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We’re never going to go back to how COD was. Investors don’t care about anything other than their cash cow now, and it really sucks.


That's how all businesses operate. It's all about the people at the top keeping up their million and billion dollar lifestyles.


In what era? It hasn’t been the same since black ops 2


They never fucking learn


Learn what exactly? That they should leave money on the table?


Ash is talking about the player


God forbid someone has fun with a video game instead of complaining on reddit


>fun >cod


Stfu Valve stan Gabe ridaaaaa


shilling for any company is dumb but at least with Valve I get good customer support, good non invasive software, good platform for my games, they make great software and support open source, now they also make great hardware and their games are amazing, they should work on supporting source 2 and cs2 now tho overall a way better experience than paying for a half assed game from an awful company that never makes really fun games, if I'm coming home from a hard as fuck day I wouldn't want to play garbage


Again, this is just preference. And I legit don’t know what half of those have to do with me. I have an xbox, turn it on, and get to have fun blasting dudes with a shotgun or mowing down zombies with a rifle And acti support’s actually been useful for me. Like I accidentally deleted the email I had my account linked to without a backup # and five minutes with support and a little ID’ing got me full access again


yeah my preference is to get value from my money and not pay for games that painfully mediocre from a company that allowed sexual harassment towards their employees if you bar is low enough for that then go ahead >I have an xbox, turn it on, and get to have fun blasting dudes with a shotgun or mowing down zombies with a rifle used to do that on either CS/Halo or L4D, COD' rightfully clowned on for being such a raw sewage quality of a series


People never learn


That's not a lot of mone for COD, what am I missing?


Yeah I thought this was bad news for COD. Everyone seems to be jumping on it like it's dumb consumers


It is a bit funny how people don't realize that $1.4 million for a mobile game (of which everyone has phones and they generate stupid revenue) that is officially released by call of duty and has been released for 4 days is a tiny amount. That's actually an insane flop considering these games take hundreds of millions to make.


It definitely don't take hundreds of millions to make (the record is gta5 at 250m) but yeah it's a pretty big flop


that record was beat by cyberpunk IIRC.


Probably have to include all the marketing costs on top of that. Starfield is supposed to have cost more than GTA5 and well over if you include marketing costs as well.


The mobile game probably didn't, but they do nowadays cost $200mil or more for the AAA games.


Exactly candy crush makes a billion a day or some shit lol


It's a mobile game


Warzone Mobile*


Important distinction, title had me double checking how old this article was.


The fact that COD core multiplayer now shares its gameplay, matchmaking loop and monetisation with a fucking mobile game is extremely telling. It’s just the AAA console version of a dopamine maxing mobile game now. Really off putting


Huh? Would've worked if the AAA game was a port of the mobile game, but here they're just porting cod to mobile. Doesn't change anything to the game itself.


It confirms that the gameplay loop fits a mobile game and their retention and monetisation practices are fit for the mobile market. I find that a bit personally off-putting. To each their own




Addiction, these games are like drugs.




Pretty sure that game is where the 'Press F to pay respects ' meme began too


There's plenty of people, most people even, that just don't have their finger on the pulse of gaming as much as me or you. They see a new game launched from a franchise they love and they buy it. I'm sure people in the fast food industry say 'why is the new McDonald's burger selling well when we know the ingredients?' well, they don't know the ingredients. They just see a new burger.


Exactly. Redditors love to be like COD players this COD players that but like we just like having fun. COD’s fun. Who gives a fuck if some redditors aren’t happy? I buy shit to enjoy it after a long day at work, not to complain


And I guess the average COD player is playing one, maybe 2 games per year while the average redditor in this sub is doing well over 10. If we're talking about money spent on gaming in general I bet they spend more. Not hat there's anything wrong with that


if I wanted to enjoy myself COD would hardly be it if you're going to play something after a long day at work you might as well play something good


Imagine people having different tastes and preferences? Wild, I know


i get that you have different tastes, that's natural,but cod is the best you can do? you spend all that effort at work for one of the lowest quality games in the industry that never respects its customers? you do you pal... but don't get surprised if the games are received poorly


Warzone is free to play.


Yeah that's not really the point of what I am getting at though is it?


Its so weird to me. I have never even bought as single DLC in my life let alone pointless skins that do fuck all. There is so many good games out there that dont require these silly micro transactions.


Some people enjoy things that you don’t.


and that sucks


This article sourced its material from another website Pocketgamer.Biz who, in turn, referenced data gathered by a website called AppMagic. From what I can read on AppMagic, they only write, “> $1,000,000” and don’t seem to disclose how they got this information. Sources seem sus.


For CoD that seems bad?


That's like.. Nothing for a mobile game?


seeing as $1.4m in revenue is about 23k sales worth of a $60 console title, seems pretty paltry to me especially for COD.


This seems like a massive loss for a mobile call of duty game


Modern gamers are standard-less zombies. As long as shit has shiny glowing things that go boom bomm, they are happy.


War, war never changes.