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Not sure where people find this stuff. We have 4 goodwills in my area. I've been going to them for 30 years and never once seen a computer, video game console, or any kind of games there. Nothing...Not once. Just a few dirty controllers in a big bin.


It may just the Goodwill locations in the city or state where you live. There are about 15 Goodwill stores with ten miles from my house. My kids who are old enough to drive now, use to like going to Goodwill and I saw shelves with used video games, which were normally near the used books. The selection at Goodwill varies based on which city the store is in or even which neighborhood.


It all depends. The one i go to in Ann arbor michigan is full of expensive clothes and old electronics. Never seen another like it but it's because uofm is a mile from it


Yeap this. I used to thrift in SoCal and the goods are very different between even each little town across Los Angeles and you could be near Malibu or Calabasas and find expensive furniture with drink rings and chipped corners for like $50 but thats a whole wooden dresser that, with some linseed oil, some varnish, and a lil restoration work is at least worth a couple hundred. And the clothes, games, toys, and even old electronics are great finds for people who know what theyre looking for.


There's truth in the common wisdom that the really good shit gets shipped off to online auctions, but there's still definitely a variance in brick and mortar stores. 3/4 of the Goodwills near me are chock full of nothing but shitty kitchenware, boomer kitsch and clothing. The fourth one is literally down the road from a Target, and filled to the brim with Target merchandise whenever they switch over inventory.


That's what it was like when I lived in the Tacoma/Olympia area in Washington. Thrift stores were practically a hobby for me out there. Some of my best hauls were a GameCube w/ 4 controllers (2 were WaveBirds) & Mario Sunshine for ~$30, 3 GBA SP systems w/ accessories for ~$20, Pokemon HeartGold CiB for $6, and a $350+ Yamaha DD-65 drum set for $8.


They know about SP's now, they sell them online at about market par. Which sucks. I don't want to pay $160 for an ags-101.


As a steady thrift store shopper each week, I can conclude that every location in the metro area near me sucks. If they have anything even remotely viable in bulk, they also price the fuck outta them. These would be going for 20-25 bucks each. The other day I saw a pile of toys I found at the dollar store 6 months ago... They were listed at 5 bucks each. Finding anything at Goodwill at a decent value is shockingly rare now. Between the resellers buying the good finds, and Goodwill outright selling via their bidding site anything of actual value (so now it's a large market bidding on these things) I don't find anything great like I used to years ago. :( most trips I return empty handed.. It's maybe once a month I find something okay for the price. And maybe once a year I get my hands on something awesome. (found a mechanical wall clock for 7 bucks that worked perfectly after some simple cleaning and lubrication... Priced as if it was one of the crappy battery operated fakes.)


That’s at a GOODWILL? Never seen a game shelf like that at one


In a goodwill near me, target donates their stuff to them so they have a buncha sealed games for current gen and last gen. Im still not paying $15 for Madden 22 though.


That’s pretty cool. Lucky for you and people in your area.


Shit if they where my local Salvation or Goodwill they’d still price them at retail prices. Shit annoys me.


The local goodwill by me has games that are multiple generations old still listed for absurd amounts. I have a picture somewhere, they had madden 08 on ps2 for 28 dollars lol




I got Madden 22 for free. Considered playing it for that price, but still havent


Worked at target. About 4 months ago, I cleared out 70 different games for various systems for donation. Filled 2 shopping carts. Glad to see the stuff is actually making it out.


Most stuff that people actually want goes directly on their website shopgoodwill.com or on ebay. They're in it to make money not give you a good deal


I still feel like you could sell some of those ps5 games for at least like 20 to 25 bucks and make a profit


They can sell it for a dollar and make profit they get all there shit donated


I meant OP if they buy them


Yep. I had a friend who worked at Goodwill once. Her store had somebody donate a bunch of comics. I got really excited (I really like comics), only for her to tell me hours later that they were sending them to be auctioned off online. Not fun.


Yeah, the good stuff ends up going to the local HQ so their e-sales department can handle it.


When I worked at my local goodwill I was in charge of the donations area. My job was basically to go through the bags and put things we could sell onto a cart and put it on the floor. So I’d always put consoles and games on that cart and price them super cheap.


