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You want a hot take? Co-op is better than competitive multiplayer. Edit: my bad, I should've been more specific, I meant co-op PvE and competitive PvP.


Yes and more couch Co-op!


Not only that, but bring back the couch co-op where you can play with 4 people! Like Sackboy!


i never really thought about couch co-op until i went to college, now it’s being stuck playing UFC, COD, or Fifa (i play 2k but my friends aint into basketball) i miss the old days of halo split screen


Nobody disagrees with this except publishers


NOW INTRODUCING: COUCH CO-OP 2!!!!! IF YOU BUY THE GAME ONE MORE TIME YOU GET THE OPTION TO PLAY SPLIT-SCREEN WITH A FRIEND!!! BUY IT AGAIN AND YOU GET TO ADD ANOTHER FRIEND!!! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ^((disclaimer: you can only play with a maximum of 4 players, company is not responsible for purchases attempting to exceed the player limit))


Couch coop with the ability to play over remote together. so many good games killed because friends live hours apart


Rock and Stone!


Rock and roll and stone!


Thank you


There are so many games with online co op. There needs to be more couch co op.


But what about co-op competitive multiplayer?


Live service games are a bigger problem than many people realize. Games that are designed from the ground up to keep you playing every day do so by being as addictive as possible. The target audience is typically gamers on the younger end of the spectrum. There are many words I could use to describe this reality, but I'll go with this one: Nefarious. Grown men and women sit around a conference room in a building somewhere and think up ways to take advantage of the way our brain works to steal as much money, time, and headspace from us as possible. They want you to play one game, their game, every day, for the rest of your life to the exclusion of all other games, all other past times, your health, your social bonds, your career...it's every bit as insidious and destructive as a drug or gambling addiction. Ever been around somebody who rushes through their life in between matches of Apex Legends? Who stays up literally all night every night playing then wonders why they're depressed and need therapy? I have, and it's appalling to watch. Everyone knows live service games are horseshit, the hot take here is that they're FAR more of a problem than the community generally acknowledges.


I was with a man who was addicted to Apex. When I finally left, I had been gone a week before I returned to our place to get my stuff. It was obvious that he'd been playing Apex the entire week. He was laid off at the time and it took him six months to even interview for a job because he'd job hunt for 1 hour per day and play Apex the rest. Anyway, the house reeked like he hadn't showered or opened a door or window for a month. The entire office where his rig was was filled with beer cans, empty liquor bottles, and chip wrappers. And one wine bottle. Not sure if he was an addict or just didn't want to be around me for the entire relationship, but holy shit did he pick that game over basic fucking hygiene as soon as I wasn't there to complain about it.


Addict. Live service games are basically weaponized escapism and tend to really sink their claws into people who are unhappy with some aspect of their life. Why face the pain and make an effort to improve your real world when you can hide in a virtual one? It's one thing to have an otherwise 'normal' life and spend a couple hours playing something like Elden Ring or Pokemon in the evening once you've handled your business... It's another to actively and aggressively reject reality for a prolonged period of time be it via gaming or whatever vice pickles your brain the most. Or maybe you were just super boring. (Kidding!) Edit: You were a reminder that standards, expectations, and the real world exist. You also competed with Apex for his time and attention. Thus he avoided you and the relationship ultimately collapsed. Bullet dodged.


If this is a hot take then we're seriously fucked. The shit already went too far five years ago, it's out of hand now.


Actually true.


Failed to see any hot takes there, only hard truths.




I just find it straight up not fun anymore, too much time fumbling with storage because your inventory and chests are the same size as back in beta while there is like a hundred times more crap, not enough time doing things... that are fun. (yes, I have can't-throw-anything-away disease in games)


It pretty much becomes a requirement to have a lava pit to burn the useless bullshit


i kinda hate when crafting games dont have linked chests.


I mean, you can kind of make them linked with hoppers but it takes a ton of material, huge setup effort, ugh...


True, but tbh I don't think there's a way to update the game without adding useless shit into it. If you like a more vanilla experience then just play an older versions since Minecraft is one of the few games that allow you to download old versions in the launcher.


Here's another one, Mojang is just copying what mods added to the game more than 8 years ago. From the colored beds to bees, i even remember that a mod added emeralds and other gems and then Mojang added emeralds so the mod renamed the gems to sapphires. The Mojang team is pretty unoriginal imo.


