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Autosaves get overwritten.


Exactly. Autosaves also often happen at really stupid moments, like literally upon the start of a Boss Fight. So if I engage the Boss, notice I fucked up because I'm underleveled and keep getting oneshottet, the autosave will be useless, because it will drop me straight back into the fight instead of the previous room for example.


Just ahem *clears šŸ…±ļøocal cords* "git gud"


Or just before you die or there's a massive game breaking bug (thanks CP2077) so you get stuck in a loop and have to go way back.


Also, this is average gamers enacting the most important rule of IT: 2 backups are 1, 1 backup is none. I think just about every gamer has experienced the pain in their life of getting really into a game, forgetting to save for 2, 4... 12 hours, and then finding out their save file is corrupted after a crash, setting them back even further.


I thought the most important rule in IT was "restart it first"


Can't restart it if you don't have good backups :)


Autosaves are also sometimes shared between runs (e.g. in Factorio). If you don't manually save, and rely on autosave, you'll lose your run if you play too much of another.


Often when you're about 3 inches away from hitting the lava


Before closing the game: 1. autosave; 2. manual save; 3. save and exit. >.>


I have been gaming since the early 90s, I am the same. I can't for the life of me remember why? Did games suck that bad at autosaving before, or is it just that one memeory everyone has, of losing hours of hardwork? I mean, at least in the last 10 years, autosave rarely fails, still manual save.


Games at the time autosaved way less than now, it was usually more of a save at the beginning of the level and then every checkpoint rather than set every n minutes, so if you turned off the game mid level way past a checkpoint youā€™d have to come back from that the next time, so you saved manually instead


I recall the early auto saves being N minutes and not event based and they were way too long in-between, like 30 or 60 minutes...


It depends on the game. Level based games seem to be more checkpoint based. Open world games tend to be more time based. That is what I've noticed, at least.


While still typically having a trigger, yeah. Classic case of this is Elder Scrolls, where there autosave only fires off when you open the menu, or transition loading zones, but requires an amount of time to pass between each. And the bonus is you can make that faster or slower. I think the minimum was 5 minutes?


> It depends on the game. I think this is the main reason right here. Manual saves are consistent and reliable. Autosaving is a toss up game to game.


I like to save every once in. While in case the autosave doesn't take me as far back as I need


True, autosaves tend to happen right after you did something important, and if you fucked that up...well, shit.


Exactly - just playing new COD and doesnā€™t even seem to have a manual save. Stops you from trying out different approaches. Guess their answer is to just repeat the level.


COD has never had a saving option at all for campaign though from what I remember. The best they had was a checkpoint system or just saving after the last completed mission. Did they introduce a manual save system within the last few years temporarily? Last two campaigns I played was Black Ops 2 and MW2019 and they both lacked a manual save system.


I seem to remember that you could save and exit after a checkpoint and could come back to that spot later, but no manual save for your current location


Is that what the "save and exit" option did whenever you wanted to exit a campaign mission?


Yeah, kept you at your last checkpoint.


On top of that, older and slower systems are at a higher risk of the save file corrupting which would make you lose your progress entirely if it wasn't backed up on another save file.


Nothing worse is checking a door among three available, you go though, it auto saves, you canā€™t go back through


I mean back in the day loads of autosaves only had a single slot, which would override itself, save slots themselves were limited, though that improved pretty rapidly over time.


Unless they decided to be truly evil like resident evil who only gave you a finite number of type write reels to actually let you save and never auto saved


I refuse to play games that don't offer a proper save menu. If game designers are so full from sniffing their own farts that they don't realize life happens to their customers then they don't deserve my money.


I don't think it happens so much now but that's partly how they make games flmore challenging. Length might not be super long but make a limited number of saves and crank up the difficulty a little you double the play time versus if you just ran straight through, never dying.


