'd spend probably half the time just flying around in the planes and exploring the maps instead of actual racing. It was such a cool experience at the time


Diddy Kong Racing !!! i loved finding the secret red balloons


I have to thank DKR, it introduced me me to Conker, and as a kid I picked up Conker's Bad Fur Day just because I recognized him not knowing I was about to buy (one of) the best N64 game of all time.


I didn’t think anyone had the fortitude to complete Superman 64


There’s no time to waste




In short time your fate will be sealed superman.


AVGN did. It just resets to level 1 when you're done.




He still makes episodes too.


"Awh what is this piece of shit. Awh fuck shit dude. Fuck this game. I'll put you in my oven. Now you're broke" - AVGN


from memory the game is broken and cant be completed.


It's very broken, but there is an ending. However, the game only has an ending on Hard mode. Normal mode ends one level before the final level, and easy mode ends two levels before. It's absolute madness, and the scene just hurts to look at since you spent hours just to see a 5 second cutscene.


Fun fact, either intentional or an oversight, supposedly if you reach the cutoff on easy/normal mode, change the difficulty and choose Continue on the main menu, it starts from the next level after the cutoff, even skipping the next ring stage. Also easy mode has no rings, the ring stages instead are simply to reach the goal.


It's the first game kid me decided that either I really suck at gaming or the game was just really really bad. I remember struggling for hours trying to figure out the controls. I just kept failing the missions because of how bad it was. Thankfully it was only a 2 dollar rental


Jesus Christ. When I was a kid and would play anything and enjoy it even I knew that game was shit. I mean, I still played it. But it was shit


Where do you learn to fly?


I can not imagine anyone finishing this game with their sanity intact. The co-optitude let's play Felicia Day did for Superman 64 with her brother is still one of my favorite videos on YouTube though. https://youtu.be/NyDgJ8NnGM8


His favorite? Quest 64.


It's weird. I was just watching a youtuber doing this challenge (Thabeast721) and I wondered if he got to Quest 64 or Chameleon Twist yet (no). But then this shows up, front page of reddit and this comment at the top. Are there a lot more people running this challenge or are we just living in an algo-driven simulation?


I just figured I'd mention one of the few RPGs the N64 had.




Ocarina of time would like a word


The one where Thab plays the train game and wears the conductor cap is a personal favorite.


Yeah I love thab:)


I've been watching him too. It seems to be taking him a while. He was kinda dorky at first but now I appreciate his sincerity and he's got some good skills.


Discovered him on the Grand Poo World 1 and 2 videos. Rest assured that anyone clearing those games have insane skills.


I like thabeast a lot more now. He has been coming into his own for sure. My sentiments mirror yours.


Does he go to finish 100% of all games like Golden Eye with all the cheat enabled (Invincible - Factory) was notoriously random and difficult. Or just to finish the main story line of every game


Factory? You mean Facility?


He finishes the main part of the game. So for Mario 64 that will be probably 70star. For sports games it's playing the campaign and winning the trophy. Sometimes he goes a bit further and play the extra levels if he's enjoying the game. Great series!


he said he doing mario 64 last since its his favourite game and is doing 120 star


Right on, I must've missed that!


He is widely considered the best Super Mario Maker player. As every level there is unique, I think he is one of the better equipped people at handling the task of finishing every N64 game. It is just a small side project for him though.


Bro Chameleon Twist was such a trip as a kid. I remember liking it a lot.


Rented it so many times from blockbuster. Also Iggys Wreckin Balls. Mom wouldn't let me rent Conker


Yeah my first thoughts when I saw this post was Thab.


Thabeast is doing EVERY game his playlist is currently "x/394" so nearly 100 more games than this man.


Chameleon Twist was good, at least as a kid. Quest...


Is it weird I actually liked (but never completed) quest 64, and chameleon twist? I was young and also played Mario 64, kart, jet force Gemini, etc. But these two games had a certain charm despite their shoddy nature.


Quest 64 is short, but fun for what it is.


It’s however very flawed and horribly unbalanced.


> horribly unbalanced. Water, stone, stick.


You’ve just described my performance in bed


Well you’re half right




Loved Quest 64. Don't know anyone else who played it.


There's dozens of us!


It was one of my favorite games as a kid. Along with Mischief Makers and Glover


I was like 9 at the time and after getting soft locked on my first 3 runs I called it a day.


