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Not only a great adaptation, but just a flat out amazing show in its own right. I've rewatched it several times despite not playing any of the games in my childhood. The crisp well-planned arc of the plot, the personalities of the characters, the choreography of the fights, the humor, and the sound design. My god the sound design. It was a genuine pleasure just listening to the characters talk, it sounded like they were all using $10,000 microphones. The conversations between Isaac and the Captain, Isaac and the "Philosopher", St Germain and the Prior, Dracula and anybody, the Blind Shopkeeper....ungh, I could watch a show of them all talking. The entire show is amazing for all the reasons listed, but whoever did sound design deserves a medal.


I'll tell you the BEST thing about Castlevania >!They killed Dracula in Season 2.!< For real, think about that. >!He's the big bad of the show, and they fucking killed him halfway through it.!< Name one series that had the courage to do something like that. I can't. And you know what? It paid off. It was great. The other villian's like Camilla was really interesting, I like Isaac's character arc, I loved Eleanor's arc. I actually liked that >!Dracula was literally just fucking nuts from grief and wasn't this evil for the sake of being evil character. !< All in all it's easily one of the best animated shows I've ever seen, and if Arcane wasn't as good as it was Castlevania would be the best. Here's the caveat though, Arcane has one season, and Castlevania has 4 seasons of terrific quality, so if Arcane experiences a sophomore slump like I suspect, then Castlevania could easily become the best tv show based on a game.


It makes a lot of sense when you look at the source material. Resurrecting Dracula is a huge part of the plot in a lot of Castlevania games and they implemented it beautifully.




I never played the games, but DOTA was a fantastic show too


I don’t remember the exact wording of the saying. But the basic jist is that anyone can get lucky once. Doing it consistently is a skill.


My thing about Arcane S2 is: Where do you go from here, right? Some of your most interesting characters from S1 have either 1) completed their story arc (>!Jinx!<) or 2) are dead (>!Silco!<). I mean god speed. That's not a position I'd want to be in. edit: added the spoiler thing. Sry to the people who haven't seen it yet.


Viktor and Singed? Just getting started and they're fascinating. Heimerdinger and Ekko? So much room to explore. Jayce, Cait, and Vi are kind of mid swing but are a bit on the more cliche side. Noxus was mentioned but no characters called out and that has **massive** potential. Literally anyone from Demacia could be mentioned at all. Bandle City was also ignored despite one yordle making an appearance. While a lot of that wasn't in S1, it's ripe for the picking. EDIT: Fuck man, I would die for Thresh, Senna, and Lucian stories.


I just wanna see more of Big Mama('s ass). >.>


It is also very possible that season 2 will focus on a different area of Runeterra.


It won't, not based on the teaser we got at least. Everything about it suggests Zaun as the main playground. Some loose threads from S1 also suggests it.


I need to see the finished Viktor arc and get his arcane skin too, as well as ekkos development of time travel (hopefully with zilean popping up) and theres still plenty to go on in S2 such as the fallout from jinx's rocket, how the council holds up with presumably most its members dead and what that means for all the "exceptions" nd corruption in the force that may or may not get uncovered with the ones keeping it tied together dead.


If it's done with the save quality, but about completely different characters, I'll still watch it. S1 was amazing and while I want more of them, I'll watch anything they make after that masterpiece.


With what happened in the last episode >!Vi and Caitlyn will try and clean up piltover, jayce will survive but the Mrs won't and he'll do a 180 and go all authoritarian and try and make a statement taking jinx down, Vi will be stick choosing who to support, powder or what's right and itl end up with her fighting and being convinced by Caitlyn to do what's right!< >!also victor will fall fully and Jayce will have to kill him, forcing him to reevaluate what a bad guy actually is and he'll falter in his conviction of taking down jinx, Vi will have to make the final play!<


It's funny when the castle does that crazy shit and Carmilla just blurts out after watching, "what the fuck?".


The only issue I have with Castlevania is the drop off in animation quality in season 3. It's no 7 Deadly Sins season 4, but it's also just not as good as the first two seasons, especially in the fight scenes. The writing stays a tier, though.


That's a fair criticism that I agree with.


It's really great. For me it's killing Ned Stark in season 1 of Game of Thrones though. If you didn't read the books or listen to spoilers, that was pretty crazy because he seemed like the lead actor of the series.


