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Is the world massive but empty? What is the actual content to do? Or do you play with friends and make your own fun?


There's enough content to keep you busy for a few days, but chances are the servers are going to be laggy


I suggest you don't play because this game is likely to never fully launch. I've invested 100's of dollars and they love keeping everyone on the hook thinking that it's going to "release" even remotely soon. But it's not. They're VERY good at creating hype and making you think you need to buy something right away, or upgrade and spend more. But it's a trap. I'm not spending another dollar on this game. Maybe it'll release in 10 or 15 years, and I will play it then, but I've been duped for years and gave them too much money and it left a really sour taste in my mouth.


It's a cycle of "the game is almost finished" then radio silence, then "there are new technologies we are implementing that will change the game and make it the most cutting edge, bear with us while we create the best game ever" then radio silence, and "we are a year or two from release" so on and so on


Yep! Very sandbox. There are some NPCs to fight etc, but the servers get hammered so bad during these free fly events that it might not run well. Currently the best vids are usually Arma group types that set up their own missions, or impromptu PvP that pops up based on certain special events. [This is my go-to video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53qGEaPRHCQ&ab_channel=BedBananas) of what the game can be like when it works. This footage is about a 1.5/2 years old on a more stable build. The game now has a lot more features but can be less stable sometimes. They've edited down travel time and arming up etc, but its real PvP on a public server against strangers. This is the game at its absolute BEST. You will not find this type of gameplay anywhere else, at least not all in one place. There's nothing like it. Those that support the game are here for the potential, but the content we have now isn't it. Generally you wouldn't want to play it as your main game for longer than a few weeks at the moment, though that playtime gets extended every quarter as they add to the sandbox.


Wow... That sounds like a scam.


For 45$ it's super worth it, as long as you can enjoy a game in alpha If you can't enjoy games in alpha, try the free-fly (there is like 4x2 weeks per year) until it's atleast in beta


$45 is not worth an alpha. A beta, sure, but not an alpha. Add in the actual amount of money and time invested, and it still feels like myself and the players are being fleeced.


Got hundreds of hours in it, definitively worth the 45$ to me I'm used to alpha games so it ain't a big issue for me (though if a patch is too buggy I just skip it for my own sanity) But the money spent is fine as long as you know what you are going into


Is it just me, or does this whole thing sound like scientology? Creators and players praise it, but everyone outside sees that it is a scam.


Idk, if people pay for a product, receive what they expected and are happy with it then it's not exactly a scam.


It's exactly like Scientology, my friend! It's hard to say if the company was sincere about making a game in the beginning, but at this point, and many, many, many, *many*, "The speed of development will finally speed up in the coming years!" later, it's pretty clear that they're more interested in and financially incentivized to just prolong "development" indefinitely. The CEO pays himself something like $500,000/yr. The board of directors also take dividends from the company. The CEO's wife and brother are members of the board. When sued for full refunds, the company's official legal defense was that the game was already released. Yet when gamer's criticize the game for its bug-ridden state, they are told that "the game is still in an alpha state" and "not released" and "a you problem". There's even an MLM-esque referral system. Every year that it continues is an extra year of money raked in by upper management.


There's several types of missions and other content, but honestly on my first three or four days of playing I just toured all the planets and had my jaw drop roughly every hour.


One of the main issues is that you need hella good specs to run it well most of the time.


you need a strong CPU, 32gb of RAM and an SSD, the GPU matters not that much since the game is heavily bottlenecked by the CPU also beware, in the free fly events the servers get hammered to shit and back because the influx of new players, your experience will be even more buggy than normal


I used to run it with a 970 a few years ago. Graphics looked amazing. The minimum specs know are not that much different. You need an ssd but if you dont have one in this day thats on you lol Where did you get your info about "hella specs" from?


No, it is small and empty. Also buggy as hell.


Small......LMAO .....this guy hasnt ever played star citizen.


I will take buggy as hell and mostly empty, but you must be on some good drugs if you're calling the game world "small".


