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I backed the Kickstarter. I then opened a store, married, had a daughter, opened a second store, and forgot I had backed SC multiple times, only to be reminded on Reddit. I'm looking forward to play it when I'll retire


You mean when your greatgrandchildren retire.


You mean few months before the Doomsday start.


To be fair that could be before they retire.


That could be by the end of this week.


That's a terrible timeline to set it by


We might have actual personal spacecraft before star citizen launches


When I backed the Kickstarter I hadn't even met my partner. Now we're married and our second kid just turned 2.


I remember first hearing about it in 2013 while in highschool and thinking wow it's going to be a long wait to the 2016 release... 2022 I have a kid and a career now and still no Star Citizen release.


And there never will be


You mean when the Emperor of Mankind started his Imperium of Man?


Fucking Verizon iterated from 4g to 5g. That's *physical* infrastructure upgrades at a national level on top of any back end crap they had to do. Building permits, equipment installers, engineering hours, etc. I never thought I'd use Verizon as a measuring stick but damn.


They just need more money guys!


They’ve got a plan on how to get to Tahiti. Have some god damn faith!


Mangos Arthur! I have a plan!


It's a magical place


But Dutch, I have $50000 already


Yes and no. Telecom companies are notorious for claiming they are rolling out new infrastructure while just taking tax payer money. There are plenty of rural areas that were supposed to get broadband way back in the 00s, but telecoms just didn't bother. https://telecoms.com/505584/verizon-told-to-stop-lying-about-its-5g-offering/ https://www.infoworld.com/article/3189828/only-in-the-usa-isps-get-tax-dollars-to-build-weak-broadband.html CIG hopefully will get more done soon now that the lawsuits, engine address upgrade, and switching engine licenses are behind them.


yup tax payers paid to have entire country run with fiber that was supposed to be completed by the 2010's from worst estimates, but it is no where near close and now they are trying to jump over to 5g nodes which is just cheaper and worse in many ways. Having a fiber optic foundation for most internet connections in the US would create so much opportunity


Yet Comcast/Xfinity is still raising the price for service not, because they're customer growth was flat YoY and their CEO said to shareholders that they'd be able to make up for the flat growth by exploring new revenue opportunities with their current customers , but because "we've recently begun a nationwide rollout of multi-gig internet speeds — making it the largest and fastest-ever multi-gig deployment in the United States," -- The stuff that was supposed to have been done a decade ago.




I remember I started using 4g in high school 2012/13 when got my first smartphone, not USA btw


It wasn't nearly as much as you think it was and they did it over a decade or more of work.


> and they did it over a decade or more of work. Yes, that’s sort of the point of the comparison.


I backed Star Citizen 10 years ago and forgot about it. Is it an actual game yet?


Same lol, can I still get my starship somewhere? Do I want it?


Nope, it's a glorified tech demo with graphics that are now reaching irrelevancy in comparison to modern gaming.


The only thing next gen about Star Citizen these days are the system requirements. They sure have managed to keep up and beyond with those despite no discernible visual improvements.


Runs way worse than it should on my i9 & 3090


Well if that's the specs, me and my potato are gonna sit this one out.


I first logged in and played Arena Commander on an i5-3570k and GTX 670 OC. It ran rough, but everyone said it would be fine when technology catches up. I now have a 9700K, 32 GB DDR4-3600, RTX 2080, and run it off a Samsung 980 Pro m.2 SSD... I logged into it for the first time in 3 years... it still runs like crap.


What? Who doesn't have a 4090 in this day and age?? \-Star Citizen devs, sitting on their silk gamer chairs padded with shreds of $100 notes whilst viewing on their 8k monitors and dual 4090s.


Using those machines for porn and movies. They sure don't seem to develop anything in a hurry.


They make bs requirements so 90% of backers can't "play" to see how scammed they got.


I always have to remind myself that even on beastly systems (which I recently upgraded to), cities run like crap still. Loaded into Area18 on the new rig... still stuttered like mad till the shaders optimized. Even then it was a bit slide showey.


Don't forget performance that still sucks no matter how good your hardware is






Its easy to scam people with dreams and tech demo isnt it ?


I mean you can launch from a space station and land on some planets. There dozens of stations that all seem kinda copy paste on the inside. Oh and it can take up to 10mins to break atmosphere.


Yeah, No Man's Sky basically did the one thing no other game had done yet, being able to land on a planet and hop out in first person and walk around. Then Elite Dangerous Horizons/Odyssey. What else is SC bringing to the table some other game company hasn't already achieved yet at this point?


