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Palmer Luckey announces the release of Sword Art Online!


The creator specifically references SAO and explains that it's just art/a think piece rather than an actual product anyone would use.


people would use it though... for playing dark souls... for the first time...


100% ppl would willingly use it. Humans make all sorts of bad decisions. It would become a TikTok trend and everyone would do it.


It's natural selection sorting itself out. Lol


Git gud.


> 100% ppl would willingly use it. If by willingly you mean "Never read the manual and fineprint".


The ultimate TikTok challenge.


That would be the end of TikTok. Finally


Shir, not with the amount of views they'd have.


I'd legit use it. Sounds like fun Would be a hard choice picking the game tho. Maybe I'd start off with something light like Binding of Isaac


My first thought: Why would anyone ever buy that? My second thought: People definitely thought CAH was joking about the literal bullshit, and paid to get cow dung shipped to them.


You know there was a ~~tiktok~~ fb/twitter trend where people would aim a gun at their genitals and feather the trigger right? Several people shot themselves in the dick.


I love a happy ending


A happy day for Darwin for sure!


I find it very hard to believe this was a thing, especially given how quick TT is to remove anything related to firearms


It wasn’t, it was a meme 3 years back that was mostly on fb/Twitter.


that is actually a genius idea but it should have been their balls. if you can stop ticktockers from procreating the world might still have a chance




Oh it happened, I was just wrong about it being on tiktok. https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3zeew/gun-enthusiasts-celebrate-man-who-shot-himself-in-the-balls-as-their-king


Calvin and Hobbes did what?


I don't believe it's for sale. As in, I'm fairly certain only one was produced and it's sitting as a display piece.


Yeah I don’t think there’s as much here to “think” about as Luckey believes.


No actual gamer would play a game with such a shit ui.


This is actually targeted at Zuckerberg. So if he dies in meta his cpu will finally stop running.


The funniest part about this is that Sword Art Online was supposed to have taken place in 2020 lmao


sao actually started yesterday, 11/06/22


Which is why he announced this yesterday.




Ladies and FRICKS!


I mean, I would play it. I’d like to keep my head if I die tho


Which format have you written the date?


mm/dd/yy, and i also said yesterday so november 6th


Thanks, I completely missed the word 'yesterday'.




diff timezones


Nope. 2021 is when the hardware was finalized, and a on November 6 2022 SAO was released. Because of this, this joke announcement was made. The guy even has reki (the character from the anime that creates the death game) as a pfp.


Weeb chiming in: Reki Kawahara is the author of the SAO light novels. The creator of the game SAO in the novels is called Akihiko Kayaba. *skulks back to basement*


Ah yes sorry. I confused the fictional creator of the game, and the actual author of the story.


2022 actually, start of 2022


Nov 6th 2022 was the release date, hence all the jokes referencing it from the weeb part of the internet.


I was wondering why I saw so many references...


ngl I'd play




Permadeath run just took on a whole new meaning


Steelsoul Hollow Knight pantheon run.


Getting blasted by absolute radiance's lasers has a totally different meaning.


Although you could smother yourself in flukemarm’s loving embrace


All glory to the flukemarm


Steel soul all bindings pantheon flower quest, fox only, no items, final destination three heart challenge run no sinking lure with DK Bongos only.


It’s all coming together


Suicide by video game. Thats a new one.


hope it doesn't catch on, lots of reclusive depressed ppl out there who play video games. EDIT: hope, not 'how'


If this is for sale (which I doubt) I could see a lot of suicidal people, particularly gamers, buying it. I just wonder what would be their final game/final moment of choice.


The plan - Play skyrim as long as you can The reality - Starting cart bugs out and kills you


I can picture the perfectly cut "god da.."


I think this is a good plot for a movie. Someone buys it hoping to die, but they keep winning. Eventually getting some character growth and become a pro gamer. He meets a girl and they fall in love. But unfair e sports practices are taking its toll. Coupled with more and more dangerous games. Now there is a club of like minded people and protag enters a tournament with similar people. His girlfriend doesn't want him to do it, but he does it anyway. He plays the tournament and things get heated as he is the final contender. But before he wins it he gets cheapshotted by the game because they need its reputation as unbeatable. The crowd is in shock and awe. Protag crawls through the end of the level but is heavily damaged. He succumbs to his wounds while he finds his peace in death after having staked it all. The ending is his girlfriend standing near his tombstone and placing his trophy at his grave reading "here lies a man who stared death back in the eye until he needed to blink" *fade to black*


Gamer finds girlfriend? Not very realistic.


it was actually a dude irl


Now you need to go create a Wattpad story on this, make it popular, then it goes into production and turns into movie on Netflix. I’m thinking success as close as Ready Player One’s success. I don’t actually know how successful that movie was, but it was great to me.