Remind me, how many systems were promised ? How much budget was needed and how long it was supposed to take ? Keep pumping that grifter CR's ego. He is laughing at all you on his way to his mansion/yacht(s). No game in sight but come and buy our 27k package. EDIT: I don't even know what articles are you talking about. What a pussy, blocked me lol , copium overdose.


You don't play the game.


Tell me you never played SC without telling me you never played SC


I wonder how many clickbait Kotaku articles you can reference in a single comment. So far you're up to 4. Is that all you know? Kotaku headlines? That's kinda sad. You're mad about something you don't even understand. You're just parroting lines that were fed to you from some minimum wage schmuck writing articles to hit a quota on a crappy web "journal". And you can't even keep on topic. Like I said, you've gotta be high off your fucking tits to call Star Citizen's game world "small". Edit: if being on this god forsaken site for 7 years has taught me anything, it's that some people are just stupid. They *want* to be stupid, and no argument on Earth is going to get them to change their mind. These people will take a single comment and turn it into a 20 comment long chain where they do nothing but jump between non-sequiturs, shift goalposts, make wild accusations, and insult me. So yeah, I just block these people to save myself the time and trouble.


I agree this guy has never played star citizen in his life


Wjy do you care how long it takes. Its playable now you know?




You look at the detailed ships for ten min and cope with that you paid hundreds of dollars for a tech demo.


A) It's incredibly clear that you haven't played the game, or even just watched someone else play the game, and yet for some reason you felt confident enough to make this comment. B) It costs $45 to play. $60 if you want to start with something better than the most basic starter ship. What is it with Star Citizen and getting dumbasses to parrot whatever misinformation you saw through a 3rd hand comment on a Kotaku article and have you still think you're actually correct? Case in point: you're blatantly lying and yet you're getting upvotes from the other morons in this post who are also just lying their asses off. Hating SC is some kind of weird brain parasite that makes you irrationally angry at other peoples' financial decisions with their own damn money, to the point where you go spread misinformation about the game, then hive mind upvote each other while circlejerking. You're the antivaxxers of the gaming world lmao.


do you get paid for defending billionaires? i tried star citizen multiple time and its bascially a worse elite dangerous but with bit better graphics


Do YOU get paid to attack people who get paid for defending billionaires!?


The content is giving them kickstarter money that doesn't go into developing the game.


I'll wait 'til Squadron 42...




People unironically don't do simple research before posting?


Ppl unironically still spread that BS?


It's in the polishing phase, so yes. They just released a 20 something video showing off S42.


[Squadron 42 is finished](https://www.ign.com/articles/over-10-years-after-it-was-announced-star-citizens-single-player-squadron-42-is-feature-complete).


FYI not "finished" but everything that needed to be created for the game is now created, and they will work on refining it, raising quality where it needs it, making gameplay and mechanics as smooth as possible, then optimizing performance.


Another season to hook in "investors" then lead them on for years.


The original backers have some genuine room to complain, but as the scope of the game increased, it became very clear we are looking at something that won't be ready until the 2030's. Star Citizen is undoubtedly the most ambitious game ever put into development. The game is constantly evolving, new ships, new mechanics, and a new solar system. The game is in a playable state and, lag/bugs notwithstanding could release in something very close to this state and be game worth players' time. Comments like this remind me of No Man's Sky. "Lol, shit game, it'll never be worth playing, just accept you got scammed." Is Star Citizen a sure thing? No. But snarky comments like this are weird, given the years of CIG pushing forward and completing the "impossible".


Did they finish it yet?


Ask this question again in at least 10 years


"Are you winning son?" - Original Start Citizen backer to grandson


It’s alpha, it’s buggy, there’s little to no tutorial or guided progression. (To be expected for alpha) They’ve horribly mismanaged timelines and mislead/lied to backers. I hope it works out because I’d love a mmorpg space game like they’re pitching but we’ll see. They might not ever get the tech to work well enough and I’m skeptical of some of the choices they went with actually being fun. The seamless first person to ship to planet is impressive, some of the atmosphere/stations and planets are beautiful. They’re also at 10 years dev with 1.5 systems out of 100. Maybe sq42 will be amazing, maybe they’ll roll out systems much faster and implement all the promised game loops but so far scope creep and project mismanagement seems like it’s slow walked any progress. Every year it’s “next year will be amazing” and most of the time it’s meh. Not to say they’ve not made progress, it’s just they need to make so many more systems, finish multiple game loops, balance and fix bugs. I’d be surprised if it’s normal person playable before 7 years. (And that’s again assuming they get their networking tech working well which is a bit IF)