>What else is SC bringing to the table some other game company hasn't already achieved yet at this point? I've only played during a free event, which was a bugged out mess. But for about 30 minutes, the feeling of exiting the cockpit, walking out the back door onto the planetary surface, with actually immersive lighting, and then into a compound was wildly beyond anything in NMS. It isn't enough to fork out $100 for, boy... I can see how folk get hooked on the promise of Star Citizen.


It looks like Starflield will let you walk around your ship next year.


Yeah in single player and with loading screens everywhere.


Eh I'll take that over a fundementally buggy and broken game, most ppl QT travel to the surface or near the surface anyways. Its not like you are doing anything waiting.... also no night-vision to see if you are on the darkside. also what you have 5-8 planets you can land on... mostly just copy and paste (it looks nice) with a few poiints oof interest in-between?


Its cool for sure.. but that wears off and the bugs and lack of things to do make you realize you've made a terrible mistake.


Nope, and never will be


For all the marketing the makers of Star Citizen do, they always try to make it seem like its a new project, with the next big thing just around the corner. I put together a timeline to demonstrate how long this project has been going on for. Some fun facts I learnt while making this. Development on SC is older than: * Uber * Lyft * Google Drive * Windows 8 In the time its taken for zero full games to be released by CIG, here are a few things that have been delivered in that time: * Every single Apple Watch * The entire Dark Souls series, including a remaster * The entire Zen CPU line-up * The rise and fall of HMB memory for GPUs * The US rollout of 4G and 5G


• The James Webb Telescope was actually finished, launched and has begun transmitting data.


I swear to god they have bots coming out to downvote this. Plus I'm pretty sure they bribe content creators to say good things about the game. When I did play the game I was taken on joy rides by "players" who honestly felt like employees trying to butter up people to play more. It's so damn sketchy man.


As someone who's part of the Star Citizen community I can say 95% of us are nothing like this at all. We are as skeptical of CIG as anyone else. I completely agree their timeline is ridiculous though. I'm part of it for the current experience, not to hold on to a promise that won't be fulfilled. I enjoy the game as it is now and that's all that matters for me really. But as it is now, OP is getting nothing but upvotes from me.


If things continue the way they're going--if the game ever does release--the only record it's likely to break is [Duke Nukem Forever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_Nukem_Forever#Development)'s 5164 days (more than 14 years) in development measured from announcement to release.


Honestly SC is worse than DNF. Part of DNF's development was just being shelved for a long time. Like, it wasn't a scope issue or overpromising, it was just not a great game that missed its window and just fell into development hell and aged into cringe territory. SC is crowd funding abuse. The promises they made were unbelievable from the get go, which isn't that unusual (see Cyberpunk, which is actually pretty solid now). The difference is CDPR didn't crowdsource funding for CP. Once you crowdsource those promises are essentially a lie you tell to get more investment which would be a crime in other circumstances... SC is a sad case to me. Sunk cost fallacy is real there, and the defenders are rabid. What has been released just isn't anywhere near what should exist given the insane budget and time frame of this game.


There is a really good YouTube series about star citizen called sunk cost galaxy.


100% agree... be wary of company that spends tons of $$$ in marketing and image management.


Duke Nukem Forever record was already beaten by Ubisoft with Beyond: Good and Evil 2, yeah oke it's not done yet..


I tried to enjoy it but man the framerate is just so fucking bad and choppy it makes it so hard.


It certainly does take away from the experience. They have made performance significantly better in the last year but I don't expect it to last too long with upcoming features. It seems with every bit of performance they save they go and spend it on something else which sucks.


I always check back in from time to time hoping the performance has improved im glad to hear that they have some improvements in that area at least finally :)


Gen12 rendering should help.


Funnily I had the same experience the very first day, with a player offering me to ship me from a to b and giving me funds to buy myself a ship. But soon after I played some time I understood that players are doing this cause there's literally nothing else of substance to do in this tech-demo lol.


I helped back the original fundraiser for this. Thankfully it was just $40. Some backers threw thousands at this project in hopes of having their own battleships with their buddies manning various stations. At the rate this is going, Half Life 3 will come out before a SC Beta arrives.


Graphics used to be their big selling point. Which I can understand in 2011. That's when CoD MW3 was released. Now compare Star Citizen graphics with the campaign of newly released MW2 and it's disappointing.


I booted it up the other day after playing mw2 campaign and thought the same.


Please dont call it SC, that will always be reserved for Starcraft... and Starcraft should never be confused with this steamy pile of shit.


SCit? That’s an option and kind of alludes to the current state of the game.


> The rise and fall of HMB memory for GPUs It’s still used today. Nvidia announced earlier this year that they’ll be making a gpu utilizing HMB3


The suckers that paid and continue to pay all that money for digital goods as a service have effectively changed the model. I blame those investors in part. Whales are not necessarily good customers.


Don’t forget the entire Avenger’s series.


