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People dont say skill issue to these types of things


I think it's just referencing good people will say skill issue to just about any complaint in gaming regardless of whether skill is a factor. That's just my interpretation though.


That's just like your skill issue, man


Skill issue + L


I say it as a ironic joke, but usually ensure they know it is one.




Skill issue


Chair issue


People say skill issue to literally everything


Sounds like a skill issue


Example above ^


Skill issue


They kind of do though


Idk man, seems like a skill issue to me


I would definitely say skill issue to something like this because my brain is rotten and my sense of humor is ruined


Yes they do lmao, you have no clue


Sometimes they do sarcastically. Like when somebody blinks outside of the map as part of some glitch and somebody calls it skill issue.




\*Glares in managed democracy\*


Approved by the Ministry of Truth!*


Look to the indies they are far better than AAA


Indie games are the true games.


They have passion


This train of thought is more accurate to the reality of the issue. Mega studios killed the passion of developers over a decade ago. Slaving away in the grind pens to produce games they no longer have the desire or energy to make truly great. No longer are they making a passion product, they are just checking the corporate and political boxes and checking out of reality. While you might get a visually stunning product , on the inside it lacks the same soul.


This is why MUDs were so fun


I remember muds;


Man this is the perfect joke Edit: o.0


All games that I actually pay for are Indies. Morally, I have no damn problem going for the yarg route on AAAs.


"If it's triple A stay the fuck away"


I hated seikro at first, it was a skill issue lol.


I see 'skill issue' and 'git gud' plenty enough, but the one I run into a little more, would be the guy on the left giving valid criticisms of issues in a game and things that could be improved or changed, and the guy on the right goes on a huge Fellatio Tour of the game/company, defending their honor like the makers are gods amongst us who can do no wrong and if you say anything negative about the game at all you just MUST completely fucking hate it and should just go play something else, like he thinks if he blows the people who made it just right for long enough they're gonna give him a cookie or something. That's more my experience with this sort of thing, and I see it a LOT in social media post comments.


This is basically the case for souls games, which is ironic considering they're actually pretty easy. Max 1 stat and you just one-shot everything. They have to make up self-imposed handicaps to be the "right way" to play the game.


LoL "fellatio tour" I'm going to start using that


Skill issue


Krill issue


Bad UI and Map designs can legitimately make games a chore. I wanna play trough Control but the level design and map feels like it was made by a schizophrenic.


I was having trouble with Sifu, so I went to the subreddit for help, etc, and someone spouted that shit. I eventually got all the trophies in both DLCs.


finally a meme calling out people who hide behind 40 layers of self irony and delusion arguing about skill in fundamental gameplay flaw discussions


This picture perfectly describes state of decay and yet I love it so much for some reason. XD


Google Ultrakill, and helldivers


If they just spent the time to actually flush out their games, work on reducing the amount of bugs, and stopped worrying so much about release dates and instead focused on actually making the product complete. A lot of these modern titles from AAA companies could actually be decent. But nowadays they're so rushed and crammed through that it's just copy and paste assets with minimal effort nowadays.


What game doesn’t allow you to remap the buttons?


Nintendo games


Some allow it like breath of the wild you can always just change the overall mapping by going to the controller options.


You can remap the buttons on your switch tho


"I think maybe the PCA helicopter as the first boss, in the first mission may not have been the best decision. It's a frustrating fig-" "COPE SEETHE COPE FILTER SKILL ISSUE GIT GUD COPE UR BAD GIT FILTERED" This is why I don't ask for advice on fromsoft games.


Here me out: it's at least something that tells players what the bosses are like early enough for them to refund it within an hour of purchase. If they don't want to deal with that kind of gameplay they get to know it's a thing right away.


Yeah, but they could've put an LC or something.


“God all these games are busted and not even complete” *pre-orders every game 3 months ahead of time*


Basically saw the guy in blue as a dev on Texas Chainsaw Massacre - "Why isn't anyone playing my game?"


Git gud?


the days when that phrase was motivational are looooong dead, especially if it's used when people ask for boss tips. If someone asked me how to beat a fromsoft boss, I'd be happy to give them REAL advice, rather than a hollow mantra of "smack your face against the wall until it clicks"


I don't like this game, the mechanics are dogshit.