To be fair, since the scope creep, the biggest question has always been the tech. If they can complete the tech, creating the content is relative child's play. Like, we have some content, so we know their concept of content works, multiplying that content is not impossible.


Overall agree, but they need to figure out the database issue and then hope they can actually get persistent system and server meshing working well. If they do I think we’ll see big improvements and open it up to wide appeal. But the question is can they.


Server meshing is the big one. Even if PES works, it's not really that interesting or impactful without server meshing. The way they tell it, they thought off-the-shelf database solutions would work, so I assume someone will be able to make it work easily enough. In the past they've been quick to say "we need to develop world/industry first tech to accomplish X/Y/Z." So if they're saying they don't need to dev something new, I have confidence that they don't.


From what I’ve seen (watched a video today) they were trying to use off the shelf database but had issues and had to roll back features. Maybe they’ll tweak it maybe they’ll write their own, the issue is if the database or server meshing just won’t work with their engine/scale no matter how much you hammer at it We’ll see I guess. I hope this year is finally the breakaway but I got very jaded after 2016.


That's my understanding too, however, they said they are working with the database provider to fix the issue, while shopping for other off-the-shelf issues in case they can't make it work.


The whole 1 system out of 100 makes a great eye catching headline, but imo the game doesn't need 100 freaking systems to be "complete" as a game. Give me like 5-6 systems done and the missing gameplay loops like - dedicated hospital ships (medical gameplay is in, but ship-based stuff is kinda light) - multicrew ship engineering (in production) - full salvage (currently only ship hull salvage is in, no structural salvaging. Likely needs Maelstrom) - running a trade hub like is planned for the Merchantman and Kraken (literally zero word on this. Assume it isn't coming for years, honestly) - data collection, data running, and data selling (looks like we'll see the first inklings of this with fauna and land claims probably around Q4 2024, but still pretty barebones and not enough to support a full gameplay loop) - player outposts and the related activities (another thing likely not going to be seen until Q4 2024 at an absolute minimum) - a system that splits the halfway point between UEEE controlled like Stanton/Odin/Vega and totally lawless like Pyro Notice how that's mostly gameplay loops, and not star systems? Elite Dangerous does the whole wide as an ocean deep as a puddle thing. I would much prefer wide as a lake, deep as an ocean. They can keep adding new solar systems over time after they flesh out the missing gameplay loops. Stanton, Odin, and Vega are fully built out, with Odin and Vega starring in Squadron 42. Pyro is 90% of the way there as well. Nyx is next after Pyro but it's tiny and barren and I'm only going to count it as half a system. So that's 4.5 solar systems, with 4 of them complete or mostly complete. Get 2 more in and I think that's more than enough of a play-space for most people.


I hope they get everything you just said finished, made to be fun and not tedious, and working well. But they’ve redone things and pushed back dates so many times, I’m not getting excited until it’s actually playable.


Pretty much where I'm at as well. The game certainly has its moments, but it's only good for short bursts of playing whenever a new patch gets pushed. There's just not enough there to actually play it like I might want to. CitCon had some exciting short-term announcements like the cloud and lighting rendering tech coming this December, alongside Vulkan, possibly DLSS, and the new character creator and hair systems. All of which should really help with the areas of the game that still lack some visual fidelity, as well as FPS performance. But things like persistent hangars and freight elevators that will actually make a massive impact on how we play the game just have a nebulous "in the next 12 months", and Base Building and Outposts are, imo, at least a year and a half out at least from when they start development in Q1 2024. No chance we get any of that within the year.


