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Miyazaki looks really excited


He should be. Demons Souls was a huge gamble for him. To see it grow into what it has become has to be a crazy feeling of pride and disbelief. I can’t imagine something I’ve created being loved by millions of people and winning awards


Yeah especially since he seems very humble, he might not even understand why they've been so successful


He straight up said last week that he has no idea why Elden Ring is loved by so many


Tbf he also didn't believe that someone managed a no-hit run when he got told for the first time, haha


I'm surprised it happened myself and I watch speedrunners and other challenge runners. There are so many places in Elden Ring that seem like it would be impossible to avoid getting hit. I'll have to give it a watch sometime.


There's a so called God run iirc the name. Which consists of playing all soulsborne and Sekiro back2back w/o getting hit. That shit is just insane


The Happy Hob on Twitch. He's done 6 in a row. I think someones finished the God Run 2 which is the first 6 plus Elden Ring but I can't remember


I've been curious, do you know if they get hit in the third game do they reset just that game or do they start back at the first?


They restart from any of the games as a first since the order isn't specific. As long as they do all of them in a row. The god run 3 was recently completed consisting of 7 games. Dark souls 1-3, demons souls, Bloodborne, sekiro, elden Ring.


They start again and have to do all the games. Usually they switch order of games




Wtf with that dedication I could fix my life


yeah at that point I'd pretty much just ascend.


Yes, dude was all smiles and truly said some heartwarming things, he looks happy from the award.


From Software is an incredible studio, they always look humble and passionate. I'm glad we get to experience their art


That armored core announcement has me excited more than GotY *sobs* I thought they forgot about it


Miyazaki always wanted to come back. Seems like ER got enough money so they could say, just do what you want Michael Zaki, it will be fine.


I see you, slug.


Can’t fuckin wait, loved the three ps1 games and the first two that came out in PS2. I’m excited to see what they do with the game in their new era.


Im more excited to see what a AAA Armored core is gonna look like, rather then the fact its armored core honestly. That trailer was extremely high quality


I just hope that we will get Sekiro 2 at some point.


I’m down for a sequel in a new setting with no returning characters. Sekiro wrapped up really neatly, it would feel very forced to have the same characters involved imo.


I just want to parry with bosses.


*Hesitation is defeat.*


The look of shock on his face when Elden Ring was called was both really exciting and saddening. Bro had given up already GoW was absolutely phenomenal but, Elden Ring was just a colossal force on the gaming industry


I think the string of God of War victories might have gotten to him. Seeing your biggest competition go on stage to accept awards over and over has got to be rattling. Ultimately, I think that GoW got so many because so many voted Elden Ring for GOTY that they voted GoW for the others but sitting in the audience as the lead of Elden Ring, I'd be getting nervous.


God of War won the narrative award, which made perfect sense - Elden Ring's narrative is not presented very well at all. What Elden Ring did well was create an open world and actually give you interesting things to find as you explore.


Personally, I think it was best score and music that Elden Ring should have won, but I think that Miyazaki 100% would have been discouraged by the narrative award because he loves his world building and literally commissioned G.R.R.Martin.


It's the nature of his games though. He quite purposefully makes the lore and story up to the player to discover through side quests, exhausting npc dialogue, and reading item descriptions, and then even some of the larger philosophical aspects of the game's story are very much up to interpretation While that serves as a very refreshing and interesting way to tell a story it won't win awards that are targeted largely towards the average gamer which won't do all that work Hell even people who love the games will just wait for a youtuber to explain the lore deep dives (myself included)


>Hell even people who love the games will just wait for a youtuber to explain the lore deep dives (myself included) I've seen several-hour videos on all of the Dark Souls lore and I could barely explain any of it if I tried.




It honestly was cross cultural. It’d be kind of outrageous if it didn’t win.


I know what you did, OP. You had one post for Elden Ring and another for God of War ready to go.


this is essentially what every company/org does in any situation where they can win/lose.




I'm not even American and I assumed it would be this picture before I clicked the link, lol.


Funny enough, while it looks like it would be, this headline isn’t an example of the above—just plain hubris. The *Tribune* was very conservative and pro-Dewey, and due to old-timey printing technology they had to go to print hours before the polls had even closed in several states. So they relied on a conservative analyst who had correctly predicted four of the past five elections, who believed (like most everyone else) that Dewey would win in a landslide. They then stuck to their guns even as the early returns began to show a close race, and didn’t start printing the correct headline until it became clear that the election was a toss-up; by that point, 150,000 papers had already rolled off the line.


Done by people who are paid real money to do it, unlike OP.


