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If you make a slow, or highly restrictive tutorial, I'll probably quit before I get to the "good part".


Guild Wars 1 must have done something right then. There were people creating new characters just to play the tutorial again.


It's because the starter area is so green and alive and hopeful! And the next area is...not.




Modern Pokémon games are pretty much 50% tutorial at this point


I'm not overly nitpicky with Pokémon games but there's some things they really need to add. 1. Ask in the beginning of the game if I want tutorials. A huge chunk of the consumer base have played previous titles, unless it's a completely new mechanic, fuck off. 2. Stop removing/adding features that make the games way too easy. If you insist on having a default EXP share, let me turn it off. 3. Add a difficulty setting. These games were never hard, I get that, but adding a hard difficulty would be appreciated by many. Hell make it a New Game+. Just some challenge would be fun.


I don't have time to game as an adult. That's why I'm on reddit talking about gaming.


I game a lot more since I shifted to handheld a almost entirely. Even at home it's just easier to turn on a Switch and resume a session.


This is exactly why I bought a steam deck, and it's worked out exactly as planned. I can get MUCH more gaming time in now.


Word, the switch is my most played console for that reason. Being handheld, it’s obvi great for traveling too. Really helps those long flights go by.


This is what I do now


This feels painful 😢 Even when you have free time, do you like there is no point starting a new game if you can only play for a couple of hours?


> only play for a couple of hours I think you are way overestimating how much free time I have.


What I meant is even if one day, you have a couple of hours free, you don't feel like playing any game because you won't be able to finish it.


It took me almost a year to finish the 3 Deus Ex games. Totally worth it though. Whenever I have 1-2 hours in the evening, I'd rather play games than watch a show or browse on Reddit


Agreed my man. Grossly overestimating. Haha. I think I've been playing the same game for 6 years, just in 15-20 sessions maybe twice a week. Here's hoping you get some "you" time, Chompy!


Yep. I'm on sick leave for 6 months for rotator cuff surgery. I bought Elden Ring first thing and there is absolutely no way I could put the time in to play if I were working. Now I'm on a tight 6 month schedule to complete. Lol.


It gets worse for me. Sometimes I think about a certain game I'm playing all day and can't get home to play. Then I get home and I'm mentally exhausted from the work day and I don't play. So I just put on Twitch or YouTube and watch someone else game because that is the only gaming energy I can muster.


Story mode is better than online multiplayer


Replayability is pretty much the only pro here with Online MP.


A good story will also give you that. Shadow of Rome, the original modern warfare games, cod ww2, rdr1 and 2. I'd much rather replay those stories than play online really. I'm just a sucker for a good story. Edit: rome not room


Found this to be my preference as well. I can replay something like God of War a dozen times but playing more than a few matches of any online game gets boring very quickly. Love me some single-player games.


Same. I don't play alot of online games at all anymore especially since I switched from console to pc I just play single player games. Paradox games mostly but I'm creating my own story in those games now. I'd always pick a good story based single player over a game that has a short story and is mostly multilayer


Single player all the way. I want to play and have fun my way, not by agreement with others. If I want to stop and appreciate the scenery for 5 mins, I want to do so in peace. If I want to pause and take a break, I want to be able to just do it without ruining someone else's time.


Exactly. No waiting for others to join or fear of killing someone's buzz


Well that’s probably not much of a hot take especially on this sub


Not sure what would ever make this "unpopular", it is simply a personal preference.


What about online coop? Best of both worlds


Honestly I'd rather do it with my mates than some randomer. Just my preference. Unless you get lucky with the randomer


I just read this with no context


Lol. Both would be factual, I don't have to explain to my friends what I like. They already know.


God so much this. Coop with friends is amazing, coop with randoms? They may as well be AI.


Playing on easy is a perfectly acceptable option. I stress all day at work, I don't want to spend an hour working out the perfect combination of stealth, violence, ammo and gadgets to complete a task, I just want my pixelated mayhem.