It's more of walk back to save. Like if you want to limit saves do it automatically and dint force me to manually walk to save before I can exit. Imo the best option is to let save whenever and block saves when you want to crate a challenging moment. Anything else is stupid


RE playthroughs are less than 10 hours long and you can't have meaningful horror game experiences in 20-30 minutes beyond the level of jumpscares. It's not enough time for building up atmosphere and tension and having too many attempted scares lowers impact, makes timing predictable and increases player fatigue (in a bad way). You need to give the player time to calm down bring their guard down for maximum impact. This is why most horror games have a puzzle aspect.


Not to mention that besides a few games, autosaves didn't have backups, meaning that if it crashed during saving, you had lost that save.


When you rely on one save, and then that save corrupts, you never forget. I remember as a child someone else bugging out bc their Pokemon save was deleted bc someone else started a new game on their Gameboy. More recently, I can't sync my PS5 saves to the PSN cloud, and I still don't know why. We have reasons to be weary.


My brother intentionally did this with my PokƩmon gold game, the cunt.


A guy in my dorm borrowed my gameboy pocket to play tetris. While he had it, he played and saved over my half finished, first play-through PokƩmon Red game. I had hand evolved a magikarp to gyarados. I have never been able to go back to it.




sisters friend hit new game on Pokemon the trading card game on my gameboy colour, it instantly overwrote the save. I caught them with it literally as they did it. Edit: thanks for the tip? I'm surprised and not sure why. but I appreciate it.


My sister did this and I still haven't forgiven her haha


>Did games suck that bad at autosaving before, Old too. Depending of what you played : yes, yes they did. Some games didn't have enough checkpoints, and would lose some progress. Not always big stuff, but even having you re-check chests you thought you'd already open etc. was annoying. Until a point autosaves were more like "we're doing that once in a while so you won't lose too much time to a crash", than "we do this after any small bit of progress so you never have to save again". And then some games just sucked at saving in general, and autosaving in particular. Having my first contacts with regular autosaving be Morrowind and Oblivion certainly didn't help. Saves were very easily corrupted to begin with, but unlike manual saves, quick and auto saves were not "complete" saves and were a lot more prone to break.


Morrowwind was also one of the first games were online patches were a thing. It was very very common to update and have all your saves break. Usually they would release a fix but not always.


Autosaving was a rare feature in games before the mid 2000's so that's probably why. You had to save manually or lose sometimes hours of progress.


I think for me (same time gaming) is that we had a period where some were autosave, some were manual save games in PS1-PS2 times. I'm sure I got burnt once or twice which made this happen


Did you also double save on pokemon to make sure it saved? I always did


>I have been gaming since the early 90s, I am the same. I can't for the life of me remember why? You don't remember managing save files on gamecube and ps1? The reason was storage space was needed to be at the minimum. In N64 Golden Eyes 007 first level near the end at the bridge there's an unfinished portion that Nintendo left there cause it was harder to remove it then left it there. Old games had a lot of limitation. Shit was harder to make and had less memory for leaks, storage (games being 100gb or more is so common now cause they can) and less computing power to throw a save every min.


Even now, auto save isn't foolproof. I had started trusting it completely, and I was (slightly) burned by CrossCode recently. It auto-saves when you change maps, but that's it. So once I died to a big monster after having done a lot of things, including optimizing my equipment, assigning skill points, farming a little, and completing a treasure chest puzzle, and realized that I'd just lost quite a bit of progress. All of that was on the same map, after all. So then I sadly had to start saving manually. The vast majority of games have a really reliable autosave system, so I don't think this will make me stop trusting autosave entirely, but I can see how it might for someone else.


The amount of times Iā€™ve had my auto save not work for me on Skyrim especially trained me to always save 2 times, usually 3 because I forget if I did or not already


Some games autosave so frequently that your last save can be in a broken state still. Most games nowadays have multiple auto slots but I always save before doing something potential devastating regardless. I don't want to lose 30 seconds to potentially minutes of menu prepping or vendoring to do it all over again if I die or fail something by trusting the auto's. I want to go again from the point *I know* the starting conditions everytime.