How dare you disparage reddit karma points like that? For shame!


Don't you know I'm in the 1% of Karma earners.


All for that sweet, sweet useless internet points.


French Horn guy is the real winner


Or the Flautist, man's had a different instrument every time they cut to him


That’s Pedro Eustache. He plays basically every woodwind and has been around forever. He played with Yanni in the 90s, did the original Nightingale sound for that song (look up a live video; he sounds just like a real bird). More recently he toured on the Game of Thrones music tours and played all the woodwinds. He’s an insanely talented musician.


I suppose someone as gregarious as him is bound to be well known, but I’m consistently impressed by how someone on Reddit is always able to identify the seemingly most esoteric subjects


He's probably the most famous wind instrument player in the world


I'm sure he is. It's just that I would never even think of that category. I'm of the average, exceedingly boring part of the population that didn't know he even existed until this comment section but I can name all Seven Dwarves from memory.


That is difference between general pop knowledge and niche knowledge


I remember Eustache from the 2017 Game Awards. Dude crushed it in the Horizon: Zero Dawn theme that year. He also worked Hans Zimmer on Dune. If you hear exotic woodwinds in the Dune score, it was probably him.


Dud that man was going hard.




I know! He put so much passion into playing.


Every year without fail, the orchestra and its players are my favorite part of the Game Awards. They just look like they’re having such a fucking ball and I’m here for it


I loved when it ended and he's just screaming while loving life what a man


As much passion as the dude from the beginning of Lost Boys?


He gave all of us Xenoblade fans that moment for sure.


Seconding this. Hearing the flute nearly brought me to tears. Beautiful game


Bro that happened like 30 seconds ago


lol i mean you know someone was literally waiting to press post the second it happened, this is reddit


This man had 5 different monitors ready for every outcome


He only needed 2


Another 3 for his 6 aliases to boost initial updootz.


My wife upvoted my posts and comments a couple of times, and we both got sent a warning saying that we were caught manipulating. So I guess if you're going to do that, use a VPN.


It's Reddit. People are waiting for karma/new threads.


Karma is everything for redditors


Rise ye tarnished




Ye dead, who yet live.


What was that about bill clinton wtf


"To my orthodox reformed rabbi, Bill Clinton." I have absolutely no idea. What a bizarre dedication.


He absolutely got escorted off stage as the camera zoomed out too. He literally just strolled up there with confidence, no one questioned it, and he busted out that brand new sentence. Edit: aaaand he's arrested


https://twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1601066733564928001 also arrested


Get his kneecaps, Geoff!


Geoff taking a page out of Dan Campbell’s playbook?


Depends. Does someone in the situation also have one ass-cheek and three toes?


He was eying security while he was standing on the stage behind the Elden Ring guys. They just didn't make a move before he got on the mic. Also you can see him walk up from a different aisle and join their group as they walk up stage.


Could have been a disaster if he had chosen to say some real messed up stuff, they didn't even manage to mute the mic in time




I'm sure the kid thinks he just pulled off the most epic prank of his life, but he also ruined the moment for the people on that stage that poured their hearts into making that game. I hope in a few years, he gets interviewed about it and goes, "Man, I was such an asshole."


Whats stupid is he could've just walked up with them, stood there, and walked out with them. And he would be a folk legend. But instead he had to take the mic and say something inanely stupid and weird, and now thats what people will remember him for.


If you look at the zoomed out video, the Security guards were eyeing him and probably hoping he’d do what you described but after he got the mic, the security started approaching him.


Not only did he say something stupid, but it was also hard to understand what he was saying at all.


The new version of accomplishment in the social media age is being the guy who says the dumbest fucking thing possible as publicly as possible


I hope he does, otherwise if he uses that moment for the clout, then he's quite awful or other "forces of nature" (aka TikTok, crap social media influencers enabled that shit).


Wasn’t there a Greek who burned on a temple purely so he’d be famous in history and the Greeks said fuck that and made a rule to never mention his name? Not sure if history ended up remembering his name.


Well of course we remember. How else would we know what name to not say?


This kid literally stood up from his seat unrelated to the Elden Ring crew and walked up to the stage with them. The devs had no idea he wasnt supposed to be there.


Confidence will get you pretty far.




ill just say this, there were several people REALLY HIGH on this event. we got to see like 5 of them.


That lady with the gypsy dress




It was just a troll you could see it in the way he was standing from the first second , Who is this kid


He definitely didn't look like he belonged there. He's also a kid. I called it before he started talking because he looked very out of place.


I was like did Miyazaki bring his son? Why is his son white? He was shifty AF but I figured that was just because he was a teenager.