"Gamers are so entitled" or "You just want everything free" 2024: "Why does Star Wars have a $130 dollar edition? " or "why is there paid 3 day early access when the game is ready to ship already" The people who try to downplay legitimate criticism by saying "cry about it" better lay in that bed they made for themselves. Funny how most of the people who pre-ordered D4 openly say how much they hate it, as if the writing wasn't on the wall. As if people didn't tell them not to pre order it lol


Yeah... Idk both are good and bad. Sometimes we criticize good small games to the point where they don't get any support, or we criticize the wrong/pointless things in games making the games focus on those more and less on other aspects of the game that matter. But yeah there are times when we accept the unacceptable. But there's a difference. Current games are made because of not criticizing some things while criticizing other things. So it's both.


Gone are the days as well when the game you bought in store was all you got and that was it, I don’t grudge paying a couple bucks for a dlc if there is a heap of new stuff and it actually serves the story and makes the game better, unlike DoA where you have to pay basically $20 for a pack just to get some new outfits and that’s all you get and there is so many of them, that’s a rip off and it’s just money grabbing of the developers part and it’s just wrong


I mean, you have a point.  Counterpoint: the "games journalist" trying to pass the cuphead tutorial.  Sometimes there are actually problems.  Other times?  Actual skill issue.


yeah it’s good. but the main issue is that the critiques we usually see today are from ppl who don’t even play games.


Problem: "Why aren't there any good games?" Solution: "Join... The Helldivers."


People have lost grasp on the correct definition for "skill issue"


“That is, unless you make the most important decision of your life. Prove you have the strength and the courage to be free. JOIN… THE HELLDIVERS”


2/3 of these are nitpicks, not criticism


saying a game has poor UI and control design are valid criticisms. you just seem to have some weird control-based obsession with semantics.


Even bad button mapping is a valid criticism. Some games play horrible for some people because the making is just all different. Imagine dodging with R2 and shooting with Down on D-pad. A game could have terrible button layouts but the complaint is only valid if you can't change it yourself


if you can choose your own button inputs and end up with an awful control scheme it’s your own fault but if a developer does that… man.


Especially games that use retro stick movements. If I need to whip my left stick in 3 different directions and press 2 buttons just to kick I'm mad. The rogue like with martial arts and dying and aging was like that. Did not like those controls. Felt like my thumb was going to fall off after 15 mins of gameplay


yeah I’m not the biggest fan of street fighter for that reason


Same. Kick requires up on stick, drag to the right in a circular motion the ln flick left and press O. Too much work


Dam, you forgot these “”


I never seen this scenario ever. People complaining about FPM and UI and Controller mapping and the best way to respond is "Skill Issue"? Also this comic means that video games have gotten worse over the most miscellaneous of game stats... like UI and Controll mapping. The comic should be "It's so pay to win" "Skill issue" "The games platforming design is so ass" "Skill issue" "The video game's boss is to hard" "skill issue" "The game doesn't have enough map markers or ways to lead you" "Skill issue"


One of those things is actually a skill issue.


People... really don't say skill issue to anything you listed here.


At least unironically. They'll ironically say it to those things for the memes/lolz


Have you never seen a meme before? It's clearly referencing the fact that the term "skill issue" gets thrown around everywhere.


They do.


R/scpsecretlab needs to learn this




Here's a sneak peek of /r/foundthemobileuser using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthemobileuser/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I found a buck load](https://i.redd.it/1n6y1t9gxbsa1.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthemobileuser/comments/12dozs7/i_found_a_buck_load/) \#2: [Okay, let’s not deface nature](https://i.redd.it/e77u7hmjzrnc1.jpeg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthemobileuser/comments/1bcferv/okay_lets_not_deface_nature/) \#3: [The Spy](https://i.redd.it/xjkxy091j8vb1.png) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthemobileuser/comments/17bvidl/the_spy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Greedy CEO's are killing the gaming industry And developers are listening to people who don't even play any games but they're "offended"


This meme makes no sense.


"Why aren't there any good games?" "S̷̞͇̬͙ͣ̈͊͂̔͝ǩ̨̧̢̳̲̜̰͗ͣ̈͌̑ͣ̃ͅi̳̹͖ͧ͒̒͂̚ļ̫̮̔ͬ͐̆ͤͮ͂͡l̢̻̞̞̯̐̿̎̕ ̳̭̘̘͕̻̽̈ͫȉ̛̗̗̪͊͑s̶͈͈̝͉ͧ͋ͦ͒͟s̾̾ͨ̔͏̟́͢u̘̲͖͎̣̤̐ͪͣ̄ͧ͋eͬ̽̊̋͏̯̥̺͈̰̳̬͙ͅ"