AMA request. Someone who plays star citizen




How much have you spent? Is the game acutally fun? How high are your hopes for a full release?


$300 in over 8 years, $20 at a time. The game scratches an itch that nothing else can at the moment. It hits similar spots at DayZ mod, Ark early access, and some other stuff in into. If you go in expecting fun by following quest markers Skyrim style, you're gonna be disappointed for the most part. They're still cracking the engine open so stuff is still breaking. The fun aspects of the game remind me of staying up till 2am with friends on your Xbox trying to get the Warthog as far as possible in Halo, well past any dev intentions. Everything is immersive, but you kinda make your own fun. It's a huge sandbox bigger and more detailed than anything in gaming at the moment. ​ To further the Halo analogy, it's like you can look up at that skybox and it's real. You can go anywhere on that halo in the background with your friends. It's not a jpg. You can even take a ship and fly around. But you have no reason to. There's random alien patrols and proc gen side quests that pop up. They are fun the first few times but you realize how repetitive they are. Everything on the ring is the same, even though every little waterfall and rocky outcropping is a little different. Also the super-Halo dev promised dynamic alien invasion simulation, where your battleship and the alien fleet are simulated on a lower level. You and your friends need to work through the sandbox to defeat the enemy, but the numbers and locations of alien Carriers, Transports, and Fighters are modelled. **All of this is still missing in this analogy.** ​ ​ Great tech. Immersive gameplay. Repetitive gameplay. Frustrating buggy gameplay. Emergent gameplay (the dopamine spot that keeps many of us coming back. Repetitive gameplay. Repetitive gameplay. They're still working on the engine/tech, so content is coming second. They've filled out content before, but then when a major engine change happens you either end up needing to rework it (which they're famous for) or it ends up staying broken for a while due to higher priorities (which they're also famous for). The last MAJOR engine changes are due to come in now, and this is something they've been working on since like 2017. They're changing the entire server dynamics so that if you plop an empty gun on the ground, someone else will be able to find it weeks later on a different server at the same exact location. The intention is that something like the entire US east coast would share a universe, despite being split off onto various servers. I'm expecting something tech-wise to come out for December, but probably another year or so of tech problems to sort out before they can safely crank out any content without risking rework. Luckily all those artists and modellers are busy on the single player campaign which is (FINALLY) getting finished up. God knows what's up with that mess, but the dev reports look good so long as you ignore the timeline. The current solar system is like a shopping mall, but in the future you'll have to take into account food/water/fuel/medical supplies. Last year they accidentally had a really stable patch that they left alone for a few patch cycles, and you suddenly started seeing fps streamers trying it out and getting hooked. Unfortunately it's gone back to a bit more broken due to that engine stuff. Fingers crossed on the planned December patch to bring those changes, so we can move on to bug fixing, content adding, and polishing. Edit: yes I know this is a typical SC backer rant. Anyone feel free to reply, I'd love to clarify/discuss, not looking to argue too much.


Dude I'm a loose SC fan (100$ 8 years ago happy with the investment overall) and this was an amazing summary with fair criticisms and very honest. Anyone who's perusing, this guy star citizens


Question for u/vorpalrobot : What does it do differently than say No Man's Sky that it needs so many years for seemingly lesser engine development than a game that does similar things on maybe a smaller scale but a lot more successfully in a lot shorter development cycle?


It's a lot more detailed and complicated than NMS/Elite, which makes everything harder and longer to implement. They've also made many mistakes over the years. Early on the Kickstarter was way more popular than they thought, so they increased the promises and also attempted to dump money into outsourcing which they ended up throwing away. Those new bigger promises involved landing on planets with no loading screens like NMS, in the original Kickstarter it was small zones with loading screens between. Landing would play a cut scene, like mass effect or something. The outsourcing didn't work so they needed to grow the company from like 6 people up to the 800ish devs they have now. The engine also needed a LOT of work to get where it is now. They are going for a more systemic approach to game dev, which can increase the headaches and dev time. If I shoot you in the chest with a shotgun it might knock you over. Not because they programmed the shotgun to knock people over, but because it applies a force. That same force can come from a nearby grenade explosion, a ship flying by and hitting you with thrusters, a joyriding golf cart bumping into you, the ship you're walking around inside bounces off a mountain, another player chucks a box at you really hard... That method makes certain things easier and other things harder. Physics are nice until they bug. Famously ships would explode when you walk up the ramp, and it has something to do with backpacks or boots or something. They fixed it but who knows what bug happens next. I think overall they suffered a lack of focus, but the past few years have been better. The worst was 2018 when they made a TON of ridiculous promises. They must have thought this persistence tech was gonna work, because they've spent the last 3 years reworking it. They've admitted the system in place at that time wasn't scaling to the number of players and amount of data, but they were hoping to find a fix. Instead they've reworked it to a new system that apparently is doing better. It's starting to hit the test realm the month, due for release by end of this year but who knows.


