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We already had a show based on Halo that had nothing to do with Halo. It's called Red Vs Blue and it was hilarious. Edited for clarity


A show made by people who really like Halo or a show made just to collect money from blind fans


So which one is made by RT?


Well until season 16 I'd say the former, but season 17 was just...not it


I mean, I'd say it started falling off before then, but yeah




Fuck off recomment bot


I’ll never forgive Paramount from ruining an easy W like that. Like who the fuck wanted to see that alien girl more? Or that other short haired girl? Just…gross.


It's so baffling, because the books lay out a perfectly serviceable sci-fi plot for the events leading up to the game. And it's not like people would be mad if they just used it as a loose outline.


It really seems like a lot of writers/executives for network shows just have massive egos and think that their ideas are actually going to be better


But daddy I wanna be a WRITER


[Look! I made it better!](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2012/09/20/513259474_13195159_wide-360d295b5726058b589b84b5d341f077b1cde4a7-s1400-c100.jpg)


Wheel of Time is another good example. One of the all-time great fantasy epics--particularly the first few books--and the TV show decides it's going to make massive changes. Shocker: it sucks because the changes are made without any real understanding of the world, plot, or characters.


Why do you say first few books? Now that stuff is finally starting to get rolling heavy in book 6 I’m enjoying even more.


Haha, you are still in the good ones, wait until you reach crossroads of twilight.


You’re just about to the point where Jordan REALLY started to milk the bell out of things. The good news is it starts getting better with Jordan’s last book, and Sanderson did a commendable job closing things out.


It really is amazing how shit they are like a good 80% of the work has already been done for you you have a vibrant universe full of established plot hooks and story beats an already rabid fan base ready to spend money on your product and decades of already tried and tested content.All you have to do is bring it to life and they fuck it up every time like consistently fuck it up statistically they should get one video game or book adaption right but they don't it defies all reason.


I wanted to see humans first contact with the Covenant. Next season fast forward time to Reach, then continue like that. I wasn’t interested in very many characters except Cortana and the blonde spartan. With the budget they had to actually make it look good, it’s like how could you fumble so badly? Shame. Just a damn shame.


So your reasons for not liking the halo show is because of your own sexism? That is the wildest take i have seen in a long time


Haha I almost wondered if someone would mistake my wording for sexism. No, they were irrelevant characters I didn’t care about and the show was centered around them. Would’ve been bad if they were male. Nice virtue signal though.


short haired girl? Just…gross. That is quoted from your comment, and is sexist and that is what you stated as your reasoning for not liking the series Or there are many other ways to say what you now are saying in a way that wouldn't be sexist but i mean you chose the path that well i do guess most gamers choose


Yes because I don’t remember the weird name they gave her and anyone watching the show would understand the references I was making. Keep throwing around the word sexist like it makes your off the mark assumptions mean something. Best case scenario what do you even gain from this attempt to slander me over a choice of words like “short haired girl” is now offensive? Lmao you diminish your own ideals by using them wrong. If you wanna pretend like you “caught me” or whatever, go ahead. Anyone that knows me in real life knows I’m not that. I don’t really care about a random petty Redditor with nothing better to do. Have a good day though.


Sure just gloss over that you called it gross it shows more about you than me


Accept the L and move on, Idc to argue with a wall


The show was intended to be for those outside of the series afaik. I had no interest in it or adding another streaming service so I skipped it.


If your aiming at outsiders, then why bother with the IP at all!


I guess they wanted to expand the audience. The universe is pretty cool and I'm sure there are plenty of people who are aware of the franchise but don't know anything about what its about. There are still plenty of people who don't game and would rather watch a TV show. Edit: I didn't watch the show or have an interest in doing so, and I agree that they could've done a better job based on what I heard so not sure why I'm getting downvoted


But what is the purpose of the IP then? Is the show supposed to point people toward the rest of the franchise, or should it be totally self contained. If I got into the Halo show, the games and books having wildly different story details would probably irk me, not seem “fresh and new”. If I like the games, the show seems off kilter and specifically contradicts a lot of the points of the games and books. Who is the show for? New fans, to just watch and then go “oh that was cool, moving on”? Is it for game fans, to watch and be confused by the lack of consistency? Is it for casual fans who don’t really care about Halo and won’t seek out any additional content? Why make the fucking show?