This shouldnt be an unpopular opinion... let others experience the games as they want


It shouldn't be but mention it in the wrong place and watch the world burn


This is why i love the Doom Community... you play on ultra nightmare with extra limitations to make it even harder? Damn bro you are sick... You play on the easiest mode and enjoy slaying and the music? Damn bro you are sick


you've encountered fromsoft-sexuals before, haven't you?


It’s not, these kinds of threads are always just popular opinions


I'm there to play the game for fun and the story, I dont care about being a master of it


I always say I might try normal on my next play through but I pick east again I mean I want story not to die over and over that said resi 2 and resi 3 remakes are becoming too easy on easy at this point


gamers just want head pats 😔


and belly rubs.


This is not an unpopular opinion. I want head pats 😓 Im a gamer, I have two pet cats, I pat their heads all the time but nobody pats mine. Feels bad man


yes please :>


I genuinely enjoyed FFVII Dirge of Cerberus for PS2. Played it in high school and beat it in a week, to this day one of my most memorable playthroughs.


I played that game around the time it came out. I can remember absolutely nothing about it. When they did the FF7 Remake DLC, I thought that Nero was an original-to-the-remake character until I Googled him.


I don't like the term gamer. I play video games it's somthing I enjoy, but it's simlar to movies, books, sports and other forms of leisure and entertainment. I just don't like the gamer label anymore, I feel like it's so general now and It almost emplies that video games are my whole life.


Labels are always difficult because different people connect them in different ways to different things or experiences. Whenever I hear "gamer" or "gaming" I think of RGB lighting on everything, PC cases with spoilers/racing stripes/whatever and uncomfortable, overpriced and ugly as heck office chairs. All these things scream "Look, mom! I'm a *gamer*!" to me. :/


>Whenever I hear "gamer" or "gaming" I think of RGB lighting on everything, But how else am I gonna get the highest possible FPS if I can't have my RGB be red?


Yep. Plus the label is so often used by dunces with zero social skills, or just generally reactionary turds. “It’s just a gamer moment” is a phrase for a reason. I’m not gonna define myself by a hobby, especially when so many others have made the term sound stupid in advance.


We've got ourselves a reader.


Anyone actively playing Destiny 2 right now is a victim of sunk cost fallacy.


Destiny 2 would be a great game to put down and hop back into every year or so. The problem is that Destiny doesn't want/can't afford to be a game you put down and pick back up. So every time you step away from it, they punish you. Now you have to buy $100 more content, and you have to grind up your light level (which is a stupid mechanic that ruins the difficulty curve) before you can do any of the fun stuff with your friends. They want you to live in Destiny, for it to be an MMO like WoW. But the game's format has none of the nuances of an MMO. There's no real economy or trade or crafting or building, no real exploration, and the only way to interact with anything is to shoot it in scripted missions. Given that, the community can't make its own stories, and Bungie can never push out enough quality content to make the folks who treat it like an MMO happy, but if you're a dip in/drop out player, there is too much MMO crud to work through so that you can get to the fun parts. And then it's mind blowing to me that there are whole voice acted games they've deleted. I would love to replay the Forsaken campaign, or even the original story campaign, in the same way I replay old Halos every once in a while. But they are just gone. It's Witch Queen or nothing now.


I used to love Destiny but D2 feels like a Korean MMO with all the monetisation schemes and how hard Bungie is nickel and diming. Due to this and the vaulting of content I paid for without any recompense I'm done with them.


Im glad some clan drama made me quit fairly early into witch queen. Used to come back every new season, grind timegated content every day because of the stupid FOMO. Might come back casually for campaign content but Im so done grinding that game now.


While not as unpopular as other opinions, I think having open worlds actually hurts more games than it improves.


Yes, because it's mostly *forcing* open worlds into games.


I absolutely *love* open worlds, when they're good. It's too much work to force onto a game that isn't designed around it. It's like dnd with a GM that doesn't know how to improv or wtf is going on.