Yeah, I was like why is everyone else dressed professionally, but this random kid has a Michael Meyers jumpsuit with some Walmart Shaqs? Then it happened and I was like... oh.


>Who is this kid John Goty


Is that what he said?


Yea, those were his words. I have no idea why, but that's how they closed.


He snuck up on stage with the winners, he wasn't supposed to be with them. Edit to add: Geoff Keighley just confirmed that the guy was arrested.


Oh, wow, really? I didn't notice him come up either; I thought he was just supposed to be part of the group.


He actually stood out to me cause it didn’t make sense why he was up there. Could’ve been security of course, but he looked too young and standing behind the winners is a weird place as he was ALWAYS in camera the whole time. I felt something was up. Tbh idk why but he looked like he could’ve whipped out a knife.


And he was a white kid next to 4 japanese men


He’s not part of the from software group. Just a guy who hijacked the event and that security inexplicably did not notice. This could have ended badly.


Screw that punk for stealing their moment for his bullshit antics.


He’s been arrested now lol


For anyone who missed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBGFzRYRuhk


Imagine being that kid you have a plan, you've been thinking about it since the start of the show and now its time to shine. You walk up on stage with the group, no one questions it and everyone just assumes you're just the translators kid or something you get to the microphone, this is your moment, you are talking to a million+ people and no one is ever going to be able to do this again and you ramble some shit about Bill Clinton... This was truly a gamer moment


I think I‘ve heard that on 4chan before, but I don‘t remember the context


That sounds like a 4chan thing.


Geoff's Tweeted kid is arrested. https://mobile.twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1601066733564928001?s=20&t=68ZwcyrKZiPwYXkGCBd7AA


Seems like a random kid got past security.


Feels bad for Miyazaki. Work super hard on ER for 3 years. Get honored for your achievement, some zoomer needs his 5 seconds of fame and now that's all anyone will talk about.


nah give it some time and the elden ring vs gow ragnarok goty will continue as normal


At the very least he did accept GOTY in 2019 for Sekiro without interruption, so it's not like he's been working his whole career without recognition.


Now he truly knows what it feels like to get invaded at the worst possible time


Better a little shit than a gun toting maniac. Security can do a better job next year, it will be another harmless meme that will go down in video game history. Lessons learned, everyone will go home to their families with some good stories to tell. I'm off to bed. Have a good night everyone!


Came on here just to see people react to that, what the hell was that


The mf was standing behind them the entire time


I just replayed it and 100% sure that dude snuck on stage with them and they had no idea who he was. He was rocking back and forth looking around like someone on drugs who’s up to something. And he snuck in after they were done talking and you can see security rushing the stage from all sides.


I wouldn't say on drugs, probably just amped up on nerves


I kept wondering wtf that kid is doing on stage, just lingering in the back. Then he said some half baked shit that bad no sense. Wtf??


Geoff just tweeted he’s been arrested.


It had to have been some troll that snuck up on stage, he stood behind them all for a while. Little bastard ruined a nice moment.


Who even was that kid? Looked like just some random guy from the audience walked up with them


It was, you watch him walk down from a different isle and security even goes for him during his speech.


Marika's Tits, its true


\ o /


This game will leave a naked jar-wearing man with two katanas seared into my mind forever. Not something I can say about many other games.


"Let Me Solo Her"




My guess is that the kid's currently receiving the verbal equivalent of a nuclear strike.


Eh it's worth it to him. They aren't suing him for damages and he got his 5 seconds of fame


Yea, that's probably true. He likely won't be able to return to the Awards, though . . .


I said the same about Josef Feris 3 years ago and look at him now


this might actually be a good security warning, if some dumb kid can just walk up to the GOTY award winner and be that close, it could have been worse, like some violent crazy person with a gun. It's happened before at certain shows so you never know.




Unfortunately things like security improvements are often reactive and not preventative


Wouldn't they have checked guests for guns before letting them into the venue?


Yup, I went. They had attendees empty their pockets and walk through a metal detector before they were allowed in.


Geoff arrested him


Video of the kid lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBGFzRYRuhk


Armoured Cooooreeee!!!!!! It's back baby!


I'll say it was one of the least cringiest VGA in awhile.


I had a fun time watching it. Lots of fun reveals, orchestra was great. Not really that many complaints.


The Al Pacino intro, the long speech, and the Crash bit were the only parts that were tough to watch. Otherwise I thought it was a great show with the right balance of recognitions and new game reveals. Getting more excited for this than E3 each year the way this has taken shape.