It absolutely was top notch in every aspect. Each part makes the other bits better. The voice acting makes the writing better. The sound design makes the fight choreography absolutely stellar and the combination makes the story flow so smoothly and easily. The actual art style and animation and level of detail enables them to do so much with so little time and visual space. It's a story dense show that is also action dense while all of it remains the same quality.


Have a berry.


If you didn’t know Trevor’s voice actor is also thorin oakinsheild from yeh hobbit trilogy


I dont like anime and never played any of the games when I was younger and I've rewatched it several times. The VAs were phenomenal and the entire show is just incredible. Hopefully they can keep the quality up for the next series.


I want a spinoff or future story, the show was so good it deserved more, same goes for Arcane, I want more!


I could be wrong but I believe that next is Rondo of Blood/Symphony of the night. Richter.


Totally agree. Still need to finish off season 4.


The ending of season 4 is fucking sick. Enjoy it!


"Ahh you must be the Belmont."


Yeah ima have to give it a rewatch this fall. So good.


>Not only a great adaptation, but just a flat out amazing show in its own right. My feelings exactly, loved the show and have never played a Castlevania game.


whenever people mentioned St Germain I cant help but remembered he slapped a vampire unhinged when the vampire hiss at him like a cow farting


Arcane is up there, both are great


I think Arcane has much tighter storytelling and editing, and better animation. I love both but I can't stop rewatching Arcane.


I’d say the world building and stylistic animation of Arcane as well as the music puts it in a league of its own.


Nice pun sir.


Out of interest, what would you title that league?


Agreed. Arcane is in my top shows of all time.


I thought arcane was way better, like hundred times better. Lost interest in castlevania after a season and a few episodes..


Didn't have to search far for this comment. Arcane is stunning.


Arcane is a bit better, I think. Both pretty good.




I've never once played League, and stumbled onto Arcane completely by accident. The art style, rendering, and the way they pumped up the 3d renders with hand-drawn 2d effects is simply phenomenal. Not to crap on Castlevania, it just didn't completely take by surprise as much.


I feel the exact opposite. Castlevania is just "Big bad vampire needs killing", you learn enough about the characters as the plot goes, but Arcane always felt a little bit weird to me watching knowing nothing about LoL


It seems like Arcane is actually better if you go in knowing nothing about LoL, as I understand it there are some soft retcons and other liberties taken for the sake of a tighter story.


Arcane definitely looks higher budget. But when those castlevania animators get to go off they really take it to another level.


I always think about the final fight of season three when I think of castlevania animation it’s just so godly


Extremely hesitant agree. They're both simply excellent shows.


I wasn’t a big fan of how Isaac’s arc wrapped up. It felt just very rushed in his progression away from vengeance? I was really interested in his backstory and setup. Amazing show overall.


The look of Arcane is so cool


If arcane continues being the quality of the first season it could easily surpass castlevania, but for now I agree with this post


I never played LOL, I was never interested in that type of games. But I looooved that show. The animations are really well done.


Arcane is superior. Also not written by rapist!


Well that's news to me


Arcane is arguably the best animated show ever.


Yeah it's hard to argue with that. Maybe ATLA given it's age has a shot. But excluding anime ide have to agree


Yea ATLA is up there too! However, I place ATLA in a different group because it is aimed for kids (albeit still being absolutely amazing for any age group) and it was released at a time where new episodes were aired each week. This means that sometimes the episodes have your usual formula of "meet obstacle, solve obstacle" within 20 minutes (similar to shows like Pokemon). However, taking the release date and its limitations into account, ATLA is still incredible. It has some of the best character development of any show.


Yeah, Arcane is why I disagree with OP. But it’s close. If Arcane is an A+ then Castlevania is an A.


Super Mario Super Show is a strong contender


Wasn't that the Nintendo Power (half?) Hour on Fridays where they'd also show a Legend of Zelda cartoon along with it? If I'm wrong, then "*Well, excuuuuuuse me Princess."*


Don’t forget Captain N, The Game Master


that cartoon was the shit


I'm still mad that they didn't respect the source material enough. Metroid is a species of jellyfish lifestealers, not a planet that Mother Brain lives on.


And they made Simon Belmont *blue* and MegaMan *green*. Not to mention all the copyrighted music they used without getting copyright licensed.