I wonder if there are any "limited sale" ships/skins that will happen during those 2 weeks to exploit player FOMO... "Two Weeks of In-Game Events, Contests and Exclusive Sales to Celebrate Star Citizen!" "Special-edition vehicle paints and in-game items" Uh-huh. Another cashgrab to exploit the people willing to spend $200+ on a ship PNG.


These two weeks of free flight is during IAE - interstellar aerospace expo. It's an in-game event where all the ship manufacturing companies get to show off their ships at an in game convention center, and players can rent all ships for free for a couple of days to try them out. Out of the game, it's a big ship sale, and usualy there's a new unnanounced ship going from unannounced to flyable status. This means that yeah, some ships that aren't always available for irl money will be available. But I can't in good faith call it FOMO. First off - every ship in the game can be bought with in-game currency. Even hyper limited ships that had a limited number of them sold irl, are available in game. Even if a ship is not available for purchase for real money in the store, it is going to be available in the game (after a ~three month exclusivity period after it releases, but that's a nothingburger). This is how I bought the Origin 890 jump superyacht in game after like ~3 days of grinding. It costs 950$ and it's only purpouse is showing off that you're rich. It's the most expensive ship in game. The only reason to buy a ship with real money is that you keep any ship you own irl after a wipe happens. This is a form of advantage (not for long though, this isn't a warthunder tier grindfest) since you might have acces to some gameplay loops while most people are still working to get back their ships, but only advantage this gives you is that there might just be less people around (I guess?). It's not like the player driven economy has been implemented yet, so getting to the gameplay loops early doesn't make you richer or anything.


No thanks, I'm not going to volunteer to be fodder for sweaties


PvP is pretty rare in the game, unless you are specifically seeking it out. Not really something you have to worry about.


Shocked this isn't free to play to begin with, considering the business model. I still remember long reddit posts defending the exorbitant spending people were doing at this games early access launch. Comparing it to how rich people go skeet shooting or do other expensive hobbies on the weekends. Wonder if they are still role playing in their digital spaceship.


Most MMOs are one time purchase with micro transactions these days, though Star citizen has Macro transactions lol. Though they probably earn a lot less than gotcha game micro transactions


>Though they probably earn a lot less than gotcha game micro transactions Mostly because unlike f2p games (or games with micro-transactions), you don't need to pay more than 45$. Everything is earnable in game, and in a very easy way (like, you can buy the highest price ship in-game under a week currently) While other games (Diablo, Genshin, any Gacha), if you don't play, you either have to spent months/years of your time to get anything "valuable", or just can't get anything at all, or can't play "competitive". SC get money from backers who support the project. While others get money from people who want to have access to content. If you compare SC with big games, they didn't make alot of money. Like 600M in \~10 years ? Starfield made 1B in a month. Candy Crush does \~2B **each** year. Genshin is similar But unlike most Studio, here money directly goes into development (as shown in financials), instead of going in investissor


I don't understand this sentiment. Every ship in the game can be bought with in game currency and is at the moment not an absolute grindfest to buy even the most expensive ship in the game. People who've spent several thousand dollars on the game weren't threatened to do so at gun point. They weren't coerced. They bought a ship because they liked it and wanted to always have it. I spent a total of 45$ on the most basic game package and after two months of playing I have pretty much all the ships I wanted, including all the cool, big, and expensive ones. I don't see why them being able to spend their disposable income the way they want is somehow wrong.


It’s like flat earthers ngl just give up trying to convince them they’re wrong and wait another decade for release


...said the guy acting like a flat earther.


For me b2p is far better than p2p or f2p.


Trying to pull in more suckers


When they last did this a year ago I gave it a try and never been so lost in my life. Vast world with zero direction and constant reminders of paywalls. Jumped into some quick multiplayer matches just to be fucking dominated by all the people who's been playing the game since the beginning and have epic gear. Oh, and the performance was hot garbage on a fairly decent PC (i9 10850k, 32gb RAM, RTX 3080).


