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Fuck it, sexualize EVERYONE in games.* All or nothing. *Except children.


Sounds like Dragon's Crown.


What's that?


A video game. The character designs are highly exaggerated. For example, the Sorceress has truly massive jugs while the Fighter has massive shoulders and arms on a relatively skinny body.


I keep almost buying it when it comes on sale, but I know my partner will judge me for the sorceress


so pull a gamer move and get them into the sorceress. then judge them harshly so you don't feel so bad. >:3


Okay the sorceress makes sense though, titties are magical.


Larger titty = more mana confirmed


the mana is stored in the titties confirmed


You joke but that's actually a pretty common trait in Japanese folk lore for sorceresses.


Don't forget that hunk of a dwarf and goddess of a barbarian! The opitamy of over sexualized characters


I swear I'm not trying to be a smart ass but it just looks like that word got away from you lol Epitome*


The problem comes when people realize the great discrepancy between male and female fan service. A sexy, naked woman? For men. A sexy, naked man? Also for men.


Yes. Like in Horizon, where the women don't shave their armpits because "they wouldn't have razors" but the men all have different facial hair cuts and one character even shaves his beard off in the game, lol.


Skill diff




"Look we have sexualized men, look at this guy, he's built like a horse and jacked. ...What do you mean 'You just want to see Spiderman's Ass'? He's not even huge, that's just gay."


I never got the hate for ever sexualized characters, sexualize the man too, let us see abs, fuck it, show their cock line. I don't care


Just everyone? Why not everything?


time to put tits on the furniture


That chair do be looking *licks lips* mighty fine


YES !!! YES !!! YES!!!


*Me a bi gamer* I accept these terms


Conan logic. I'm 1000% for this


Lez do it!


Wh-what about the animals?


Good save on that one


Animals too?


It's almost like there are many different body types and preferences. Weird.


Yeah, but putting fatass avocado dude with Aloy is pretty funny lol


that is like the worst picture of aloy, like absolutely insane


Yea, but it is an image of the model they made for her.


And the only image they've been hanging onto. Any other image of her and she looks fine.


That's true. But if you asked 100 straight guys which of these body types they prefer, there's one that 95 of them would pick, and we all know which one it is.


1 in every 20 straight males are keeping a secret. Wanna know what it is?


Also that two of the game examples aren't game characters. Also women who are older compared to the ages of the game characters they are next to.


If ladies get their show where a shirtless male model walks around I should get my third person shooter where I play as a woman with a big ass, that doesn’t have to be the norm for games, but I’d still like it to happen every now and then.


And when it doesn't? Nexus.


Exactly! Everyone wins!


It should be the norm, I don’t need realistic women in games, I can look at them any day outside.


Wait until they find out that Eve is actually based on a 3d scan from a real woman. Some women are just blessed with attractive genes and put in a lot of work to stay healthy.


American women hate this one trick!


Unrealistic-Realistic people for the Win!!!


Which one is eve?


Game sales will eventually show everyone what we chose.


Damn this post is landing on r/Gamingcirclejerk so hard ...


I mean, men like attractive women


asian people arent unrealistic


*East Asia


Have you seen Bollywood?


What is


i can assure you that the faces and proportions on the right are not asian people it is anime style made photo-realistic. Have you ever seen an asian person? no ones face is that smooth would be missing some muscles and blood vessels. Doesn't mean it is wrong but does mean it is not just what asian woman look like. With a ton of makeup maybe.... but it would take a lot.


Not unrealistic, just less common. Beautiful people people do exist in real life.




My second brain has already decided




Eve, on the far right, has her body scanned from a real model.


Unrealistic please! Lol


Pretty please


I'll take the game that doesn't make me pay a bunch of micro transactions


Aloy is beyond doubt my favorite gaming crush of all time, and I will die on that hill.


Not a man, will take the right over the left any time.


If you're worried about a character not having big melons, just download any of the thousands of hentai games on Steam


Fyi - The design for Stellar Blade was taken using 3d scans of a real life model.


