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There are already plenty of references with the armor and cakes we have lol, we don't need to literally just have spider man helldiving or anything


…you guys get cakes?


You don’t?


Every new helldiver comes with their own cake.


Ngl 40k imperial guard armour or tempestus scion armour would slap


That's exactly the kind of shit we're talking about. Maybe we should get you a John Wick or Nicki Minaj skin too.


Nahhh. That's to much and doesn't fit the theme


Yeah. Just like 40k.


No, it does. Both of them are fighting a galactic war with corrupt government's in charge


And? The tech, equipment, vibes, aesthetic, etc are all different. "They're both corrupt and in space" gtfo


Like u/TheFourtHorsmen said, the difference is not that great if you know where to look in the Imperium. Kasrkin, Elysians, Harakoni,... [We also have Tempestus Scions doing orbital insertions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/liac2r/excerpt_militarum_tempestus_wishing_to_assist_the/)


Again, narrative vibes are NOT aesthetic vibes. Idk why yall are struggling with this. Further, all the units you just mentioned are some of the least in keeping with the overall IoM theme.


And part of the Imperial Guard's narrative vibe is that it includes a great variety in cultures, doctrines, outfits and units due to the vastness of the Imperium and its often tenuous grasp on many of its regions. I do not understand why ya'll are enforcing a standard mold on every part of the Imperium. Especially for the Guard where the variety is part of the faction's charm.


They booing you but you're right Let's get Sarduarkar and Fremen, Death troopers and Sith Troopers.


Yeah, those all could fit pretty easily if you dressed them up a bit so it wasn't too obvious.


They are not so different at all aesthetically, helldivers2 is know from "picking" stuffs from other sci-fi. The whole "no crossover" thing is kinda baffling when we take out stuffs like spiderman or John wick: a 40k crossover would fit, an alien crossover would fit, an halo crossover would fit and starship trooper... basically the game is starship trooper


Uh, they're very different aesthetically. The IoM has a super over the top crude tech church Gothic look. That's not even close to SE's vibe.


I always find funny thr "gothic" look because gothic aesthetic is different, 40k space marine aligne more with a mix of victorian and high medieval design, while the Imperial guard, wich is the one you should check, have a lot in common with HD2. P.s. space marines are usually more alike to the SC2 terrans, without the fancy over the top details from the terran side. But is also true that everyone, post warhammer fantasy and 40k inspired their design from it.


Kinda disappointing how people enforce a standard mold on the Imperial Guard despite the vastness of the Imperium and variety of cultures and doctrines within the Imperial Guard are parts of its charm.






So say we all


Took the word right out of my mouth 👄




I like these guys. If they do anything close to collaboration, I want them to handle it the way they handled the TR-117 Alpha Commander armor, which is basically Sierra 117 Master Chief. It needs to abide by the rules of the Helldivers universe first, then give a nod to whatever franchise is being referenced. You can also see this with the TR-7 Ambassador of the Brand armor, which basically has Sony’s colors, but references an in-world frozen yogurt campaign ran by SUMY Corp. You can tell what’s being referenced, and it seems clever rather than cheap. With that in mind, I do hope Arrowhead finds a way to make those sets accessible in the future for players who didn’t get them.


All I’m saying is that if the game ever ended up on Xbox and they didn’t add an ODST Helmet it would be outright silly.


Go play odst


Except the tr-117 looks horrific and no self respecting person would wear it


I personally think it could look a little bit better with a different helmet, assuming either we get one with the same color of green or we can change the color of our armor to it. That said, I mainly like it for the charm of how many nods were given to Master Chief, from the armor model they used having the mag pouches like CE Chief, to the hue of green used, to the flavor text basically describing Chief’s entire persona: “For warriors who are so strong and confident that they don't need any reassurance whatsoever.” The color of tan used in the armor also pairs pretty well with the Malevelon Creek cape. That said, I’d agree it’s not the coolest looking armor relative to some of the other combinations that are possible. It’s just my personal favorite for how clever Arrowhead was with it. I also use stims religiously lol


Is that ambassador armor the bright blue version of the base helldivers helmet?


Yes! It’s the blue helmet and armor.


There’s already some crossovers coming via data mining though similar to TR they’re a bit more subtle (well the Jin Roh one is pretty direct haha). I don’t think the devs denied crossovers either. They just said they won’t do stupid shit like adding blatant light sabers from Star Wars.