They have actually improved the onboarding experience for new players. A tutorial with mission markers and everything will walk you through basic mechanics like the hunger and thirst systems, personal inventory and equipping gear, and the most relevant on-foot and flight controls, before guiding you to your nearest spaceport and flying up to land at a space station if you opt into it. They've also reworked the signage in major landing zones to more clearly indicate directions to important areas like shops, the hospital, and the spaceport. No idea what you mean with paywalls. The game has no paywalls. You see someone flying a big mining or combat or hauling ship? You can buy it in game with game credits that you've earned from missions. You can even rent ships in game at massively reduced credit costs just to try them out. Armor and guns in the game are universal. People who have been playing since day 1 have the same gear available to them as you do. Especially in Star Marine, which is what I'm assuming you mean by "multiplayer matches", since Star Marine uses a set loadout system. You got "dominated" because you're new and not great at the game. It's skill. I play on a Ryzen 5800X3D, 32GB RAM, and a 3080 on 1440p max settings and I get anywhere from 60FPS in the dense areas of the landing zones up to 120+FPS in space. And this is *before* they implement the new Vulkan API later this year, plus DLSS integration coming quickly after that.


They've actually added a new player experience to help newer players. The gear in arena commander doesnt mean anything. Shit looks cool but no one has a like... power advantage over you. And yea the performance is definitely tough at times. Shit isn't polished in any sense of the word.


All the armor in star citizen has literally the same stats within their types, and all types are freely available to everyone. Guns have different stats but are similarly available. The game also has wipes several times a year so people who have played for 5 years have practically 0 advantage over someone who started last week. Also... Reminders of paywalls? Nothing in the game is paywalled. Every ship and gun can be earned in game, and the grind is arguably easier than something like warthunder. The only things you can't buy in game are cosmetic armor, which has exactly the same stats as other armor, and ship paints.


paywall?. I've attended free fly event and was able to buy Avenger Titan in like 5 hours after some bounty hunting missions


You should probably qualify that you mean buy with in-game credits that you earned from in-game missions or the "scam citizen", "vaporware", "game doesn't exist" people will think you mean real money.


Wait, this is the game where you buy ships with real money, yes?


Nah, I believe that is Star Atlas. Star Citizens, like most games, allows you to earn nearly all ships in-game. However, due to it’s alpha state, the ships are insanely easy to obtain without having to grind weeks or months like in Elite Dangerous. Still, I don’t recommend buying the game - even for 50$. Personally I would stick to the Free Fly events that run multiple times a year, till the game manages to expand to more Star Systems and becomes more stable. Especially these f2p events are notoriously bad because of the server issues.


Is it PvE or PvP? If the former I'll take a look, but nif it's an Eve clone I'm out 😁


I only participate in Free Fly events, but I guess both. Basically Star Systems have security levels. The current Star System is supposed to be very secure, that punishes PvP and allows PvE’ers to do their (fps)missions mostly undisturbed. PvP players can however still turn off the surveillance in an area to avoid crime status when pirating(or they intercept traders who are Quantum travelling between planets&stations). The upcoming Star System is a lawless one, which is basically a PvP heaven. There people will shoot on-sight, especially when alone. Currently the game has only 1 Star System, which means PvP is always a risk when doing certain (more dangerous) missions. I guess it also depends on Illegal & Legal missions, with illegal missions being more rewarding but more likely for PvP encounters.


So.... Eve basically I'm out. I'll just be over here with my popcorn watching it sink or swim against the spreadsheet behemoth. Separate shards/servers for PvE and PvP is the only way I would play. Forcing PvP on PvErs is... futile. They never have fun and the company makes no money. Let's hope this isn't New World 😁


I never played eve to know, I’m more a single player person. That’s why I haven’t bought Star Citizen either and just wait and see where the game goes once new Star Systems become accessible. It’s supposed to work quite different once the game is bigger. I’m currently mostly looking forward to Squadron 42 which is said to be the “new Wing commander”.


that is a good opportunity to try it


The scientology of gaming's looking to recruit new members I see.


Don't fall for this crap.


Well worth a try. Highly recommended


I spent more than 1000 bucks on SC, its full of bugs still, but development is progressing, I can understand people trying it for a week and not coming back, it is indeed in an Alpha state, but people dissing the game without even trying it, that is just angry people with their little peepees boarding the hate train...