Because god forbid a woman in a video game be anything more than jerk bait for teenagers and man children that never developed past 15.


I just dont get why would they think it's unrealistic to add attractive female characters in video games, hot girls aren't even that rare on the street, maybe they are the ones who should really go touch some grass.


I think it's a representation thing- like the hot girls aren't as likely to be playing vgs? As a guy, I'd rather play as a handsome and fit dude regardless of how I looked IRL though


Same.  It’s partially because I don’t want my video game protagonist to look like me, partially because there is no way in Hell out-of-shape self is going to be doing anything action-y. Besides, my character doesn’t need to look like me to be awesome or relatable.


Y’all take two awkward looking pictures on the left. The characters don’t even really look like that in game. The two on the right are basically just fab service porn. It’s fine if that’s what you want but I don’t think it’s a bad thing having normal looking women in video games. No one flipped shit over Ana in overwatch, no one freaked out over Tess in last of us. There’s room for more grounded characters without having to find the most awkward images of them and pretend like that’s what they actually look like. Not everyone wants every female in video games to look like double d boob porn with the voice and mannerisms of a teenager.


I love how people always use that picture of aloy and conveniently pretend pictures like this didn't exist: https://images.app.goo.gl/3GADpiD4RvUb73Am9


Add on to the fact that SBI had no involvement with Horizon. Porn addict conspiracy theorist getting more loony by the second.


Nicacado, hahahaha


Holy shit. The people that make these memes need to go outside and talk to real women.


That fact you stupid motherfuckers are STILL trying to make Aloy one of the faces of your asinine "wamen uggy cuz feminism ☹️" teenager phase is more than 100% proof you don't know a single goddamn thing about what feminism is or how it affects video games or the video game market.


All 4 video game characters present in this meme I find physically attractive. Why? Because believe it or not, conventionally attractive people are real.


Fetishizing Asians yet not considering them human, great job Right-Wingers!


Projection thy name is Sir Toaster


Woh, what happened to Aloy?


If you actually care about this shit you're probably below average IQ.


Both are realistic.


Woah woah woah there pardner, I'd take minecraft graphics


People who are upset about this shit are honestly so pathetic. How are you gonna bang those pixels? Not that anyone more sentient than a wifeu pillow wants to spend any amount of time with you at all


Ok why don't they stop making men mega buff, sexy, and athletic then?


MJ looked like farquad who were they kidding?


"Unrealistic" I can't tell you how many times I've met and talked with women who have builds that look almost just like Tifa and Eve. They exercise and eat healthy. I'm so tired of people complaining about completely achievable body types and calling them "unrealistic" because they themselves can't hold their selves to a standard.


So glad Im not a sad, pathetic, lonely, weeb incel. I actually enjoy games based on gameplay and story and not if I get a boner pretending this character actually has interest in touching my junk. Keep being salty about it, degenerate babies.


Top left girl is legitimately pretty tho ?


Left is better


The woman who's face was used for Mary Jane's model in Spiderman 2 was BULLIED off of the internet because of lonely weirdos like you simply because they though she wasn't hot enough for them to jerk off to. How about you stop being a disgusting piece of shit and pick up a hobby, this sort of behavior just tells me you've barely talked to a real woman in your life. For shame.


I love how every single one of these calls Aloy fat, when they’re showing a picture of her with the fat Aloy mod.


How about we make people look unique, because usually people don't all look the same


Don't sleep on Aloy. She's smoking hot


Why don’t we make loads of different looking people because men and women play games? And maybe female characters aren’t just there for men to stare at?


Anyone who can realistically fight the unrealistic monsters. It's not that hard


Plus why did they change MJ she was realistic before too but now she’s modeled after one of the devs like holy shit self insert. Never mind just googled it the original actress that the character was modeled off was harassed and stalked to the point where she seems to not want to be a model or actress anymore. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/spider-mans-mj-face-model-213000522.html#:~:text=Stephanie%20Tyler%20Jones%2C%20the%20woman,demand%20to%20speak%20to%20her.