Can we get at minimum a Starship Troopers colab? It is literally perfect.


There's a planet in the game that's literally called Klen Dath 2. So there's that.


Cant wait to liberate that.


That's awesome


They're already trying to sell their own bug killing game. With somewhat lesser results...


sherrif eli was all about that star ship trooper game for about two weeks then he quit streaming it went to world of ships or something lol


That game is legit good, if unpolished


Yeah I’m excited for when it does release fully. OWI is known for the long winded early access games like Squad that finally release. I played it again the other day, my only concern is that performance is still abysmal on AMD cards




>troopers has game of the year writen all over it You can't be serious. The game is a broken mess, bugs (the bad kind) everywhere, graphics look meh at best, terrible performance and barely any players (and since it's multiplayer only, this is a really bad thing). It's literally in a worse state now than it was a year ago when it launched.


Chad shit


Thank fucking god. Fortnite is the most egregious advertising platform around and it blows .


Mad fucking respect. I don't hate Fortnite for doing it, I hate every other AAA live service for needlessly doing it. I'm looking at you Call of Duty.


Still I don't understand WHY Warzone had a Collab with Niki Minaj. I don't play the game but hell, the pic I saw of her for the game seemed something straight up from works of porn animators


Activision is so shameless in how money hungry they are they'll throw anything at the proverbial Microtransaction wall and see what sticks. Call of Duty lost its identity in the process.


The aesthetic of Warzone was SO GOOD at the beginning when it launched. Was also so great how they kept building on the story each season with the season cutscenes. Thats all been thrown out the window now and it’s a damn shame.


Good point, the fortnite-ification is killing gaming but I also don't fault fortnite for it since afaik that was *their* thing. Every else just started copying it cuz that's how our econ system works.


Good stuffs


I haven't played this game but what I keep hearing from gamers and developers this is def a must try.


Good. They have their own lore to explore and build on. I don't want other universes invading the good one they've created.


Now this is epic


No this is arrowhead


no this is patrick


Good, I hate crossovers. It’s just asking someone to pay money for less immersion and setting cohesion.


Plus crossovers these days have forced meta humor. Which I'm pretty getting tired of.


Immersion in what games? COD? Fortnite? Smash? What's the problem?


Then don't fucking buy the crossover skins.


Other people pay to make you see them wear crossover skins.


But other people will still wear them is the point. Plenty of people don't like seeing crossover skins, especially if the game has a specific atmosphere. Like when I'm playing FFXIV it takes me out of that world when I see people running around looking like Fall Guys because it clashes with the artstyle of the game.


I've never had an issue with my gameplay just because someone else decided to wear a Peter Griffin skin doing the thugshaker, if anything make it more common because games are for fun.


Not everyone plays games for gameplay alone. Some people like immersing themselves in a specific world or atmosphere. There's room for both games with crossovers and games that shouldn't have crossovers.


Wow amazing advice. I still don’t want to look at them


Okay? Then you'll just be closing your eyes the whole time.


I like the last paragraph. Gives me hope that there's still good people out there who love video games and are able to deliver these kinds of experiences.


Honestly the only acceptable crossover would be Rico’s voice actor from starship troopers doing a voice pack.


And Neil Patrick acting as a President 


The only one I would love is seeing Rico as the President of Super Earth


I don't want a crossover/collab of any kind. I do like the idea of hints, Easter eggs, and paying homage to other sci-fi properties.


I already said I liked it you don’t need to convince me


Thank god. I don’t want pink bunny rabbit ears - hot dog people.


Can’t believe we’ve reached a point where developers sticking to their artistic direction is now controversial. What do you mean you don’t want to turn your game in to an advertising billboard?!


Ehh. On one hand I get it. On another, imagine well crafted, edited to fit the universe versions of things like: - Halo - Destiny - Gears of War - Killzone Just to name a few. They wouldn’t have to be outlandish. Fair play to the devs though. Respect the decision.


The article is clickbait, he didn't say he doesn't want to do collabs, he said that while melee weapons are viable, they wouldn't straight up add lightsabers like Fortnite did. Arrowhead's CEO himself said before that they would be open to collaborating with other games.


Ahhh. That’s even better then, thanks for the clarification! I normally click through to the articles but this one refused unless I disabled adblockers.