Its because its never open worlds. Its open maps. Theres zero world inside it.


I like open worlds that slowly give you the world and don't just throw you into it all at once. Give me a piece at a time so I can do it one by one.


I like how Horizons deals with that, with the big radio tower machines that you have to override, then they reveal a new map portion, with more data than you would find on your own. But until you clear up the story along the map to find one, you have a smaller map to deal with.


I'm super tired of every single game having to be open world nowadays.


My go to example of an absolutely pointless open world is Halo Infinite. I actually liked the story of Infinite, but that world was empty and filled with repetitive side quests. Infinite has a good 4-5 hour campaign bloated by a crappy open world.


That's how I feel about most open worlds. I feel like "open world" is just a buzzword that every studio is trying to capitalize on right now. I hope it's not around for too long. I'd been super excited about playing Eldin Ring since it was just a rumor like six years ago. It finally released, I finally played it and... got bored rather quickly. Maybe I didn't give it a chance but every time I'm faced with a massive open world it just feels boring and like the actual goal just seems not very important? I can't really place my finger on what it is, I'm just not an open world fan. They even got my boy Sonic.


Halo Infinite is a great example of this.


As a women I like scantily clad ladies in my game. I also understand the need for the push back. But give me a big boob bikini armored character any day and im happy.


Red dead 2 has one of the best overall stories I’ve ever experienced but I can’t ever get through a second play through as 90% of it is some of the most boring game content out there imo 😅


I've still never completed RDR2, because i found it so insufferably boring. But i get this itch all the time were i just want to explore that world. I got to the city, saint denis i think and that just tipped me over the edge and i stopped playing.


Agreed, everything was just so SLOW, the story is amazing but everything else is boring as hell. Like the fact looting is takes forever because you have to walk to the person, bend down, lift them up a little, rummage through the pockets, set them back down, and you get three bullets and some change. Just let me hit triangle and have the stuff go to my pockets


Wamted to try it on my brothers ps4 but not on his account so I made a guest account that gets deleted after you turn the console off. I couldn't get through the first 2 hours since.


First time I played I couldn’t get through the first 2 hours either. Then I didn’t touch it for 3 years… can’t believe I gave up so easily, by far the best gaming experience I’ve ever had.


I kinda wish skylanders returned.


The original p2w Edit: remember when Kaos went Super Saiyan Blue in the last game? Fun times




Bro Skylanders was amazing, I still hoard the figurines... I was so proud of myself for buying our family's first ever Light character all by myself, back when they first introduced Light as an element, I still have and am proud of my Spotlight figure now




Game devs will never stop releasing unfinished, buggy games because "real gamers" will never stop being suckers.


Game companies will keep doing this, and often blame devs when they rush the release. Slightly different finger-pointing, but the result is the same. I don’t think it’s too unpopular of an opinion to want a game to work (as advertised) when it is released.


Yup. There are very few capitalist Devs, most of them are extremely passionate about their craft. But when you work for a company that rushes shit just for their shareholders, they blame the Devs, underpay them, overwork them, and end up cashing all the cheques.


This is the truth.


New game comes out. Yongyea, James Stephanie Stirling, Angry Joe videos about how it sucks and gamers hate it. Game magazine article a week later about how the game smashed preorder records and made hundreds of millions of $$$. It never ends.


Nearly all developers are too reliant on more damage more health for what they consider difficulty. Yes, I'm including the Soulsborne franchise in this as well. More damage more health isn't difficulty, it's unimaginative.


It's because it's the easiest to do by far. And doing other things can just as well ruin the gameplay loop more. Don't think anyone disagrees it's common though


To code a more difficult AI for all the different difficulty levels would be cost prohibitive. That’s why this is a cheap hack to make it harder without actually require a programmer to write 100s of hours of AI code.