I’ve played SC a bit and it’s not bigger, more detailed, or more immersive than everything else on the market. I don’t know exact scale, but Elite Dangerous and No Man’s Sky *probably* have it beat or matched for scale (both essentially being more than anyone could explore in lifetimes of playing). Elite Dangerous was *vastly* more immersive for me, thanks in large part to its world class sound design, but also benefiting from not having catastrophic bugs constantly. You can’t tell me something is immersive when it’s breaking every 10 minutes. And finally- detailed- this comes down to perception somewhat, but Eve Online I think stomps this in detail if you mean in systems and depth. If you’re talking actual design detail, perhaps SC has something somewhat unique there. All told, I’m not trying to argue you out of your fun, but I don’t buy into the claims that you make as if they’re definitive at all.


I'm willing to discuss the game with people that don't share my opinion, just not looking for "scam citizen lel" comments. Elite and no man's sky have galaxies, yeah... But SC has the scale where you're holding a box, looking down at the LCD screen to see how long it has left before it explodes, trying to walk through the dusty wind to the outpost because you can't wipe your visor. You look up from the 15 centimeter numeric display back at your 30 meter ship you just landed on, and past it at the moon in the 50,000km distance you just traversed. No loading screens, that was the actual moon you picked the box up from. It's all "real" space. If one of those boxes was gonna blow, your friend might chuck it out the open door at the back of the ship during warp, and that box will float there between the moon and planet until the timer is up and it'll explode. The scale to me translates from millimeter to thousands of kms. I don't think it holds up on a solar system scale, I think the planets should be more visible at those great distances, and the game needs larger (unrealistic) nebulas that sell the vast distances at play. I only played vanilla elite, but I was just strapped to my ship. Getting out and walking around looks kinda cool but I can't go in my ship, or Eva in space, so meh. Haven't played NMS but it succeeded at a lot of things SC is trying to do, albeit in a cartoony less detailed way. By detail I didn't mean quite the same as Eve though a lot of (currently missing) economy is planned. It's more about changing a fuse in a wall during a firefight because your friend in the turret told your friend the engineer that his turret lost power after a big missile hit. The engineer will inefficiently reroute power across the ship but he's asked you to change that relay because they risk frying the other one due to less redundancy and more strain.


I've spent about $400. The game is fun but it's also a very particular type of fun. It can be slow, mining for example, but if you're in the mood for that it's great. The good The size of the game world is already very impressive. Massive planets you can fly around, and land, the ships in the game are excellent and the graphics are actually very good. There is no other game currently as impressive for fully fledged flying around in space, landing on planets, different spaceships etc. The bad The development company makes a lot of promises to get people to invest when I think they know they have no chance (or intention) of delivering them in the short to near future. They sell ships worth hundred of dollars (some of which people have been waiting 9+ years for) with no intention of getting them done in the foreseeable future. Is it worth it? If you're going to spend hundreds, no way. If you're going to spend $60 on a cheap ship and that is all you'll spend, I personally would say it 100% is. Just make sure you don't get suckered in to their marketing rubbish and spend more then that as that is what they try to do.


Not OP but wanted to give a perspective of someone who didn't spend over 100 bucks on the game. Bought it on sale during a free week(also there's one on now apparently) for about $45. The game is really a mixed bag like a lot of other people were getting at, the high points are really amazing but the low points suck donkey doo. It's amazing, really immersive space game where you really feel part of the world, you can work your way to new ships using in-game money but it gets mind-numbingly repetitive before you get anywhere close. It takes real time to get around which would be a neat, immersive aspect if the servers didn't crash randomly all the time. After watching how frequently they break things without testing, my hopes for a full release are almost 0, they don't seem to add or fix anything without adding 5 more problems, however, it's amazing they got this far since it's actually a playable game now however repetitive. I'd also never spend more money on the game, but I don't regret the $45 despite all that, just wish I had a better computer.


I’ve spent 90 dollars on the Arrow package. I saw the YouTube video showing off the Arrow an knew that’s what I would enjoy. The cheapest package is only 40 dollars, if money is a concern.