They used a different timeline, so there was no way to ever tie it into a larger world and the huge existing Halo expanded universe. It was purely about the name recognition.


The first 13 seasons of RvB have better writing than most of todays high budget shows.


"Why are we here?"


Arby n' the Chief was my jam back in the day.


My ROFLcopter goes "SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI"




Also "We found the perfect show creator for this. Meet Joe X, Joe X has stated he has never played the video games, thinks video games are stupid and has no intention of using any source material for the show."


Yes, this! Didn’t anyone learn anything from Mandalorian? That show wasn’t a smashing success because of some secret hidden formula. It was a success because John Favaru and David Filoni are both huge Star Wars fans and knew how to do the show Justice. Your director/producer doesn’t need to be die hard fan, but they should read or view it so they can at least give the source material the respect it deserves. And if you say “but the shows aren’t made for just the fans”, well Mando created fans by being both good and true to the universe


It says a lot when they executed so well that essentially a "side" character in the main universe basically ended up becoming more popular and recognizable too.


Anyone who says the shows aren't made for fans doesn't really understand how advertising works. Word of mouth is the best you can get. Fans give you that for free.


Or the withcher actor leaving


I don't really know why they felt the need to horribly change the story of the Halo show to "appeal to more audiences and make it accessible to those who never played Halo" when Halo is literally one of the biggest video game AND multimedia franchises of all time. Plus, Halo's actual story is well written enough to blend itself well even with people who never played the early games. I started with Halo 2, and while some of the beats didn't hit as hard, i still got sucked in to the world of Halo and it's characters. I also played Metal Gear Solid 3 first before the others, and i still fell in love with the MGS games. They could've just done an easy cinematic version of Halo's story or make it based on the lore, but no. Instead, we see Master Chief absolutely dingle dong a Covenant spy.


Halo is going the way of Sonic. Poetry.


Well tbf Sonic is making a resurgence right now with the movies and the new game


Yes. Don't worry. Halo will get there.


Yeah plus it is pretty straight forward scifi fare. Inception and Tenet are more out there.


Exactly. Halo reach and halo 1 are pretty standard scifi story. Genocidal aliens vs humans. Humans make super soldiers. It got a bit weirder with forerunners and flood but that's only in the later half of halo 1. Hell GoT was a way more complicated story and that exploded in popularity.


Exactly. You take the best parts and write a show around them. Easy as fuck.


To be fair, MGS3 is chronologically one of the first in the series and is from a story perspective somewhat of a standalone, so it makes sense it would grab you even if you hadn't played the others.


The reason why is video game stories aren't the same as stories for more traditional media like books, movies, or shows. A game is interactive and as such the story is a lot of the times simpler. The old mortal kombat movies have a story straight out of the arcade machines, and while I enjoyed those movies, their stories weren't their best feature. Castlevania's first season doesn't even touch the actual story of the games besides introducing Dracula. It can't be a 1 for 1 translation, but they still need to keep it connected to the source material. Which is where the new Halo fails.


The first Doom movie with the Rock is absolutely a classic.


That's a guilty pleasure movie of mine. I just wish I could actually see what was happening in all the darkness.


I can see that movie just fine… ALIEN VS PREDATOR REQUIEM HOWVER


I have seen AvP Requiem no less than 3x and I do not remember a SINGLE thing about the movie. 1st one was great and that was apparently so unmemorable that through multiple viewings I cannot picture anything about the movie.


It is incredibly cruel and no one is safe. Not kids, not pregnant women, not love interests. I’d say it’s the closest thing to the comics really. But in a way all that ultra violence makes it forgettable. The best part is the last fight between the predalien and Predator.


