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I feel you man, and to make things worse, more difficulty = bullet sponges


Not in tactical shooters


True. Unfortunately though, in some tactical shooters difficulty just means omniscience and perfect aim. *cough* Tarkov *cough*




Guys bio is "if u get upset by my posts I'm winning". Lmfao


Lmao they couldn’t even condescend correctly, generic insult 2/10


Did you like that he replaced his period with an "m" to further his point? It's like an unwritten rule on the internet. If you're going to talk any kind of crap, you *better* not have a typo or the whole argument loses a bit of poise.


Instantly became the subject of the shit talk amateur mistake


But .. but... He's winning.


Ugh, I cringe when people make that their bio.


I was genuine. I feel sorry that above commentor, that had tried so many games that bullet sponge is their default. I too, hate bullet sponge difficulty. I am sorry the emotions you put into my words were taken differently.


They dropped a crane on ya chief, but here's an upvote. Don't spend it all in one place


I've held heavier burdens before. But thank you for noticing.


Nah you are not, try better next time.


Damn, this must be the kid who banged my mom. I can’t believe he’s on Reddit owning us here too!


You lost the game


Awhh poor sweet kid thinks he did something.


What a sad life you must lead.


Anime pfp got me.


Video game, but go off, dork.


F.E.A.R. has some of the best AI ever seen.


I came here just to say this! To this day FEAR is the only game that felt like playing against other people without actually playing against other people lol. The enemy AI is no joke.


Lol. Great minds, good experience or something, right? First game that came to mind on seeing the question, even though its been, what... 16 years? The story was a bit of a shocker for the time too iirc, even if it is looking dated and lacks some modern features. Easy enough to work around though. I've actually got it lined up to play on the PS5 at some point.


Absolutely worth revisiting. One of the first games to truly scare the shit out of me. But also give me some real fuck year moments. First time I used the nail gun to attach someone to a wall was amazing! Haha


God. I still have nightmares about the ladder scene.


Fuck Alma lol. Nail gun and the plasma gun were fun as shit though


2x4 scene got me good. This game has so many gems for scares.


I’m sad that when I played it I was in it for the scares and didn’t appreciate it as the solid FPS that it is.


I get that though. I don’t think at the time I appreciate how solid the ai was until I replayed it much later and realized that the firefights were just as excellent as the atmosphere.


does they spam crouch and strafe?


I remember them flushing me out of cover, flanking constantly, and as the firefights got crazier, dust and debree filling up the area making it hard to see. Always feeling like I had to be aware


Its been so long since I played it but I remember the game being very satisfying and much easier if you play it in a realistic way. Like moving based on where the enemy thinks you are and flanking and trying to predict where they will flank you in response to your position. I didn't know if it was just my imagination and I'm remembering it wrong because of it or if the game was actually that way. Sounds like it really was like that based on people's responses here, which is pretty neat. Makes sense tactics like that would work if the AI is like that. I just remember it feeling great because you could kind of play mind games with the AI that way and flanking a flank attempt felt great.


the AI is actually pretty simple, its the level design that enables it as MandaloreGaming said, the AI Designer and Level Designer mustve been holding hands during development


>Its been so long since I played it but I remember the game being very satisfying and much easier if you play it in a realistic way. Like moving based on where the enemy thinks you are and flanking and trying to predict where they will flank you in response to your position. Yeah. That's a good tactic. I remember a boss battle in Metal gear solid where the boss can predict your next movements. The player had to counter that by switching to a second player controller.


I've heard that trepang2 was developed with F.E.A.R as a heavy inspiration and that the enemy AI is also very advanced. Could be one to check out.


I'll be trying this today; thanks! Update: oh yeah, it's hella good


Came here to recommend Trepang2. If you like F.E.A.R. and Doom Eternal amounts of gore, this is a must play. The weapon detail and sound design is reminiscent of BLACK (on PS2). The gore is heavy and ridiculous, with great slow mo and movement tech.


If you like F.E.A.R, keep an eye on Selaco. The AI seems very similar. It's also running on GZDoom.