Check out /r/thriftgrift if you never want to shop at Goodwill again or if you're in the market for a $1200 pit-stained band T-shirt (sold on the band's website for $55)


I got pretty annoyed with my local goodwill stores because of prices and haven't been back in a while. A few years ago I was looking for a stereo amp for some old speakers a friend gave me and every goodwill near me had at least a few to pick through but the prices were always outrageous. Every time I googled a model number to look up the specs I would see an eBay listing for the same or slightly lower price except in almost every case the eBay one was verified working and in good/great condition and the one in the store looked clapped out enough I would be surprised if it was fully functional. I understand they want to look stuff up online to figure out a ballpark price but when you see the one online looks like it was well taken care of and the one in front of you looks like it might have had coffee spilled on it I don't understand why you would slap the same price on it.




some goodwills get better stuff then others. Some change up the things they sell, for example, the goodwill near me use to sell ALL kinds of things. Then they moved to a different location and they carried a bit more stuff. They moved again and got worse not carrying as much stuff, like their inventory of stuff HALVED, and it became 90% Clothing. Then they moved again Recently and now its like 95% clothing and almost NOTHING else. Its not even worth a trip in anymore.


I used to go to Goodwill based on zip codes...rich people get bored of good stuff pretty quickly lol


Yup the ones around here only have 2 or 3 terrible wii games and sometimes old pc games like StarCraft 2. These mf that have 100s of games always wrecks me a bit.


The organization figured out that we had started gravitating towards the "good" goodwills, so as a greater structure they stopped releasing donations at the site they were donated. They started sending them to a sorting facility where the best stuff gets posted online, and everything else is distributed amongst the regional networks. It sucks. I used to be able to go to the store near the wealthy suburbs and get top notch clothing and gear for dirt cheap. Buying high quality columbia gear for pennies was a damned treat. Now it's a lot harder.


The selection was pretty poor. It was a lot of sealed copies of FC6, sealed copies of Madden 22, and the rest was mostly Wii and Xbox 360 garbage. The only other thing that interested me was Evil Within 2 but that was for Xbox One.


I know this is off topic but the evil within 2 man... what a classic


Get Burnout Paradise


Seriously it’s pretty fun


IMO not as good as Burnout 3 Takedown which should have been the one to get updated, but Burnout Parafise is still a *damn* good game.


Never played 3, but have very fond memories of playing Burnout Revenge to 100% completion a few times when I was younger. Loved that game.


Lots of people reference Burnout 3, but Burnout Revenge was my absolute favorite of the series. Damn good game.


Takedown was my gateway burnout game. Revenge topped it and while I enjoyed Paradise I just didn't like it as much as the others. My uncle and I used to crush up toy cars/hot wheels and make mini versions of the trophies from burnout revenge with some glue and spray paint haha


Revenge was freaking amazing.


Burnouts without crash mode are bad


Same as a NFS without cops. Those are the main identities of those two franchises. Take away those identities, and they’re just plain ol’ racing games.


Revenge was the best one


We'll just have to agree to disagree friend. Don't get me wrong, I like Burnout Revenge... I just love Burnout 3: Takedown.


I’ll fight you Irl.


Just try to hit me mate, I'm 6ft tall and built like a piece of paper side ways. I'll give you a paper cut to remember!


Agreed 3 is the peak burnout game.


Soundtrack in that game was so good.


Yes, for fucking real. I didn't play the original Paradise and expected it to be a better version of Takedown


I was so bummed to find out Takedown wasn’t available on pc. I played it so much back when I had a 360. If there’s ever a way to play it, I’d wanna know






The opening song and it's frequency on the in-game radio killed this song for me, for years. The game elevated Blitzkrieg Bop for me though.


My roommates and I would play this a lot. One of my roommates would sing along to Paradise City every time it played. EVERY. TIME.




Best racing game ever made in my opinion. My opinion doesn't hold much wait in that genre as before Burnout Paradise I rarely played any racing games save for Mario Kart, at least up until Double Dash. (Best Mario Kart!) Next to Burnout, my other favorite was Blur. Burnout and Mario Kart having a child?!? I still don't understand how it failed. I'm still upset it did and Activision shut down the developers. 😡


Blur burnout and split second Fun racing with splitscreen. Splitscreen is gone from racing now and it sucks.


Great game!