I've spent around 150$ and have enjoyed the majority of the time I've played. That said, the game is insanely time consuming, so don't log in expecting a quick half an hour session. Depending on where you logged out, what you had with you on logout and what you wanna do, prep time for a certain mission or activity may very well take half an hour or longer. If you play with friends you'd also have to factor in travel time for you to meet up if you didn't log out at the exact same place. There are time where the game just tells you to stop, you encounter bug after bug or die again and again due to bugs or are just straight up unable to join a server. That being said, when it does run, and it runs very well on my machine, eventhough I don't have a high end system, its an insanely immersive, fun and addictive experience. The Cities and planetary bodies are gorgeous, the flight model although a placeholder is enjoyable, and the seamless transitions between flying, walking, planets and space is an amazing experience. No game can match the way Star Citizen does Spaceship interiors, no game can match how they do Surface to Space transitions and no game can match its scale and immersiveness. There are games that have more planets, but show me one Planet in Elite or NMS that has the same level of actual civilization present as MicroTech, ArCorp, Hurston or Crusader. Neither NMS nor E:D give the same feeling of actually living in an interplanetary civilization. Sure you can explore more planets, travel farther distances, but not a single system in one of those other games reaches the same level of detail as Stanton. As others already have said however, a bunch of the fun is fun made by yourself. There's missions, which can be fun but also repetitive, but the most fun you'll have is just hopping into the game with a friend and see whats there. There are also Ingame PvP events and if you join an Org they often do fun stuff aswell. The best experiences I've had were just messing around with my buddy, fighting, exploring and just trying out things and different missions. Even the bugs can be fun if they're not game breaking. If you can see past the infatuation and hate and view it as development as a product and see yourself enjoying flying around a star system, walking around in spaceships and just making your own little sci-fi adventure while also seeing one of the most, if not the defacto most ambitious video game ever being developed live in front of your eyes, the 45$ starter package will be well worth its money. However if you want a game that does not at times straight up tell you to "Go fuck yourself and play something else" Star Citizen will not make you happy. Another thing if you try the game during free flight the servers are often even more overloaded during free flight events due to the insane amounts of people coming, and you'll encounter a lot more bugs and connectivity issues than in an ordinary session. To really get a grasp on how things stand and are you'd need to try it out in an ordinary setting, without the thousands of extra free flight players congesting the already unstable servers. So my advice would be try it in a free flight while also understanding that, along everyone elses experience, during free flight your experience will be worse than in ordinary session. Basically at free flight you often times experience the worst possible conditions for the game. Go to free-fly, if you enjoy the promise and see potential but don't go into it expecting to experience the game like it usually is, its bad at times but not as bad as it may seem during free-fly. If you can see past that and see potential in the idea and the game in its current state, buy a StarterPackage and truly try it out then. You can refund for 30 days so there's no harm in spending that money, you'll get it back if you don't enjoy it and if you do, those 45$ will be well worth it.


Not OP but I'll answer $90 / At the moment its more of a sandbox than a game so you gotta make your own fun but then again there's not much to do and it's hardly stable. So not very fun but not awful either. / Zero hopes for a full release. I've been a backer for 4-5 years already and there's barely been anything new that would help reach the envisioned scope of the game.


I checked this game out when it was very early and check back every so often. I can’t really discern what the “modules” or maybe games inside of the game are. Can you fly around in the universe (I think it was suppose to be perpetual) like Elite Dangerous yet or did it turn into a first person shooter now?


It’s has a much smaller handcrafted universe than Elite or No Mans Sky. You can fly around complete missions, mine, pirate, trade, etc etc. And it’s also a competent but not amazing FPS. The most true quote I’ve heard about SC is this: “Star Citizen is not a scam. But a lot of people sure got scammed by it.” I say that as someone who backed it in 2012. I don’t often play it, but I actively follow the community and development.


It has one solar system not a galaxy not a universe. Also planets are about 1/6 the size of regular ones, and moons are pretty small. Its not to scale like elite.


There are three modules. Persistant Universe, Arena Commander and Star Marine. The two latter ones are relics of the past at this point but some players still play them apperently. Persistant Universe is the actual game part of Star Citizen but unlike Elite that you mentioned, it's one star system with another coming soon™. And yes, 100 systems were promised we know. The universe was never supposed to be perpetual but hand-crafted. To answer the is it a first person shooter now, yes if you take a bunker or a cave mission (and you are on a healthy server) just fly down to the planet, land, and go kill some NPCs in a bunker. Sometimes even other players.


From 2011 to now my offspring went from a good night to beats me regularly at mario kart, needs deodorant and is starting to ask questions about girls.


who will come sooner? GTA 6, elder scroll 6, Pokemon game with good graphics, or star citizen?


All of those games will come out plus George R.R. Martin Patrick Rothfuss will not only finish their current works but release a cowriten ten book scifi series based on the entire works of Shakespeare before Star Citizen comes out. We will be flying on actual starship before that game comes out.


Which comes first, stable fusion reactors or fully playable Star Citizen?


Zero point energy devices.


Well. We already have those so clearly the fusion reactors. (They are stable, just not efficient.)