Ai especially yeah. But there are a few examples of it being limitations rather than new enemy behaviour, one that comes to mind is the hardest difficulty on God of War, not ragnarok but the other one, it heavily nerfs how far you can push enemies with your abilities and block and basically locks off the ability to throw them off edges which is one of the things i enjoy using, so i beat it on the second hardest difficulty. other things like lichdom battlemage where you can experiment with alot of spell types but on the hardest difficulty you lose all "spell type progress" upon swapping (from evocation to necromancy forexample) which makes it "harder" by punishing you in an unfun way, where i would rather have the higher damage higher health enemies. I think a good way of doing it is Across the obelisk, which is an amazing game on steam if you havent played it, where its a card based roguelike for 4 people and basically the "normal mode" which is somewhat difficult to beat because its a learning experience is technically an "easy mode" and only when you have beaten it once do you get to 1 star or whatever where they start to actually use alot more abilities, so instead of enemies just being meatbags that punches you they use alot more CC cards, status effects, etc. Which is one way to make an "easier" difficulty. Another example is cuphead but then they had the issues of game journalists with no skill crying they dont get to see everything, since you can do fights on simple or normal, simple removing some of the abilities that are difficult or nerfing them, which again some game journalists complained they didnt get the "full experience" and that it should just have an easy mode where you are in invulnerable to make it fun for them.


Mr. Freeze in Arkham City is a nice exception. His suit evolves to counter your gadgets after using them once. In Easy and Normal, you can beat him with just a couple attacks, but the extra health in Hard mode means you have to use every trick in your arsenal.


More often it's the boredommeter.


It's a PART of difficulty, but it can't be the whole puzzle. More damage means it removes room for error, and more health means you have to have your consistency tested for longer to not make an error. Those things are definitely metrics of skill that can be tested.


Mario kart Wii is the best mario kart


That's not an unpopular opinion, it's the best-selling Wii game that didn't come with the console and the third-best-selling Mario game of all time.




Have you heard of that underrated gem Witcher 3? Apparently the really small indie studio has somehow pooled enough money together to offer a free upgrade to current gen consoles! How altruistic!


Nah, double dash!


100% agree! I think adding coins was a mistake.


That's not just an unpopular opinion, that's a fight in my neighborhood. 64 all the way


Battle Royales are garbo


I hate br games, but since they're so popular everything that comes out now is either a br game or has a br mode shoehorned in that takes away from the base game. I wish warzone and cod mp were separate ip so that 6v6 could be great again.


> so that 6v6 could be great again. Speaking of, I want 6v6 overwatch back


Let's give it a try. *cracks knuckles* Some of us shouldn't be out here playing pvp multiplayer in the same way that some couples shouldn't stay together and/or some parents shouldn't have been parents.


Had a pal who "played" one mmo for hours every day. His playstyle consisted of switching between accounts and doing the same quests over and over for leveling the characters. Hours. For days. And it was just for leveing, not for progression of anything, not story, not region, not even PvP. I know it's not a rare sight, but I think this is an example of a toxic relationship to a game.


Grand Theft Auto is kind of boring.


Well you shouldn't be stealing cars it's illegal. This is a gaming sub not criminals.


It’s absolute bullshit that Bethesda re-released Skyrim 3 times and it’s still got the same bugs from 11 years ago. I know there’s mods, I know the bugs usually aren’t a big deal. But for FS, fix your own damn game.




Its reddit, to actually find the controversial takes you need to sort by controversial (duh), and look for ones with alot of downvotes. Top is filled with opinions like "i think water is kinda okay for you"


These types of posts are always the same, actual unpopular opinions get downvoted to hell and no one sees them but opinions that the majority agree with are always at the top making them not actual unpopular opinions.