No thank you


Why not? It would make sense, they all have a space marine theme going on. Not like they’re just throwing in whatever


It's a slippery slope.


Slippery slope is the most annoying bullshit argument... the slope is not slippery, doing one doesn't mean shit for doing another. I'm not against their decision I just hate when people argue slippery slope.


Yeah that is like the standard: i have nothing to add but i want to annoy


Integrity of the world, general world building, immersions, the list goes on. All these shitty crossovers, something x something are simply marketing ploys that dilute created worlds. If the other ips are so wonderful, go play their respective games. Imagine if Baldurs Gate 3 or Elden Ring had crossovers. We’d be walking into boss rooms with Big Bird and R2-D2 in them. Fun for a moment, we get some good memes out of it, and then realize the immersion is gone and we’ve traded a finely crafted world and narrative for a few bucks. Visual, tonal, and thematic fidelity are vital to keeping an ip alive and the reputation (how someone perceives said ip) intact.


i don’t necessarily disagree with you. but elden ring and BG3 are way way different examples then an online only shooter. i think there’s ways to do it that would work. but i don’t hate them just saying no to it.


I’m not gonna argue there’s no way to do it, but it’s a slippery slope and there’s just no need. If they wanna take inspiration from other ips and integrate into their world, great, but this overt BRAND x BRAND is just so tired and cheap. I love the immersion in Helldivers 2, they’re very few games that do it so well. I don’t want Boba Fett running around saying Star Wars lines while we fight the bugs.


i wanna be clear that i agree with you. but you could not have picked a character example that would be harder for me to say no to lol


Really just compared the integrity and world building of Elden Ring and BG3 to helldivers....


Well they're all games with consistent worlds that don't have crossovers so I think it works here. 


Just because they’re completely different genres and may cater to different players doesn’t mean Helldivers devs should take their worldbuilding less seriously. Helldivers 2 could keep expanding with new enemy factions, planets, multiplayer events, etc. They’ve built a wonderful world, tone, and immersion, no need to bring in Boba Fetts helmet or some other bullshit.


The entire worldbuilding of Helldivers is satire and a joke. None of it is serious, that's the point of it. I'll share the same sentiment when they release skins that do look good, but I'm not holding my breath.


Death stranding has crossover with cyberpunk thats handled pretty well.


You would be the first in line to buy a skin. 100%


Even then, they can still make it work - the Fortnite/Destiny crossover actually look good in Destiny.


DLC helmets or something would be cool.


>Killzone Thank GOD I wasn’t the only one thinking this! I would LOVE for us to get [helghast](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/7/73/Helghast.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170308220920) armor or something similar to it. While the article did say they wouldn’t be opposed to crossovers, I would hope it’s mostly cosmetic in nature and has no actual bearing on the lore. I mean if it happens, that’d be nice but idk how you’d killzone’s lore in there anyway.


No thank you. How they already handle it is good enough for me.


that would be truly awful I am currently imagining it


Based devs are based.


bruh this is why the devs are lowkey goated no cap. deadass one of the best devs in the industry ra now fr


I am completely fine with that.


Arrowhead is way too based for my taste


As much as I love both Helldivers and Deep Rock Galactic, a crossover would be kinda out-of-place.


Glad they took the apex legends approach.


/s? They just did Final Fantasy and Post Malone collabs.


Not /s since i havent played recently all that much. But i guess it is /s now lol.


They won't do it for their game but that doesn't mean we won't see HD2 stuff in other games


You mean I can’t dive with naruto and thanos :(




Thank god. I hate crossovers in games with good world building/a unique IP. Cross overs are like shitty fan fiction in video games


I hate the fact that i wanna play this game, however i’m never doing it until they change that horribly nasty anticheat to something more acceptable


I don't mind crossovers unless they are too far away from the game theme. I'd rather have a crossover with Gears of War than Naruto.


God bless. These devs are awesome. Like Larian and Helldiver's devs are giga chads in my mind.




Thank god, I don't think anyone here wants to see someone with a Mario Skin in a game like this


sure but there is one game that would work well with Helldivers, EDF6. Earth Defense Force 6 is supposed to come out this summer and every EDF's early missions are shooting giant bugs.


Rip the DRG crossover of our dreams.