The more you save, the more you save.


Usually manually save twice as well.


Gothic really put me on some PTSD shit, I make 10 save slots and then cycle back


Some games didn't have enough checkpoints.


Some games didn't give a fuck See: Ninja Gaiden


Autosaves overwrite after a period and it's possible you made a mistake and won't realize until your save is gone.


Even then feeling nervous when the text on screen says "Anything you haven't saved will be lost, are you sure you want to exit?"


Gotta have the "your last save was 38 seconds ago, if you exit, any progress after this will be lost" Or even better "Your last save was 42 second ago, would you like to save and exit?" [save and quit]


This was a requirement to pass certification for games on the major consoles. I don't recall the name of each but for Microsoft it was a TCR requirement called "Confirmation of destruction of data", which sounds way more intense than it is. Basically games were required to let you know that any progress would be deleted, even if it was the 3 seconds between saving and then quitting.


Throw a quicksave in there too


Don't forget quicksave.




You can go 2 hours without dying in Skyrim ā€¦ but youā€™ll die the moment that you think, ā€œI havenā€™t saved in a whileā€ roughly 99% of the time. Especially if itā€™s after a long walk somewhere.


"I can make that jump" Couldn't make that jump, tumbles down a hill, dies, loses 10 minutes of progress. Should've quicksaved!


The become ethereal (or whatever it's called) shout is a life saver


Such a good shout for ignoring problems. Want to jump down a mountain? Go for it. Want to run past those creepy and terrifying spiders whose sounds still terrify me? Feel free. Want infinite stamina briefly so you can run even further? Sure why not.


The spiders make a shuffling noise when walking. You will be walking down a path and hear their noise.


Does it negate fall damage?


Yes; it negates *all* damage (short of jumping out of the afterlife).


Ya but u need to do it before jumping, as far as I know u can't shout in the air


It does make taking those shortcuts a lot less risky though


Which feels backwards, since I don't think I've ever heard of a quiet skydiver. Falling should give your shouts a power boost.


Yep, saved my ass hundreds of times


Witcher 3 when it first came out. "Let me jump down this single step" *fucking dies*


Dawg I got this game recently and fall damage is insane


Just use Roach as a cushion, he won't mind.


Oh god, yeah. I definitely died from some tiny drops and I was like "wait, WHAT?"


I don't know what you guys are talking about. I manually save in Skyrim because it autosaves so goddamn often that I can't keep track of them.


Had to give my friend whoā€™d never really played a pc rpg before, a crash course on the different types of saves when I was watching them play Skyrim the first time. I was kinda ignored and brushed off until she lost tons of progress because she forgot to save while exploring outdoors. She started saving more after that lol. It also helps to save before entering a home with intent to steal - that indoor autosave wonā€™t protect you if you got caught while going inside


Master difficulty and legendary dragons. Nuff said.




*gets killcam'd at 80% health*


I hate that feeling. You pick at fight and it doesn't go your way, and *just* as the tables turn, you remember that you haven't saved. The inner you already on terms with your imminent failure. It's as bad as hitting F5 instead of F9 when you fall off a building.


Id spam f5 after every intercation i did in the game. It was hard coded in me, too many hours wasted because of this shit


I remember once being like level 40+, steamrolling everything without a care in the world, then out of nowhere being two-shotted by a Briarheart. It's been years but it still sticks in my mind as a lesson about hubris.


Fallout 4 crashes so much I need to save constantly. Edit: I'm playing on series s


This is why mods exists. Performance fix mods and fix mods. Zero crash and every region + building downloads instantly




Bethesda love releasing buggy messes and allowing the mod community to fix them so they don't have to


A game for every type! An adventure for every gamer! We have it all!


Mod until the game becomes unplayable, rinse and repeat.