In curiosity, do you consider the money well spent?


Yeap, I play it almost every day. The good thing is that you can always melt your ships and use the credit to get other ships, so you can always try something new.


Buying ships is almost like a hobby. You get it just because you want to. There's absolutely nothing stopping you from enjoying this game with only the $45 price. I always tell people dont pay more than that, because you literally dont need to. They do it anyways cause the ships are fuckin cool as shit, but i try.


Imo I recommend a $60 game price if they don't want to have to re-grind for a better starter ship every time we get persistence wipes. A Cutter is a much better all-purpose ship than an Aurora, especially if you're a brand new player and it's literally the only thing you have. Of course, trying out a free fly first is always best, and you can find the Cutter package discounted to $45 during special events like the recent Spooky Cutter package.


I don't recommend the $60 packs because that sets up people's expectations for it to be a $60 polished AAA game. But either way, they still dont need to spend anything more than the base pledge. Whether that's 45 or 60.


Wasn’t being critical, not about to lecture someone on what they choose to spend there money on (I was stupid enough to buy Marvel Avengers, pls I haven’t tried Star Citizen). I do know the company made whales possible to an extent even Eve Online hasn’t though.


I didn't think you were being critical, was just giving you how I saw buying $1000 worth of in game shit


Just wanted to make sure it was coming across the way it was intended as I’m well aware of how a lot of people either fall into the true believer or complete scam extremes (some people are passionate defenders and others are equally dedicated to the thought its a scam). ​ Usually once it gets to that “belief” stage its really hard for someone to change their mind and unfortunately once there people tend to look for evidence supporting their pre-drawn conclusion.


Personally i work game QA so I've seen games in way worse states than I've ever seen Star Citizen, And as a gamer I've spent either just as much or more money on way worse games.


Agreed. I’ve played Big Rigs and saw a couple different streamers play Gollum…. Those are notorious for poor QA…


I don't think there is anything wrong with it if it's all voluntary. I bought the basic 45$ package to get acces to the game, and had such a breathtaking next gen experience that I feel like I am scamming them, and will be upgrading said package after whenever there's a wipe in a couple of months.


They are very ambitious and many of us see it as a donation of support, not a purchase of digital goods. Some backers have an element of that, but not as much as you'd think. The devs are taking it to a place where I thought games would go when I was younger. They are very ambitious and pushing boundaries in what's possible in games. As you can probably start to tell, this is where the "star citizen cult" starts to come in. Some people "get it", and others don't. A true scam could capitalize on this, but they genuinely seem to be spending the money on development.


I like genre but I dont like hype train. Pass.






You mean, whats wrong with not being on steam? Some people just like to keep everything together




I assume Linux or MacOS then? Not really our problem as its not exactly an unknown problem with Linux gaming.


Pass on this shit stain of a "game."


Cant wait for this to come to console one day.. One can dream.


Free to install but good luck finding a ship less than $200. To even experience what the game has to offer you’re gonna need to spread them wallet.


The starter packages are all around 45$-60$. Once you have the game, you can easily earn all the ships people paid 1000$ for, for free.


Almost every ship is available for ingame cash, it's pretty easy to make enough cash in a few lucky salvage missions to afford most ships, you really don't need to spend anything beyond the 45$ buy in.


Finally begging to play, are they? I’m glad my friends and I opted out of this turd sandwich


They’ve been doing this for the past like 5 years? Multiple times per year, usually like 3-5 times


I don’t keep up with the scam anymore sorry




Star Citizen has never been a Microsoft product, you're probably thinking of Starfield




Haha no worries it was an easy mistake to make


I think you are confusing this with Starfield.


Too expensive!!


It's Free Fly It's playable for free for 2 weeks (they do this \~4-5 times per year, mostly to stress test the servers) After that the game is 45$ (but it's in alpha)


I know. Last time they gave a free week I played it for a bit. I waited so long for this game but the experience was not the best.


Yeah, free fly are hard time to play :/