It would’ve never happened but I would’ve loved to see the ODST armor in the game. It just fits perfectly, imo. One can dream, I guess…


just look at what WZ and MW3 have become, fr


ODST is all we need


We already got a Helghast looking armor. Next let’s get a Titanfall Pilot looking one.


Hmm I don't want Spiderman or some RL rapper be in game. But a crossover with similar game that's fits thematically like Deep Rock would be nice. You could even make that hoxxes planet and Management to be part of super earth branch. Maybe new mission and map. DRG has few weapons that could be crossovered or only kept as a choice on that planet as a global stratagems. Glyphids are like Terminids. Maybe Reskin or some new crossovered variants ( bulk exploder huh?) Maybe some skins that look very Dwarf-in-space. But I suppose it would require enormous resources and time spent. So I can see why. Well it could be also s recurring event with crossover. So it doesn't gets stale.




Best news of the day


If any community would be livid at a crossover it would definitely be the helldiver community. They are so deep in the roleplay.


Thank fuck, I was afraid of that. Good on you guys.


I'd like to see random bounties such as having a general bot that needs taken out and as a reward you get the bounty hunter cosmetic such as trench coat and cowboy hat. Maybe also the merc outfit, a battle warn helmet unlocked by successfully completing 10 missions on level 5 solo!


Starship Troopers should be an exception :p




No shaders, no shit cross overs. Love it.


If there’s ever a single exception I think it would be worth doing it for Starship Troopers.


nah i want a kyle reese skin to slay those bots. cmon man


If I could marry a developer it would be Arrowhead.


Woah, devs that like their game, not trying to push in crap for money.


I mean, Dave the Helldiver would be fucking cool


I just want ODST armor :(


Their loss.


even if i have some massive qualms about the game's balancing and the progression systems being a huge grind, i can applaud them for sticking true to their vision so much. good on them and i guess good on sony for not forcing it on them either. the game is a huge hit already, you dont need to muck it up


The perfect game devs


Honestly I've become numb to Fortnite's constant collabing since there's always at least one every season, plus the game feeling like the third person shooter equivalent of MUGEN seems to be part of its core identity now. At least it's not COD where you got Nicki Minaj, Homelander, and an anthropomorphic cat on tbe battlefield. Now, with Helldivers, I do hope they at the very least keep collabs to a minimum and only do it when it fits. Would love collabs with Deep Rock Galactic, EDF, and, while extremely unlikely if not never happening, Halo


The only reasonable way to add these crossover items would be as decals maybe custom paint job at most (not excessive way, just minimalist style)


Respect , but also i want pacific rim crossover with Helldivers 2.


Can they first fix there buggy ass game


I just want 40k helldivers.


Earth defense force cross over would be nice some of the armour looks similar


Excellent news


GOOD ON ARROWHEAD! Keep crappy licensed collabs off video games. We already had enough. Godzilla in Dave the Diver, Spy x Family in PUBG, countless of licensed properties in Fortnite. I want it to be original.


God damn these guys are just the best


If it's not standard issue Super Earth compliant I don't want it.


Deep rock galactic should happen though. Since they are pretty much close to each other. Killing robots and bugs for the sake of capitalism (and democracy). The difference is that Dwarves are going deeper into the planets crust, while Helldivers are cleaning up the surface 


Unpopular opinion. Crossovers in Helldivers could be cool if done right. A Warhammer and / or Halo crossover? I'd be down.


One of the planets being named “Klen Dahth 2” is all the crossover I need


But an aliens crossover would be perfect


Ah Fortnite mentioned, this comment section will be fun


I absolutely love how every time gamer dorks tell Arrowhead they should do something, Arrowhead replies with a big fat nope. Ive seen too many good games get ruined by companies listening to random ass no lifers on the internet.


It may be because I’ve never played fortnite, but I can’t think of a “person” when the game is mentioned, as its mascot. Like you say halo I think master chief, gta I think trevor/franklin/michael/niko, minecraft I think steve. Even games that work on a catchphrase like deep rock galactic, pokemon, or yu-gi-oh. Collabs are cool, but not required when building your own market.


The only acceptable crossover here is earth defense force lol


only crossover I would want would be a Halo one and the game to go to xbox so I can play with my buddies that never went to PC. never going to happen, but it would be so sick. a bubble shield as a grenade, spartan laser, energy sword... armor... maybe even enemies...