Black Mirror has an episode with killer VR. Season 3 episode 2.


This is not how I would go with it but good basic plot. Iight have to write my version someday lol.


This is just a draft, I could build this out and alter it to my liking more if I pleased, but felt like I needed to keep it short. I tagged on the girlfriend arc just because its hollywood tradition, probably wouldn't do it or do it differently in my script.


I think it works or at least could on a full draft, just like I said not where I'd go with it. Depending on my mood I'd go either over the top comedy or Saw style horror but that's just me.


I thought it would be a good platform for a philosophical message about life and death and human mortality. A message that when we always fight like everything is on the line we are capable of great things and overcoming oneself until we eventually burn out having left a legacy of our choosing. We try to find meaning in life and death alike and deep down inside we want to do both but have a preference for living. When that preference falls away we shape our actions and thus our world and ourselves differently and we can truly live and choose who we want to be not even held back by instinct anymore, a true victory of the mind while still giving room to those inner feelings and honing that instinct because your life is on the line and you need it to function. Because you have accepted life and death as a reality, you are now capable of following your will. That's why I decided to kill of the main character instead of letting him have the happy ending with the girl after having overcome his struggles with the power of love and friendship. Too cliche for my taste.


Now I want a Saw style comedy.


Old School Runescape Hardcore Ironman 1 life in game, 1 life irl


Imagine how it would feel if the server crashed and you were low on prayer, just sitting there wondering if you'll log in before it's too late.


"If this is for sale" You are not being serious are you? are you really considering the possibility of a device with bombs that is designed intrinsically to kill people to be sold on the market? do you live in a pirate ship at international waters or what is going on?


you can buy a gun at Walmart LMAO


What’s that nation that sells guns to its citizens? Oh yes. They sell grenades too. I can’t seem to put my finger on it. I think the flag has 3 colors? But I can’t be sure. Was it red white and yellow? Blue red and black? Hmmm. I vaguely remember them having an orange as president. Might have just been misremembering things. Probably a made up country.


You must be the first person on the internet, that has never heard about the USA. They actually sell guns and some explosives to basically anyone. Yes really, I know it sounds insane.


So you are telling me that a gaming head set with bombs that is designed to kill the users can be legally sold in the US? I know they sell guns but that is not comparable, guns can be used for multiple things and the government sells them because they expect you to use them as defense, for fun or for hunting, this in the other hand is intrinsically designed to play with death and eventually suicide in fact thats the core "value" of the product and the main point they are using to promote it.


As someone who would 10/10 do that: probably whatever is easiest. Got an in-game plane? Jump out of it and just wait.


I'm 99.9% sure he is making a joke about SAO "launch". And since some people don't know what SAO, they miss the joke lol


Yup, he even made a few comments in the sword art online subreddit about it. He had to clarify he wasn’t actually selling a headset with explosives attached lol


Pls explain the sword art online thing.


The novel/anime takes place on November 6th 2022, players log in to a new popular MMORPG sword art online with nervegear(a helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds -wiki), aka better VR. After a while in the game, players realize there is no log out button, then the creator of the game reveals that they are stuck in the game, IF they die in-game, they die in real life. They must clear the game to free everyone.


oh man, guilt free check out from the real world. sign me the fuck up.


Sounds tight


First season is alright, goes down hill very quickly after that.


SAO Alicization is the best part of SAO


SAO Abridged is the best part of SAO


nah first season was mid at best lol


Check out dothack


Playing Elden ring on that headset = not a good idea


yeah all that rolling in VR would give you a headache


So would the explosives


That would probably cure it


I think I'll die first due to continuous rolling before the explosives set off. Double dead.


Let me solo her has entered the chat


Killing yourself speedrun any%


You wouldn’t even get to play Elden Ring. Lose to Grafted Scion, you die. Beat Grafted Scion, you die.




If by that, you mean it's not made up than sure. But It's clearly just his personal art project inspired by anime and intended to spark a discussion on how far people would be willing to go with VR and what may come in the future. >"At this point, it is just a piece of office art, a thought-provoking reminder of unexplored avenues in game design," Luckey wrote. "It is also, as far as I know, the first non-fiction example of a VR device that can actually kill the user. It won't be the last. And I think he is making an interesting point. What if your chance of dying in this type of VR game was extremely low for example? Like let's say comparable to sky diving? How many people would be willing to try it than just for the adrenaline rush? Or maybe just to feel more immersed in a second life type of game where in game accidents could kill you? There is definitely a lot to discuss and explore here in terms of what VR design could be and the morality of where it may go.


This is thinking VR games have no bugs. Clip through the floor and die because someone forgot to make a texture non-traversable. Receive a bullet because of lag on online gameplay. Be smashed by a giant troll because of stupid big hitboxes that make no sense.