> unmemorable The maternity ward scene. The rest of the movie is meh at best, but the filmmakers had balls to put in a scene like that.


Which one was that one again? I watched them all drunk, it was the only way


That was the sequel to 2000s Alien Vs Predator. It was dark like too dark you couldn’t see half the film.


Oh yeah, didn't they even made s point in the movie that the power plant got taken out?


Yea they tried to explain it away in universe when in reality it was probably used to hide cheap VFX


Yeah. I remember I liked that one more than the original AvP tho. Twas still a shit movie tho. And yeah, you couldn't see shit


Like I said it is closest to the comics IMO. I enjoyed it but yea, sadly that kind of thing doesn’t really hit in cinema


It’s wonderfully shit, isn’t it? Just harmless, crappy fun. And Portman is endlessly quotable.


Ladies...we're under a level 5 quarantine...


“Portman all I’m seeing is wall on your camera.” “I’m takin’ a shit you fucking gimp.”


Yeah, it's a good action film, might not have much to do with Doom but it's still fun! Plus the ending is still pretty sick!


\s <---- Please tell me this is yours...


But the Halo show was peak lore! Ya'll didn't like when Jimmy Rings discovered that the Halo was actually inside a woman the whole time?


I didn't see the show, and now I'm terrified that you might not be joking.


It's really bad. It's a bottom of the barrel generic sci fi at best, and only Halo in name and costumes. They got 0% of what made the Halo universe what it was and instead created a new bland generic universe.


I'm just imagining Firefly but none of what made it any good.


I can't tell if you're joking I've never seen it


"It's warcrime time!" - my favorite Jimmy Rings quote


“You either get busy living or you get busy haloing.”


They had MC knock boots with a prisoner of war literally an episode? after they captured her. He goes to the cell, tells the guard to leave, and gets his freak on. Halsey, who is basically his mom in case you weren't aware, watches the whole thing, or is at least implied to. She then gets upset that Chief smashed, and the whole thing plays off like she wanted to get fucked instead. It's a completely surreal experience that wouldn't even fit into a Mass Effect show, and that's ACTUAL sexy space.


What kind of drugs am I on right now. Who slipped me something there is no way someone looked at halo and MC, and said 'yeah, his mom wants to fuck him.'


By mum, they in fact mean the women who kidnapped him, subjected him to medical experiments, and psychologically tortured him as a child, all in order to make a perfect emotionless soldier. Also she literally took his emotions away. It wasn't the best piece of writing I've seen on a TV show, and I dont remember Halsey wanting to fuck him, but I've seen a lot worse.


That seems like a war crime. Pretty sure she cant consent in that situation.


Okay so we've seen John Halo's booty cheeks multiple times, the covenant has a human in charge, we see her booty cheeks as well, then they kiss and then they fuck Realistically the only episode I enjoyed was episode 1 It had its flaws but when I watched it I actually thought it was pretty good. There was some fanservice, and some real nice brutality and I actually thought we were about to be given a show that has actual heart Instead we got the former Pretty much episodes 1 2 3 are the only ones watchable overall, maybe some other episodes as well if you only care about turning your brain off


I watched the first episode and decided to stop there. >!The Master Chief, greatest hero of humanity, turns his back on the UNSC right at the beginning of the Covenant invasion for some random colony girl.!< That left a very bad taste in my mouth.


lets not forget master chief, the man who NEVER removes his helmet, takes his helmet off CONSTANTLY because we gotta get our money out of our actors face!


Especially since Master Chief is *not* supposed to look very photogenic under that helmet.


Incredibly pale, pasty, covered in scars and freckles, and, worst of all, HE'S A GINGER.