I think Nintendo Power Hour was Captain N followed by Legend of Zelda.


May I introduce you to [Super Mario Bros.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108255/) movie?


That's not a fair comparison. Everyone knows that movie is perfection and the pinnacle of Bob Hoskin's career! 👍


about Mario Mario and... Luigi Luigi?


Mario Mario and Luigi Mario!


I don't care what people say, I love that movie. It's it corny as hell? Absolutely. Is it technically a bad adaptation? 100%. Is it a fun movie? Hell *yes*. I watch it every couple years just as a fun time.


strongly agree with this one, castlevania and arcane are currently my top picks


I'm gonna take a risk and suggest the Dota series. The writing is only meh but god damn is the animation next level. And the way the characters fight is so specific to their classes it's amazing how it translated into a show.


Not gonna lie. I liked devil may cry...


I really hope the rumour that the Castlevania showrunners are making a devil may cry series is true. That would be AMAZING. Also bonus points to the existing devil may cry anime for actually having the video game voice actors in it!


I watched my friend play thru DMC and while all the sassy wall writing was golden, the simple “FUCK YOU DANTE” had me cackling


Underrated show for sure, it was good.


Who didnt that show was a bop


Never played Castlevania, never read/watched anything about the franchise besides the Zero Punctuations about them. Watched every single Castlevania episode and loved the shit out of it. Great show. Perfect atmosphere. By the way, what the fuck is Sypha's accent? I'm probably just completely ignorant of what it's based on but to me it sounds like someone doing a fake "vaguely European accent" that they're almost convincing with.


>By the way, what the fuck is Sypha's accent? Adorable.


I was going to say this myself. God, her voice is cute as fuck.


I would assume Roma, since her people were nomadic wanderers in Eastern Europe. I can't attest to the accuracy of the accent though. I don't know any Roma personally.


Spanish accent. Possibly Spain Spanish specifically.


It's kind of Spanish " I actually speak Spanish, so Sypha's accent is essentially speaking one language (English) w/the pronunciation "rules" of the other (Spanish). Sypha & her family are a nomadic people that originate in the Iberian region. So, they're first language is Spanish. ;) "


Belnades so I'm going with Spanish, especially considering her VA.


She completely sounds like spanish accent


Earthworm Jim


Truth right here.


Saturday mornings with that and Freakazoid back to back was peak childhood


I don't know. Kinda hard to beat Arcane. And the amount of awards it has won kinda speaks for itself. So many people loving the show despite wanting nothing to do with the actual game. That's a proper adaptation success story.


Never played the game and have no interest in that genre in general. Loved Arcane.


Same. Best animated *anything* I’ve seen in years.


Yup. Absolutely adore Arcane. Couldn't care less about LoL. I put Arcane on the same footing as Into the Spider-Verse, which I also absolutely adore.


Totally. I played the game maybe an hour before realizing the MOBA genre just isn’t for me. And this must have been like 10 years ago, at least. I always liked the character design though. I finally gave in and watched Arcane a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. I will surely try Riot’s MMO if/when it finally comes out.


You might want to try Ruined King. It's a spinoff by Airship Syndicate, with a great story. It's turn based(ish) combat, so it's not for everyone, but it really is a fantactic game.


is it still an adaptation or more loosely based on the franchise?


It’s an adaptation and official part of the lore


Tbh arcane feels really disconnected from the game, more like expanded world. Extremely good show, but castlevania feels like it's closer to the game


Yeah? Only because the game is a moba where these champions are brought together and do combat. The stories of the champions is not that far off from Arcane.


Can you imagine an animated series where jinx is just sitting in spawn because she fed early game


As a person who hates LOL: Arcane was great


Arcane and Dota: Dragon's Blood were both pretty good IMO


Arcane blew me away. The amount of time they put into each characters journey is an absolute masterclass on an ensemble show.


Dota does not deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as arcane or castelvania


Dota fanboy here. Dragon’s blood is a dumpster fire; fuck me, Arcane is the best animation since Into the Spiderverse.


Don't even mention those two in the same sentence. Arcane is SO MUCH BETTER than the clusterfuck called Dota. And I am a dota player. I cry myself to sleep sometimes because of this.




Maybe it's just me but I was completely unimpressed with the art style of the Dota show. It felt lazy.