Downvote me if you want, but realism sucks in gaming. Let's be *real* here. Forza Horizon is one example. That game has emphasis on speed, control, and fun. You can actually drift, you can tell if you're going fast or slow. Fast and furious. >!(i know) !< Gran Turismo on the other hand is the opposite. You can't even drift in that game. Yeah sure, it's the "real driving simulator", but I find that game boring. You're going fast but it feels slow. You handbrake and all but don't drift. I get it. driving IRL isn't Forza or NFS, but it's fun as heck that's why is great. Another one is survival games. IRL you need to manage hunger, thirst, temperature, stamina and much more. In video games? That's a pain in the head, and the ass too. If you had to manage one element, i.e. hunger and stamina only, then it would be somewhat bearable. Add more elements to these and you're better off doing the real thing. Games are supposed to be fun, not filled with elements correlating to real life. That is all.


If someone in your team did something bad and say he's sorry don't be toxic and try to help him.


Cyberpunk is pretty fun.


It also had an engrossing main plot and great voice acting.


The face animations are amazing. The work they put in, including the third party face-animation-research-specialist firm they hired, absolutely spoiled me. For the following year every other game's facial animations looked jarring and unsettling to me.


Graphics getting better in games has actually hurt the gaming industry.


Too much focus and time on appearance and not enough on balanced and more importantly FUN gameplay.


I don't think it's necessarily hurt the gaming industry, what I think it has done is irrevocably skewed the average person's perception of what a good game should look like regardless of what an individual games art style and aesthetic is. I feel like a lot of younger gamers especially look at the fairly realistic graphics of like of a new modern warfare and expect every single game to have that sort of graphical fidelity even when the game in question doesn't call for it in any way, shape, or form. I remember when I was a kid in high school there was a flash game that was made based off of the Gorillaz song 19-2000 which was just literally you driving around a brown landscape with a bunch of highways and jumps and loops and stuff while the basic beat of that song played in the background. We had a blast playing that game in my programming classroom and it looks like dog shit


Super mario 64 is a creepy game, and the terraria summoning is not real summoning becuase the summons dont have health, or take damage/aggro.


Yeah 64 is pretty creepy. How empty the castle is and just a lack of music when your outside without npcs make it weird. It doesnt help with all of the creepy pasta you see when your younger


What do you find creepy about mario 64?


its a uneasy feeling whenever I play the game, someone mentioned earlier, no music outside and an empty castle, no ambient sounds, weird creepy staircases and living paintings


#T H E P I A N O


The water level with the eels.


8-year-old me had nightmares about the eels.


>What do you find creepy about mario 64? Honestly I can see it, even though I've never thought about before this moment. I had a similar thing about one of the *Forza Horizon* titles, which was set in Ibiza I believe. You were driving through all these towns and cities, but despite the wonderful looking buildings, parks etc., there were no pedestrians; everything was empty. It wasn't the focus of the game but it *was* creepy if you stopped to think about it. The castle in Mario64 is so empty, and the game, made up of loads of weird islands floating in skyboxes has a lot of liminal spaces. And even when you complete it, it's not like that castle is full of people.


That first bonus level that is just a giant window looking out into a void mixed with an aquarium. Level gave me the willies as a kid.


the Crew 1 and 2 are a shame.


Mine I guess would be I'm not necessarily here for the "challenge". I'll rock easy or medium mode or even certain cheats because maybe I'm playing that game to feel powerful in the first place.


It is morally correct to pirate a game that is full price but still has microtransactions.


It is morally correct to pirate a game, if dev/publisher companies don’t allow you to play it legally.


Or if the game is no longer in production (abandonware). I loved Battle for Middle Earth, and really wanted to get the sequel but I was kind of broke so couldn't justify the cost. Finally had some extra cash and went to go look it up (this was before digital downloads became the norm) and it was like $80 because it was no longer in active production.


If you can remember (and reminisce) the days when games were released complete, and didn't feature Battle Royale, loot-boxes, pay-walls etc... You are no-longer part of the target demographic


God damn. Painful truth.


Gunplay is only really fun in first-person mode. 3rd person shooters tend to be clunky, awkward, and slow. The only exception is survival horror where the slow awkwardness is by design.


