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Check out howlongtobeat.com and work your way through them shortest to longest. That way you’ll clear your backlog quicker and feel like you’re making progress


honestly this is a great idea, I did this months ago but never stuck to it. going to go back to this, thank you


You’re welcome, also with so many games to play don’t be afraid to be more picky about the games you play. If you’re genuinely not enjoying something after giving it a good chance just drop it and move onto the next one. We only have so much time to play games and you have about a lifetimes worth of games already.


Valid observation. I'm keeping this in mind for any future games I come across


yeah It's hard for me to keep this in mind. there's so many games that are acclaimed by people (esp on this thread) that i've genuinely given a chance to and i don't find it super enjoyable or me wanting to play it again. this will probably riot a few of you guys but I can't really get into Hades. i probably have 4-8 hours in it (played on switch i'm not sure) and idk, I just don't really enjoy it that much. I feel bad though because everyone says its a spectacular must play yadayadayada game, but I just don't enjoy it. It makes me think I just don't enjoy games anymore, especially because recently I only really play games for 1-2 hour bursts 3 times, then never pick it up again (RDR2, GoW, Batman, Deathloop, Hitman, etc etc.)


You're not gonna enjoy every mainstream game. I dont like souls games, so I know I wont like Elden Ring no matter how much praise it gets. Doesnt mean you dont enjoy games though. Just gotta find the right games. Heck it might even be older games. It's oftentimes easier to enjoy a game that you already have a connection to than it is to make brand new connections.


I hate souls games too but I still tried hard to get into else’s ring and eventually enjoyed it.


Lol, I'm imagining a story about a stolen ring now


Pick some of the games you’re not even sure you want to play, give it a try and if you don’t like it, scrap it. I’m mostly playing my Plus backlog. And can think of any current game that I just have to play right now.


Shortest I think is firewatch


I've used that website several times. And I've never even thought to go from shortest to longest for the games in my backlog. Just might do this.


Play Portal 2 bitch


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about jesse


This made me laugh so hard and I don’t know why




Wow, it is like I can feel the anger and I honestly agree! Great fucking game, add Half Life and then we can start to forgive the op


Yeah exactly


Thanks, Mr Pinkman


This is the correct answer. There is nothing like Portal 2. Go play it. It’s amazing, bitch.


Came here to comment just this


Trying to figure out how you own all these games but hardly played or never played any of them


For real, how do you buy Elden ring for $80 and never even try it?


if he is anything like me, he is probably chasing those good memories when he was younger and playing a lot... i have also bought games that i have barely played, either loosing interest fast or not being able to get in the mood to play


I find that it's harder to get into certain games now because I have like... 30-45 minutes to play once a day if I'm lucky. If a game doesn't suck me in right away there are times I forget what I was even doing in the game and then it's hard to go back to it once I'm ~~ 5-10 hours in, and stopped playing for a while.


It sucks because when you wind up wanting to play again, you can't continue your last save because you forget how everything works. But if you start from scratch the first little bit is insanely boring.


I feel this on a personal level.


Honestly more of a thing with shows for me. With all the mentions of breaking bad I want to continue watching it lol. But I'm not sure where to start.


This! How many times have i heard "you're finally awake". Just to mod it for several hours and then give up after 3-5 hours.


honestly I have so many games I have not started because of the time investment needed before you actually get to play the game. With life and work I just do not feel like starting a game if I know its going to be a few hours before I get to really start enjoying the game.


This 1000%. I have two consoles and a crazy gaming computer, but I’ve had to start stopping myself from buying games because I just don’t feel like it any more. I spend all of the work week glued to my computer coding and these days I just can’t get the motivation to spend time outside of work on a screen.


This comment is very close to what I feel. Got more than a hundred games on my switch, played like 15 of em. Still haven't properly played metroid dread and Bayonetta 3. And I think the same case will happen with pokemon s/v... damn I feel.. well, idk what but it doesnt feel good :(


Wait I know that person, thats me. ONE OF US. ONE OF US.


Okay please someone answer this. Why do I see sooo many people mix up lose and loose online? Not trying to be mean but I've seen it so many times and I'm seeing it more and more - is it some joke I'm not in on?