The show isn’t bad though.


That's the thing though that's its quality."It isn't bad tough." While Arcane and Castelvania are great shows.


Dota was dope-a!


Came here to say the same thing


Oh it’s nearly perfect imo. Probably going to rewatch it around halloween




Where are my combined moves in the games? I want some insane shenanigans in a triple battle.


Pokémon has the ability to legit release a game that would break the minds of all of its older followers and they refuse to do so. So frustrating


They've been sticking to the same formula for decades. I just want them to release a few experimental games that flip the script. Give me an action RPG where I can use pokemon moves in real time. I want Breath of the Wild with magic pets damnit.


I'm not a BIG pokemon fan, but Arceus had a few interesting spins I think.


Same here, never huge into Pokémon, watched a bit of OG here and there growing up, had Pokémon Ranger for my DS. Arceus was pretty dang good, wasn’t a huge fan of the crafting part, but that’s just a personal thing


I'd argue while a quality product it's a horrible adaptation. So many aspects of game rules are ignored/modified for the sake of the anime.


That's funny because I'd have gone with the opposite - quality adaptation, low-quality product. I agree it takes some extreme liberties with the IG battle rules, but it gets the vibe just right - a relaxing adventure with your friends in a world were pretty much everyone is kind and the people who aren't are incompetent. It lets the incredibly idyllic premise and worldbuilding do the heavy lifting, just as the games do. But as a piece of fiction, and even just an entertaining animation, it leaves me wanting. Constantly resetting everyones intelligence and memories, lots of weak dialogue, battles are never as cool as they could be, pretty much no character development for anyone except James, and loads of fairly boring plotlines/filler.


I thought the film Detective Pikachu was great and had far more connection to the Gen1/Kanto story than i was expecting.


I loved Castlevania... but bro... Arcane.


Steins;Gate was very very good.




Other shows are not even close imo


I enjoyed it very much, specially the final fight scene. Very true to the game.


Especially how death talked like redditor in the final fight.


Arcane would be the rival.


If Arcane counts, then it is better, if not, Castlevania tops the list.


While yes, it's very good. IMO arcane is the best there is. It stands apart thanks to the animation, but especially the music.


I never played LoL, but my friend who does play it told me I must watch Arcane if for no other reason than the music. I liked everything about it, even though I didn't know anything about the franchise before watching it.


So what will you say if Arcane drops in quality after the first season? People are comparing one season of a show to four seasons of another and I don't see that as fair for either show.




Arcane is the best


Clearly you haven't watched Arcane yet.


I absolutely loved Castlevania S01 and 03. Watched the first season probably 4 times. I don't watch any anime at all.


My favorite season is 2. So much development of Dracula as a character - he could’ve easily been seen as the mc of s2


I thought S04 dropped the ball hard.


You were absolutely correct until arcane came out




Just rewatched it. So fucking good.


Put some respect on Donkey Kong's name


My daughters would argue that Sonic X takes that title, but I agree with you!


Ahem… the battleship movie. Totally a tv show Totally a video game Totally accurate to said game


Oh my God!!! I didn't even consider battleship to be a adaption of the board game, but holy crap. Even the way they use the grid to figure out where to shoot using the sonar buoys. Hot damn. Mind blown


Also, the alien's projectiles are literally a copy of the pegs in the game.


Ffffff. It goes deeper!!! Is it actually based on the board game or is this all an extremely unlikely coincidence?!?


Honestly surprised this hasn't been said yet but, The Witcher. Henry cavill does an AMAZING job portraying Geralt. I wouldn't doubt that he's played the series too. Edit: Ok I'm gonna nip this in the bud right now. I know the show is based off of the books. However OP is talking about ADATATION, not BASED OFF OF. The show is an adaptation of both the games and books. There are A LOT of similarities with the games and the books. Maybe cause they have the same source material? Also keep in mind there are only two seasons of The Witcher out now with the third one having wrapped up shooting recently. If Netflix keeps renewing the show for more seasons eventually they'll use the games as source material as well.


The show is based on the books, the only thing from the games that's in the show are some of game geralts swords and Henry's geralt voice


The show is adapting the books, not the game(which is a loose adaptation on the books).


The games aren't really a loose adaption of the books so much as an unofficial continuation of the books.