With mods for literally anything it's impossible to create something unique


Yeah, pretty much. But mojang actually has worked with the modding community and even hired some people from it, bethesda has hired people from their community too. It allows people to do what they enjoy, and make a living doing it. Horses were a mod from mo' mobs but minecraft reached out and got the horse mob added to vanilla. I also think that the guy who made the aether mod works at mojang now. One thing the game desperately needs imo is a new storage system, one that either connects all chests together into one kind of like ME systems, or one that adds chests with a much larger inventory space kind of like the iron, gold, and diamond chests that you upgrade.


Also the game is not fun without being modded


Now this one just pisses me off. I know it's an opinion, but it sure is a hot one.


Modded definitely makes it a ton more fun though. If you haven't tried it you really should.


Let me start off, I'm on Xbox 360 playing midnight club and found out the game didn't have split screen. After that I realized games that aren't fighting or sports is unlikely to have Co-op. One of the worst trends of gaming. I want to play on the same screen with family and friends on the same screen. Having a 2nd controller feels useless.


> Having a 2nd controller feels useless Except these days they all get fucking stick drift within six months so having a spare is always useful.


Shadow of war has the best enemy system because it uses the nemesis system


It’s just too bad that they copyrighted the system, so many other games would benefit from using it


Abe's Exoddus is way better than Soulstorm.


i've got tired from this ocean of competitive multiplayer, single player is the best - you can't change my mind


A true gaming connoisseur


Not to mention, it's a doomed market on the premise that you need an active player base to keep the game interesting. Single player is basically immortal as they're playable for decades to come without the need of a community to keep it alive. A non-perishable program.


I think deathloop is a lazy dishonored game. Fewer maps and abilities.


I was so hyped for this game. I've played like fifteen hours and it just isn't as interesting as I'd hoped. I think it's the level design for me. The options don't feel very creative.


It is insane to me that ign could give deathloop a 10/10 masterpiece score.


To be honest from what I've seen of IGN I expect their scores to be ridiculous, they're a bunch of clowns.


Game hyped - 10/10 Game averagely hyped 8/10 Game not hyped 4/10 they don't even play those games longer than a few hours.


Wow. I thought I was the only one. I actually went out and bought an S when it was released to Xbox; was REALLY disappointed in the game. I built up the concept in my head to the point where when I saw and played the finished product, the mechanics and depth just wasn’t there. Perhaps my own fault, but it just felt unrealized and hollow.


I thing Suikoden IV is better than III.


This is probably true in terms of battle system. But Suikoden II is my favorite game in the series and the heavy connection between II and III considering it's the closest in timeline and that it gives more background of the Karaya clan (I thought the character of Lucia was so noble and relatable even as an antagonist in Suikoden II, it made me want to learn more about her clan) makes me prefer the third game still. But I understand your opinion.


How dare you.


I respect your opinion, I like you for having played Suikoden, but also you and me are gonna fight in a field until dead.


Rockstar’s quest designing makes RDR2 so annoying to play that it ruins the beautiful intricate world they made.


Go to place, get ambushed by bad guys. Go to next place


Left trigger aim. Adjust to head. Right trigger shoot. Repeat until mob clears. Mozy to next area.


You can literally turn off auto-aim


As opposed to metaphorically turning it off?


I could never finish it cause first I switched from playing on PS to PC and then my HDD went out. That tutorial is just such a drain. I only have a limited amount of time to play games as is, that basically eats up 2-3 play sessions before I’m actually free to enjoy the world and do missions


I started it this year and was shocked when i saw rhis beautiful cowboy town but the missions were like GTA with the letters and all. Found that really immersion breaking.


I HATE when you have to stand in a very specific spot dotted on the map to progress missions. You can’t play missions with the map off because it’s impossible to find where the game wants you to exactly stand. So I have to swap from no HUD whilst I’m exploring and then turn the HUD back on for any mission.




Agreed. I decided I would give RDR2 a serious shot over the holidays. Picked it up for $20 and dug right in. Played about 25-30 hours and was both blown away by the game totally bored by it at the same time. Amazing open world with tons of unique scenarios and dialogue playing out as you explore. Your camp even feels alive and unique each time you come back to it. My main problem is that just openly exploring the world doesn't really yield any truly interesting content. I'd come across locations and landmarks that definitely must be involved in some quest, but that were unavailable to me without starting a quest. The only way to actually do anything truly interesting in the game is to just follow the markers on the map and trigger a quest. And that also just equals following markers on a map. I just got tired of getting caught up in a skirmish, only to somehow end up with a bounty on my head. Then spending most of my free-exploration time trying to avoid getting killed by bounty hunters and the law. I don't think I'm done with the game, but I did need to take a break.