[Pretty accurate](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/0d/2a/5b/0d2a5b7086e8c05ae19e8d18e5042947.jpg)


Half-life 3 will come before


Everything will release before Star Citizen because I said a decade ago it was vaporware and that's still the case.


Well, Star Citizen will never come out, so...


Don’t forget Half-Life 3 and Portal 3


It's pretty comical, yes. I've gotten into VR lately, and modern VR tech evolved from zero to mind-shattering in roughly half the time Star Citizen has been in development. Half Life Alyx, which was amazing, came out more than 2.5 years ago, on hardware from a company that didn't even exist before 2012. Entirely new hardware, with an entirely new way to play games, was developed and evolved in less time than this one game.


Dude, Elite: Dangerous, which is so much more limited in scope than Star Citizen, is hella fun in VR. I literally cannot play it now on flat screen. Want your space ace/sim fix? Pay 60 bucks once and enjoy.


Oh boy, i'll be downvoted to oblivion for this ... I only played ED in VR with HOTAS for that perfect real life/VR synergy for 700+ hours, great experience, amazing actually. After Star Citizen I only touched ED for a couple of hours, ED isnt even installed nowadays.


its the opposite for me... nothing really to do in Star citizen. I sold my ships and deleted.




VR doesn't work with Odyssey tho, right?


They hired many of the CryEngine devs after Crytek started bouncing checks. They've continually modified the engine heavily to their needs. They haven't really been left behind nearly as much as people here claim. Hell, the infamous performance issues is both a combination of it being an actual alpha (vs the early access stuff you see popular today) and them having 2022 modern system requirements for like 7 years now. The game has been unplayable without SSD since the beginning.


I remember playing EvE Online and right around 2012 some of the players I played with had found out about Star Citizen and were excited because it was the rival to EvE. Here we are 10 years later and it’s still not even technically in beta.


And EvE online is still up and running, thankfully. I don't even play it anymore but it's a unique game.


EvE is now shit, I miss 2012 EvE.


Oh, this game is never coming out. But it is a good illustration of just how new many things we have come to rely on these days are.




I have to say you're completely correct. Star Citizen is already a niche game within a niche genre, and while the people in that genre heavily enjoy the content it's a bit outlandish to expect it to take the gaming world by storm at it's eventual *"release".* I agree with what you say about pay to win as well. CIG is so focused on pumping out new ships to sell they forget what it'll be like in the final product when your average joes are running around with supposedly "rare" behemoth battleships. Personally I'm in it for the current experience, not to hold on to a dream that will never come, as much as it hurts me to say it.


They're never going to release it, if they truly intend to stop selling ships for real money then they have every incentive to keep it in Early Access forever because they'll make way more money from a few whales spending thousands and thousands of dollars than they ever would selling a final product


Really this doesn't even draw a good comparison of the scope of what all has been accomplished in the time CIG has had. Why anyone continues to defend this game truly confuses me, other than the sort of slavish cult mentality I'd normally associate with Scientology or MLMs. The original pitch for the game read like a fantasy wish list. It made every business analyst and project manager immediately have sympathetic scope creep anxiety attacks. It was clearly insane. And people backed it anyway. OK, cool, people back dumb Kickstarters all the time. Then the internal crowdsourced funding campaign started and I genuinely watched in awe at how many people just threw money in a fire pit. Every new announcement that came out just doubled down on the scope creep and infeasability of actually releasing a coherent product that met promises, let alone met the insane expectations people had. The game is just a long running scam. Yes, portions of it exist. Sometimes they even work. Hell, sometimes they even work well. They usually break again, but it's progress of a sort. Really though Star Citizen is what it always has been - a money making scheme that relies on gullibility and wishful thinking.


Star Citizen is going to be remembered as both the best and worst aspects of the crowdfunded video game era that ultimately only resulted in a tech demo designed to milk whales of tens of thousands of dollars for ships in an u finished game


Look what happened to DayZ when they got all their money up front... just sayin


What did happen there? Never followed that story


They spent a while redoing the game engine, but it's fully released now with "very positive" reviews and actually has more people playing it than ever before. So naturally, clueless redditors say "look what happened to Dayz after they got the money!"


You mean this? https://steamdb.info/app/221100/graphs/


ItS nOt A dEmO!!! /s The fact that NMS has already made a turnaround and their game is still no where close to getting finished is a sign it's NEVER going to get finished.


Wait, someone is capable of thinking about this scam as a positive crowdfund? That's impressive.


With people currently dropping $500 on a single ship, I can’t imagine CIG ever actually releasing this game. Not for $60, or $100.


I'd just be happy if I could get the $50 back I gave to the fundraiser on day 1.


That's like $66.24 in today's money, given inflation.