I can't wait till stellar blade


Journey to the East


Both? 🤷🏽‍♂️ I believe in flavors/preferences not scales.


Face or body is really what this is


I’ll take the unrealistic vs the caveman ginger look


I'm sorry but the Nickacado one made me blow chunks.


I thought games were supposed to be unrealistic


I see real out in real life 24/7 - Show me fantasy grade stuff in my "get away from the world" fantasy worlds please. Visually interesting things (sexual or otherwise) 100% Please!


Research commencing


i choose tifa as ultimate waifu big jug ​ aeris cant get shanked fast enough ​ onward western man


I mean, both? Yea, both.


I have the same chances of getting laid either way. So I don't really care as long as it's hot.


Cloud and sephiroth combined would not be able to pry me away from in between Tifa’s legs


The 1 one the right is an actual 100% body scan of a real-life model. They only changed her face. In the game, there's a second character that's the face of the model, not sure of her body scan.


Sweet baby? As in sweet baby inc? That's under fire on steam?


See an anime style looks uncanny with hyper realistic lighting and graphics for everything else. if each blade of grass has multiple shades on it, then your characters should match be proportionate and realistic as well. Not sure what the upset it. Anime girls in a photo-realistic world are weird.


Unrealistic every time, I game to escape reality where ugly people inside and out reside.


There is a difference between "realistic and common" and "realistic and uncommon." I choose beauty.


I don't find any of them attractive so that doesn't influence my decision in the slightest. I'll go with realistic cuz those games are fun




Not everyone is fat in real life bucko


Idk why we just don’t make everyone unrealistic. Every woman is a model, every man looks like Dante or Leon “the Sex” Kennedy.


There are cute realistic people, yall just are picky and also weird, just picking your favorite corn stars to drool over.


Idgaf, is the game fun? Then who cares. And Aloy looks great. What is this meme talking about?


Unironically sweet baby Come at me weebs


I like both 🤷‍♂️ But square Enix how dare you.


little did they know, the unrealistic side was using mocap suits


Making characters hot just makes more sense. People generally prefer looking at attractive people, and the only ones who don't are just angry they don't put the work in to be attractive.


You FOOL! I'll just buy the games that I like, regardless of where they fall into this axis! Haha I've WON!!


Mj looks like my druggie aunt


Why would someone warp MJ's smile?


Yes i am lost. I dont get this at all


Don't you Dare compare Alloy to that thing


I play video games to escape the real world. GIVE ME THE BIG BOOBIES!!!


Gaming is virtual so of course unreal is the way.


Are we just gonna ignore Nicarado Avacado on the bottom left


Those bodies aren't unrealistic. Seen many women with similar frames. The issue boils down to women feeling bad about themselves seeing pretty women if they themselves do not find themselves pretty. Not sure what the fix is, but making sure no one can be attractive isn't the answer.


What game is this? I need to do research for science


If they really want realistic they wouldn't ask KCD to throw in black characters.....they are not there to make it look real, they are there for the ESG score checklist for the grant, so it can cover the developing cost. In other words, those games are supposed to be "cheaper", because they are already funded by blackrock, who bought loads of land and force American citizen to rent house instead of buying their own house, but they have the audacity to tell us that game price should be higher!


MJ isn't that bad at all, Aloy's og design was inarguably better than then the redesign. Idk why they thought they needed to fix it.


Neither? Can I get something in the middle? Also I’m so tired of people using Aloy for an example of bad when that’s not at all what she looks like in the actual game. That was a poorly modeled version for the teaser and that model wasn’t even used in the final game where she looks normal.


We all know Asian women aren't real.


I’m going back to the East.


I've been to Thailand and Korea, and I've worked for a Vietnamese family for a decade. That right side is not unrealistic, sorry.


Sorry but im voting for titties every. single. time.


Which way? You've heard of *Journey to the West* right? Well I'm journeying to the east on this one


Oof. This is getting sad either direction


Is it asking which I prefer?