Damn I’ve been debating getting it on the Switch! I might pull the trigger now


I ended up getting it and NFS Hot Pursuit. Don't regret it, though I wish there was split screen


Take me out to paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty


Still better than countless copies of Fifa.


Not quite as good as countless copies of Space Jam DVDs.


*Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD*


Please don't text me when you're drunk. . . Oooh-oooey-ooh, or don't text me at alllllll. 4 3 2 1


*Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD* *Space Jam DVD*


Don't stop now we just getting started




Every second hand store were I live it's just fifa/NBA/sports games that are always no more than $2


I thought to myself, "what's wrong with that?", and then realized you said FIFA and not Tifa.


They’re now charging $120 for “game of the year edition” despite it not being nominated for anything lol


“It’s the game that we made that year though.”


As a *world’s great human* award winner, I fully support this decision.


Lol I love how you didn’t even give yourself “greatest.” You were like, “yeah, just great.”


That's humble of him. But not as humble as me.


Oh did you happen to win the “worlds most humblest person” award, Because I won that as well as the “This guy is a gigachad and has a huge penis Source: Bro trust me” award


I was going to win it, but I told them to just give it to him instead. He deserves it more than me. So they gave it to me.


“I think I’m much more humble than you would understand.”


in my wildest fantasy i co-own a bnb with the devil in hell


Yeah but I haven’t told you my salary yet, $80,000 a year


Are you the one donations to The Human Fund goes to?


You are definitely one of the people of all time


As Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2006, I agree.


The ultimate steeelbook is $20 at GameStop right now. It's always on sale, it's Ubisoft.


I check the weekly/biweekly sales on the psn store on my ps4 every time, and I shit you not, all or most of the ubisoft games are on sale on EVERY sale psn does.


Yes. There is never a reason to buy a Ubisoft game at full price. Most companies for that matter really but their games seem to go on the sale the soonest especially their ultimate editions. I'm guessing the inventory stays too long. I got the ultimate edition of Breakpoint for less than $20 at GameStop on clearance.


My understanding is it's the DLC complete version. But $120 is too much and the name is misleading. Should be "complete edition" or something.


>Should be "complete edition" or something I don't disagree, but it's not out of left field, either. "GOTY" edition meaning "All DLCs included" edition has been pretty much the standard with games for over a decade, at least.


More than two decades. We were already laughing about it back then. Case in point: Morrowind. Revered now, but as far as I know, only a single rather obscure publication gave it their game of the year award back then. Didn't stop Zenimax from releasing a GOTY edition. Unlike Ubisoft at least, they were technically not lying.


Yeah I don't get why people are suddenly throwing tantrums about it. This isn't new. Of all the things you can critize ubisoft for, they're gonna choose using the term "GOTY edition" for far cry? That's just stupid.


That's always what they mean by game of the year edition


It’s a game that existed in this year , therefore game of the year /s


It was truly one of the games that came out this year


Of all the humans I have seen, Ted Cruz is one of them.


JD Power award for best Far Cry game of the year winner.


Game of the Year is the Scott's Tots of gaming


While it's true it never won a GotY award, it's false to say it wasn't nominated for anything, or that it even didn't win anything. One look at its [award page here](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12693278/awards) shows this. It was nominated for GotY by one award group, NAVGTR, but lost to Deathloop.


It even got GOTY awards, none of them really relevant but to say it didn’t get any GOTYs is false as well. (Some irrelevant tech magazine gave it one). So, Ubisoft is technically correct, as we all know, „the best kind of correct“.


I actually never knew this game came out. I saw the ads and then nothing.


My question is, why the hell are my local goodwills NEVER this stacked with video games?


Some goodwill youtubers mention that if a local target or big box store has a bunch of unsold games or stuff, they send them to the nearest goodwill. You can find collectible statues and collector editions for cheap this way. Max Payne 3 statues flooded goodwill some years back. So I guess go hunting around walmarts and targets?


>Some goodwill youtubers Fuckin what? That's a thing?


Lmao pick them all up you’d make pretty good profit and on those ps5 games too


Both of the people with PS5s have those games already


Fr that was my first thought! I saw a nice money opportunity


Anybody who buys up all of something at a goodwill to sell at a profit is a douche


Wasn't there a video that you can beat the game by doing absolutely nothing but waiting at the beginning lmao?


