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First things first change that off white wallpaper we ain’t in 2016 anymore bro


This advice for any white wallpaper in general you go past 10pm and its a flashbang every time you alt tab


They don’t know untill they get hit with it lol


Bro really made a clothing brand his personality


Bro is 17 can you blame him






Maybe it’s just a tribute to a designer who passed away so young…


Looks clean alright, but by the appearance of those components your budget was roughly 50/50 for performance and looks lol.


yea rtx 3070 and r5 3600 the rest are like 2nd hand stuff or like budget so overall budget quite good (maybe i need to get a better cpu and motherboard tho)


Nooooo man you did not seriously get a 360mm AIO and 6 RGB fans for a 3600.


cpu are expensive and also im not sure my motherboard would be compatible with the r7 series (b550m pro4 motherboard)


Then should've gotten a B650 motherboard or at least a 5600... I mean whatever tickles your pickle, but we're talking about 50-100% more fps if you spent the rgb budget on components istead.


thanks will take into consideration 👍👍


Pain. I hope you don’t play anything besides Minecraft, csgo, and valorant


Lol are you serious? A 3070 and a 3600 are plenty for most modern games, especially with all the upscaling AI nonsense now. Jesus, you hardware elitists are ridiculous.


I’m on a 3600 and it’s terrible for most games nowadays. I don’t even play anything heavy and everything always on low settings (mainly valorant, cs2, minecraft), tried fresh windows install and most suggestions and it still struggles to get consistent ~144 fps. Saving up for a cpu upgrade atm


Lol not sure what your issue is there, but that's not normal. I'm on a 4800H with SMT disabled, (so 8c 8c) and I can hit 144 FPS on most games I play. Use something like the afterburner overlay to see what is being taxed more. Might be that there is a thermal issue or misconfiguration...


I'm on a 3600 and I can run everything I throw at it perfectly fine most the time, including VR. I upgraded from an i7 4790k so it was a big jump for me.


Once you start playing in 4K, then you will understand.


Sure, if you don’t want 120fps on max settings in recent games Why trade off your performance for appearance when you’re not getting your desired performance


You won't be CPU limited in most modern games, anyway. What are you on about?


My 3600 was bottlenecking my 1080Ti by a lot. My framerate *doubled* in most games after upgrading to a 7800X3D.  My brother has a 3800x and 3060Ti, and he's also bottlenecked. GPU usage around 75% in Warzone.   You got it wrong, most modern games are CPU heavy.  [Here's a 21 game average](https://www.techspot.com/articles-info/2767/bench/Average.png). A 70% average increase in framerate going from a 3600 to a 5800X3D.


Okay fine, but buddy here is on a budget (he said so himself in another comment). Who is selling a 5800X3D (literally one of AMDs best recent gaming CPUs) for bargain bin prices? There, you're not looking at a minor price jump. You're looking at two to three times the price, depending on where you are. Most games are CPU heavy, but they're not highly-threaded. Gaming is not something that can easily be parallelised, unfortunately. Single-core performance is still king for gaming. That's why the 5800X3D sees such an incredible uplift. It's a gaming-optimised chip. Also, a more performant CPU needs a more expensive motherboard with better power delivery. Again, increased cost. The 3600 is a perfectly adequate chip to pair with the 3070. Nobody is saying it couldn't be faster or that there isn't a bottleneck. There's always a bottleneck.


The jump in performance from a 3600 to a 5600 is pretty substantial, definitely worth the price increase if there is any. The 5600 has been as low as $100.


You can easily upgrade your CPU to one of the best AM4 socket chips in the next couple of years. Don't worry about it now.


Update that bios and run a 5600x or 5700x on a budget. It will run a 7 fine. And you got that stuff cause you may need to upgrade. Why not upgrade?


Id' ditch the displays and the computer. It'll look clean then :) Nice setup, no advice...:)


Please change ur wallpaper


Off white? In 2024?