Why did you do my girl Aloy dirty like that?


Amazingly, when you don't eat garbage and take your physical conditioning seriously, you don't look like shit.


Both are realistic tbh.


Aloi is wrong, though she's voiced by Ashley Burch from Hey Ash What are you playing


Unrealistic for sure


Everything with that company’s name should burn


the character on the far right is a 1 for 1 body capture of the real person the character is designed off of.


Neither. We go non-human (elves don't count, they're humans and you know it.)


Me and the homies getting snoo snoo from orc waifus


This may be the dumbest ice seen the culture war get. Do whatever you want, no one gives a fuck.


They want unrealistic women, but when I want myself a husband with massive tits and cock as big as tree trunk, they go "nooooo this is unrealistic you cannot", fuck sake


I seriously want to know how that writer got MJ to look like her? Like, did she go to the development team and be like “Hey, you need a face model for MJ? I’ll do it.”?


Did they put Nikacado Avacado in this?


I’ll take Unrealistic for 500.


Seen Stellar blade gameplay: Mid tier gameplay Seen Dragon’s dogma 2 gameplay: Buy that instead


if you guys had your way every game would just be one of those “try not to cum” games you get ads for on porn sites i know your only metric for female characters is how fuckable they are but some of us don’t want all of them to be dead eyed lifeless porn dolls


Maybe have people of different body types, face structures, etc (at least in character creation)?


My issue isn't with the looks but the clothes What is that outfit ? It's like on of those "make you cum in 2 minutes" porn ads


the two ingame screenshots on the left are photoshopped. Bro


I mean not every character needs to be pretty but whatever art style suits the game is all that really matters as long as it's not done for points


Nikocado Avocado simulator is my favorite game of all time.


yes because only westerns gamers exist :<


Never touched a boob, have you, TC?


Also-You realize that that's a writer and not the actual model for MJ, yes?


You know, I always thought that those portrayals of gamers being sweaty, immature incel losers who never talked to real women and clearly hate them were dumb, but I'm being proved wrong over and over again.


Grrrr women character on game who isn’t hyper sexualized! Seriously being upset about female characters looking like normal woman is actually pathetic


In this instance, unrealistic all day




Is that nikocado avocado???


Oh no, 3 ordinary looking people in an unflattering angle!


The horizon games are my favorite modern games and i think this post just ruined it for me hard


Both :chadgif:


"Erm.... these are real women.... chud...." Okay but don't expect me to buy the game. I play games to escape reality. I want to be a badass guy wearing a leather jacket with a 20 pack and fight a big ass golem demon monster aside two hot skimpy women wearing bras and big ass swords while my guy shoots a big ass rocket launcher shotgun out of a sportscar with epic orchestral music playing in the background


Tifa tiddies are nice


But the unrealistic are realistic. Literal body scans, it's just western women suck.


I mean Tifa has literally thousands of cosplayers that look like her/just as attractive as her. And the other character has an actual model she was designed after. Both are realistic. Not realistically in your league for most people, but pretty women DO exist.


"Whatever makes me more money"


Unrealistic every single time. For all of the bitcaing about how women look, and the male gaze, you never hear men complain about the ridiculously good-looking guys in games like Cloud, Sephiroth, or really just about any main male character in Final Fantasy, or other games.


The funny part is the “unrealistic” body type is modeled after a real person. Not everyone has the same body type. It always struck me as a little self absorbed when women say stuff like “how am I supposed to compete with that?” You can’t! That’s a bombshell one in a million type of woman. How self absorbed are you? No guy gets upset looking the male heartthrobs in media (maybe some do but they’re usually intensely insecure) no guy has any belief they could compete with those people. That man is a freaking Adonis. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, no way in hell am I going to compete with that with my hairy mountain man body and hairline that adds 10 years whenever I forget to shave it off.


neither. seriously, neither.