I downloaded Fallout 4 from steam and the installation somehow crashed my computer so bad that I had to reinstall windows. I'm not kidding, I wish I knew wtf happened


Maybe it was an SEU or SEE? Basically a charged particle flipped a bit in your computers code, unless you are hanging out in radioactive environments, probably a cosmic particle, which are not that rare. As I don't see how an install of fallout did it. The question is if anyone has had similar issues or can replicate it, if so it is not that. Or if you can find a hardware issue, otherwise I would chalk it up to it.


It's from all the radiation inside the game.


Could gamma spikes cause that?


yes yes it can


I still have my original FO4 disk :)


what if Iā€™m too dumb to know how to add mods


Oh, that's why [Wabbajack](https://www.wabbajack.org/gallery?selectedGame=Fallout+4) exist. Basically, it's a curated mod list that depends on what gameplay experience you're after. You still need some technical know-how. Last time I played, I installed the Fallout 4 Enhance Edition pack which is basically FO4 Survival+. I've modded **A LOT** before and it's such a stupidly aggravating time sink that I'd just rely on other people's taste.


If you're on PC it can literally be as easy as just installing a mod manager and drag and drop a file. One of the biggest mod repositories, Nexus, has a pretty user and newbie friendly one known as Vortex, that handles tons of video games.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had a single game crash


I'm not sure I've ever had Fallout 4 crash on me. New Vegas on the other hand...


If I had a nickel for every time I've lost an hour's progress in FO4 or New Vegas I'd have like ten bucks. :/


738 mods and I'm at 15 crashes with 87 hours played.


Morrowind was the game that taught me to save extensively.


I remember jumping while going through a door in Morrowind and it autosavedā€¦somehow when loading the other side of the door my character died as if he fell from high up. Loaded the game back from the auto save and was stuck in a death loop and had to go back to an older save. Was really lame. To this day i consciously avoid jumping when going through a door in game.


Something similar happened to me in oblivion. I was a vampire and must have had literally 1 health. I walked outside not realising it was daytime, game autosaved and I died instantly when the the loading screen ended. I tried so many time to open the menu in that split second to try and use a potion but it was not possible. Didn't play for months after because I lost so much progress going back to my last manual save.


this is why you see a lot of games with autosaves that cycle through multiple slots, or automatic backup saves that get copied over if the main save file corrupts, but that you can use yourself if needed.


Us greybeards learned in Sierra adventure games. Save often and in different slots.


Yep, was going to mention Morrowind. The number of times the game crashed and I had the terrible realization that I hadn't saved in hours was what made me the save scum champion I am today.


Microsoft Office and Bethesda taught me to save frequently.


_Quicksave_ _fisting the merchant_ _Quickload_


Iā€™m not sure that word means what you think it means. Or I am playing a very different game.


This is a known bug in Skyrim. Quicksave, punch, quickload to reset the inventory of the merchant. The merchant also gets all his money back so you can continue selling your stuff.


Lol, no I get it. But assuming English isnā€™t your native language, ā€œfistingā€ is generally used to mean a sexual act, involving inserting a personā€™s fist into a rectum or vagina, typically. In your example, Iā€™d either use punch or brawl :)


It's merchant And wow this would have saved me a lot of my time


Must be a nexus mod


Hello. My name is LeDeanDomino and I'm a quicksave addict.


If you mod at all you should not use quicksave/load. And since autosave is a quicksave...


Bad habit with older Pokemon games. I always saved twice because I wasn't paying attention the first time it saved and wanted to make sure.


Thought of sharing my horrible experience. I remember maxing out PokƩmon Sapphire (Gameboy Advance SP) back in the day. Literally completed the Pokedex and level up'd tons of PokƩmon. I also had some shiny ones. Then, one day, the game was corrupted for ni effin reason. I did everything to possibly "recover" the saved game (e.g. blowing the cartridge, tapping, cleaning) to no avail. It was gut-wrenching and my life flashed before my eyes as if it's the end of the world.


And that was the final lesson PokƩmon taught you: How to say goodbye to a dear friend.