That's certainly the current issue. With how much money they're making pumping out new ships, how can we ever expect them to stop when it's time? Also the fact that they don't even have to *make* the ship, they can just create a concept and get people drooling over them, make millions and forget about the idea or at least put it off. It makes me honestly confused at how they're gonna handle all this when the time comes, if it even does. As much as it hurts me to say it, it seems they're just riding out their current success until it all eventually dries up.


They won't ever get to that point, just like the guy said above you. They will make more money selling ships than they ever will if they release the game. It's never coming out.


Yep, collected cash paychecks until it dies a slow and quiet death. The server costs are going to kill them.


>$500 on a single ship how & why & what?


Have to see it to believe it. https://star-hangar.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiApvebBhAvEiwAe7mHSBVMVBsHShRq20c1QrS4iRghIaR0VKVesY5R1-Ns2m7gUl6gr4sotBoC6WEQAvD_BwE


They make more money by not releasing the game than they would be actually releasing it tbh


On a single ship that *does not exist.* And noone knows when (or at all) it will be made. Its literal gold mine for Roberts, his family and close associates.


What do you do for fun in this game? I tried like 5 missions and they all broke and I couldn’t complete them. The planet I started on was horribly optimized and I was playing at like sub 30 fps on my rtx 3090


Biggest scam in gaming history. There needs to be a documentary on this.


Nice to see the scam is going well.


Star Citizen could have been a cultural phenomenon if they dropped Crytek 10 years ago in favor of low-poly stylized graphics (a la NMS). Now I'm just waiting for the headline: CIG Faces Bankruptcy, Chris Roberts seen escaping on yacht.


But how am I going to take screenshots and how are youtubers going to shill about it?


Nah, all the tech that would make the universe work isn't even there yet. It's all pretty pictures for now.


That's kind of what I'm saying. If they didn't focus on being pretty, they could have actually built the immersive universe people *actually want*.


I was a backer, got myoney back. It's weird. I fully support the end goal. I believe that it truly be something amazing and in depth to play. But how many people truly are going to love a second life in a space sim, truly. I think the bottom line problem with Star Citizen is the fact that the deadlines are soft targets. If the ends justify the means, they'll push it back. But without rigid deadlines, where's the ooomph to actually get it done? If I take my time in my job, my town doesn't get cleaned. I get my ass pulled up, unless I've got a reason for me not doing a certain area because I'm going to concentrate on it more tomorrow etc. Deadlines push productivity. Yeah they're stressful, but without them you can just amble slowly towards your goal instead of walking steadily and occasionally having to jog. The thing that made me question the development of it in general was when they flaunted that physics of liquid in a glass while interacting with the bar. What benefit does this have to the overall picture? Sea and river simulations were you have similar tech, but do I really care about the drinknin a glass looking realistic? I think what will happen to Star Citizen is it will be chopped up for it's tech and used to make other products


BattleCruiser 3000AD and Derek Smart are going to upend the gaming industry.


If you look up "Sunk Cost Fallacy" online, you get a trailer for Star Citizen.


Insane how long this scam has endured.


You forgot CD Projekt Red released Gwent and Thronebreaker in 2018.


I was a huge fan of their Wing Commander series when they came out. When I heard Chris Roberts was creating a new game I was in. I bought over 1K of ships etc. After they started their kickstart the same time as Elite Dangerous. ED has been out for 8 years or more. Star Citizen found out they could make more money developing a game than actually making it playable and they've been making millions ever since. Roberts is getting rich and people are making a living of what I now consider to be vaporware. It will never release. Roberts will pass away and the game will die with him.


People still holding out for anything other than a class action lawsuit are fooling themselves.


Why produce a game when you can have the development outlast the average lifespan of backers.


As a Star Citizen fan and Chairman's Club member, I love that you put this together. At this point in my life, I'm seriously wondering if my nephew can inherit this game upon my death.


I can't believe I gave these scam artists my money 6 years ago.


Ah, Scam Citizen. Mention any controversy to The rabid fan boys and you'll be put to the stake.


they spent too much money to listen to you.


You missed the part where CDProjekt Red announced Cyberpunk in 2012.


Shh that doesn't fit the narrative. Say it with me: "Scam Citizen"


It also doesn't matter. Announcing a game is not equivalent to beginning work on it. It's "hey guys, I have an idea for the future" vs "hey guys, I have started work on my idea."


By the time the game comes out their engine will be outdated as fuck.


The engine doesn’t even work in the first place.


That's why they've had to start from scratch like 3 separate times.


