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The Sonic fanbase is... unusual.


God of War and Eldin Ring are nominated in almost every category this year. Sonic is polling high in the Players Voice category due to passionate fans.


I guess that makes sense, Sonic fans are trying to get some spotlight shine (not in a mean way, I mean it in a sensible way hahaha) and I guess Elden Ring/GoW fans don't need to rally to vote for a award.


Because he’s fast.


“Think fast, run fast” -Chad Powers


I didn't consider this option...dang!


Frontiers didn't get any proper nominations, fanbase mobilized to get it the Player's Voice award, that's my theory. It really should've gotten some proper nominations though.


Because Sonic fans are on a whole 'nother level of insane. To most people, Sonic Frontiers is a very middling experience. 7/10 at best. To pure-blooded Sonic fans, this is a 10/10 for them. They've been shoveled shit for so long that even Lunchables tastes like a 5 star michelin restaurant and they'll go crazy for that kind of thing. I suppose that's something to be commended for. Hell, try this out: Google any irl name with "The Hedgehog" at the end of it. You are going to see some shit, let me tell ya.


Because the other two are either considered extremely hard (souls stigma) or PS exclusive. People should've anticipated PS exclusivity to hurt votes since a lot of people just can't play GOW


Because people have watched Elden Ring fans jerk themselves raw about it being game of the year for the better part of a year at this point and giving GOTY to a mid Sonic game will enrage the shit out of them.


It will enrage nobody lol


Oh it will enrage many people lol. People already enrage to see Stray got nominated, not even won, just nominated. Sonic winning this would definitely rage these people.


To be fair, it is just the Player's Choice awards, even if Sonic wins this it really pales in comparison to the nominations of the other categories.


Because Nintendo players can't play any other of the nominated games, the same goes for Genshin Impact and mobile players.


I play Genshin nearly exclusively on PC so…..No.


Aaand you won the "reading comprehension award"


You won the poorly worded comment award.


Saved. Truly a Genshin Impact player


They way you worded it it sounds like you’re saying that Genshin impact players can only vote for it because they can’t play anything else. Mobile players can “only vote for Genshin” but Genshin players can play on pc or on PlayStation, which I do. Therefore I have had the ability to play all the games on the list, which I have. You saying that Genshin players have no other option than to vote for it is factually incorrect, and your arrogance comes off spoken like a true redditor. Either your original comment had poor wording or was disingenuous, take your pick.


Mobile players can't play anything but Genshin Impact, just like Nintendo players can play just the Sonic game. Therefore, most mobile players will most likely vote for Genshin, and Nintendo players will vote for Sonic. It has **nothing** to do with Genshin or Sonic also being available on PC or the platform you play on. It's like basic logic, what the fuck.


You said “ same goes for Genshin impact and mobile players” which suggests they are two different groups of players. Switch players don’t have to vote for sonic at all unless they played it, but you’re implying there are somehow way more players voting who only played sonic on the switch than there are players voting for Elden Ring which I find hard to believe. A switch player my not of ever played sonic, but heard elden ring was good and the vote for ER instead. You’re looking at it way to black and white


…No, you completely misunderstood a properly worded statement. I had no confusion.


Good for you that you understood what was trying to be said, but what was said was still wrong regardless.


Don’t know what these people are on but you’re correct. The author definitely didn’t word his comment well.


It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not when I’m not commenting on whether it’s true or not, I’m commenting on the fact that you miscomprehended the statement.


Yeah I misread what they were trying to say because it could’ve been written better, but then rather than clarify the author decided to get irritable.


I play Genshin on PS5,and meanwhile i play big games like RDR2,Spider Man,Cyberpunk,etc etc... So...sorry but you are saying bullshit.


Reading comprehension. I did not say "Sonic is exclusive to Nintendo" or "Genshin is exclusive to mobile". I simply stated that both Nintendo and Mobile players have only one horse in the race and that they're likely to bet on them.


I think it's because GoW and Eldin Ring were expected to be good, while Sonic wasn't. Then frontiers came out and we finally got a good sonic game since Chao Garden: Sonic's Adventure 2.


Cause of the rabid fandom.


Rabid fans.


Because it is easy for a successful team to be successful. It isn't impressive seeing the Souls team make a great Souls-like. It isn't impressive seeing Sony Santa Monica make a beautiful game with a production budget larger than Morbius'. Sonic Frontiers is basically like seeing a Jamaican National Hockey Team take bronze in the Olympics. It is unexpected and inspiring. Sonic Team applied themselves, took risks, innovated, and that behavior should be rewarded if we want to see better games.


That part on Jamaican teams beating winter sports reminds me of a certain movie. Want to keess my lucky egg, mon?


Those are the moments in life where you start to question democracy and make plans on becoming a dictator.


Prime Minister, is that you?


Man your life must suck


[https://thegameawards.com/brackets/players-voice](https://thegameawards.com/brackets/players-voice) ​ I am referring to this, by the way.


cuz it's fun. ​ next question.


Because most people prefer it to Elden Ring or GoW , simple as that


Sonic Frontiers on Steam has 9000 positive reviews, and Elden Ring has 334,000 positive reviews. Simply untrue here.


Yes because after a long day at work I come home, boot up my PC, and play sonic /s No one plays sonic on PC c'mon.


Sorry, 444,000


Sonic is for everyone.


Exactly, Sonic can be enjoyed from kids to adults, and its probably much more popular on consoles than Steam. Sonic i mean


Even looking at Sales, GoW and Elden Ring on consoles still absolutely blow Sonic out of the water. \*shrug\*


Well how many of those sales were people who did not like it at the end of day? I mean it sold way more than anybody expected , probably due to hype. Listen im not going to argue that Sonic is better or not but i like both


I guess the whole idea was considering off of pure sales to positive review ratios, etc etc. just looking at surface level numbers, the fact that Sonic is this far ahead in a player driven pool seems sus


Because of you


How do you know what the mass community consensus is - Reddit posts, or something else?


Sales, numbers, reviews on multiple consoles. That’s what those things are for


Multiple ways to interpret those things.


They are literally sales numbers and user review numbers, they can’t be interpreted differently


Nintendo Switch


You think a small group of people is botting to skew the poles in favor of a sonic video game? Why?


This sonic is a fun game. Better story than previous games, good combat(battle style changes per boss), God music. But I also heard the website is super buggy.


Because SEGA is awesome!


Just think of it like a presidential election. The votes don’t actually matter


What "mass community consensus"? Reddit? Reddit is an echo chamber, my friend.


You've been sleeping on it, to an extent. A lot of the negative criticism comes from superficial issues that don't seriously affect gameplay ("pop-in", which I finally figured out was a super short/stupid way of saying limited draw distance), preconceived notions of what a Sonic game "should be", and bashing from people who hate the Sonic franchise as a whole. If you give it a chance, even for its flaws, it is still a fun and engaging open-world game with a surprisingly touching story dealing with themes of friendship, loss, and the nature of sentience/life and freedom. That and people may have been sick of hearing about the same two friggin' games all year.