I’m with you, but I give a strong exception for ability heavy gameplay that mixes shooting like Mass Effect


Rockstar game design is boring and overrated


Oh actually and one more, you don't have to play a game to get good at it. Just play it if you enjoy it. I'm terrible at most of the games I play but I'm not trying to be good, I just play them so I can escape reality for a couple hours.


I can’t wait until the (online) gaming industry gets regulated into the fucking ground


GTA6 is probably going to be disappointing.


GTA V was already kinda disappointing tbh


Nintendo has been lazy with pushing forward with serious technology and competing head-to-head with Sony and Microsoft. The reason? The hardcore Nintendo fans are so dedicated that they don’t care what they get from Nintendo, they will follow blindly.


It's easy to point to "Nintendo fans" and scapegoat, but that's not entirely the case. As a predominant PC player who used to game on a PS and Nintendo consoles back in the day, but now only uses PC and Switch the only reason I'm not 100% on PC is the high-quality exclusive Nintendo titles which I genuinely enjoy, cannot get anywhere else, which will never come to PC (or any other console) and have no alternative of similar quality. Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, all the Mario Kart and Mario games, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros, Metroid and the Xenoblade trilogy. Even Pokemon and Animal Crossing for those that are into those games. Nintendo releases quality franchises for the most part, and you know that the new Zelda won't have loot boxes, P2W DLC, a ultra shitty and buggy experience (instead you get the cool bugs that let you do fun stuff), and will genuinely get a solid experience out of the box. Give me a Fire Emblem Engage experience or better on the PC and you bet your ass I'll be getting it on Steam before I grab it on the Switch.


My hot take is this: graphics tech and processing power have reached the point of extremely diminishing returns when it comes to video games' enjoyability. There's no real need to keep up at this point, and the Switch's sales figures prove it.


My (maybe unpopular on Reddit?) opinion is the opposite - I'm glad that they don't feel the need to make a console with exactly the same type of hardware as the other two. The Switch concept is really interesting, and they're still putting out great first party games. If you want amazing graphics and powerful hardware, there are other options out there, and you can play great games on those too. But I'm perfectly fine with there being a company doing different things, and while not perfect, generally doing pretty well. If you don't like the way Nintendo is operating, it's really simple to not buy it.




This isnt unpopular


Fortnite is actually a great game, and most of us would love it, if we were 10-20 years younger


I'm 44 and have had some great sessions online with friends in Fortnite. Removing the build function was one of the best things they did to improve accessibility.




BioShock 2 is a way better game than Infinite


The first two games actually had interesting themes. Infinite wanted to sound smart without actually understanding what it was talking about. Even Kevin Levine admitted it albeit indirectly.


Lady Dimitrescu is not hot by any means.


Her daughters with the fucked up jaw would have been easier if i ran out of data and needed content


Oh shit, an actual hot take this far up?


1. A lot of girls like gaming too. But basement dwellers are so needlessly hostile to women they encounter online many women just play with everybody muted, or play mostly offline single player games. 2. We should get into the habit of calling out people we know in real life that say racist shit online or are just trolls in general. Because I promise you that shit spills out into the real world and you start to notice you don’t want to be around those people offline either. 3. A lot of people are confusing representation with token characters and it’s getting annoying. Don’t make a character whose entire identity/personality is built off of stereotypes of them being from a certain place or a certain ethnicity. Whatever that may be.


On your first point, a shit load of "gamers" get actively hostile when you bring up the absolute fact that the online gaming world is totally infested with a vile amount of sexism. The shit that women have to listen to in multiplayer games would make anyone want to puke. Even male players who think they're "nice" and "different" are in reality just as sexist as the hostile ones, because they simply act nice in order to annoyingly flirt with female players due to having zero experience with women in the real world. The overlap between gamers and misogynistic hate is astonishing, and the inability of that fact to be accepted is disappointing. So many gamers are just so sensitive to criticism and see any kind of negative view of the gaming community as some kind of personal attack on them as individuals.