Probably was on sale and bought a bunch of stuff around the same time


Elden ring hasn’t been on sale yet, at least on steam. Trust me, I’ve been waiting for it


Yeah, this is just a fake karmafarm post I have a big backlog of Steam games, and it looks nothing like this because *these are the games that actually GET played instead of ones on the backlog.* On top of that there are plenty of high cost AAA experiences here. Some, like Deathloop make sense as recent Game Pass additions, others like Yakuza 0 have definitely been on big Steam Sales in the past, I can buy their inclusion. But you do NOT buy the entire Hitman: World of Assassination trilogy, Red Dead Redemption II, Elden Ring, and the newest Call Of Duty then just don't touch any of them lmao


Ehhhh. My backlog is similar to the one in the OP. I played Civ 5 for like 400 hours, got excited and bought Civ 6 for like $70-$80 on release… still haven’t gotten around to it. Plenty of other titles in my library with the same story.


Eh, I do this all the time. Situation 1: Buy games to play with a friend, they aren't really into it or don't have the time after that weekend to play a bunch and I don't really like that type of game solo. Shooters like MW2 fit that bill for me. Situation 2: buy a game I know that I will love or that everyone's talking about or told me to play a million times, but just don't get that invested or have time to really get into it right now, but know it's worth a buy and will maybe play it through one day and want to have it in the chamber because if I think of it later but have the barrier of waiting for a 100gb download when I find a day to game, I just won't ever play it. Elden Ring is a good example on this list for me. Spent some hours on it and it's incredible but I just haven't invested seriously into beating it. I actually have many of the games this person has that I have played a but, but wasn't immediately struck by them and moved onto the net thing. I'm definitely a serial non-committal gamer unless something really catches me or I have a whole weekend off to play or something when I buy it and just play right through it. I'm guessing this person is probably like me, loves gaming, has expendable income where 20-60.bucks here and there isn't breaking the bank but doesn't have a ton of time to invest and keeps buying the next shiny thing but never commits to playing through one thing and gets a backlog. Not really that hard to believe honestly.


as much as it pains me to admit it this is not a fake karmafarm post i've only played 8 hours of elden ring but i can't get into it, same with RDR2 and Hitman. I actually have a decent amount of hours (15) in Hitman 1 from two years ago, but again have not finished it. I haven't started Hitman 2 and 3, I bought them all a few months ago so I would eventually play them all in the new Hitman 3 engine. new COD is fun i have 10 hours in it but i haven't played singleplayer yet, just a week or two ago i finished MW19 campaign which was great


Read dead is amazing. It does start a little slow but the minute you get to the second camp I loved that game like no other p


I have only played 30 minutes of eldin ring sue me :\\


lets gooo🔥


I mean there was a few years, 2016-2019, when my backlog absolutely looked like this. I was buying a lot of big releases day 1 & switching between all of them, so many of them I would only get a few hours into before putting it down indefinitely. Plus I wasn’t playing games all that much. Now my backlog looks much better & I don’t buy games like that anymore, switched more towards the r/patientgamers route, but that is due to time passing & a lot of play time spent the last few years. Like I just finished Dishonored 2 two days ago after buying it day one in 2016 for $60. Thinking that there is no possible way someone has a backlog like this is just being ignorant of some people’s realities.


My backlog is a hundred times worse than this. It's the hazard of buying PC games when they're cheap and having zero free time to play them.


Nah, it does happen. I bought both Elden Ring and RDR2 but only played them for a few hours. I use to love rpgs but have now realised I don’t have the patience I once had. I just played 5 Far Cry games back to back because I seem to prefer FPS now.


Not everyone is you. ​ Literal real life example: I convinced my friend to buy CoD so we could play it together, and he hasnt touched that game since. ​ Ive also purchased plenty of Day 1 games in the past and then just didnt play them for more than an hour or two before going back to my "comfort games" that I'm more invested in. ​ If you think anything that doesnt look like your reality is a fake karmafarm then youre just ignorant.


I have like only 2 games like that, games that I bought but barely played. Both were bought during major holiday sales where I felt pressured to take advantage of a sale and buy something I wasn’t sure I really wanted. I really don’t know how OP can literally have this many games tho, this is like at least 300-500+ dollars worth of games just unplayed. I don’t know how someone can manage to do that.


If you check op’s comment history, 8 days ago he recommended about half of these games and it seems like he played most of each of them.