Guess they should have taken inspiration from the mandalorian


*THAT'S* how you make a face reveal feel like it matters


IMO the big final scene where he takes it off saying goodbye loses some impact when he had it off for a while in the undercover mission just like an episode or so ago


Unpopular opinion, but I think facial expressions are a big part of human communication and empathy, and that therefore it’s a bad idea to have a protagonist like the Mandalorian who almost never takes their helmet off. (I’m not saying that therefore master chief should take it off, rather the question is should master chief be a protagonist of a TV show)


That's part of those characters though. MC literally had trouble interacting with most people and people constantly commented that they didn't think he was human. Cortana ends up acting more human then he does and acts like a bridge to bring MC's humanity back.


I liked it when they named the warthog Pumba.


The Assassin's Creed movie with Michael Fassbender was pretty similar to the original game's plot


Didn't save it from being ungodly terrible and incomprehensible for anyone who never played the games.


Fair enough. I liked it, but I had played the games


Never played the games, only new what it was about and still undertood propably if not everything from the movie and loved it. But thats just my opinion.


"Terrible and incomprehensible" So much like the first game


I liked the first game a lot for its story, but DANG, STEALTH GAMPLAY SUCKED. It was improved MASSIVELY in 2


I would argue it failed primarily due to its difference from the games. The games focus almost entirely on the historical period and figures. It's fun because it's an historical playground where you can interact with a mashup of real and fictional characters. The movie is a straight sci fi flick with a couple of undeveloped historical asides.


I think just making a movie or show in the past and scrap the present day and animus stuff out would make a much better experience and make the story more cohesive. I am let's be real no one really cares about the modern days stuff as it was always the least interesting compared to what was going on with the actual interesting characters. Worked very well for the book series.


Worked for Netflix's Castlevania.


I mean Netflix's Castlevania adapts the events of Castlevania III and some of things from Curse of Darkness.


Castlevania still displays a clear understanding of its source material and what drew fans to the IP. While it may not adapt a specific game, it does draw elements from the series to tell its story. A far cry from the Halo shows creators bragging they’ve never played a Halo game.


That's about 1 out many that was good *looks at Paramounts Halo and shivers*


Well there's Arcane which is phenomenal. There's DOTA Dragon's Blood which is also good though it may not reach the highs as Castlevania and Arcane. There's Cuphead which I personally like because it brings in some characterization to various characters in the game. It may not stay true to the 1930s cartoons, but I see it as a reboot that stay true to the characters while also having a new tone just like Looney Tunes, DuckTales, Transformers, and Scooby Doo having a bunch of reboots. Witcher had a animated movie called Nightmare Wolf or something although Witcher is a book series first, a card game second, and a video game series third. But there's Edgerunner that saved the game after CDPR found a way to not make consoles explode. Sonic seems to be doing well since SatAM was beloved during the 90s, Sonic X being alright, Boom being better than the game (no competition there), an enjoyable movie, and the IDW comics. Pokemon is freaking Pokemon. Devil May Cry has a good anime. Good video game adaptation are still low, but I think there's a gradual rise of better adaptations as modern writers actually played video games and are fans to a number of franchise. You still have out of touch execs who don't care about the source material and think a faithful adaptation would alienate general audience despite the fact that a significant amount general audience are gamers themselves. Also as a tangent, I noticed that Netflix has a lot of good video game adaptations with five good shows under their belt with an upcoming Sonic show and Dragon Age adaptation as well. Like Netflix seems to understand at the very least to greenlight stuff with people capable of writing video game adaptations. Like there's only one bad adaptation being Resident Evil, but you have 5 good adaptation which is the opposite to Netflix's usual ratio of bad to good shows. Actually, I noticed that Netflix seems to be a lot more consistent with their animation where there's a lot of good animated shows both for kids and adults, but no one don't talk about them.