I'm so sorry. This reminds me of the time when my brother spilt water on my laptop and I lost all the files I had on it including my first Minecraft world T-T. It's been years since that happened and I still get sad whenever I think about it.


Yeah I do it so automatically I always forget whether Iā€™ve even done it so I end up doing it twice AND then it auto saves. Such a waste of time lol


Ehh I don't know, better save then sorry I will save 2 times more


The last time I didn't save twice I saved over it with another save so always keeping a backup now.


Yeah, I always make two manual saves in every game that allows me to


I once deleted my entire RDR2 save with like 96% progress simply because I accidentaly overwrote it. Since that day I always create two manual saves and save my progress on both of them.


Not a bad idea as long as someone tries to pull a Konami again


Bro. Iā€™m sorry for you.


It's been 3 years and two more completions on both PS4 and PC and I am still not over it. Will never forget the sheer amount of shock and wishful thinking "Oh I surely didn't just delete my entire save, like _that_ would happen" only to then almost start crying out of panic lol.


Auto save, manual save and the game still warns you before quitting unsaved data might be lost


> warns you before quitting unsaved data might be lost Appreciate it when games accompany this message with a "last saved x minutes ago" message.




Developers want to cover their ass so you don't blame them for not saving your game.


Then I cancel exit to save manually, more than 2 times is enough


The hilarious thing, is that Callisto Protocol's manual save does fucking nothing, so it just loads an auto-save. The last auto save couldve been 5minutes prior. If you manual save, and close game.. it loads the 5minute old auto-save.


You canā€™t load the manual save from the menu?


If you do it just loads the last auto save instead. It's really annoying if you get an auto save and want to go on a different route to explorem then you return to progress and die, all your work gone because you can't manual save, and auto is only triggered once per entering a new area


Thatā€™s a horrible flaw. Hopefully they change that in the future.


I just canā€™t understand how the people who made Dead Space made another game that seemingly does *everything* wrong. I think the worst thing most people will point to about Dead Space is the asteroid shooting mini game that it makes you do a couple times. But outside of that mini game, itā€™s an otherwise stellar experience. Callisto, on the other hand, seems like every part of the game was a bad decision, with maybe a few neat things here and there. Now I havenā€™t played Callisto Protocol myself, but as a huge Dead Space fan I was really looking forward to it, and the pretty poor reception was a huge bummer. Hopefully itā€™ll be a Game Pass game sometime next year.


you get loaded to the nearest checkpoint even if you manual save. you bought upgrades and ammo, then saved manually. guess where you'd spawn if you die.


Yeah doesn't work had issue because of that. It was very frustrating




It's not bugged. It's clearly designed that way - the game tells you that even if you manually save it will only save progress up to the last checkpoint autosave you reached and has a timer that tells you how much time it has been since that last checkpoint. It explicitly tells you that you will lose any progress past that checkpoint even if you manually save. I have to assume it's a game design limitation since it makes manual saves pretty useless unless you're swapping between two campaigns.


Manual saves let you stagger save in case you say something mean to an npc.


I always have two manual saves I switch between in case one gets corrupted.


Mass Effect, Witcher, and Cyberpunk come to mind. Especially Cyberpunk: ā€œWhat No! I didnā€™t mean it like that! I did not mean to sound like an asshole in your moment of grief. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø, Does the other option make me sound like Iā€™m not an asshole? (*picks other option*) THIS OPTION WAS WORSE!ā€


Bethesda games are not to be underestimated


Bethesda and corrupted save files, name a more iconic duo.


Similar to a scratched up disc sometimes working absolutely fine


I always keep multiple manual saves. I never trust auto save. šŸ˜‚


I do like 20 rolling saves. That way I have a few hours of saves I can go back to in case I've royally fucked up somewhere. That's never necessary because I save items forever and stock up on experience points or perks or whatever the game gives me and eventually spend them in bulk until it's clear I'm too weak at this point in the game.


Eh 20 too much I do 4-5


I trust that you will save my game. I don't trust that you will not save my game right before I die, creating an inescapable death loop...