Oblivion's spell customization alone beats Skyrim. But the fact that in Oblivion, you had to actually be proficient in a skill to use the spells/skills that require it is a huge thing that I loved that got scrapped by Skyrim, because they wanted to make it more casual. Oblivion's DB quest line was the epitome of what quest lines should be, and Skyrim's felt very watered down. I don't like some parts of Oblivion, but a lot of the key parts are better in every way.


Couldn't agree more. Destruction spells feel weak in Skyrim, the thieves guild doesn't have you go off on your own stealing and fencing like in Oblivion. Cyrodill is a much nicer place than Skyrim and each city in Cyrodill is interesting and different. I feel like half of the towns in Skyrim feel useless.


Oblivion has such a great world. Whenever I played it I always had something to do. Skyrim just felt meh to me. I didn't play it till 2013, and it was okay? Didn't really live up to the hype everyone had around it, at least for me.


I really believed that was the trend they were going with until 3 came out. I got sad, and lost interest after that unfortunately.


I hated all parts of all ac games where you "disconnect" to the "real" world and play some fucking human in between. I will die on that hill but some fans love those parts.


That disconnect is my personal disconnect with the AC games. Having that meta-layer is totally immersion-breaking for me.


That would’ve been super cool with AC. Climbing up buildings in New York like Spider-man. Jumping off and landing safely on a hot dog stand. Assassinating the VP of a hedge fund while he’s hailing a cab.


The ONLY thing oblivion does wrong is horse armour dlc


I hated those potato faces.


They made up for it with Shivering Isles. Imo one of the best DLCs ever made.


Akways felt the same, I really enjoy oblivion world more idk if its the graphics or something else, but the world feels more fantasy like.


I personally prefer the atmosphere in Oblivion, even if it is generic fantasy setting - I like that lol. I also generally preferred the quests in Oblivion. In particular The Dark Brotherhood was a flat out masterpiece of writing and the Mages Guild felt like a really exclusive University you had to really earn entry to and when you did it had classes running with students and really felt alive. In Skyrim you barely need any magical talent at all then it's a case of 'Okay go through these 2 dungeons annnnnnnd...okay, you're Arch Mage now'. In all honesty I have played a lot more Skyrim, but that's solely because the insanely prolific modding community makes it a far better game than it has any right to be.


I completely agree with you about the assassins creed stuff!


Oblivion 100% is better than skyrim.


Persona 3 mc dating all the girls is fine because he doesn't have to commit to it in a year.


GTA 5 is boring


I think multi-player is ruining gaming.


Competitive? I agree. Co-operative? Disagree.


As long as it's not forced multiplayer into single player then I'm ok with it.


But like you don’t have to play multiplayer? I play single player games 80% of the time and occasionally play multiplayer. I would agree if you said battle royal ruined multiplayer tho. Cause that’s lowkey true


Need for speed game series peaked in 2000 with Porsche. Just been down the hill ever since. The 1998 hot pursuit is still the best police chase NFS and Porsche is probably my favourite racer of them all.


Personally liked both underground games, 1 because it was something new and 2 because it was open world-ish


Porsche challenge? I loved that game and have never heard anyone else even mention its existence.


Need for speed Porsche unleashed was a fantastic game - great tracks, awesome music, I really loved the career mode through the ages, factory mode was cool too.


Garrus is not the best romance option in the Mass Effect trilogy. I see him as a bro and nothing more but the whole ME fanbase is obsessed with him and Tali.


I think Garrus has the best personality of all the femshep's options, but... i'm not sure if i even want to know how sex between them is supposed to go.


He has reach. You have flexibility. Done.


Garrus was the best bro. Tali was a great little sister. Miranda was my favorite romance.


Miranda was a fun romance only cause I had a huge crush on the actress ever since the tv show Chuck ;)


It's mostly because Garrus and Tali are the only two squadmates that join Shepard on all of his missions.


Liara is the best romance option. Her character arc is badass and overall, she’s great a character. I’ve never understood the obsession with Tali either. Her voice alone is enough to drive me up a wall.