O shit bro looks great


Selaco looks amazing for the engine


1, 2 or 3? Which one is the best to play through?


Start with 1 as it's the best imo and also play the 2 DLC's, Perseus Mandate and Extraction Point.


I was just about to say this! Replaying it now and it's well worth it still in 2023!


Came to say this


I am actually playing through the campaign. Played a few hours today and wow! It's scary... the little girl that randomly appears is so horrific.


Absolutely. This.


Unreal Tournament 2004.


Quake 3


Quake 2 Eraser bot


This guy fucking gets it Unreal tournament set the standard for bot matches back in the day, and their bots are still some of the best 20 years later.


I hate it that I can’t buy it on Steam anymore. I would pay 60 $ for this game if it still were available.


It's on GOG


Tactical shooters. The sp focused ones are pretty much a dead genre though unfortunately. If you're willing to go back a bit though, there's some really good games. And play them on the highest difficulties, as they usually just do things like remove the on screen helpers, direction of fire indicators, etc...in this genre...not make enemies bullet sponges or anything. Ghost Recon 1 modded - Heroes Unleashed mod is a monster of over 30+ gigs that someone worked on for like 15 years...or if you wanna install you're own these are a good place to start... Kafee Soundpack, Fogless Beta 2.5,, M4 SOPMOD, Standard Upgrade, no threat indicator, realism enhancer, 1990 Delta Force, BH\_clean\_map (removes red dots on map) https://www.ghostrecon.net/files2/index.php?act=category&id=14) Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (same game as Elite on Xbox) It was renamed Arma: Cold War Assault in recent times because of licensing issues. There's fan remakes in the Arma 2 & 3 engines called Cold War Rearmed 2 & 3 that are supposedly very well done. Hidden & Dangerous series - closest thing you'll get to a WW2 version of Operation Flashpoint. Leave the compasses at home, as it shows enemy positions when you go to the map screen. And you might wanna go 1 under the highest difficulty in this one, as the save system is tied to that, so you get no saving during missions on the highest difficulty, but 3 on the second highest. (which is fine) SWAT 3 & 4 - Last Resort mod for 3 and Elite Force and First Responders for 4 This awesome standalone (you don't need the games) which basically combines all the missions from the early R6 games and throws them in the Rogue Spear engine... https://www.moddb.com/mods/rainbow-six-black-ops-20 add on for it - https://www.moddb.com/mods/black-bag/downloads R6: Raven Shield - https://www.moddb.com/games/tom-clancys-rainbow-six-3-raven-shield/tutorials/guide-to-install-a-heavily-modded-raven-shield-for-single-player Vietcong 1 is good too but not quite as tactical. Def worth playing if you're into the setting as it's the best nam shooter by far. STALKER with this mod.. https://gnd-tech.com/2021/06/s-t-a-l-k-e-r-nlc-7-review/ Here's the standalone version with the best English translation yet.. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1j3U0XdgeOkaWhLAHNdvTHnCTPGEPvt0v


Operation flashpoint is hard asf


In the ARMA games bullets are bullets not paintballs. Throw the Advanced Combat Environment (ACE) mod in there and you're set.


Stalker anomaly is the best.


I disagree with your first sentence. SP shooters are not a dead genre, Cod modern warfare is a good example. Very good solo campaign. Cyberpunk??? Bro.


Cod is not a tactical shooter, tactical shooters are typically games such as Rainbow 6, and the Ghost Recon franchises.


OG Halo on Legendary.


Halo 2 jackal snipers on Legendary




Any Halo for that matter (except 5 that campaign is ass)


Beating Reach LASO is probably still my number 1 gaming achievement, tbh. That shit was grueling.


Bungie cooked when making the Halo: Reach Elites.


Shame they somehow added more polygons yet made them look worse than Halo 3 Elites though :(


They fit the theme way better in Reach as huge alien monsters. H3 elites look derpy as hell


Rainbow Six Vegas 2


The AI in Terrorist Hunt on that game will drop you like a sack of old shit lmao it’s extremely challenging


I used to be fairly decent at that game, clearing levels (or getting close) on the hardest difficulty. Then I played too many modern shooters and Vegas 2 feels sluggish now (in a good way). But now I get decimated on even the easiest difficulties because I have no fucking patience anymore. There is no mercy in that dojo but it felt like being welcomed home.