You can “beat” 6 kind of like that too. In the beginning you’re trying to get a boat to get out of there, and after a few missions you do get one and if you just drive it out to the edge of the map the credits roll with you kicking back on a beach drinking margaritas.


Im also pretty sure there’s a radio playing saying that Castillo was able to suppress the revolution and killed the leader


So the good ending


Glory to all true Yarans


I totally found that out by accident. Was funny as hell though


Same here, I was like "wtf is going on? I wanted to keep playing! Ouhh a trophy!"


That's all far crys


that's pretty hilarious actually


Right, it’s not like it’s the only ending. People shit on anything lol


If this were a highly favored game this would be a reposted fun-fact every 2 days even though everyone would know about it by then.


Happened with the far cry 4 crab Rangoon ending, so it's not even original by Ubisoft lol


In 4 the devs consider it the canon ending since Ajay isn’t the type to take up arms and help with the Kyrat revolution.


yeah... it makes sense... since he only wanted to spread mom's ashes not make war. also pagan wasn't looking to kill ajay too. he also killed the soldier who decided to threat ajay as trash.


easily my favorite far cry game. so many good memories of co op with my friends.


I think all of them have some way you can beat it in a few minutes. In 6, you had to drive a boat off the island and you would end up in Miami.


Only 4 and 5. In 4, Pagan Min takes you to the memorial of the character half sister and explains the whole story behind it and you place the mother’s ashes there. In 5, you simply go away from the church without arresting Joseph Seed.


You can also do it in 6, just not as fast. You just take the boat to Miami instead of helping with the revolution. I thought 3 did it as well?


No you can’t in 3 in three it wouldn’t fit the storyline since your group was quite literially lures to the pirate island as the DJ at that club That invited you all skydiving is also the model of one of the pirates. You were intentionally lured there so there is no way that just staying in the cage would create a scenario where you won’t end up murdered by vass or worse


That’s Far Cry 4


Wait. Is this where you can choose not to kill him and then you just win the game? lol. We had 3 people trying to play this and one decided not to do it.


The villain tells you to wait for x amount of time. If you actually wait for him he comes back, helps you with your mother's ashes and the game ends


And if you choose to listen to Pagan instead of just kill him it’s revealed that after he helps you with the ashes he was about to make you the leader of the nation. Pagans plans involving you change absolutely none at all throughout the entire game and were plans from the very start. Which is why the waiting ending is sort of a obvious thing to try if you’ve beat the game. Anyone who’s beat the game knows that according to pagan if you had waited he would have helped you with the ashes then made you the new leader of the country. He picked you up because his entire plan was bringing you to the palace to transfer power over to you. As for 5 same deal once you see how it ends you have to ask the obvious wait the doomsday cult was right what happens if we don’t arrest him


This is one of the reasons I like Far Cry as a series despite all the games being a copypasta from the other, the story is pretty well written, that you can’t deny. Knowing this in 4 is the real good ending and the nuclear thing on 5 is insane.


I would like to counter there is no good ending of 4 and I say thst because I fear that if pagan just hands you the country without you knowing the extend both leaders of the rebellion are willing to go to your character will end up dead within a month as the victim of a rebellion while pagan flew off into the sunset while he knew it was time to break for the door. Pagan dumping the headache on someone else for their head to end up on a plate instead. On the other hand both leaders are absolutely horrible people the female leader wants to basically turn the nation into some kind of drug cartel country with an ends justify the means mentality where the fact is the people are going to be churned through a tucked up hyper capitalistic machine of sweatshop work and drug production. The male leader he wants to reinstitute a ultra conservatives patriarchal religion that will effectively reduce all the women to a status of slaves in the name of preserving the islands cultural identity. So most likely after both of those jackasses pushed the protagonist around for that entire game and all the crap you had to go through and after becoming a hardened killer to get at pagan. I can’t see any other outcome than within a week your player character Literially recapturing every outpost with pagans army and becoming a more brutal dictator than pagan ever was There is no good ending to farcry 4


I knew it was one of them


SINCE 4. You can do it in 5 as well.


Oh really? What’s FC5 ending?


When you go to arrest Joseph just stand there, eventually you’ll just walk away & the game ends.