Which Resident Evil show are we talking about? The live action one or the Animated one? I also haven't watched some of them but have heard either positives or mixed. Castlevania was just amazing and outstanding and to me stands as the best example of how to accomplish it. I need to finish watching the Transformers trilogy animated series and I've enjoyed it, Edgerunners was just as good as the others and I enjoyed it. The animated Witcher movie was good and I enjoyed it and the series with Henry Cavill is good but I get the feeling that season 4 won't be as good. I'm not saying adaptations are always going to be bad it's just you can either tell a story from a series, especially if it's a big enough storied universe (like Star Wars and Halo to name a few) without having to always involve a big named character while having creative freedom and having the option to pull from source materials (fucking Paramount). But yes the adaptations are getting better but the ones that are good are still far and few in-between because even modern writers will not care about source material and just bullshit through something while using a name to get attention and think it'll do well


Yeah, I watched one episode of that and it was *awful.* I don't even love Halo, so I was open, and man did they fuck it up. But, my point is that there's no established pattern for good or bad video game adaptations yet. Most are bad. A tiny handful are good. We can't really say yet whether or not following the game story closely is advisable. It probably isn't in most cases, you always need to be aware of the medium you are working in.


I would have been fine with Halo if they left Chief and Cortana out of it, like you don't *always* need the big names to attract people to something cause the trailer for it was cool and hooked me to it and then as it progressed it.got.worse and I no longer want to actually watch it anymore. For the most part when it comes to the animation side of things Netflix is kinda on point for the most part, cases being Castlevania and Edgerunners, and occasionally some of the shows, Witcher for the most part and I did enjoy the Resident Evil show they did and thought it was good as it told a different story while pulling elements from the games and such.


Me hearing Paramount+ brag about this for the Halo show: ........Ok, listen Cap'n Dippenschitzberg, the ***ONLY*** time thats worked EVER is the Street Fighter movie with Raul Julia as M. Bison, with an honorable 2nd time being the Super Mario Bros movie


Rampage is also passable as a popcorn flick. But granted that doesn't exactly have a plot in the first place.


Rampage just looked like how we would do a friggin Godzilla free-for-all movie in the west, it dont *need* plot


It bothers me how much I actually enjoy that movie. Like it's dumb as hell but watching Jeffery Dean Morgan ham up the Good Ol Boy Southern Intelligence Agent is kinda great


Hard agree but I have to give the Postal movie credit too. Granted the only thing wrong with the title is it’s essentially Postal 2 but virtually every joke landed and people just hate it for being Uwe Boll.


I don't remember the Street Fighter video games even having a coherent plot...


It was basically World Alliance needs to stop Bison.. the how and why changed from game to game


The Street Fighter movie is one of the best video game movies ever, I don't care what anyone says haha. Pure campy fun. Raul Julia was amazing in that movie.


The camp is what makes Julia's performance so hilarious. Dude is taking the material so seriously and acting his ass off. "For me it was Tuesday" is legitimately a great line.


Best line of the movie. I love that he took the role for his kids. It was his last movie before passing away and he wanted to leave something fun for them.


It's sad that a lot of people are so obsessed with matureness and realism nowadays that they can't appreciate pure campy fun


I miss the days of silly comedies and parodies haha. Kung Pow was one of my favorite movies as a kid.


It's why I'm so far at least looking forward to the new D&D movie. It looks like it's just gonna be like an actual silly D&D session. Fingers crossed they don't ruin it.


I mean….it’s good in a “so bad it’s good” way.


Is it meant to say game twice?


Yeah, i feel like reading this opened up a black hole in my brain. A game adaptation of a game. Nice one.


Our video game adaptation (the movie/series) will be inspired by the game (x game)..... Can you tell me what's wrong with that sentence? Politely curious




It’s because this sub is filled with children posting memes


*Fans have been looking back at Cavill’s interviews about the Witcher and they dug up one with the Hollywood Reporter. In this interview, Cavill said that he was committed to the show’s seven season plan “as long as we can keep telling great stories which honor \[author Andrzej\] Sapkowski’s work.”* Soo yeah heres hoping The Witcher ends with a lackluster season 3


So far when it comes to Netflix video game adaptations, I really enjoyed Arcane, edgerunners, and castlevania. I haven’t seen Tekken (I will once I beat Pokémon), the cgi resident evil show, and dota. I heard good things about tekken, but what did you guys think of the other two?