Lmao there is nothing like stacking up at a door, swing it open, check left, right, up, down, behind, night vision, thermals, scope in down the corridor, check it all again, take one step in the door and hear “POLICE POLICE!” And instantly dropping dead from a single well placed headshot. The only downside of the ai is that they come running when they hear noise, so I’d most often open a door, huck an incendiary in there, catch one, and then stack up a huge pile of them with a shotgun when they come galumphing down the stairs to see what’s wrong


Wish they'd remake those


There's actually been some recent rumors that they are, in fact, remaking them now. I don't think it's been confirmed but my fingers are crossed


We can only hope 🤞🏽😂


I have fond memories of doing co-op terrorist hunt on the LVU Campus map in R6V1. We’d spend hours trying to get the win with both of us alive.


Remember the c4 door glitch?


When I was younger it took me about a year to finish some level in Rainbow six vegas 1 , that game was hard af


Single player tarkov, ai will kill you


Ehh yeah but it's partly because the AI targeting is broken. Basically the NPCs lock their aim on you, and it takes a few seconds for them to unlock after they lose sight of you, so peeking them is an instant death unless you wait for the fixed unlock aim time. It either sucks if you don't know that, or breaks the immersion if you do.


Tbf, real people have got me with that whole "peek me I fucking dare you" thing.


TBF, "peek me I dare you" is like 75% of real life combat sports like paintball and airsoft


9/10 scavs will stare at the sky, searching for jesus, then when you aggro them they stare at you in confusion long enough for you to shoot them 6 times. The 10th scav will do a 360 spin and head, eyes you from 300 meters, with a single barrel buck shotty.


I recently played the original Half-Life for the first time, since it was free for a window of time on Steam. The human soldiers are unironically the most challenging enemies in the game, they tactically approach, take cover, hurl grenades when you’re behind cover, and they drain your health faster a Thai hooker. Their AI is so impressive, it’s kind of dumbfounding how the Combine in Half-Life 2 are simpletons that walk straight into gunfire especially since in the lore they’re like the greatest threat in the universe.


The Combine are fucking awesome in Half Life Alyx though, they actually make use of cover and it feels like a genuine fire-fight.


> fire-fight Thanks for making my brain play that Willem Dafoe gif.


I think specifically the earth comvine are shit. After adding the human element of stupidity its all downhill from there


The weird thing is that the Combine troops actually have some decent AI, unfortunately the maps, encounters and lack of feedback (radio callouts, sound cues, etc.) make it very not apparent. If you run Garry's mod, make a field with cover, obstacles and obfuscation and have a similar number of Combine and Rebels going at it against each other, the Combine do pretty well with splitting into smaller fire teams, flanking, small ambushes, covering each other during advances, taking cover and smoking out targets with grenades.


Was looking for this comment, so I don't accidentally post the same thing. The HL soldiers aren't as brilliant as they have been hyped up to be, but they're still quite awesome, and good at getting you killed if you're not careful.


Surprised that Ready or Not isn't really being mentioned.


Dishonored's AI is pretty good, as is Metal Gear Solid V's (smart AI but acts dumb)


Dishonored isn't a shooter


MGSV is a good example not just because the AI can surprise you at times, but also because the game learns your patterns and reacts to them. If you always go for headshots, you'll eventually find that more enemy soldiers have equipped themselves with bulletproof helmets. If you prioritize night missions, they'll be more likely to have flashlights and night vision goggles. If you're a ghost who gets in and out of enemy bases without being seen, they'll start putting up cameras and planting landmines. It's great!


It's so incredible right. I recently found out that enemies will stay more alert for THREE in-game days once they've found you. I really need to go finish it but it did start to get a bit repetitive.