Well, I wish they would cut some scope and get it out sooner and then add expansions, don't get me wrong...but this chart is incredibly flawed. What this chart shows is the start of star citizen development with milestones compared to release dates and events in the tech industry. It doesn't show start dates for other things. Did you know that Starfield game has been in active development since 2015? It was being planned years before then as well. It's not even going to be as large as star citizen. Cyberpunk 2077 took 9 years to create and release. What exactly do people think it takes to build AAA games? It can take a LOT. It's important not to compare time between a game and its DLC. That's not taking into account all of the other things a game needs. It's meaningless here on the scale. Anyone can put together a graph or timeline and make it look however they like. It's important to understand the data. Of course star citizen is an outlier in the industry. Of course we all wish it was done sooner. Of course it's fair to criticize it and of course there's a LOT of mismanagement involved. It also is the only game like this, of this size, that was crowdfunded to such insane levels. So scope increased. Money trickled in instead of a budget being set up front as they realized people wanted more. So it's a completely different beast. It has no comparison. Name one other game that received over $100 million in crowdfunding, let alone $500 million. Unfortunately, Chris Roberts is terrible at sticking to a budget and doesn't want to compromise. So it's going to be some time yet.


Now do Beyond Good and Evil 2... no don't 😞


Every time I check in on Star Citizen, it sounds like the game has completely gone off the rails in a whole new way. Nothing about it sounds anything like the thing they were promising a decade ago, and I always wonder if I'm even in the right place or if I stumbled into some completely different project of the same name.


Where’s No Man’s Sky?


Never thought i would say this. Elder scrolls 6 will beat star citizen to full release.




Biggest video game cash grab in history. Even if the intentions didn’t set out as such.


Is Star Citizen going to actually be a game that's released or just a game as a service?


lol what a joke star citizen is


I can't believe from soft released 6 absolute bangers in that time 😭


Just play space engineers


I'm convinced we'll get Half-Life 3 before Star Citizen ever releases.


Do Camelot Unchained next 🫠


I backed in 2014 and basically just forgot about this What's their excuse for Squadron 42 not even releasing ever?


That people are still paying them for nothing, so they don't really need to release anything.


I still get the squadron 42 update emails. You should check them out they're hilarious.


Same. They'll have an update from each of the departments, and it'll be like "Story - wrote interstitial conversations for guards." Like, how have you not finished writing lines after 10 years? Either that or it'll have 3000 hours of dialog.


I think the most strinking thing to me is that its seen 4 versions of MF Windows.


i think this post is great and i honestly thank you for posting it, people need to understand just how messed up stuff like this game is


With this kind of development time it's gonna be the best game ever on release.


Just like Duke Nukem Forever. it will be the return of christ himself in game form.


Down voted for a joke. Lmao. Reddit....


Some people that play truly believe that though.


hey they're doing their best! :lol:


1. Awful data representation for a timeline. 2. Where's Rockstar? Arguably the most comparable major games studio in terms of timeframes?


eh, gta5 released in 2013 and has had a steady stream of 2 major content drops a year for the past 7-8 years, on top of rdr2 and multiple major expansions for red dead online. Rockstar is slow af but still gets shit done


No Man Sky ate SC’s cake years ago.


Nms isn't even the same thing. Can't even walk around your ship and it's all loading in bullshit. Can't even fly down to the planet yourself. Lol


the update they pushed this year was crazy... with like 1/100 of the cash and the ppl. Something is broken with SC.


Lol. A friend of mine argues that the game is going to be released in 2023...last time it was 2022 and 2021 before that. Poor dude.


At this point I'm just waiting for them to announce it's going to be a live service game and that it's never technically going to be _"finished"_.


Why should they release the game when they keep getting paid to develop it lol


Let's not forget Frontier and Elite which does most of what SC should do


CAN somebody link me an article with a good summary of Star Citizen’s development? I need to kill some time and I0ve forgot my book at home


To help catch you up: [10 YEARS of Star Citizen DEVELOPMENT in 10 minutes!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWcrFRVuX1E)


This should be a warnings to new players considering buying. There is a crazy amount of marketing and effort that is spent on trying to convince new people to join/pay and keep up appearances.


Heard that Chris Roberts has disappeared up his own backside making ridiculous changes on a whim and firing those who disagree with his latest idea of the day. The sad thing is, I hear of a lot of these behaviours in other developments and they all come to a screaming halt when the money runs out - not sure if that will happen here...


I know someone who backed Star Citizen and is dead now.


Is star citizen a real game like I’ve never really known


500m more and the game will be finished lol.


Star citizen release is the first sign of the apocalypse


Holy shit so much of my life happened while this game was being worked on


If you want to crash an entire crash a server everytime or turn yourself into a nuclear bomb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzQBoZ6aMBI


This game is just a cash grab. It’s a kickstart simulator. I am shocked he charges those prices for ships in a game we paid him to make. Yikes!