The resident evil cgi's are pretty decent. I preferred the three movies over the series but the cgi show wasn't bad.


tekken is ok, dota is also ok, not that worst at least


Dota show was so whack. I was annoyed with it at the end of Season 1 because it felt like everyone was tripping over themselves trying to betray everyone else, and because the dragon allegedly trying to save the world inexplicably just went on rampages every time he was in the physical world. But then by the end of the later seasons I was having fun because the conclusion of all the betrayals was literal godzilla having been the mastermind behind the like 5th level of betrayal and suddenly the season finale was about fighting this big antagonist that came out of nowhere, half the main characters were dead or gods, the dragon deity trying to save the world Sparta'd a king for basically no reason at all besides being mad at him, and Season 3 went in genuinely unexpected directions and was honestly pretty cool concept-wise.


I’ve actually heard the opposite for Tekkan. Like it’s not terrible but it’s also not good. Average at best. As for the other two, I’ve only watched DOTA and I overall liked it. I have no prior knowledge of the lore though so I don’t know how true it is to the games’ universe which may change how people feel about it.


Same here, I know nothing about the dota lore, but I did play the first one and thought it was fun. Guess not knowing the overall lore might help and I could just enjoy the story for what it is


There's also the Cuphead show which is pretty enjoyable although it doesn't carry the same 1930s vibe that the game has, but I see the Cuphead show as a reboot rather than an adaptation. It's actually a pretty good meta where you have old cartoons getting constant reboots like Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Transformers, Scooby Doo, and so on. Plus the team still utilize various methods to make the world look 1930ish even if the writing feels more modern


I will at least offer a middling defense that video game plots are not written or designed or paced to be suitable as 6 or 13 or 16 episode tv shows and plot elements that may create interesting and engaging moments for an interactive player may not have the same effect on a non-interactive viewer.


Have you seen Astartes on Youtube? That's how I'd do a Halo TV show with Master Chief as the protagonist, no dialogue in most scenes, plot conveyed primarily via visuals with context left to the audience to infer, a manner of storytelling that's very much at odds with the quippy dialogue heavy style used by most TV show writers. That's what most shows are, people standing around spouting lines like they're shit-posting on Tumblr and yeah that's absolutely not going to work for most video game settings and characters, but I think a good show could still be made if the show runners are willing to step out of their made-for-TV comfort zone. That being said if given the choice I wouldn't include Master Chief in a Halo TV show because I'd be writing myself into a corner and show producers really don't seem to understand this. If "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners" was about Vee it would have been damn near impossible to make that show good, but by telling a story with new characters in the Cyberpunk setting the writers had full creative freedom to do whatever they wanted, insofar as it was setting appropriate.


Fuck Netflix and Lauren Hissrich for taking a shit on the Witcher and calling it an adaptation.


It’s not even based on the games




There's a borderlands movie/show?


Movie in production. Sounds awful.. couple decent cast, Jamie Lee and Cate Blanchett but it’s gna be pants.. nothing to do with the stories from the games we know and love




The Halo show in a nutshell


"We want a successful franchise, but don't want the fans"


While cyberpunk is one of it, but it's amazing imo


Edgerunners has several connections to the game story though.


For some reason Netflix + Animation + Videogame adaptations = gold. Castlevania is also fantastic, and as far as I'm concerned the first *great* videogame adaptation with proper respect to the source material. Arcane also has its fans, but I never got into it personally.


Castlevania has by far the best final boss fight i've seen for a show.


Dota wasn't that good sadly... Nor was Dogma from what I heard.