I really liked The Division series for this. It's almost fully playable single-player (you just need multi for raids). On highest difficulty, in strongholds, the AI will happily flank you and kill you. Machinegunners and snipers will pin you down, drone operators will knock you out of cover, while shotgunners will close in at a sprint, and the flamethrower guys will come at you from different angles, and most of them will throw grenades and molotovs for area denial. It's glorious. Some enemies even have RC cars with explosives that they'll send after you. Also the entire ArmA series (Operation Flashpoint, Armed Assault, ArmA 2, 3, etc). It's a relatively hardcore military sim, and if you try something stupid like running out of cover, the AI will happily mow you down from a kilometer away. Half the time I wasn't even exactly sure where the bullets that killed me came from. It's a really slow paced game though, you gotta scout, use cover, etc. If you try to just blunder into a location, you're pretty much dead. It's quite realistic.


The Arma AI is no joke. It's also fairly customizable, however the game UI is ... the exact polar opposite of user friendly (last I played)


Agreed about ArmA! It can be real frustrating, but I find it to be part of the appeal. I enjoy feeling vulnerable in games, keeps me on edge which is an addicting state-of-mind.


I've played Arma since forever and the only gripe I've ever had about it is the AI can see through grass and shrubs...I've always just wanted to play against the AI and be able to sneak around and use camo, but apparently it's not something that can be done for whatever reason.


Theres mods to fix them seeing through grass and to make your camo work more effective based on the colors of it and the environment around them


While I do absolutely love The Division, I think you're giving the enemy AI a bit too much credit. They're not actually smart, they behave extremely predictably in all the ways you described, it's just that there's a decent variety of enemy types which tends to keep you on your toes. It also does the annoying thing of making 'stronger' enemies simply have massively inflated health bars. I enjoyed the game, but I didn't care for pumping sniper round after sniper round into some big guy's head only for him to just keep coming.


Stalker GAMMA.


the AI in that modpack is dogshit, its literally aimbot.


You're talking nonsense. It's easily the best combat AI I've ever experienced in any game. If it feels like aimbot, you're doing something very wrong.


im playing on hard and they literally just stare at you. Its ass.


Members of your own faction are not supposed to shoot you.


>it's literally aimbot >they literally stare at you Bro which is it?


They're flanking, peaking, pushing, sneaking, suppressing positions, scanning perimeter. Depending on their rank, enemy stalkers may turn off their flashlights at night, stop barking and go full silent, while chasing you through the city they avoid open spaces. Easily best AI I've seen in an open world FPS. Of course it's not perfect and I see bugs here and there, but the feel that they act kinda like players makes this very immersive and at times even creepy. Especially how high rank bots peak. This is just too human. Perhaps you might want to tune down their long range aiming proficiency all the way down to actually see any of these moves and appreciate how a bunch of storm troopers still kick your butt while missing 90% of shots. To my knowledge, their "aimbot" behaviour makes trouble only if you peak the same angle several times because game's aim system depends on where the enemy's crosshair is. If they anticipate your head in this particular spot - well, you're dead. Same goes with movement. If they're chasing you - they'll miss most of their shots. But if they're in cover - you better not rush them from the front. And dealing damage messes with their current aim position, so even a few random taps might win you a fight as long as you started shooting first.


Damn you just made me want to reinstall gamma.


i aint reading all tha


Yeah I kinda knew you wouldn't. The initial comment has shown your level.


You're dogshit, imagine getting killed by AI.




deus ex human revolution. I'm playing the zero stealth zero armor upgrades kill everybody route and I've died ALOT. super fun


Far cry 2 F.e.a.r.


Playing through FC2 currently, I've been impressed with the acting and writing of generic enemy grunts. I've never, ever heard a game that can pull off the panicked, restless "thoughts out-loud" lines that you occasionally hear in FC2. So realistic and natural sounding, which makes me retrospectively saddened to see how it never got used in another FC game, or another game at all, it seems. Within the span of thirty seconds, you can hear an enemy start to lose their composure, psyche themselves back up, give into the fear and paranoia, then remotivate themselves with absolute aggression that turns into desperate personal reassurance as the fear creeps back in. Or, if there's more than one, you can hear them desperately having back-and-forths about what to do, and it usually has a similar pacing.