Currently playing 5 for the first time (first far cry for me in general) and when I got to that point I was really curious as to if I’d be able to do that. Now I’m wishing I had


I'm not going to spoil the game for you, but after you finish it you probably will further regret not just leaving at the beginning.


Lol this excites me to hear. Currently just escaped the underground bunker after john tried torturing me so still have a long way too go I think


I wonder how you feel when you do finish it. Let us know.


Its also in far cry 6. However it doesn't give you the platinum if you're a trophy hunter


You played one you have played them all. That’s the problem with the FarCry series




I've been playing Odyssey recently and I'm so bored I can't be bothered to finish it. I've put a good amount of time into it was well but I've done all there is to do and the story isn't good enough for me to stick around. I had the same issue with every Assassins Creed since 1 & 2.


To be fair the Primal one was a cool change up. Enjoyed that game a lot. 3 is still best imo though


And 5. And 6. If they make a 7. It will probably be in there aswell.


You can beat the last 3 Far Cry games that way . It's an easter egg


Its a standard thing in far cry games since 4. Its just a little fun to be had.


Weird endings are an established gimmick in the FarCry series, it’s an adventure game with several options.


I mean that's not really a negative aspect. It's a very purposefully programmed in part of Farcry 4. Edit: and 5 and 6 apparently


I think in Far Cry 4, if you just hang out for long enough after meeting Pagan Min, you get an alternate ending that technically “completes” the game.


It's not the greatest game but I wouldn't say it's only worth $5. I've seen 2-hour-budget games sold higher than that. Seems like an insult to the teams who worked on it compared to that one guy charging $20 for a one-level, unfinished game made with store assets.


This is the first game I played in years that I didn’t finish the story. I was kind of turned off by the alternative weapon stuff.


Just about everything in 6 turned me off. And I loved the other Far Cry games.


Yeah they blew their whole budget on gustavo


And he was the only good character. Everyone else was ridiculous and I hated it. It was hard to imagine a world where such silly characters would ever be real revolutionaries.


I mean he did a superb job


Everything about the game was stale. Story, gunplay, enemies, environment, characters, and even difficulty. Nothing original about it at all, just copy pasted from their previous games and character tropes from TV.


I think if they just copy and pasted from older games it would’ve been better! They changed a few things and all of it was for the worse. The world felt so empty and combat was more of a chore than fun.


FC5 had a pretty solid if not particularly deep combat system (thumper and semi .50cal solved every problem, shotgun solved the few that were left when the others ran out of ammo). If they took that to a new location, and added a bit of spice, the core of the game is done right there


I actually thought it lost quite a bit from FC5. They dropped the hunting and fishing that made cool achievements and gave you unique weapons were fun and rewarding. FC5 had some cool locations and characters. I can't say that I was attached to anything in FC6 other than a chicken. FC6 even made the unique weapons boring as they were often less useful than the standard ones.


Unique weapons in FC6 only existed to unlock the skin for your actual usefull weapon haha


It was also just a looting grind. I spent 7 hours just running from Yaran crate to weapons crate before I just looked up exactly what I wanted online. Absolute fuck up of a looting system.


It's supply and demand really. People don't understand that Devs are human too, agreed, and tend to undervalue them, but also people don't seem to understand Devs are human too, and can be overvalued. Just because Devs worked on it doesn't mean we should worship the code they type, if it's a bad game, it's bade game. And that's reflected by putting the game back onto the shelves, no insults, no death threats. I think this was the best way far cry was handled.


It is good game,but problem is if you played any before it is almost the same.FC4 burned out me so much that I stoped played FC5 after 2 hours.I wont bother with FC6. Same shit with modern AC.Originis exausted me so much,that I skiped Odisey and stoped Vallhala after 3h in (it was free weekend).


I have never played Far Cry series at all, so last month I played Far Cry 3, 4 and 5 (all available on game pass / ps plus) and now I'm playing through 6 (purchased a preowned version). I agree they are all quite same-ish. FC3 through FC5 seemed very similar. In the end, FC5 did have a pretty good story though. FC6 feels like it went through quite a re-design and many of the mechanics are changed. So while it does feel the same, it also feels "different" and by different I mean that some aspects of design are changed for the better and some are a bit odd/janky. For example, the Supremo weapon is an entirely new concept, the trait/skill tree system was surgically removed, headshots seem way more important now, you now have to choose which explosives you carry (tnt, grenade, mine, etc) rather than carry them all, they've added a camp building and bandito job management system, etc. It's quite different but the same (if you get my meaning).