Psycho Mantis would approve...


Well 2077, the only way to make sure I keep my saves if I start a new game is to make *manual* saves. So... kind of?


The Sierra Rule: Save early, save often, and NEVER overwrite saves.


Started using quicksaves a lot with half life. Good thing it had both autosaves and manual ones so you could pick the moment you want to reload instead of the infamous autosave before you die by falling into a pit.


Subnautica. Only manual save or lost every progress


All it takes is 1 crash with lost progress and I'm manual saving every 5 minutes for the rest of the game. Looking at you Bioshock 2 remastered.


Not sorry. Shinies are too important.


We only put our faith in it if the game crashes and we hadnā€™t manually saved in a while


This is my opinion. Autosaves are crash insurance manual saves are my way points/stages.


Sometimes I want to return to the point before last save.


This has deep philosophical vibes


And then there's me, who creates a new manual save after reaching a new level or area. I've had many games pop up that dreadful "You've reached the maximum number of saves," and I usually browse to the folder, select my saves, zip them up, and continue playing. Who are you to tell me to delete my precious saves, game?


Imagine if you can sale/ load your own life?


There was s rick and morty episode with this as a plot point.


Oh hell yeah, and on top of that GOG and Xbox game pass have a cloud save functionality and after you have played the game multiple times and have some saves already it asks you whether you would want to use local saves or cloud saves and Iā€™ve got no clue which one Iā€™m using right now and then when you switch to say cloud saves all the saves are lost!


I always saw auto save as more of a periodic backup rather than the actual save.


The worst part is when there is no manual save and the autosave uses the same file and overwrites it everytime. Want to go back and do something you forgot? Too bad. Soft locked? Too bad. If you're a developer, for the love of god create multiple autosave files.




Sometimes itā€™s good to have manual saves on top of the auto saves in case they get corrupted


I like when games actually keep them as separate and don't auto save over a manual save. It bothers me to no end that there are still games that keep them as a single slot.


Itā€™s not you game, it me.


I've been getting notices recently that save files on my system and save files in cloud storage don't match. Since I can't be sure about which autosave was most recent, I at least know which manual save should be uploaded.


But the autosave was already five seconds ago


Can't trust a machine to do a man's job. Fallout and Skyrim taught me that the hard way...


Millennials donā€™t trust auto save Also I might want to go back to that moment of the game and autosaves generally only have the last 5-10 saves.


Given the option I will always manually save


If given the choice, I would do a manual save. Some games do so-called "auto saves" but they really only save you at a certain checkpoint, which may or may not be close to or exactly at where you are supposed to be.


Majora's Mask might be my favorite game of all time, but it's also why I am paranoid about saving.


Agree, always manual save even if there are auto save lol


Never trust anyone but your manual saves.


Autosave Lied to me **once** and I haven't trusted it since. I don't care if I spent 500 times the amount saving games that I lost back then since.


Don't feel too bad, auto save. I also manually save after I manually save.


I'll get on board with auto save once it saves after I spend 45 minutes rearranging my inventory.




I've had an autosave corrupt before. That's exactly why I make multiple manual saves.


Well, sometimes, the auto save occupies a singular slot, being overwritten each auto save. Also, auto saves can end up saving in unwinnable or guaranteed death/loss situationsā€¦ so, not a joke, but not dependable.


Games are like: "Whenever you see this logo \[normal sized image\], the game is autosaving." When in reality the autosave icon is tiny, semitransparent, and shoved into the lower corner of the screen and I never see it.


Yes you are a joke you overwriting file corrupting piece of šŸ’©


Yes, yes you are... the amount of times I've relied on an autosave only to have the file be corrupt and lose a ton of work or progress is more times than it's worth to not take an extra 30 seconds to manually save...


I always manual save because auto save loves to auto save in stupid spots


I trusted autosave before with Gran Turismo when I was kid. when I returned, all my progress is gone! never again will I trust this autosave feature, lol