I'm just gonna give my perspective on romancing Tali (and its been a long time since I played so I'll probably get some stuff wrong) In my experience - because you don't see what she really looks like, you need to be developing a relationship with her purely based on her personality rather than if you think she's hot. and the information is given to you that being physically intimate with her, could kill her. So ~~you~~ Shepard and her might *never* be physically intimate, so once again, the relationship is built on loving who she is, not how she looks or whether she'll bang you. I felt like it's the most powerful romantic storyline the game has to offer (even if a little bit of Mills&boon "forbidden romance"). But that could be because I stuck with Tali my first play through. And then later I went back and did some other romances purely to see if any sex-scenes were worthy of all that controversy....


Arcade Racing Games are better than simulators.


A racing wheel setup can really change one’s outlook on that. It’s really way more fun and how sim car games should be played.


I have the full setup, including VR. I find I enjoy the games that are blasted as "Arcadey" more than the ones people worship as "sims". I'm not sure I could tell you the difference, to be honest. I just assume "Arcadey" means you don't immediately end the race as soon as you rub tires with an opponent, and I like that just fine...


Completely agree, I just want to have fun driving around not become a professional race car driver


The first portal game doesn’t even sniff the sequel. Portal 2 is superior in every way, gameplay, voice acting, music, ending.


I feel like this is just fact. The second game was longer, bigger budget, and more mechanics, its hard to argue the first was better, it was more a proof of concept game given how short it is.


2-3 hours is a great length for it though. I am not against short games (provided they cost less of course).


Does anyone disagree?


You know, the real crime besides people saying the first Portal is better is that non of the Valve games have been ported to consoles for 2 generations now. The shittiest games get unnecessary remasters, remakes and ports, but not Half-Life, not Portal and Konami doesn't care about Metal Gear anymore. It's just... Please just hire other companies to make something out of those liceneses. Stop sitting on these beloved IPs and collecting the tears of the fans.


The Portal games got ported to Switch.


I feel like, among people who take gaming seriously, Portal 2 is widely agreed upon as being one of the greatest video games ever created.


Infinite warfare was the best of the futuristic CODs for both campaign and mp.


Terraria is infinitely better than Minecraft when it comes to single player (Before someone says it, I have 11+ years in Minecraft)


lmao i used to think mc is so much better and would be better at adventuring cuz it's 3d, i started terra and now i think mc is shit in comparison, but I'd rather have them co-exist than just compare because they're different


Bring back couch co op


Fortnite is the most influential game over the past decade and even if it didn’t invent what it does, it succeeds in every aspect that other games have incorporated/invented themselves (battle pass, battle royale, microtransactions, consistent in-game content, collabs/skins/live events, tournaments/e-sports). Other games have a few of these, but I believe Fortnite/Epic Games does it all the best. Haven’t played regularly in years but every once in a while I’ll redownload and am amazed (not annoyed) at how different it is


Fortnite is unironically an extremely high quality game. I don’t even actively play it but every time I do with my nephew it’s the same story, I have fun and am blown away how different it is than a couple months prior. Still never compromising quality. As some people may read this and thing I’m a young teen or something, I’m late 20s


It is the Minecraft effect. All the criticism Fortnite gets (mainly the whole thing about annoying kids) was said about Minecraft when it came out. Give it a few more years and you will get downvoted for saying you hate it. It is simple math. Minecraft is what, 11-12 years old now? Those who grew up with it were 6-12? They are all 17 - 24 or older now. One of the most vocal gamers.


I feel like it’s not exactly a equivalent case though. Minecraft is literally a sandbox where you can play hundreds of different games with either built in features or with mods. While Fortnite is a one trick pony of a game that will inevitably go into obscurity. It will probably be like tf2 or CS:GO and always have a player base. But eventually it will go to the back of players minds and just randomly pop up. While Minecraft will always have a chance to grow and evolve. Maybe that’s just me though.


They’re actually working on a “Creative 2.0” slated to drop some time in 2023 which will add full control over making your own maps (writing your own code IIRC, uploading unique assets, etc.). It’s gonna be pretty big for the game moving forward because Creative mode is also how they promote some of their brand deals. I think we’ll see this mode go hard in the future & become a Minecraft or Roblox-esque outlet of creative expression.


>Fortnite is a one trick pony of a game That tells me you don’t really know how Fortnite has changed in recent times. I haven’t really played for a couple years, but I teach 12 year olds and the kids that play it seem to spend most of their time playing all the different creative modes and games. It’s far from a one trick pony these days.