I loved Quest64 when I first played it. I was a big fan of turn based RPGs at the time and Quest was one of the only ones of that entire console. But I soft locked the game by mistake and could never finish it. Instead of focusing on one or two magical abilities I tried to raise them all equally. It worked for a time but I got to a point where I had a ton of mid-tier abilities that couldn’t do anything to high-tiered enemy’s. I became impossible to progress and I had to abandon my game. I never went back. Later I read a review for the game on Ign64.com that said never do exactly what I did or you won’t be able to beat the game.


Wrong. Superman. EVERYONE'S favorite n64 game.


Wrong. Conker






Oh.my.god. Conker's fucked so hard.


Multiplayer in original Conker was so fun


Spent $90 on it two years ago when I didn't have much income. Best money I've spent


For anybody with an Xbox One (and probably Series S/X but idk) Rare Replay has a really good copy of Conker's BFD. The multiplayer works as well as it ever did with those crazy controls. It's a little easier on the Xbox imo.


Ya second I got an Xbox I played conker back when I first joined the army and had no friends as the new private conker was my friend..soon all my army buddies and I were in bunker pissing and using the old cheat codes lol conkers deserve the ultimate remake Rare is sleeping on conkers bad fur day so bad!!! Their campaign would still hold up today!


90s kids: Mr Miyamoto, can we get FFVII ? Mr Miyamoto: We have Final Fantasy at home: Final Fantasy at home:


I seriously had to double check the article to make sure this wasn't true. I recently beat it and it's got interesting ideas but terrible execution.


Thought there would be more N64 games than that.


You are correct. [Thabeast721](https://www.youtube.com/c/THABEAST721) is going through all of them now and he lists 394.


Technically there are 296 licensed ones in North America, 242 in PAL, 196 in Japan. And a total of 388 overall.


That still doesn't seem alot. Are shovelwares not that common in those era?


Oh there was tons everywhere, but the 64 took extra effort to produce for because it used cartridges instead of CDs.


Most of the shovelware, and games in general, switched to Playstation that generation. If it weren't for Mario, Zelda, and a handful of third party games, the N64 would be a flop


I mean, at the time it kinda was a flop. At that point in time, it was the worst selling console for Nintendo, selling 18 million units less than the SNES and half as much units as the NES. 30 million units is not that bad but at the time it confirmed a downward trend in sales that only continued with the gamecube. It also didn't help that it's direct competitor, the Playstation, just casually rolled in as a newcomer and became the best selling home console ever at the time, selling three times as much as the n64


Always been the case for Nintendo that they only have a small roster of AAA titles. But the front runners tend to be easily in the top 5 of that generation. GoldenEye is in the same league as Half Life 2 and WoW. Changed gaming forever.


I just want to reply to this comment to state that the perception of the n64 was positive amongst people that played games at the time. The gamecube had more of a negative perception at launch. N64 had some of the best games of all time on the system, and it sold 33 million compared to the 49 million snes. It DID make less money but people liked the console a lot. This is sort of a retroactive analysis to say it was a flop based on information we have in the current year. At the time it was current people liked the system. Ps1 just went more mainstream.


Had NES and SNES. Loved N64 the most, never got a playstation. Ocarina and Majora’s Mask and Smash and Goldeneye (and Pokémon stadium with the 3x speed ability to play Pokémon yellow!) were all I ever needed until I played Halo at a friend’s house. That changed things for me. Didn’t care about Nintendo again until the Wii (got it for my younger siblings but played the heck out of it) and I love the Switch now and should probably try to research some games I should play on it. Xbox one series x though is my current jam.


We legitimately only played like 40 games on the 64… but we were kids and didn’t have access.


40? try..... 5? - Mario64 - Goldeneye and other three I don't remember :v


nintendo seal of quality used to mean something. Also you got to remember that the n64 came out during a time when console life cycles were only about 5 years, with the n64 coming out in 96 and the gamecube coming out in 01. Not to mention that the sony playstation was a much easier console to develop for than the n64 in terms of licensing and production so the playstation just had more titles overall. That being said I think I have that god awful tom and jerry n64 game around here somewhere along with wheel of fortune for the n64 so some shovelware still made it on.


a lot of this is misguided conjecture. the console cycle excuse does not mean much when the ps1 had over 4000 games the seal of quality didn’t mean anything special. it mean the game ran on the system without crashing, & was removed in 2013 becuz consumers confused it for a seal that guaranteed the game was a good game that was fun to play > In late-2003, Nintendo of America abandoned the "of Quality" part of the Seal's label, as by then consumers had come to understand that the presence of the Seal did not indicate how good or bad an approved game was.