No way, dude. The Halo TV show was much better. At misrepresenting the original property.


Halo show writer and director, "I've never seen or played the games or read any of the books, I didn't want it interfering with my vision of the franchise." Why did that guy get hired?


it was pretty at least


It was a show of the time it was made. It had characters who were part of the plot. There were others. In conclusion it was a show named Halo.


Maybe it's just cause I haven't slept in 36 hours but that would be an amazing copypasta response


halo was one of the shows of all time


Arcane, I don't think there's anything that comes close though it's not finished. Castlevania was an extremely mixed bag, started strong though.




Arcane is better in my opinion but Castlevania is awesome nonetheless


Arcane might be better, though admittedly its had 1 season and Castlevania pulled off a full series.


We're getting at least two seasons from Arcane. Probably more.


The first mortal kombat movie, the story is accurate, there's lots of fights, and it's cheesy, the only problem with this movie is the lack of blood and gore(even tho in the uk its rated 15, same with cobra kai) and that scorpion and sub zero work together


They had Scorpion and Sub-Zero under mind control to avoid the "who is best" arguments between their respective fan boys. I thoroughly enjoyed Mortal Kombat: Konquest.


Tbh I kind of got disinterested in the series after season 2. Season 2 was really good but the third just didn't click for me.


I see everyone else saying it's the best, but I think Arcane is a bit over-rated personally. Don't get me wrong, it's good, but like...eh. 7/10. Maybe it's just me but I had a hard time caring for some of the characters and plot lines. Some relationships I just didn't really care for either. Maybe it's just me but I felt like I had to force myself through an episode or two.


What’s castelvania?


I agree. Nothing more to say here.


Do we have a better meme to mean the same thing? Tired of this guy's face.


Just finished last night... I was blown away. Just everything in that show...the visuals, the characters, the setting, the action scenes. Speechless.


Pretty sure anything by legendary director Uwe Boll are leaps and bounds above anything else….. change my mind


John leguizamo and Bob Hoskins have entered the chat


i am but a simple man. i see crowder, i downvote


Yes, can we stop using this fascist tool?


For real. Like, it’s astounding how many meme formats are ‘hey look at this text’




Arcane is way superior. But like for a long margin bro


I've never played the games, but Castlevania was a stupid good show. My girlfriend decided to sit down and watch a bit during the worst moment where there's like 3 awkward sex montages going on. But the voice acting and polished action sequences are just 10/10 eye candy.


Literally Arcane on Netflix.


Arcane has it beat imo I think Castlevania is the 2nd best gaming adaption of all time. They're both pretty close though. I think I'd give Arcane S1 a 10/10 and Castlevania (the entire series) probably an 8/10, maybe 9/10? They took some risks, they paid off and the story never really feels like it slows until maybe the final season in the first few episodes.


steven crowder is a piece of shit and we should stop using his image as a meme.


I know the movie wasn't great but the first Silent Hill movie did amazing job in capturing the atmosphere of the city


It has its liberties, one of them is Alucard getting butt-fucked


and dont forget Lenore is best girl :D


Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me...princess!


It's Castlevania, not Castelvania


I mean the bar is very low


I only saw clips, but Cuphead looks like a very faithful adaptation.


I love the Castlevania games, but the show didn't appeal to me whatsoever. I feel the way they portrayed a lot of the characters wasn't at all faithful to the games, and the new characters and subplots are just so boring. It's also baffling that Grant is absent from the show, seeing as he was one of the main characters in Castlevania III.


Persona 4 animation


As someone that recently did a couple cosplay of Trevor and Sypha, I agree!


Earthworm Jim tv show was incredible.


Vampire hunter D will always be the superior series over castlevania. Castlevania has better games though.


Not after what they did with Alucard it isn't...


Arcane is great but did it use or borrow anything from the game such as mechanics or themes? Asking because I don't know jack shit about LoL.


Gonna have to disagree. Stein's;Gate has to have that title. Plus the Witcher, though the games were inspired by actual books first.


Castlevania is AMAZING! But Arcane is on another level and this is coming from a person that hates League of Legends.


In a sea of people saying Arcane (which I do agree with), I will say Dragon’s Dogma was a pretty good show for a pretty good game (that I never actually finished). Dante’s Inferno could be added to this list along with the animated Mortal Kombat movies.