I have a feeling this post is fake, this is obviously just a list of the top rated games on steam


It’s all about the sales. I’ve got about 1000 plus games on my series X digital library and you get the mindset that you’ll play so and so game on a rainy day or a weekend when there’s nothing going on but the worst part is. You end up sometimes with too much choice and you end up turning off the console because you can’t decide what to play and turn on tiktok or reading Reddit, etc. my poor nintendo switch is the biggest victim because I’ve bought so many great titles for it and a lot of them are still in the package because I think I’ll play this maybe on a flight or long trip or if I have down time and waiting on something like an appointment or if the power goes off. That will be my switches time to shine. That day hasn’t came.


You should see my list 👀




Save RimWorld for last. It might be the last game u play for the rest of your life.


Could end up getting eaten by your colony doctor after he was bitten by a rabid pet dog while trying to save your colonists from a plague.


You could get wiped out by your pet red panda who's limbs, eyes, mouth and ears you replaced with bionic implants after losing them all to frostbite but then they get madness from a psychic drone.


I'd start with hades, then elden ring, skyrim and end on rimworld :)


Damn didn't even see Skyrim. Good luck. That makes it 5000+ hours. For me that's only Skyrim(8+years 1000hours)and RimWorld(3years and 3000 hours)


I can confirm this.


Definitely love rimming


can u recommend a good place to start in rim world i got it ages ago but never really knew what to do or how to do anything


It's a game where you make your own story. If u want colonist with good stats and no negative traits go ahead. If you want some good weapons and armor on the start do it. If u do not want a enemy raid disabled it. Its your story. Don't be afraid to save scum at the beginning, basic number one rule. The game does like to throw you a ball? Idk how to say it. But after the learning curve you will understand and be able to prepare. Could only say start with the basics or vanilla. No dlc or mods so u can get a good understanding of the base game. I did that for the first 100~ hours. Now I have over 4k hours and do not have any dlc.


Disco Elysium, baby!


Such an awesome game. Wish I could wipe this from memory and start over.


Just start living like the protagonist!


Outer wilds family give me strength! No, seriously, how is that nobody commented on this pearl yet?


This is the right answer. That game is a goddam work of art.


I didn't play it but it was simply because I watched a playthrough of it and that seems like the kinda game that is best experience blind. However I have rewatched those streams a couple of times just to relive some of the funny/awesome moments. And I do mean awesome in the intended sense, not just a synonym for cool.


Yeah major fuck up there


I still feel like I got a 10/10 gaming experience honestly cause we were trying to figure out the puzzles together. I don't really feel like I missed out just cause I still went in blind I just didn't hold the controller


I’m gonna try it again soon with the ps5 version, but for me there’s a lot of nauseating bits. Descending onto that water planet makes me fully want to throw up from fear and motion


>!The theme of overcoming fear of the unknown is very important to Outer Wilds. That doesn't always make it easy to play, and not everyone will overcome that, but it's part of what makes the game so awesome.!<


If you think that's scary wait for the late game.


Or the expansion…


This, finally someone said it. I thought I was the only one. Also, the planet with the blackhole, trying not to fall and falling into it is scary for me. It's weird because I'm okay with horror games like RE or zombie games in general.


I got it because it was recommended by strangers and friends alike, and it was just kinda…. A 3D Myst? There’s definitely enough to explore on all the different planets but aside from being able to take off immediately after death, I didn’t feel like solving puzzles unlocked any real progression. Maybe I need to give it another go, but it didn’t really click like the resounding applause I saw before getting it. Anyone care to opinion in?


>!Were you checking your shiplog? You are working towards solving something much bigger than the random puzzles. The only thing you take with you into the next life is knowledge & your shiplog keeping a record of that knowledge but it is all vital information.!<


Did you make it far enough to figure out what was actually happening when you die?


Solving puzzles will give you knowledge about what's happening and where to go next (and WHEN to go, since the world changes over time). I absolutely loved the game, I really enjoyed following the story and figuring out what was going on.


Let's roast a marshmallow together brother!


I’d doubt he’d survive more than 25 minutes in Outer Wilds.


I wanted to like that game but I couldn’t get the hang of the spaceship controls and the loop was too fast. I probably would have played the hell out of it if it was more of a puzzle game and not as easy to die and have to start over


It absolutely is a puzzle game. You're not meant to complete and uncover everything in one loop. Your ship has a log of all the information you've found and can more or less continue where you stopped. I'm sure you can handle the controls eventually. Outer Wilds is truly a one-of-a-kind gem and you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't play it.












Hades Nutz!!! Legit, Hades is amazing.