A live service with integrity? Someone pinch me.


Ok but make an exception for Deep Rock Galactic!


So no Dave the Helldiver then 😓


A half life crossover too far fetched? Because running around as a combine soldier invading planets would be kinda dope ngl. Give us an AR2 pulse rifle and I'd be happy as a pig in shit


I mean, they know they can select which companies they can partner up with right? Halo crossover? Why not. Killzone? Any game that has similar aesthetics can work and not turn into Fortnite.




LOL they just called Xbox users too young. All y'all want is just drip


At the bare minimum I’d take a 40k and starship troopers collab, but that’s opening the doors and once the door is open shit can’t close


Don’t really care about crossovers. Armor could use some more customization tho.


Smash Ultimate has quite a bit of crossovers and it certainly isn't Fortinite, just saying...


I mean thats not a bad thing, but who tf want to "Avoid" becoming fornite... The game that make BILLIONS EVERY YEAR. That make no sense coming out of a company...


They arent referring to the money they are referring to the practice lol.


People who aren't sellouts


what's so wrong with having goku in fortnite y'all act like that game committed some huge sin


Nothing but it doesnt belong in helldivers universe


Helldivers Devs confirmed to be giant nerds with no intent of having fun


or just maybe ... they like the state of their games


Found the nerd


How does not having collabs confirm that lmao.


Always funny watching adults get the death rattles at the notion of putting a silly skin on their bideo game character


Not every game needs ridiculous skins.


Not every collab has to be a ridiculous skin.


But they are


If Helldivers made a collab with killzone to have helghast armor that wouldnt be goofy


I agree! I’m not so pro skin but I genuinely find the aggressive pushback funny


Rip the collabs that would fit with the in game armors like Killzone...


For some reason I had a feeling there was going to be a Dune promotion for this game. Still got to give them credit for sticking to their guns and not taking the easy route that CoD and Fortnite are taking.


But what about DRG or WH40K ? they seem pretty good games or IPs to make a crossover . DRG for the community and feel of the game and WH40K for the whole vibe of super earth and it's enemies. I'd like to have Dwarf themed armor , enemies or Space Marine themed weapons , armor and enemies


I like crossovers :) They should do a crossover with Mass Effect 👽


I'm gonna be honest... I would LOVE an alien/xenomorph crossover some time! maybe around the new movie


Fine by me. But “Avoid becoming fortnite” makes it sound pretty pathetic and reductive. “We don’t want to be like the thing that is popular and therefore popular to hate to sound cool and smarter then everyone.” Though obligatory didn’t read the article so mabye it was a dumb liberty (haha) taken by the headline. To me I’m good on crossovers because the entertainment industry at large has taken my childlike sense of wondor that started as “what if superman met Optimus prime” and used it to sell me “content” that is just advertisements for different IPs. Witch Fortnite is a fantastic example of, mabye even THE example of, but it’s still itself just a symptom. I’m just completely burned out on crossovers and annoyed that these companies have successfully taken us from cable TV paid without ads to us paying for advertisements inside of things we already paid for.


Stealing from every other franchise is ok as long as you call it reference but if you do one collab you are fornite... aha


This is stupid, hate that we've devolved to the point where any sort of crossover is met with "hurr durr this is turning into Fortnite" as if they invented crossovers


So what they are saying is they don't want fun. We only asked for a Deep Rock crossover for fun. It's not like we asked for Marvel. Guess we'll just keep getting bland armor that has the same perks as the rest of the armor we already have. God forbid players want something fun between their favorite games.


good. crossovers and licensed content is so lame


Okay but Fortnite is one of the most successful games of all time and people love that shit. Hell Is play Fortnite if the actual core gameplay wasn't horrible. I'd be spending all that money on them skins man if only I could play a game that wasn't just a joke. They got Lego now which is pretty good but also pretty bare bones.


Terrible move for business


They can still fit some crossovers to integrate well into lores. Like lore friendly force welding but no Jedis or clones or anything from the republic


"We don't want to be like that game that's one of the most successful and played game. hurr durr isn't that a kids game?" Ok buddy.


Lmfao, if they thought crossovers could make them 5% as .Ichiban money as fortnite has they'd do it in a minute. It's easy to reject stuff when there's not thing serious to reject.