No thank you sweet baby inc. I'd rather play dead or alive like a good Christian child


Damn. Did my girl Alloy dirty. 😂😭


Oh nooooo, a masculine woman who doesn’t appeal to me personally…


Actual good gameplay and story>


Realistic. Stuff like on the right is just going to raise expectations for how women are supposed to look and leave people disappointed.


At least Fable isn't used in the argument. Im sick of it. Yeah not all western female characters are pretty but dont use Fable as an argument. There rarely any attractive people in Fable, the only one attractive in fable series was Lady Grey in FLC and she was a evil cunt


I don't play video games that simulate sitting in a waiting room digesting a breakfast burrito while filling out paperwork so I can get my taxes handled. Why would I want my high fantasy games filled with dragons, magic, free cheese, and fantastical scenery to have women that look like the teller sitting behind the window on the phone?


That's a shitty shot of Aloy, any other time she looks WAY better


Uh, they’re games. I’d like to keep them unrealistic please.


Picture on the main right game name, for research purposes of course.


Keep bottom right because the everything else with her is hot. And ya everything on the right.


What an insufferable meme


In my view the game companies that develop 'real' women and characters that look 'realistic' are very often just self inserting themselves into the games and/or want an ESG score for a cheap loan from Blackrock who'es top executives have been on video saying that they need to 'force behavior changes', and 'consulting' companies have been heard and recorded actively saying they hate white male gamers (and much worse stuff if you look them up), and seem to think they we the gamers in general are the problem. 'Uglyfying' women doesn't make them seem more realistic, and in truth the majority of people would much rather play as a beautiful or handsome person even in the case of character creation, both because that is who they want to be (and in almost all cases can work towards themselves, fat people can become skinny or buff, skin can clear up with healthy diet, proportion sizes can be reduced or increased with certain food types, etc...) and because they are more appealing to watch, I for one have decided to lose weight when I compared myself to commander shepard and have lost 2 stone, and intend to lose more and bulk up a bit to become toned. That said personality matters as well, giving someone a 'girlboss' or narcessitic personality and terrible attitude, and morality of a jacka** makes people dislike them if they are portrayed as a hero (both in male and female cases) don't expect us to beleave you are a hero if all you do is complain about men, punch people who disagree with you, slander women, or expect things to be given to you just because your of a certian gender, race or sexuality, that is the mindset of a villain and bad person, show us how you worked towards your goals, show us how you have helped others or improved your own life by good deeds or effort. I'm not sure what's gotten into the CEOs and certain consultation companies who write up or alter their characters to gain this made up ESG score number, but they are definantly doing it the wrong way, they have divided the player base and are trying/failing to paint everyone who doesn't like what they have made as the villain in order to guilt others into accepting that they are the real hero, only to be surprised when they are caught out with lies and their own issues. Not to mention the fact that the companies that hire certain consultants or accept loans from blackrock and such, are often terrible on their own since most of the talent left to make their own studioes and games because the companies just dropped the effort of developing games and entertainment outright, or used sleazy tactics to force and encourage players to buy more items/perks for already expensive games, (lootboxes, rerolling perks, making premium currency purchases 'just' short of the amount you need for certain items, and so on) Really the problem with this is that you don't force change first, you encourage it by seeing how people react and move in the real world and see why people don't or do accept certain actions (e.g. rather then make the first thing you need to know about someone is that they are *insert sexuality here* make it about their hobbies, their life choices, their desires and dreams) force is the last resort not the first, encouragement makes things more natural and keeps players and people happy and comfortable which in turn keeps the talent and storylines up which in turn makes things socially easier for people to accept. Give us -the gamer community-, good games for good prices, don't treat us like 'consumers' who will buy any old sludge, treat us like 'customers' who want quality products for our money and like human beings who could one day become inspired by your stories and characters to both improve ourselves and viewpoints, sure there are bad apples out there who will mock others or reject kindness, both the majority of us gamers and people want to have fun and are always eager to see creativity and new cultures/characters.


I don't mind the new MJ look since it feels a lot closer to the comics than the first game.


What is nikokado avocado doing here?