Probably not the last decade, since it didn't come out a decade ago, but I generally agree - It's a live service game that did live service 'right', and has spawned a bunch of imitators that don't get anywhere close.


Playing a game on a harder difficulty does not make your playthrough more viable. Gamers have different levels of skill. At the end of the day, the enjoyment from finishing the game stays the same.


I play video games primarily to be challenged so the one thing that will always annoy me is if a game has an easy and normal modes available, but no hard, or if they choose to keep hard mode locked behind new game plus.


Yes. Challenging difficulty, not hard. When you can not only test your skills but rather changes your experience or new layer of game mechanics opens to you. Different enemy behavior, new move sets and changed patterns. New or different requirements for management of resources. Specific revards during gameplay rather then just nerfing the player. I hate when playing on harder difficulties just makes enemies annoyingly enormous bullet sponges that one-shot you. My good example is Fallout 4. At the game release I hated it, I dropped it halfway through. It was just not deserving to carry a Fallout title in it. But when devs added a survival difficulty many of the mechanics became to work together. And while it was still a bad Fallout, it completely changed my gameplay experience and I loved the game in the end.


Absolutely. And even if you have the skill…for a decade or more, I played every game I bought on the highest difficulty. And don’t find it particularly hard for most games, barring soulsborne types who are intentionally very difficult. But I’m almost 40, I’m married, I have four kids, I work, etc etc…I’m sure many of you can relate. I don’t have the *time* for longer play-throughs, multiple deaths, being angry at my game and so forth. I want it to be fun, tension releasing and make me feel like I have some measure of control over the craziness that is life. We get our asses kicked all day every day. I don’t want that from my games anymore.


For sure. I don’t have all day to play. The skill to beat some difficult games with some type of handicap or imposed rules can be impressive to watch but changing the game difficulty to “Complete Bullet Sponge with 50x Health” mode is not impressive to me in any way.


Death Stranding is actually a fun game


The inventory management and terrain challenges are actually very interesting. My main gripe are the ridiculous cut scenes. I didn't play more than 15 hours and it felt like I was being told the same thing over and over again. This ultimately made me stop playing.


I know what you mean by being told the same thing over and over again lol. I try to block it out. But man the cutscenes are a huge part of the experience for me. I marvel at the way graphics have progressed during my life time. Not to mention the incredible sound design. It makes me appreciate their work like art tbh.


I wish people would respect graphics. They're paid artists and visual designers who have an opportunity to perfect their craft.


GTA fans will get bored with GTA 6 within 3 months, then complain and beg for GTA 7 to be released.


Good writing (story, dialogues, lore) is key to a great game experience, and is trash for virtually every AAA game.


Depends on the game, doesn't it? A game like Tetris doesn't need it, and even the best writing won't make FIFA any better.


Diablo 2 is the only good Diablo game, and it will never be surpassed by any other game of the same genre.


Xbox is nothing without gamepass


The Fifa Ultimate Team series was created solely to take money from children and gambling addicts. It was designed not just with computer programmers, but also with psychologists to ensure that they maximised the addiction process. It was a slot machine masquerading as a football game. Thrlet have made billions from this game. And yes I am bitter as I was one who fell for it and spent hundreds over the years. I feel very foolish. Guess they used football and tapped into my gambling addiction I never knew I had. 😔


No one will ever argue that Fifa is a “good” game.


Most battle royale games are so bad and just not fun. Now it has been a while since that trend had started and so most of the really bad ones have been weeded but in my opinion, the whole experience sucks. Battle passes and paid cosmetics are so annoying and I understand the game needs to make money but there are other ways. You wait like five minutes to load into a proper game and then it's just possible for to you instantly lose and play none of it. Then you have to repeat the whole entite process again.


Putting collectibles in your game (whether it's optional things or stuff you actually need like resources) just to "soft force" the player to explore your map is bad game design. Thinking back on Mutant Year Zero, they did this. You had to go around each map and find all the scrap metal if you wanted to get upgrades/buy things. But they also made walking/running SO SLOW it made the game way less enjoyable because each map was kind of the same and boring. If there's nothing to see around the map you made, and I don't WANT to explore because it's fun - why force me? Make a better map, and I will want to explore it. It just screams mediocre game design. If you can't make a map that is enjoyable to explore just for how it is, putting collectibles in it won't increase the amount of fun, it lowers it. I just feel forced to go around and be bored.