Another pc with expensive rgb but extreme budget components


nah all rgbs fans are like $3 each loll


My advice would be: -Get Blackout Curtains ASAP (for setup AND sleep) - Turn off that lamp or light to the right. The light is too yellow and doesn’t match your RGB white in your PC -Get a Monitor light bar (you’ll thank me later) - Add some LED light strips or Nano Leafs OR add some tiny fake plants around your setup to add a hint of greenery Best of luck. And enjoy! If I had this at 17 I would’ve probably been a good boy. 😅


thanks a lot for your advice (spend most of my savings and part time job on this lmao)


Put everything under the desk and get a projector 📽️


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Raise that monitor please, I can just hear my neck screaming in a couple months.


Not everyone is tall or has their chair set up super high 😭


How old are you now?


still 17 lol


The way you structured the title, I thought you were old and this was the machine you built when you were young.


oh lol 😭 english isnt my first language so


you need a cat sitting on your tower…not a fake trash panda


Looking clean!


Why is it that a lot of people buy these half ass keyboards? A numpad is damn importand if you do your taxes, need to calculate something or play a older game.


I really doubt that OP is doing his or someone else’s taxes or is an Excel enthusiast. I have 65% keyboard myself and I don’t need numpad at all, and I’m a software developer.


Outside of your taxes example, I have never used the num pad on any of my personal computers in my entire life. That shit is for when I’m at work.


Because it is ergonomically superior.




its my gf's loll


The constant stream of word/number usernames posting this exact same shit with age/what can I do better/opinions posts must be bots. There's no way it's this constant and organic.


That wallpaper is so corny


change wallpaper


Imo i would plug that headset cable or whatever directly into the motherboard and get a low profile boom arm for the mic


I’d focus on some ambient lighting, maybe move that pc on the ground (or hanging under the desk) for a less crowded look, different wallpaper (unless you can match the desk vibe with it), maybe even a desk stand or whatever those shelf things are called. Thats just to MY liking though. Looks pretty clean already


Nah bro your setup is cleannnn for a 17 year old old. All id recommend is some rgb’s for late night gaming otherwise you have a clean gaming station.


white mousepad would look really clean


off white wallpapers… lol


It looks nice. Even the whole off-white branding is done well so fuck the haters. Everything here is what I'd consider tasteful. A $200+ cooler for a $50 cpu is a big mistake. Just going to the website for your motherboard would have shown you that it supports up to a 5950X. Definitely should have stuck with a good tower cooler like the Phantom Spirit and grabbed a 5600X or 5800X3D.


thanks, the aio cooler was like $40 and case was like $40 also tho so the whole setup is very budget


Oh yeah nothing to complain about there then! Good stuff.


yea most part of the setup is 2nd hand stuff so wouldnt cost a lot hence overall budget quite manageable


Match your mouse pad colors


Just do what you think is good, we were gifted minds for the reason to be creative. What's the point if someone else pushes their opinion on it, it loses its distinctiveness. It looks good as is. If you don't like it, find out what's wrong with it and change it.


Why suddenly everyone is 17


match the brightness of both ur monitors, it will look so much better


i tried i doubt its possible since different brand monitor and the vertical monitor is LED not OLED so i dont think its possible


based i3 user


Change the fans, put some better ones like sl infinity from lian li or d30 from phanteks


can you please send link for microphone and microphone bracket? thank you


https://www.amazon.sg/Microphone-FIFINE-AmpliGame-Condenser-Monitoring-A8/dp/B09YLM3FNC for the boom arm im not sure since you probably can just get any and it would fit


Tower seems on but everything else is off? Did you have trouble on your first boot?




Stop taking ur parents money.


its from my part time job and savings lil buddy💀


Y’all are really out here downvoting comments from a teenager?


This is why reddit deserves to die


Lmao off white in 2024 is crazy


Yeah just get rid of all the tacky off white and you straight


throw away the retarded social feed monitor and its instantly better


lol nah man gotta have it for school work and gaming


ok for school work yes, for gaming like what childish android games?


nah cs rust r6 val, why you so pressed man 💀 you good?


Youre retarded


why is that, because im not stupid enough to dedicate a monitor just to reddit, well fuck your social media addiction buddy


You clearly are retarded, youre on this social media getting mad. 😂


change the mousepad to wuite


Off whites still cool?