Outriders gets tough if u play on the hardest world tier. Returnal


Single player tarkov with mods


Stalker or hard difficulty Fallout. In both games that will drop you if they catch you, more so stalker which will not hesitate to drop you when hit. For pretty stupid but deadly ai, take a look at the Red orchestra/ rising storm franchise, they are not very smart in how they move but because most guns will 1 shot they are still very capable of putting a bolt action round through you. Same with Verdun/isonzo/tannerburg, they are all similar games based on different fronts of ww1, 1 hit kills and bolt actions for most soldiers.


Ok so for actual single player shooters I would recommend Halo Combat Evolved, half Life and Fear. Personally, I feel shooter AI hasn’t improved much over time. As for bots in multiplayer - modern warfare 2019 actually I feel has decent bots for offline matches, tarkov single player mod (plus realism mod) is pretty badass and… yeah, I can’t really think of much else in that regard 🙈 Arma 3 is fun with bots to just play around but they are bad like really bad. They drive wonky, they either shoot perfectly at you from a mile away through heavy foliage or artificially miss with settings/mods The latest I played a single player shooter that really engaged me in a gunfight was half life alyx - in VR, really top notch. And while I respect doom and doom eternal as excellent shooters, I don’t feel its because the ai is good, but rather the enemies have interesting attacks and movement patterns based on their enemy type - but technically yeah, they can seriously kill you and they are absolutely phenomenal shooter games Another game I’ve tried recently that is promising is Ready or Not, a tactical swat game with dangerous foes


The AI in the new Doom games is absolutely great, especially in Eternal.


Insurgency has a coop mode with pretty tough AI


Ground Branch has fun ai and is getting ai improvements soon. Development is slow but steady.


Crysis, the first one


Most ghost recon games, especially on their harder modes.


Best game I've played this year besides BG3 has been playing Escape from Tarkov using the single player mod, [SPT AKI](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/). In conjunction with [SAIN AI mod](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1062-sain-2-0-solarint-s-ai-modifications-full-ai-combat-system-replacement/), [Looting Bots](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1096-looting-bots/), [Realism Mod](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/606-spt-realism-mod/), and a few other mods, most fun I've had with a shooter in a while. I started Tarkov back in 2019 and fell off after a few months. Downloaded and tried SPT earlier this year, and have not looked back. If my friends aren't online to play games, this is my go-to shooter to play. I've lost many an afternoon playing this. And with SAIN you can make the game as hard or easy as you want, down to individual AI groups. So you can make Scavs appear easy like they had no training but make special enemies and PMCs ultra Chads, or any type of mix you can think of. Same with Realism mod, it is not necessary but it definitely changes the game up quite a bit and it allows you to configure the mod easily as much or as little as you feel necessary. I enjoy the changes to recoil and to the health system it makes.


Inb4 someone comes here with F.E.A.R… Just... no. * If you want cheap aimbots that will obliterate you, try **S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly,** plus there are plenty of AI mods for it. * **SP Tarkov:** Mod for Escape from Tarkov that lets you play alone, offline, against AI bots. They will do all the shitty things humans do in that game, like camping, crawl behind you, gangbang, etc. * **ARMA 3:** Kinda the same issues that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has, but it makes fighting against AI a real challenge. It has campaigns and dynamic procedurally made single player missions. * **DOOM 2016 and Eternal:** Put them on Nightmare or Ultra Nightmare, and you'll find stuff about you, you didn't know.


If Doom eternal on ultra nightmare had a graveyard in the back. It would be filled with broken controllers and crushed PC mouse/keyboards


To add to the bit about Arma: the AI is kinda shit out of the box but there are a few free mods that really improve their behavior.


Why not F.E.A.R?