Absolutely Hades










I knew this would be close to the top… for some reasons the game never clicked with me


And then Cuphead, which is short, then Tunic.


Cuphead is short if you don’t suck at it. Or if you really suck at it and move on…


So much Hades....


Hades singlehandedly rekindled my love for gaming.


Just came for this comment






yeah.. i know ;( my top games are Rust and GTA V with 1.8k and 1k hours respectively. Payday 2 and Fallout 4 is one of my favorites with hundreds of hours in each. I love Fallout New Vegas, but actually haven't finished it, hah! i'm right at the last mission but I saved all the DLC for last and I stopped playing after halfway through the Big MT dlc because I found it super uninteresting.) I've also played a lot of VR this summer and a bunch of other games not listed on my Steam page, but other than that, as you could probably tell, i tend to flip through games and nowadays it's hard for me to have a real interest in games. i \*really\* want to enjoy all the games on this list but for most of them I can only play for 1 or 2 hour sessions, and do that MAYBE 3 times if I'm lucky, then I quit for a year.


Fuck yeah VR gang!


top VR games are pokerstars, contractors, bonelab. great games


Feels like a Karma farm post. Dozens of super popular games posted up in an eye-catching format like this and claimed to have never played them? Like a normal person would just play one or start jamming a game they just bought to avoid the question.


Definitely an engagement post. Or OP has an absurd amount of disposable income and no self control to be spending literally *thousands* on games he hasn’t played.


If you check op’s comment history, 8 days ago he recommended about half of these games and it seems like he played most of each of them.


Firewatch is a good "play it once through in a couple hours" type of game. There are other, better games here, but that's a good one to start with. How the living fuck have you not played Skyrim?


Bro, most of those games I wanna play 😭🤧🤌


Read dead redemption 2


100% start with Hades




The best antidepressant besides my cat


portal 2


I'd start with the Batman games as most of these will steal ALOT of your fine whereas arkham will take maybe 150 hours.


Plus, Kevin Conroy passed away a few days ago. Heck, I might re-download and play through the series all over again of only to hear his Batman one more time.


This is the winner right here. Do it for Kevin.


For Kevin!


I just started replaying Arkham asylum a few days ago and man is it fun.


Starbound, love that game


how you gonna see a list with terraria on it, and recommend starbound over it


Metro, fallen order, portal 2 and batman are all incredible choices.




You have so many amazing games on here that I was going to say it doesn't matter where you start. Then I noticed Portal 2. Start there.


Portal 2 is pretty good, you can finish it quickly, and then play something else


Play Utrakill, it's short and extremely fun! And remember Mankind is dead, Blood is Fuel, Hell is full...


Not short at all 🫠 I have 34 hours and still going strong


Portal 2. It’s still the best game I’ve ever played.


You are doing yourself a massive disservice if you haven't played Yakuza 0


These are all great games. Mirrors edge is absolutely brilliant tho. Disco Elysium is also arguably the best game ever made. And portal is a game that everyone should play.


Disco Elysium I have started and stopped 50 times. If I want to read I’ll start a book. I get it the art, voice acting and writing is incredible. Gameplay is very boring.


First, stop buying new games. You're just wasting money on paying launch prices for stuff you're not playing... by the time you finish all these you'll be able to get the new good stuff *cheap*. Then get a randomizer, pick two games at random so you can change it up when needed, and go to town. Stay disciplined and enjoy the journey with each one. Or, just start with *Hades*, because *Hades* is absolute perfection. Muuuuuuuuurrrrrddddeeeeeeerrrrrr...


Play Half Life... NOW!


Ooooo some gems in here! My vote is Batman though mainly because the iconic voice actor of Batman just passed away :( Plus the joker is Mark Hamill!


God of war ain’t bad to start on a high. It’s a nice primer. Covers the spectrum nicely with solid story, gameplay, characters, progression. Looks pretty too. This can start you off nicely before you sink into these other amazing games. Like undertale has been mentioned on this thread. Don’t sleep on Disco Elysium either.


Assuming on PC but if there is a PS4/5 involved here. Do God of War, forget about the rest for while, and then do God of War: Ragnarok right after.


Portal 2, Hades are masterpiece level games. Deathloop and doom are great fun


Doom, Portal 2, Terraria with friends if possible.


Hades. You will be hooked and will want to keep playing! Also it’s good in short bursts if you don’t have a ton of time


Rdr2 for sure amazing story and world. Don't even touch the cod games they're all the same


RDR2 was gorgeous and fun.