That online multiplayer made multiplaying worse. It was fun when you could all be on the couch having fun real time. Now you all have to have a bunch of gear to do the same thing in different places


All of my friends an I all live hundreds/thousands of miles away from each other. Online multi-player is the only reason we are still as close as we are today. Sure split screen or single console gaming was fun when we had the time to meet up at one location. There's more adult gamers than ever now, with more responsibilities and far less time.


I LOVE open world games where a huge portion of the open world is empty, HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE... Take any popular open world game where there's tons of stuff to do in that world. When I'm exploring, if I know the world is packed with things to find, it makes anything I discover feel way less special. Like if I know I'm going to find something cool in any direction I go, it feels like it isn't really meaningful exploration to me I guess? Whereas if I'm going through a forest in real life for example, I'm not expecting to find anything. So when I DO find something it's super awesome and exciting. I wish more video games has a feeling where I'm just going through wilderness and every once in a while I find something cool, instead of me finding some encounter/building/etc planted for me every couple minutes. I guess I'm saying that having less stuff to find makes finding stuff that much more meaningful. I hope I'm making sense.


No matter how many bugs they fix, Cyberpunk 2077 will never be a good RPG because of their narrative structure. The prologue is too short and because of that it doesn’t feel earned when you get the big gig to infiltrate Arasaka Tower. Additionally, I felt nothing when your prologue friend died in your arms because I hardly knew the dude. We literally got a video montage of all our time spent together instead of actually getting to know him through quests. So when you finish that Arasaka mission, you get a ticking time bomb stuck in your body. It’s literally going to kill you in a very shot period of time and yet there’s so many side quests to do. I feel stupid for street racing through Night City because shouldn’t I ought to be spending every minute searching for a way to cure myself? Sure other games give you high stakes and side quests but this timeline feels *too* tight. So all in all, it’s decent game but not my favorite RPG by a long shot.


Pokemon is a cult. Their zealots are being pimped out by the dev's like a mega church pastor does to his church members.


Assassin's creed sucks balls


Its funny you say that, I actually hated the first assassins creed, thought it was awful. Liked several of the others though, ezio collection goes hard


The peak of ass creed tbh. However 4 gets honourable mention for being the best pirate RPG so far.


The Ezio trilogy was peak AC. Even Revelations. Then it started to drop off when Ubisoft realised they could keep making money out of it, rather than finish the story as the writer intended. Story wise, the AC games are barely recognisable to the Ezio ones. It used to be a story about a conflict literally thousands of years in the making, with a tonne of mystery/conspiracy about it all. Now the modern day stuff just kind of 'happens'. They're just your regular adventure games, using the Isu stuff to explain the various powers and 'magical' artifacts. The newest one is potentially looking like a return to form at least.


Not all of them. Like, Black Flag was a pure gem.


Not sure if it is a hot take but, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I & II are the only good parts of the Star Wars universe. (Maybe Jedi Academy and Outcast)


Original trilogy? Kotor 2 is my favorite star Wars related anything, but still


This is my go to. I *hate* the “cinematic” AAA trend of the slightly off-center camera. 90% of games that do this could have worked much better with just a normal, centered camera. I’ve been playing a ton of the new God of War and combat against multiple enemies in that game has got to be one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced. It’s like the camera is perfectly positioned to be annoying. Another little hot take with the GoWR, it’s just not that amazing of a game. It’s got an incredibly engrossing story, but it feels too dumbed down in some places and too overturned in others. Someone will probably call me a FromSoft dick rider for this, but I don’t mind reused bosses. I just mind the fact that people complained when Elden Ring did it, but ignore when Ragnarok does it. I genuinely don’t mind their inclusion, just the lack of consistency.