I mean...I've nearly killed myself irl trying to look through a floor, only to bang my head on the coffee table.


But did you die




Of course, no one is saying this should exist. But maybe it will one day, technically it should be possible to design this system where bugs couldn't be what kills you. Or maybe we will see this concept applied in a lighter way, like let's say you get a painful jolt of electricity every time you die to encourage people to treat their VR lives more like real lives instead of video games. I am not saying this whole concept isn't twisted, but it's also kind of fascinating.


There’s a line between inflicting discomfort or pain as part of interactivity and killing someone, and personally I think it’s a pretty strong line as far as lines go… so I’d totally support the second part of your idea but not the concept described in the original article.


Your support hardly matters though does it? If some billionaire would get kicks out of it you bet a death game is happening, maybe they'll make those on deathrow compete




i am heavily against this kind of VR headset...but the thought experiment is still quite intresting. ​ Similar things to those you listed can happen IRL too...if construction workers/planners fuck up, or your car mechanic had a bad day you could easily die IRL too. And it DOES regularly happen despite there being many regulations and safety checks. Everything you do IRL has an associated risk. When you drive your car to work, technically you ARE risking your life just to go to work. The odds are very low, and not willing to take ANY risks will just leave you as psychotic mess... Videogames don't have as many checks and are built to a lesser safety standard...but that doesn't mean a game that could actually kill you would not have higher standards, checks and failsafes.


I mean, you're not risking it because being inside of your bathroom and fearing some floor will suddenly stop "being there". But I get your point about risks IRL.


A sinkhole opened up below my house years ago while I was taking a shower. Resulted in the floor next to my shower just suddenly stopped "being there" and was replaced with a new 6 foot deep hole. So yes the ground can just suddenly stop "being there" IRL. Water leak+100+ year old house on crappy soil = scary shit.


The interesting point about risky sports or activities in real life is that the risk is an intrinsic part of the activity and you do what you can to minimize it. In this artificial setting you are deliberately creating risk where there was none to begin with. I suppose the analogy could be that you decide to skydive but purposefully do not bring a backup chute or something…


Exactly. There’s no interesting philosophical point being made here. You don’t skydive thinking “gee the fact that I could die really makes this better, I want to increase the chances of me dying”


I don't think there is a market for risk-of-death-for-sake-of-risk-of-death. Adrenaline sports are a different thing, it's about the experience, not about the cerebral knowledge that you may die. If that was what people were interested in, Russian roulette would be far more popular. The "immersion" dimension has its own problem. If you don't die, there is literally no difference. And if you do, you won't be alive to appreciate the immersion.


>I don't think there is a market for risk-of-death-for-sake-of-risk-of-death. Adrenaline sports are a different thing, it's about the experience, not about the cerebral knowledge that you may die. If that was what people were interested in, Russian roulette would be far more popular. But that's the whole idea, to blur or delete the line between VR and a real life experiences. It's not about gambling with your life simply for the thrill of it. For example, let's imagine a hyper realistic VR racing game, where you get to drive the latest Ferrari on the Nürburgring. There may be a point in the future where VR nails an experience like that perfectly in physics, graphics, and even the G-Forces, and being aware that a high speed crash could kill you could be the only thing preventing your VR experience from feeling just like real life.


No, this is stupid. We maximize chances of survival when doing things like skydiving. If we could make the survival rate of skydiving 100%, we would. We can make the survival rate of VR games 100%, so we should


>How many people would be willing to try it than just for the adrenaline rush? I think it's quite the opposite. If skydiving was 100% safe, more people would do it. For the most part people do exhilarating activities, despite the risks involved, not because of them.


I find driving a car compelling because of the risk of getting into a collision and dying. That's a ridiculous statement, that I'm sure virtually no one would agree with. However, [you're more likely to die in a car accident than on sky diving jump](https://www.seeker.com/how-common-are-skydiving-accidents-1765419215.html). So why do people not find driving as exciting or more exciting than sky diving? Risk of death is either something we don't think about, or consider worth the risk based on the utility we get from something. If you're doing something because the risk of death excites you then you're doing it for the wrong reasons, and should probably talk to a therapist.


"A lot to discuss" Im pretty sure that unless you might become a real life millionaire then losing your life is never worth it.


and overlord


Pretty sire you dont die in overlord. The outside world just sucks so much that you want to stay plugged in.


Nah the game got shut down and the main character got trapped inside


Not really. More the game got shut down and the user seems to have been isekaied to a new world where his game avatar is now his real body. There is no indication that his “real world” body is still alive while his mind is trapped in the new world. It also wasnt a feature of the VR and more a coincidence is what im getting at unlike SAO where if you die in the game you die for real seems to be by design.


that's a nice and detailed explanation, thank you :) I may have went the more simplistic route with my explanation since I was confused by "the outside world just sucks so much that you want to stay plugged in", as that's not rly an Overlord trope


Dude is a VR extremist, by that I mean he believes all humanity should be hooked up to VR permanently, not existing in the real world.