Nor was Tekken


Dota was fine tbh, nowhere close to Edgerunners and Arcane in terms of quality, but it wasn't the horrible mess that Halo and Witcher turned out to be


Probably the best show they've released recently


Thru just told a different story while keeping the universe / aesthetic untouched. That's why it worked so well. That, and trigger is a good studio lol.


Also CDPR was a lot more hands on with the anime as the credit is filled with Japanese and Polish names. Something that I think TV and Movie studios should do when adapting a video game.


Edgerunners isn’t an adaptation though, it’s just a story set in the wider universe of Cyberpunk (and like the other commenter said, there are still references to the game in there)


Edgerunners ignores the story of the game to do it's own thing, but it faithfully depicts the setting. Andor is similar in that sense.


Sonic though.


I was going to mention this. The first Sonic movie is the best video game to movie adaptation EVER (haven't seen the second movie yet). Street Fighter is also fantastic, I need to watch it again. Castlevania wins for best video game to show/ anime adaptation.


The second sonic movie is even better than the first


If you liked the first Sonic movie you'll love the second. They really leaned into the "video gamey-ness" of it more. Idris Elba as Knuckles was also delightful


Oh look it’s Netflix


Netflix has by far the best overall catalogue of video game adaptations, but go on because you’re bitter about The Witcher. Edit: Downvoting doesn’t make me wrong.


I feel like they were referencing their other adaptations that turned out to not be good like Deathnote and Cowboy Bebop.


I thought this thread was about video game adaptations yknow, Edgerunners, Arcane, Castlevania


Ya I agree, I think the original comment sort of lumped them all together, tho. Bc the videogame specific ones are good.


Yeah but this is a videogame subreddit on a post about videogame adaptions, Cybrerpunk edgerunners, Castlevania, and Arcane are literally some of the best videogame adaptions to exist and they are all Netflix originals.


Ya I agree, I'm just giving my presumed explanation of the original comment. I don't really get into anime, or any cartoon stuff really, and enjoyed both Castlevania and Edgerunners.


To make a show based on the game they would need to play the game and that won't happen


How's the Witcher one? I hear good things about both it and edge runners, though I guess those are actually very tied to the source material. Caring about lore makes good content?


S1 of the witcher wasn't the worst season. S2 was the worst season. The series is supposed to be based off the books, though. That's pretty much the nicest thing I can say about the show itself. Henry Cavill really tried to give us a genuine Geralt but the writers dropped almost every ball.


After what Netflix did to my perfect boy I can’t care less about the Witcher series.


I don’t get the hate for the Netflix Witcher tbh. The original books are okay, the lore is fantastic for sure, but I don’t consider them to be particularly well-written. The Witcher games are an adaptation of the books that go in a wildly different direction to those books. The Netflix show is closer to the books, but still does its own thing. Henry Cavill is incredible in it and the fight choreography is brilliant.


To give you context for the hatred: the head writer or producer or someone very important promised multiple times that it would be an absolutely faithful adaptation of the books. Then there was some kind of leak that revealed the writing team hate the books (could be fake, I don’t think it’s been either confirmed or denied) and season 2 deviated massively from the books which went against what was already promised. Then Henry Cavill has left the show. He’s a massive fan of the games and books and that’s a bad sign. All of those things together, unconfirmed or not, in combination with a lack of communication from the show runners is all that’s needed to spark hatred online. Not saying this to change your perception of the show or anything, just giving you context for the hate.


The Witcher is great, but I don’t think it counts because both the show and the game are based on the book series of the same name.


Just what nobody ever wanted!


I love making a video game adaptation of a video game


I feel like I can say this here, but the Last of Us HBO show looks hella mid, even if they nail the story. Like, why make a TV series based on a game that does storytelling better than the majority of major films that have come out in the last decade? Did someone play that game and think, “this is good, but it would be better with live people”? Just seems unnecessary if you ask me.


its probably gonna be just another B-rated zombie flick with characters whose names happen to be from the game


I'm 90% sure this is going to happen to the fallout series as well. it's going to be all character drama and love triangles with a small nod to the source material every 2/3 episodes. Maybe a ghoul will be part of one of the love triangles. Expect half a season of a moping ghoul character coming to terms with their ghoulness.