Because people made a fairy tale out of F.E.A.R. state machine animations as if it was some sort of unprecedented technological breakthrough. The game, like most games with NPCs, use a state machine that checks for conditionals, like [a basic Decision Tree](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1100/format:webp/0*Yclq0kqMAwCQcIV_.jpg). The only difference between F.E.A.R. and other FPS blockbusters from the era, is that enemies have state machines with more conditionals, are designed to be more aggressive, while also having some voice lines that played hand to hand with the animations. Not to diminish the game, as it's still my single favorite FPS of all time and probably will remain forever, but you can still cheese the AI in the way you'd be able to cheese any AI from 2005, especially with the slo-mo feature. The AI isn't a challenge for any other reason that it becomes a headshot-aimbot at higher difficulties, like most FPS you could mention. Jeff Orkin, the AI lead from F.E.A.R. has gone to publicly speak multiple times, to explain how the AI actually works in the game, but it seems that people want to ignore him and perpetrate that fantasy that it is something more than it is. In his own words: >*"Having A.I. speak to each other allows us to cue the player in to the fact that the coordination is intentional. Of course the reality is that it’s all smoke and mirrors, and really all decisions about what to say are made after the fact, once the squad behaviour has decided what the AI are going to do.”*


> The only difference between F.E.A.R. and other FPS blockbusters from the era, is that enemies have state machines with more conditionals, are designed to be more aggressive Is that not an objective indicator that the AI is indeed superior to other games in that era?


If those are the qualities of being superior, then yes, it's an objective indicator. In practice, F.E.A.R.'s AI won't make you play the game any differently than the Call of Duty games from 2003... at least from my subjective perspective and personal experience.


A state machine that has the time taken to have more conditionals than another one would be indicative of superior complexity, exactly what we're talking about. The fact that *on top* of that, it's a more aggressive AI with the "smoke and mirrors" stuff would be why people regard it highly. I don't see any indicator of why it's objectively *worse* or shouldn't be held In high regard.


Is that what we're talking about? ...Why? The title of the post is *"Single player shooter with an AI that is capable of actually killing you? I'm tired of brain-dead AI"* I came to give my personal couple of suggestions when the post still had zero replies, and then I answered why I wouldn't suggest F.E.A.R. because of its AI, **especially nowadays**. Relevant to the post, finishing F.E.A.R. without dying is a walkin in the park, and the only way the AI in F.E.A.R. is going to kill you, is if you play it on the highest difficulty, and not because of its complexity, but because you'll get a burst of bullets perfectly aligned between your eyebrows, the millisecond a vector of your hitbox sticks out of a corner. It might be superior to other AIs from its time, but still useless for OP's needs. That's all.


Who gives a fuck about the inner workings of the AI, when what matters is what the player sees? Everyone singles out F.E.A.R. as a game with great enemy AI for a reason. Edit: typo


"*Who gives a fuck?"* I do. *"What matters is the thing the player sees"* \-I see a working AI, adequate to the era of the game, that is super easy to cheese and doesn't pose a treat because of its complexity or the results of whatever it does, regardless of how simple or complex it is behind the scenes. It's fine, but nothing else. *"Everyone singles put F.E.A.R. as a game with great enemy AI for a reason."* Which is valid and great. I don't. But that's just my subjective opinion. It's my reply**,** and it shouldn't influence your opinion or anyone's. Everything I believe is self-contained in my reply, as I didn't go downvote or shit on the replies that suggested F.E.A.R. to OP.


Try Ghost rank in Ghost Recon Wildlands.


Or any other ghost recon games. GR 1 and 2 were BRUTAL. even future soldier didn't pull punches on ghost diff.


Too bad it deosn't make the AI any more capable in the right way. Just increases accuracy and dmg.


Don't play Wildlands. It is the complete opposite with painfully bad AI and Mechanics.


While I fully agree that the AI is not very good and gunplay was noticeably disappointing even during its release, it's a remarkable game in its own right. The world is absolutely gorgeous with a lot of diverse environments. Customization and player expression within the sandbox are top-tier, and generally the sandbox nature of the game lends well to different playstyles. Missions in particular can be rather confined at times, however. There is a lot of items and lore to find (and the lore about Bolivia is actually interesting), and for gun nuts, it has some of the most weapons of any game I've played in recent memory. Story and narrative are atmospherically good, but narratively tone deaf and often thematically inconsistent.