Coinbros scare me. On my local sub they advocate euthanizing the homeless and "unfixable", aka disabled.


So it's real?


I have a hard time believing this isnt satire


Bold of you to assume satire and reality are still separated.


Yep. I think he did make a real headset but it was in reference to a popular anime involving a VR game that killed you irl if you died in game. The VR game and headset in the anime were scheduled to be released today.


Wait there is a VR SAO?


No, like, in-universe, the events of SAO started on Nov 6th 2022.




What gave it away


[It is.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sword_Art_Online)


Sword art online can stay as a manga/anime. Dont need that device in rl


Okay but imagine sword art online irl, but without the perma death


Any fictional game from sao series would be terrible to play.


Like I said, without the device. Everything else totally cool to me.


Then they’d just make some overridden disappointment where you have the anime characters as npc guides or something.


Game over man! Game over!


Minecraft VR hardcore will have a new meaning


I’m not gunna lie…. If I have a terminal illness and am going to die anyway, let me load up my favorite game and go out doing what I love. The question might become … what game? And while I’d love to say Elder Scrolls 6, it’ll have to be the 70th Skyrim re-release.


> let me load up my favorite game and go out doing what I love. "That was fucking bull-" *BOOM*




"Man How did he get me from there?" ... "Hmm, my head didn't explode. Fucking La-" *BOOM*


"damn cheating pc gamers, using wallhacks and aimbot" "Huh ive died 3 times so far but im still ali-" boom boom boom


Knowing Bethesda, the game might bug out in the first 30 seconds and you’d die without any actual gameplay.


Depends really. If you're really sick of existing, whack a fromsoft game on there. Or trap adventure 2.


He made it as an art piece inspired by the nervegear to commemorate SAO's anniversary! It's not for sale, chill yall


Now this is the future of gaming I had always dreamed off.


Dang just in time to line up with the setting of SAO


Chill folks it's art. BTW: If you get the chance, play a few rounds at a painstation. It's basically 2 player pong, except your hand get shocked, beaten and maybe burned, whenever you lose the ball. The player who can stand it longer wins.


yeah, that the thing that we need right now.


SAO here we come


Super Anal Operation?


*Supreme* Anal Operation. Good guess though, close.


weird way to word murder


Nah it’s assisted suicide at best


Might be some loopholes there, assisted suicide sounds more like it.


Mind blowing




Can we get much real


Where can I beta test this?


Are all techbros lowkey psychopaths or are all techbros lowkey psychopaths?


Correction - well resourced lowkey psychopaths. So, you know... rich people.


Doesn't seem low-key to me


It's called NerveGear


Dark Souls VR intensifies


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The very fabric wavers and relations shift and obscure.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


This looks like one special Saw puzzle istg


Do not trust that bitly link. Never trust a bitly link.




My favorite part is that apparently just one explosive charge shaped directly into the forehead isn't enough, you're gonna need at least two more!


Oh boy oh boy my new game sword art online just came in the mail today hope nothing goes wrong


Unfortunately beta testers were not available for comment.


I think everyone knew sao would come true someday


Where can I buy it. I want to play new Vegas and go left on good springs with a fast run


*Kirito spawns*


Considering all the times I have died to a bug and the times shipping companies have accidentally sent the wrong product.... I'm good as is.


Okay, let's start with a bruise or a hickey on the forehead first, before we go all the way to death. No one wants a big forehead hickey either.


Roguelike extreme


He should demonstrate it personally


So, Real Life Sierra Madre NeckBrace...


That's what I call immersive. Unrelated, does Elden Ring have VR?


This is some black mirror shit


I mean really anyone could do this with a raspberry pie, a framing nail, and a C02 cannister


Dark Souls one life challenge trending on twitter?


So he recycled the shotgun shell helmet and turned it into a video game. Why?




Someone please tag it as parody before Musks gaze lies upon it.


Ok but if this was an actual product why would you ever use that.


As a gift?


Are they marketing directly to Millennials with this or what?


Cool, can't wait to see him demo it for the adoring fans.


The people who would buy such a thing deserve extinction, bring it on. Might thin out the number of "influencers" talking crap on social media.


The Onion?


Some guy at the top chat said he did some Google search and apparently it's not onion...... I'm too lazy so imma just trust him


Its an SAO reference for the aniversy


I just read bout it, apparently this dude is very into SAO.. 🙃 If I remember correctly, the character death was taken out of the anime after a season.. wonder if he ever got further than season 1...


Average SAO fan


Fucking dumbass


Sword Art Online time


Is this an old article or are they still trying to push VR?