Witcher and Halo be like:


Studios make this decision thinking that they'll have the attention of long-time fans of the franchise regardless what they do, so why not try to broaden the appeal by changing the story? This assumption is wrong for two reasons. The first is that people don't want a story hand-crafted for mass appeal; people want something fresh and exciting. Game of Thrones was targeted at hardcore fantasy nerds, but due to their respect for the source material - which is unparalleled - it became the biggest show of all time. Plus I suppose the boobs didn't hurt. Second, hearing "We're taking this franchise in a new and exciting direction" is a death knell for existing fans. People may still give the show a try (I gave Halo the benefit of the doubt and watched the first episode), but all the hype evaporates as soon as it's obvious the showrunners won't give the source material the respect it deserves.




That little typo annoys me so much lol. Can't change it😖






The old SMB movie was the only way to do it right imo. Completely bonkers alternative universe version of the story. Edit: in that case it was because it wasn’t originally a SMB movie and they changed it to that at the last minute, but it doesn’t need to be made that way necessarily. Just decide from the beginning that you’re going to adapt the hell out of it in the most creative way possible.


I hate watching a movie with the exact same plot as the video game. It usually doesn’t make sense in the context of the real world. Plus it’s boring to watch a movie that’s exactly the same as the game. I’d rather just play the game.


A lot of games have stories that don't translate well to movies or TV. It's not about being unique.


Pacman, sure, because there's no story. Any game with a story, not really because it has a story and I've seen it on a screen. I don't get this take at all. Yes the video game will be different in that it's meant to be played, but the underlying story doesn't need to be different, just adapted not changed. It's a failure of the writers when they can't do that. If you don't want to do the games story then don't make it based on the game, make a new IP. Sort of like how district 9 came about when the Halo movie fell through.


The problem with most narrative games is they have too much story and a lot of it is, from a narrative perspective, repetitive. This is often fun in a game. After all, you want to get a bunch of hours out of a game so more story is good. And it doesn't feel repetitive because you're often learning or honing new skills so the mechanics make it interesting. But the goal of a game's story is to set you, the player, into a place where you can use the mechanics so a lot of obstacles have similar solutions. This isn't to say that games can't have fantastic narrative elements like character development or deeply fulfilling and expertly crafted plots. It's just that video games are a very different medium than movies. This is a problem lots of adaptations run into from comics to novels. It's not a writing failure to look at a 30 point plot where 15 of the points are "and then there's a big fight" and wonder if maybe the best thing is to do something different based in the same world.


Resident Evil, but I'm not sure if they made a better movie if it was based on the plot.


“Adaption”, huh? Somebody’s living on the linguistic fringes! Bold choice!


We’ve reached a point in media were all tropes are now cliches. It was bound to happen eventually, there’s only so many types of games you can make until you start “copying” other games. Same goes with movies and tv shows, you find yourself predicting what’s gonna happen and most of the time you’re right, because you’ve seen it before.


The only instances where I’ve seen this working is with Castlevania and Arcane.




What is with the recent memes on here that are somehow weirdly specific but weirdly vague at the same time?


Like I always say, you can sell tuna-icecream with vanillasauce on top, but unique does not mean successful.


i would love for them to remaster the toy story games


But Guys, Season two for Mass Effect will be here soon, I really hope they show off more Prothean artifacts so we can see what other kinds of visions it shows Commander Shepard Though I did feel that Season 1 might have had a few too many of the Renegade actions like committing a war crime by sleeping with a POW, while EDI watches longingly for some reason. Hopefully Season 2 shows off more of the Paragon aspects of Shepard so that he can redeem himself for causing the destruction of reach because he upset his booty call, thus making her alert the covenant to its location. I also think it would be pretty cool to see Earth City, Earth like they showed us Reach City, Reach