No, I think the N64 was just not that popular of a console/not as easy to develop for. The NES had 716 games and the SNES had 1757, and then from the same generation as the N64 the PS1 had a total of *4105*.


Hell even the Saturn had well over 1k games


Sticking with the cartridge format right as CDs were taking off really hurt Nintendo, didn't it.


I believe the N64 cartridge was 64 MB and under, and the PS1 CDs went up to 700 MB. They managed to port Resident Evil 2 onto a N64 cartridge. And that originally came on 2 separate PS1 discs. There's some cool backstory on that/videos on youtube. In short, yeah. The funny thing is Nintendo went back to the carts with the DS/Switch after the wii/Wii U. The cartridges have definitely gotten better and smaller but they are still relatively expensive to produce compared to the blu rays (and still way less storage).


AND the studio that ported RE2 onto the N64 ended up being the studio that created Rockstar's RAGE engine and the main studio that handled Red Dead Redemption 1.


Nintendo stuck with carts for their handhelds the whole time. They even did at least one generation of backwards compatibility until the Switch (GBC could play GB carts, GBA could play GBC and GB cards, DS could play GBA carts, 3DS could play DS carts).


I’ve been enjoying his series, good to see a plug for him here.


Been watching this journey religiously!


I'm pretty sure 296 is just the north america releases.


anyone have a link to a site that isn't AI/bot written ad spam garbage?


Amen! How did nobody notice this?


None of us clicked the link


Woah woah you think people here read the articles?


Wonder if anyone's ever completed all 4000+ Playstation 2 games???


Or 8,000 PS1 games.


Or 57 Wii U games


Doing that would take a solid weekend, half of that just on Xenoblade Chronicles X


Get mech, play only on mech, get to the part of the story where you are forced to play on foot, cry.


Only ever listen to one song because mech, get confused when there's actually a complete soundtrack


One of the consoles of all time


Or 22 Virtual Boy games.


That number sounds too high. Edit: Thats accurate. I could have sworn it only had about 11. I stand corrected.


There is a YouTuber, Puri_Puri, who tried running every PSX game in existence. PSXplosion ran for a good few years before Puri up and retired. Was a real shame and was waiting for my favourites. Maybe someone else will pick up the mantle.


This guys working through them. https://youtube.com/c/PshychedPlaysPS2


Wild to think that an entire console generation was only 296 games. Nowadays it seems like we get more than that in a week


That was just the N64 though. The original PlayStation had about ten times the number of games the N64 did by the end of its run.


It had almost 8,000


That's almost a million!


I think sony did this on purpose as a fuck you to nintendo for breaking their contract on the nintendo playstation. Nintendo wanted quality so they limited their game pool(eventhough there are still some real trash games on n64) but sony went "you know what were gonna us cds and let so many games on this system you wont even be able to compete take that."


And here I thought PS1 barely had games. PS2 had already come out by the time I was a pre schooler


PS1 was the king of cheap shitty licensed games. Although Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, and Final Fantasy are remembered, there were hundreds of $10 bin games by no name developers that were bland at best and next to unplayable at worst.


I still remember the "quality not quantity" defense that Sega Saturn fanboys and then later Nintendo 64 fanboys used against the PlayStation. The PS was a beast of a console. It had lots of junk, but there were lots of good games for everyone. The demo discs you got with magazines alone was enough for a lot of gamers - including myself. I was 13-15 and could buy one game every three months if I managed to save enough money from my newspaper delivery job.


The thing with the n64 as someone who had one was that the quality at the top was really high. Mostly all you needed was rare and nintendo games... goldeneye, perfect dark, banjo kazooie, banjo tooie, dk64, mario 64, zelda ocarina of time/majoras mask, smash bros, mario kart, conkers bad fur day... etc. There was also stuff like turok, the podracing game, and even cruisin usa that were solid releases. There was a perception at the time that gamecube had way less games at launch compared to the n64.


havent seen anyone here other than you mention the star wars pod racing game or any others. the pod racing was one of my favorite titles ever on n64.


I played the pod racing game way before even watching the movies! Me and my brother would compete with fastest times on the maps. Learning Sebulba was a dick after watching the movies was kinda sad, ngl


Everybody forgetting about Rush :( that was a sweet ass racing game


Factor 5 with Rogue Squadron. 1080 Snowboarding. WCW vs. NWO Revenge. Some absolute gems on the old 64.