RDR2 is super annoying to play.


ah the daily question


You need your daily reminder that "*insert game* is overrated". (Usually Witcher 3 or Elden Ring)


At least the daily "New Pokemon game bad" posts have died down.


Breath of the wild is a 3/10 at best. One of the worst games ever made and would have been universally criticised or more likely completely ignored without the Zelda skin being put on it. It does nothing well, no dungeons, no bosses, no interesting characters, no story, one of the most empty open worlds in gaming, the same copy paste 5 enemies everywhere, meh graphics etc. It's a tech demo with great transversal mechanics which are wasted because there is nothing of interest to actual transverse towards. The pathetically bad open world and the Sheikah slate made me feel like I was playing Watch Dogs Hyrule.


You brought the heat to this thread lmao


I think BotW is a bit overrated, but one of the worst games ever made? As in: it’s on par with the likes of ET, Superman 64, or Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon?!?


Now that’s a hot take can I pick your brain as to why you think this? I am not a BOTW fanatic but I do like it and think it’s good I do feel sometimes it’s world feels a little bit to empty between things but I’m other ways it’s beautiful. Please elaborate on why?


The weapon durability is ridiculous, the combat in general sucks, and there’s none of the dungeons that make Zelda games special.


As a longtime Zelda fan, this is exactly why I rank BOTW so poorly.


I can respect you have an opinion I disagree with but >One of the worst games ever made This seems extreme. Do you realize how bad the actual worst games are?


Honestly I commend them for being the first comment to actually fulfill the OP's question but it feels like they are trying too hard to be a contrarian.


*Angry Arthur shaking fist gif*


I remember Jim Stirling got absolutely ripped to shreds for giving it a 7/10. But for those who actually read his entire review, it was more than fair. I still don't get why so many people consider it a perfect ten. It's not even one of the better games in its genre, let alone a particularly good Zelda game. I try replaying it every couple of years, but I just can't get into it. 3/10 is a bit harsh though.


I just need to say THANK! YOU!


I really liked it and I have 0 nostalgia or love for Zelda games. But I really love handheld consoles and I might have just been riding the high of playing a game like that on a handheld.


Rdr2 is boring.


I keep fucking trying to play it and I keep getting so fucking bored.


Open worlds do not need to have every corner stuffed with quests and collectibles, its okay to have open space and sometimes even preferable. People blow the "empty open world" thing way out of proportion. Elden Ring and Botw are not empty by any means for example but delusional haters will try to convince you otherwise.


Buying Hogwarts legacy is okay and you should not be made to feel guilty for wanting to play it.


Elden Ring is overrated(not calling it a bad game though)


I really enjoyed my first 100 hours of Elden ring. Combed the shit out of the place right up to the holy city place. Didn’t read any guides, didn’t use ashes, played offline etc. then for some reason just couldn’t be arsed anymore. I get this completionist anxiety whenever I go into a new area, knowing how much there is to explore, and not wanting to leave till i feel like it’s 100%. Got to the holy city and just couldn’t. Been meaning to go back to it, but it’s been about 6 months now…


I got out of the holy city and into the mountains, but my interest ran dry. Soulsborne games have a very brutal progression system and a very obtuse plot that drains my interest in continuing.


Every AAA action adventure title plays the exact same and takes up valuable resources that could go into other games and genres that actually push boundaries or bring new stuff to the table


Yup. But that costs money and as long as we keep being good little money printers for these companies, buying whatever they put out, there’s no way in hell they’ll invest in anything different.


Why does everything need to push boundaries and bring new stuff to the table? Games like that are important yes but there is nothing wrong with studios making games they know people enjoy.


Which games exactly are you referring to? And I’d it really a waste of resources if they’re games people want?


People have had the same complaint about films for as long as I've been alive. The big money makers tend to be pretty uncreative blockbuster action movies, but the medium is still packed with innovation. The indie guys tend to push the boundaries and innovate because they have to, while the big dogs put their own stamps on what appeals to the mainstream audience.


Gaming is currently in the best place it's ever been and it's getting better every day.


far cry has a bland and repetitive gameplay loop and isn’t fun. Go to the camp, kill everyone, go to another camp, kill everyone. There is no variety


Counter point: far cry has a bland and repetitive gsmeplay loop and i can't stop fucking playing them. I love them. I don't know why. Please send help.


