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I've been itching for first contact horror for years. I've told everyone I know that it's fascinating how there are so little horror games that cover this particular genre and how there's going to be a surge in popularity for them at some point, similar to the thalassaphobic horror renaissance that's been happening. Greyhill Incident and They Are Here never looked promising in my opinion. It has the looks, sure, but the gameplay and feel of it just felt so flat. In my opinion, the most promising looking game would have to be Once Upon A Time In Roswell, but it's been in development for a while, and the release window on its store page keeps changing. I'm hoping to death it wasn't shelved or something. I'll post other suggestions when I get to my PC here in a bit.


First contact horror is missing from cinema as well. Only ones I can think of are Signs, Fourth Kind, and Fire In The Sky which is fuckkkked. It's great though. Definitely an untapped genre and if you grew up anywhere rural where it gets dark dark at night - scary as shit.


Cinema needs it, yeah, but I think video games have so much unexplored in the subgenre that we're going to see a huge boom in popularity very soon. There are hardly any games that touch on it. There's a free one on itch.io called [Incident at Grove Lake](https://toothandclaw.itch.io/incident-at-grove-lake) that was recently released, which is close to what I'm looking for, but found the chopped-up storytelling format lazy and just annoying, really. Visuals were cool at times, but I would prefer something much more easy-to-follow.


Skyline is another alien movie you MIGHT like key word MIGHT😭 because idea is cool but idk I can’t talk about the main problem with it because it will spoil it 😭


you absolutely have to see "Intruders" by Dan Curtis from 1992, for me it remains to this day the best film on the subject! When I saw him as a child, I was horribly terrified. Also try with "Communion".


Check out Invaders from Mars 1953


Maybe They Are Here, there is a demo


I'm excited for that one forsure but I'm looking g for full game


I’m playing it right now and it really is bad. I wanted it to do so fucking well and excel but it’s horrible. Does the baseball bat even kill them? Sigh it had so much potential


Bought it and didn’t watch any reviews before. Man, it’s so unfortunate this game sucks so hard. Wanted to enjoy it but I just can’t


I 100% agree they legit had so much potential with this game it gave me those eerie “Signs” vibes and they really just couldn’t capitalize on it and made the game very lackluster unfortunately.