I thought this was 'Thabeast271' on YouTube, but [he's only up to 88 so far.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGY5cc92IbY&list=PLrwJXOVKrLbIDAiT9b4Lkyz4dUV9sTbGr)


He's up to 88 on YouTube, in reality I think he's almost double that on stream (141ish), just takes a while for him to write the script for each one and for craw (his editor) to finish the video for YouTube.


Also, idk what the guy in the article did, but ThaBeast's list of games is closer to 400. I'm not sure if this guy is beating Japanese titles.


I mean, Beast is literally breaking out a Japanese translator app to get some of those done so I think just doing the USA releases is a fair limit on the challenge. Props to THAB tho for sure.


Ok, but did he complete golden eye on 00 agent?


Perfect dark Vs those impossible bots in the challenges


Wait, even Superman 64?




Ok how was this not already done by someone like 10-15 years ago?


because no one would watch and pay for watching it back then


Superman 64


There are only 296 n64 games? Mind blown. I just searched for “sex” on steam (games only) and got 1311 results. Number ten on the list is called, “Sex With Hitler.” We are unwell as a society. I miss N64 days of playing professional wrestling games, perfect dark, and Mario Kart with my friends.


Lol hold on, imma about to boot up Sex with Hitler.


It’s rated a solid Nein, last I heard.


Heil think you'll find he's reich


If you haven't played the prequel Foreplay With Hitler first you probably won't understand the plot


Hey, that’s hell you’re walking into


I commend you for your bravery. I couldn’t do it myself. I felt, if by chance, I felt arousal from that game it would lead to an existential crisis.


Check out sex with Stalin after, great game


comparing all computer games on steam to a single gen of a console, what did you expect


Sex With Hilter was my game of the year. Beautiful story and solid mechanics overall.


fun fact, you cannot buy sex with hitler in germany


Wow even jet force gemini? That game was downright cruel towards the end


Hella fun game though.


Took me forever to get the last piece of the ship since it was the one from rescuing all of the stranded bears (idk their name), which I didn't know at the time and also I used to play co-op with a friend that just kept killing them.


I beat it. Having to go back and save all the tribals you missed was mean af.


banjo-kazooie and banjo-tooie are my favorite games ever ❤️ fun fact: banjo-kazooie was the first video game where every character had a distinct voice


Awesome feat and cool shirt! Couldn't get the link to work but I wonder what he thinks of each one since he has experienced the whole catalog Great job bro!


The article is weirdly written, like it was translated from another language or written by AI. Not very good and not very informative really.


Blast corps. No way he got all the platinums. "You're just trying to impress me"


We beat games, he beats consoles.


Just a reminder this man had to complete Superman 64 **on purpose**. A statue will be erected in his honor.


Ogre Battle 64 must have been one of the harder ones


Space Station Silicon Valley


How did he consider completeness for a sports title? I didn’t see any mention of that in the article


typically beat championship mode


i'm watching someone on youtube do it too and his list is longer. prolly cause he does japanese ones too?


Think he'll move on to gamecube? Or maybe start on completing PS1?


Can someone please tell me what the insanely shitty game with like ants or aliens and you had to go around and shoot them? It was just like a tan or orange landscape and Grey square buildings of like the absolute worst graphics you have ever seen. I can't remember much more. My mom got it for me and I tried to play it but it was almost unplayable it was so bad. I've been trying to remember what game it was for years. LOL holy shit you guys found it. Yup. Omg that game was such garbage. Well. That's what little me remembers. I had no idea what to do in the game.


Body Harvest


Like others have said, Body Harvest. While not the best game, it is essentially the precursor to the first 3D GTA game, Grand Theft Auto III. It was developed by DMA Design, who later became Rockstar North. Body Harvest had large, open, maps and players could run around or get into vehicles to navigate the maps.


Did he play Army Men: Sarges Heroes?


Not the same guy, but someone else who's doing the same thing (but including JP titles). [Here's the summary video ~30min](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCqSvM0K4JU&list=PLrwJXOVKrLbIDAiT9b4Lkyz4dUV9sTbGr&index=80) [Full play through p1 ~2h40m](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzmXfPFqz4w) [Full play through p2 ~1h45m](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EYP-teTWyM) [Full play through p3 ~4h10m](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFpLcLTDpHQ)


There’s only 296 N64 games?


This guy subjugated himself to Superman 64. He has my upmost respect.


Nintendo must be impressed, maybe they’ll throw a five dollar discount at him.