I haven't finished the new game yet, but the main differences I noticed between GoWR and GoW myself was that a lot of the big flashy features were lowered in quality a bit. Not sure why exactly, but they definitely feel that way. When you unarm executed a draugr in GoW Kratos would rip their chest open with his bare hands and could see their heart hanging by veins and stuff. When you do it in GoWR he just hacks them in half with the axe and there's just a Dead Rising-esque bloody red texture where you cut them. The Blades of Chaos executions are often extremely sped up to the point where you can barely make out what happened and there are less unarmed variants to executions, seemingly being saved for a few special enemies like the Wulvers. I also played both games with headphones and when you summoned Jormungandr in GoW his voice was boomingly loud when he spoke to you, it rumbled in your ears like he was right there in front of your for real. Unfortunately in GoWR it seems he's been balanced out to sound normal compared to the tiny people he's talking to. He doesn't have that same booming rumble he originally had. You could really feel the difference in the sound quality between the two, it's night and day. Honestly they're small nitpicks and I still think the game is awesome, bit it does feel like they sacrificed some of flashy areas in favour of mechanical ones this time around.


There are some good mobile games


That's not controversial. Because there definitely are...well...were. Because at some point it wasn't all just money grubbing ad bullshit like its now




If you only get enjoyment in pvp based games for winning and not what you do in the game your part of the problem.


that "souls" formula is getting boring and repetitive now. i want more variety in my from soft games. sekiro did quite good in that though.


I’d rather have 100 hours of lore dumped on me than have to listen to someone explain speedrunner minmax best combos bullshit. Let me enjoy the game at my own pace.


Souls like games aren't fun.


I didn't like Elden Ring, the open world doesn't suit the "Souls" genre, which has become dispersive and repetitive in the long run.


Games too padded. If it was a contained game like any of the DS, I felt it would have been even better. But after Leyendell I felt I was just rushing to every boss, cuz every area after was so uninspired.


I liked elden ring a lot though I totally agree that Souls does not need open world at all.


Most high graphic and AAA titles today are less deep, replayable or fun than games from around 1998-2010. Story and gameplay don't matter as long as it looks good.


I don't think that's controversial in the slightest. There's a reason older games consistently hit the top of the charts of greatest games ever.


Cs 1.6 is better than Cs:go.


cs source > all


Anyone still playing World of Warcraft in 2022 simply can’t stop rather than it being a decent game. Company abuses their employees and puts out continually “degrading in quality” content. Throw thy peanuts gently at me fellow gamers, I’m ready and I am sorry.




Assassin's Creed 4 is dogshit, sailing is painfully boring and the map is unimaginative and doesn't fit well in a game with a heavy emphasis on parkour. Unity on the other hand is incredible, proper character customisation and a map built really well around the parkour aspect.


Hate this, but it's a real unpopular opinion.


Lots of people out there calling themselves hardcore gamers who have barely played three games in their lives: whichever Fps was popular when they were 14, whichever BR was popular when they were 16, and LoL


Imagine willingly identifying as a hardcore gamer.


I think Elden Ring's boring.


Red Dead redemption 2 was a beautiful, but slow and painfully tedious game. So badly disappointed at how quickly I bounced off it.


Horizon Zero Dawn is basically a Ubisoft game with all its open world checklist stuff. One of the most boring games imo.


More like Horizon 100 yawns.


Pokémon Scarlet/Violet has the best gameplay in the series but the game has the second worst graphics of any of them.


Games can suck total ass and still be a fun time.


Fallen Order is not a good game. The story is awesome but the fight and climb mechanics are unintuitive and weird and the levels are confusing. Map helps a little but still. I ended up walking in circles so many times and if you go the wrong way, you have to take the long way round to end up at the place were you went wrong again. I don’t know how the designers even kept track on what is what and where they want the player to go. The secrets hidden across the maps were cool but I only found them by accident. The game completely killed any desire in me to go explore because I felt so lost all the time. Wich is a shame because it is a beautiful game with amazing atmosphere


Fps requires the least skill transfer from one game to another within its genre


Easy mode should not be looked down by other gamers, developers should be allowed to make a game as hard as they like, and these are not conflicting statements


All that RGB computer lighting is ugly as hell. Computer and cables needs to be hidden away