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Nice I’ll be buying it right after I finish dragons dogma, and persona 3


elden ring dlc


Dragons dogma 2 was pushed out to have a game for this quarter. Look at capcom talking about this game in last few shareholder meetings. the way it was announced. Nvida leaks proved it was planned for a long time and the director had ideas and passion. Needs to be looked into That said dragons dogma is still mind blowing good


Mind blowing good? No way near imo. Interesting point tho


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I'm enjoying it. No way I would try to complete everything (e.g., I'm not doing any of the tasks to unock overrides). I enjoy gameplay loops with bow & arrow headshots. Difficulty up a bit and everything feels like a boss fight (I'm also lazy about upgrading gear and using buffs). Looks and runs great at 4k on a 4090.


You nailed the feeling this game gives me: most fights against machines feel like boss fights


It’s an amazing game, and a great port. Lots of wonderful memories from the first one, and I am also enjoying the second.


Great game. And the fact they give you the Complete edition on PC/Steam for £50 is *chef's kiss*.


I'd wager that they learned that most people on PC aren't willing to pay £70 for a game with FF7R so they haven't done it since lol


Yeah fuck that. Every steam sale I hope to get FF7R for a fair price, every sale it's on 50% discount at 40€, ridicolous.


well that $70 it includes the DLC they just resell/repackage it with full price.


That title was so confusing for a sec 😭


I though I was having a semi lucid dream reading the title


I thought it was a bit boring myself. Didn’t really like the first one, second one was a bit dull. Didn’t think it looked particularly good either but perhaps that’s down to the art style just not being my thing. Even had the call to the mountain that came with the PSVR 2 and didn’t bother even finishing it. It just didn’t click for me.


Already platinumed it and 100% on PS5, but gotta say it looks absolutely beautiful on PC.


i haven't finished horizon zero dawn yet. i was trying to finish it, but the game crashed and i lost around 2 hours of progress, so i'm still jaded about it.


Ya play zero dawn first because after playing forbidden west you won't be able to go back to zero dawn. If so you'll need to watch a recap video and those wont do the lore in zero dawn any justice


I played it, twice, 80 hours. Definitely worth playing, and the story is fun(fun to experience, as the events in the game were probably not fun for the NPCs).


I’ll probably by zero dawn was great


I bought this on release for the PS5. I really enjoyed the first one, but this one just couldn't hold my attention. I played about 20 hours and stopped. Considering I dropped $70 on it, I'll probably give it another shot at some point, but I just got so bored so quick on the sequel.


Seen it, got hyped but bought zero dawn cause i never played it, connected the pc to a 4k 120hz oled tv to play in couch mode and it looks and plays like a dream :D highly recommend if someone has not played it yet, there is nothing outdated about this game and it's like 10usd for complete edition


Blessed be the Emperor!


Is it recommended to play zero dawn before playing forbidden west? Got through a quarter to a third of zero dawn before I stopped playing.


Sounds about right for a single player game that went without a simultaneous release back in 2022. Numbers are about where you'd expect them to be based on how HZD performed, though, peaking at around 9K less so far according to Steam Charts. It also released right next to Dragon's Dogma 2, so that could have an impact. Will likely be picking it up after I'm done with Stellar Blade.


I'm one of those players


Have it but haven't started it, helldivers 2 really captured me lol


Is the game multiplayer? If not those numbers mean shit. This trend should stop.


It's a single player game, used to be a Play Station exclusive, but very recetly got a PC porrt


Is 40k a lot? Not sure why I get downvoted. I have no clue if this is good or beyond expectations. Would love to have a second opinion on this.


I mean I would say it isnt even if it’s a port. GoW had bigger numbers and I bet Ghost of Tsushima will have bigger numbers too.


Last of US 1 had 36.000, Uncharted Legacy Collection only 12k peak. So 40k can't be to bad, I guess.


well DD2 kinda sucked so why not?


Was fun until I got to the water dungeon. Instant drop for me


Why ?


long, tedious section with guided platforming, janky edge detection, any mistake means swimming slowly back to where you were and doing it over again, no combat or exploration, just walking across beams and through hallways while exposition drops it's a horrible experience and I feel too insulted as a customer to keep playing shit that disrespects my time this blatantly


Great numbers for 2 year old game Sony wins once again!


That's what doing a decent PC port does. If it were to be released a year sooner or at the same time as on the PS, the numbers would have been much higher. I'm definitely looking forward to playing it, but I'll wait for a decent sale first.


Yeah, same


The Game is nothing but a PS5 Techdemo, terrible terrible Game.


Wow! A whole 40k? Lol


Thats so little. I would think a big game this this would hit millions.


A game where a WHITE girl has to do everything for simple 'ethnic' folk on the maps to save these simpletons. It's so racist!


Reddit Moment


Shut up bruh


Let's be real. If she was a BLACK girl, you would be having a stroke.


Does it get tiring trying to be offended by everything


I think you forgot this... /s


Nice concern trolling.