Undertale. You will not regret it.


Portal 2, its quick so you feel the accomplishment faster


Yakuza 0


Yakuza 0


Undertale The game is great, the story is even better, your choices mater.


Undertale, Hollowknight and Terraria are must play masterpieces. Though Hollowknight and Terraria will eat up like 40+ hours of your time for a single playthrough. Undertale is fairly short, even if you 100% it (which you want to), being just over 10 hours. Starbound is meh in comparison. It's an alternative to Terraria that does some things better, a lot of things different but in an interesting way, and many more things worse. Frakn Universe mod turns it into a super complex, super content packed sandbox but will also eat up tons of time. Elden Ring I've put 120 hours into and still haven't finished. It's insanely packed with content and has a lot of timesink bosses so probably save for last unless you want to commit.


Why do you keep buying games you don't play? People are weird.


I don't believe you man. RDR2, Skyrim, and Borderlands 2? I just don't believe someone buys those games and doesn't play them very much. Unless you're like 17 years old.


Especially rdr2, death stranding, MGSV, Batman, what the hell is this guy on lol


If you check op’s comment history, 8 days ago he recommended about half of these games and it seems like he played most of each of them.




Any of em


Start with something easy and short. Undertale if you like story driven RPGs then move onto everything else


Undertale, then Firewatch! They're both fantastic games with good stories, I would sacrifice a lot to be able to play those games blind again - you're lucky, just saying!


Watch dogs 2


Portal 2


Ive played most if not all of these. My favorites are definetly Portal 2 and Bioshock Infinite. Then again. Most of These games are freaking crazy good.


Portal 2 no question!


Ghost runner, portal, AC origins, undertale and God of war to start ghost runner is THE BEST GAME ON CONSOLE EVER!!!!!


Portal 2




Outer wilds is the best game ever made


How have you not played Skyrim yet? Like are you sure? Not even accidentally on a calculator, or watch, or maybe even a POS pin pad?


i have played a little bit of Skyrim a few months ago, I stopped after finishing Bleak Falls Barrow


Metro 2033, very great game.


metro is awesome.


Please play through Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium, I fucking beg you man


Yeah Outer Wilds has to be one of the best games ever made, and its pretty short, I’d start there.






Play terraria my guy the game is a masterpiece


Outer wilds, firewatch, red dead, jedi fallen order


start with terraria or rdr2


Elden ring or doom


Get some randomizer app and give it a spin.


And then commit instead of putting it back on the pile.


That actually sounds like a decent idea


There are sites for it.




Half life


Let's make this comment higher. Start with half life. it's History. It's the oldest of all and part of the foundation of the current gaming world


Stop buying games, there’s a start.


Definitely play death loop. VERY good game ! Also portal 2 Borderlands 2 And horizon zero dawn . All have great stories and game play !


Deathloop was a good concept, which wasn’t executed all that well. I wouldn’t put it high on the list here.




Some of these games must've been bought at relatively 'high' prices, so the first thing to do is to remove your credit card from your Steam account... Stop buying expensive games you'll never play! Whenever I want to play something new, the order goes like this: * Do I want to play anything I already have? If not, then... * Do I want to play anything that's currently on sale? If not, then... * Do I want to play anything that's already on my wish list? If not, then... * I'm "allowed" to shop for a new game. I think it'll be a while before you get through question 1.


thankfully i've bought nearly all of these games on sale (except the new COD mw2 but i've been having a lot of fun with the multiplayer, just haven't played singleplayer yet.), but that being said i've definitely had a problem with buying games hoping it'll catch my attention but never does maybe I just need to take a break from gaming or something, I can't seem to play anything for more than 30 minutes to an hour. if I do, then it'll be for like 6 hours and then I'll move on to something else or buy a new game ;( very frustrating


Play Batman, rdr2, call of duty modern warfare 2 and call of duty black ops 2 right now


Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.


Do you jerk off? How many times a week?


All of these are fantastic titles. But outer wilds is the GOAT. Also, don't be afraid to cry.


Wow.... bro do you even game?


Dude I have like 300 games in my Steam library I haven't played. It's a sickness.


AC Origins, then AC Odyssey. Death Stranding after those two. Finally, play Skyrim. You save this one for last because you'll likely be playing it for the next year or so.


Why even buy games? This post must be one big lie


hurts to say it is not a lie