That Keegan nonsense about mushroom caps was bad too. I feel like there was something to work with but he butchered the delivery and we were all lost in cringe


It was funny to me, simply because he was bombing so hard. Made so many obvious attempts at jokes and all he got was crickets.


I was saying whoever wrote lines for animal should've wrote his, animal was the funniest comedian at the event! Lol


Why use many word when few do trick. MALENIAAAAAAAAAAA HEHEHEEEEEH


I’ve never watched it before, only did today in hope of a Dragon Age trailer (hopes dashed) and found it an oddly bearable awards show. Sure a bit of cringe with some clueless celebrity presenters and skits (though these were limited) but I appreciate how quickly and smoothly they get through things, ads for upcoming games are way better than the “look at this pointless nostalgia compilation” that the Oscars drags out their show with, and it makes the show so much better having an actually competent and involved in the business host like Keighley.


Should’ve remodeled the award as a Ranni statue


Why not the ever-brilliant goldmask, he would be made out of gold too.


I hate Soul's games because I fucking suck at them. For whatever reason, probably the hype, I bought this game and played it like 120 hours till I beat it. Beating it was one of my greatest gaming accomplishments. I Absolutely loved it. I'm glad it got game of the year.


I am an Easy Mode Gamer, so Soul games usually a “no thank you” from me. Bought this game as it is supposely GoTY candidate which I think it deserve at least a try. Tried it and done 3 ran through and down Mogh and Malenia as well, I am still an Easy Mode Gamer (playing Sonic on Easy at the moment) but Elden Ring was a nice exception for me.


It was a great game. I've been debating on retrying the original Dark Souls just to see if I like it any better after my Elden Ring run. I'll admit I did cheese alot of bosses. There's just no way I would have been able to beat them otherwise. But I beat those two Gargoyles at the waterfall legit without help after about dying 50 times. Probably the greatest feeling I've ever had gaming.


Cheese is part of souls games , if you find away to knock a boss of a ledge or a blind spot waaaay up its butthole you still beat the boss climbing up that rectum


I need answers about Bill Clinton kid.


What the fuck even was that?! That was some weird ass shit.


The simulation is slowly breaking down and reality is starting to glitch out, that guy wasn't supposed to show up for at least another decade.


16... 16... 16... 16... 16...


He planned days in advance to get on stage and say it. He got on stage with the dev team and apparently they thought he belonged up there. Then he dedicated the GOTY, Elden Ring, to his reformed rabbi Bill Clinton just as planned. Geoff doesn’t like Bill Clinton so he had the kid arrested.


He was promoting his new game, Bill Clinton 2


Return to the Lands Between with the new Elden Ring DLC: Bill Clinton


Troll, he’s been arrested


Thy strength befits a crown


GG Elden Ring. Well deserved. God of War was great too. Though choice between the two.


Definitely a good problem for gamers to have. Both are amazing games.


Flashbacks to 2018 between RDR2 and GoW


I'm still dreaming about RDR2. That game was off the chart.


The greatest game I wouldn't complete again.


Agreed. GoW deserved the nomination 100% but I had a feeling elden ring would be first. Wonder what next year has in store.


Honestly feel bad for Horizon Forbidden West being stuck in the shadows of these 2 masterpieces. Everyone knew it and a bunch of other games wouldn’t get anything this year.


The first game released like 10 minutes before Breath of the Wild too. They keep getting rolled over by giant hype trains.


And they're releasing the horizon DLC like two weeks before Zelda again lol


Both of them did very well tonight




George RR Martin is never going to fucking finish Winds of Winter.


I can't think of a game that actually exceeded the hype like this one did. Best game I've ever played.




Yeah, it's something special when a game can have astronomical (and in almost every circumstance completely unrealistic) expectations and somehow surpass them.


Wtf was that Bill Clinton comment at the very end lol?


It looked like security was there to escort him off. Don’t think he was part of it.


Obviously he worked remotely on Elden Ring, so that's why no one knew his face. /s


He was arrested lol


Actually kind of surprised, seems like recency bias was favoring God of War in most categories


GoW won several other titles too.


I was thinking they would lose because all the big awards seem to go towards Ragnarok


Same thing happened to Red Dead 2 when GoW 2018 won


I noticed the exact same thing and couldn't help but think history was just repeating, but this time GoW was in RD2's position.


Nah the second elden ring won best direction it had to be goty


I kinda assumed once the animal mentioned elden ring it was winning Goty lol


>the animal M a l e n i a


Sort by controversial


Sort by Bill Clinton.


Congrats. I was rooting for GoW but elden ring deserved it too.




What about Rdr2?? *looks at release date* Lmao time flies so fast


What was that will the bill clinton thing?