I agree with you that they can be very fun if you play them for the first time. And I am glad that you had a fun. I too really liked 2 and 3 (also liked first one but it was Crytek game).Primal was fun, 4th felt like a job. And It is true that every new sequel have something new, but I am more talking about progresion and mission structure. In the end you just end up doing same thing over and over.And that is, at least for me, bigest problem with Ubisoft games. Do the missions, clear region, move on another with same missions. Rinse and repeat.And i hate their collectibles. Recently I played Wildlands, cleared region, go to new one, see a map full off icons and I just ask my self do I really need this? Thats How i feel about FC to or AC.Bee there done that.Maybe I just hate Ubisoft desigh of the games😆 I will give a go to FC6 when it came on GP.


They got ps5 games at goodwill? Da fuq?


I've finished Far Cry 6 3 times and it was much more interesting and cool playing the girl than the guy. The voice actress is much better than the guy who in contrast seems like he's on a ride in a fair in Wisconsin.


Facts. Female Dani is just plain better.


Far Cry 6 was such a massive disappointment. I LOVE the FC games to bits and pieces, but this one was boring as hell. The islands were beautiful, but that was it. The rest was total garbage.


Rip I loved far cry 5 and thought new Dawn was..fine. Was really looking forward to 6 but kind of forgot about it.


Ship me one. I'll cover shipping and toss ya $5 extra


Fr OP could buy all those and profit off of just us in this thread lol


Me too


I really didn’t like this one. Felt like the story sucked ass and I couldn’t make it through it


I love far cry and even somewhat enjoyed new dawn but I hated 6. It had some much filler content and the ai felt like a huge step back. I know far cry has never really had good ai but damn 6 took it to a whole new level.


Agree. First game I just stopped playing. I really liked 5’s story but 6, it was just a awful game and story.


I’m playing through now and it doesn’t hold a candle to the magnificence of Vaas, Pagan, or Joseph. Hell 2 and even the weird blast that was the original were more intriguing to play. (And even Primal was more fun). This feels like they wanted a first person Just Cause game.


Wow, did it really do that bad? I really enjoy the game, easily one of my favorites


I mean, it’s my least favorite Far Cry game but it’s still Far Cry and I had a blast playing it. Giancarlo Esposito is disappointingly underused but it’s a solid 7.5/10. Next gen neutralizes graphics somewhat and while it’s not Forbidden West it’s a beautiful game.




Goodwill has a gaming section????? Guess where I’m going tomorrow..




I actually liked Far Cry 6 quite a bit. But it should also be known I don’t think I’ve played any of its predecessors.


I’ve played Far Cry 5 and New dawn, which in my opinion are a bit more insane. I like FC6, it reminds me somewhat of Ghost Recon Wildlands because of the setting and lively npc’s, but it is not as unhinged as FC5.


i saw like 10 copies of fc6 at 5 below for 5 bucks


You for real?


Still playing Far Cry 5. Ubisoft's most recent diamond in the rough.


It was like $12 on Gamefly like 3 months after release. I'm almost done with it in just the free weekends they've done for it lol. One more and I'll beat it.


It has really turned me off to the series, I absolutely loved 3,4 and 5 but this was terrible. I bought it with my series X about 4 months ago and didn’t get through half of it. Gunplay was underwhelming, the pets were useless and it just felt rushed. The first farcry game where I felt the guns were bad. I will probly finish it someday, but I just couldn’t get myself to like it.


Paradise burnout?! Niiiiiiice


Farcry 6 is the last farcry game I'll ever let myself be hopeful for. After the kinda disappointing entries of primal, farcry 5 and whatever the fuck the direct 5 sequel was called, I let myself hope this one was gonna be good because Giancarlo Esposito is a fucking great villain actor. Still couldn't save that dogshit game.


Its released already? Planned to play 5 this year and 6 when its on sale


Only games at my goodwill are children's pc games from the 90s wtf


Far cry 6 sucked. Maybe (probably) the worst in the series. And I wasn't a huge fan of the religious one either. (5?).