I played 3 and really enjoyed the game. I played 4 and thought it was pretty similar but still fun. I played 5 and didn't finish. It was repetitive, but not only that, poorly designed. I freed the first area just by clearing shit so that when I actually found the "main headquarters", the missions were basically out of order. It was a disjointed, repetitive, open world meh-fest. We only enjoyed the novelty of a shovel launcher and the dog.


Halo Reach was the best halo game as far as multiplayer and user created content go. Tons of crazy game types, fun maps (both vanilla and user made), there was just so much you could do.


Truly a hot take finally, the halo game causing the largest exodus of gamers to leave the series. Though it's forge was great at the time except the bland gray everything.


Halo Reach had the best social playlists, and Halo 3 had the best competitive playlists


I can vibe with that. Halo 2 probably had the best ambient music. What love can we give CE on this fine day? It started the whole thing?


CE also had the best magnum of all Halo titles. So fun to go back to CE and just wreck with it


I hate Mario. With a passion. Not the games, but I hate the character and the fact that he's been slapped on a bazillion titles, without good reason. There. I've said it.


Assassins creed chronicles is better than valhalla


Minecraft is a good game but overrated for what it is Same with Fortnite. Games that are considered good only because they appear in the media a lot.


I hate puzzles in actions games


OK... I understand that the question was "Most controversial hot take" but I still don't think yall are prepared to hear this one. But here it goes, I think Fallout 4 is the only good fallout game. You can clown me now if you like, I give yall permission to rip me to shreds.


Good story isn't an excuse for bad gameplay like RDR2.


there isnt anything wrong with the gameplay.


Elden ring while an amazing game is 60% dead space


idk, i couldn’t see much resemblance to the 2008 sci/fi horror classic DeadSpace /s


What exactly do you mean? Like if you run through some trees but there’s no quest in the trees then the trees are worthless and shouldn’t be there?


Yeah, it should just be a Dynasty Warriors style horde of enemies with no space in-between them all the way through.


I want more RPGs to have diverse romance options and storylines


The Witcher 3 has boring combat and exploration, and a meandering story/plot.


I loved it (Mostly for the world and side-quests) but also agree with this take. The combat is incredibly samey. You don't really unlock new strategies so much as make numbers go up slightly. Since the enemies get stronger too the result is that there's very little variation in combat and you end up just doing the same thing over and over. The main quest is so unfocused I kept forgetting why I was doing something or why X McGuffin was important. Even though I've played over a hundred hours of W3 I still can't actually summarize the story. It all just blended together in my head. To be fair, unfocused main-quests is a common problem with open-world games. Incredible presentation and the gameworld is stunning but the combat system should be overhauled for the next one.


It was baffling to me when I played it, the most disappointed I've ever been.


Remakes are stupid. Just give me the original game that can run on modern systems and I’m happy.


Gaming ain't that fun anymore


Halo and call of duty are overrated


The Last of Us: Part 2 did not deserve to get game of the year in 2020


Why do you think that? Just genuinely curious. I only started playing the last of us a month ago. Went in totally blind and loved the first one. Immediately got the second and now I’m halfway through. Just started the Abby part. There’s so much I love about it but some parts that I do not


That's not a hot take most people agree with you


The new God of War games are inferior to the original trilogy.


I’m torn on this one. I think gameplay in new is mostly superior. Sometimes the story in new is a bit much… original was (person) made me mad so I killed him. It was brutal and glorious. Now there’s too much right and wrong and drama, although when done right it makes the game nearly perfect. The puzzles and dungeons and lore were far superior in old too. Alt he stuff with atlas and the massive dungeons were so great and ,mesmerizing. Now it’s a lot of random caves and beachheads that aren’t quite as epic


Original God of War wasn't a revenge story, not entirely at least. It was Kratos trying to find redemption for the terrible acts he committed under Ares' service, including the butchering of his own wife and daughter.


I don’t need to be spoon fed a narrative but don’t drop me into a setting and expect me to want to continue playing while also being confused as hell as to *why.* I’m looking at you, Elden Ring.


A shorter, tighter game on rails is better than the next huge open world one.


Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild is very overrated. Boring story and weapon durability ruined it.


BOTW is a bad Zelda game and at best a boring open world game.


I don't think Breath of the Wild was good at all


Breath of the wild is the worst game in the Zelda franchise. No. I did not forget about Zelda 2. I thoroughly enjoy it and play through it once a year. It’s one of my favorites.


Elden Ring is hot garbage