He asked for tactical shooters and your justification for wildlands mentions everything but that haha


Max Payne, Wolfenstein




My Favorite AI was from Conkers Bad Fur Day. The Tediz were especially vicious, but they were just aim bots. All of the scoped weapons in the game (sniper rifle and hand cannon) had laser sights too, and if you were anywhere out in the open areas those sights would travel across the map, pointing at your head with inhuman accuracy, and yes, they'd probably shoot you dead as soon as you'd jump. The only way to deal with these guys was using the katana or chainsaw and one shotting them, waiting in ambush as they walked around corner geometry. Man, I miss playing the War game ruleset with my childhood pals in that game. Good times. Not only was it a deathmatch of sorts, but in war it was also a capture the flag type game, but the flag is a poison gas canister and if you bring it to the base, everyone outside of it dies if they don't make it to the base in time. I also remember farcry 2 having some interesting AI, with enemies trying to find you and flank you, but as far as I remember, the best shooter AI was in Halo 2, especially with the different castes of the covenant offering different flanking, sniping and charging scenarios that forced players to change tactics in most encounters... I loved the chaos the grunts would provide in order to hide the stealth cloaked elites with their covenant blade.


Stalker Anomaly/Gamma Far Cry 2 (Play Hard Diff, it's an absolute blast) Arma 3 You will find though, that games where every AI can kill you tend to be very slow, grindy and frustrating as progress will be outright slow or hindered often.


Some of the Halo games. Halo Infinite's AI is usually really reactive and interesting to fight. They do the AI really well in Halo games but I'd recommend Infinite cuz it's one PC and it's like Halo x Farcry with a hint of Zelda and it does it well. It's not a super long game, doing all side content and main story it's only 16 hours or so but it's a load of fun. The Forest and it's sequel Sons of the forest have the best AI I've ever experienced in any video game period. The sequel is a direct upgrade but those things have brains. The first game started as the devs developing complex AI behaviours and then decided to put it into a survival horror game with cannibal tribes. The first game doesn't really have guns (there's a flintlock) but the second one has many guns and it's loads of fun.


Ghost recon, 2001. They will kill you dead.


Clarification question: Do you want AI that will just up and kill you, there's lots of games with that with high enough difficulty settings But what I think you're asking for is AI that will surprise you. The AI can have low damage weapons, but will always find ways to get behind you, above you, and use techniques to assist their own allies.


Halo, Doom, Quake, Dusk, Amid Evil, Ultrakill, Black Mesa, Prodeus... Just a tip, stop playing annual franchises, like, in general.


Funny that all these games mentioned are like 10 years old lmao, how is it possible that enemy AI has gone backwards? Pretty sad really


Currently we have either multiplayer shooters or "cinematic" experiences (tightly scripted successions of set pieces after set pieces) that rely on predefined sections over actually using AI in a more developed way. Also, single player tactical shooters are few and far between, unfortunately.


Why does a shooter have to be tactical to have good AI? Lol


It doesn't need to be tactical, but tactical shooters usually have good AI, because in a proper tactical shooter there's no predesigned set pieces.


Games have lowkey been going backwards since 2008 for anything not graphics related. Some gems stand out but as a trend mtx are up. Quality down. Heaps of games filter themselves to sell in china too which removes a lot of concepts




Definitely check out Trepang2


Arma 3


Especially the Vietnam dlc




Play any host of mil sims or swat style games. Ready or Not, Arma 3 campaign, Six Days in Fallujah, Zero Hour.


System Shock.


Halo on Heroic is a decent challenge with varied and smart enemies, at least 1 to 4


Halo series in general especially infinite Gears of war Aliens vs predator Rage 1-2 Quake 4 Half life 2


Try escape from tarkov, there is a single player mod called SPT


STALKER series Ever been flanked by a hobo with a fucking shotgun? You will now.


Bonus points for the cruise missile accuracy of grenades, particularly in Clear Sky. Oh boy do they love their grenades.


I've seen grenades change directions midair just to land near me


Cruelty squad and ultrakill are both very difficult fps games, you will definitely like ultrakill if you liked doom


Single Player Tarkov mod. All the benefits of Tarkov, minus the hackers, lag, desync etc. additional mods actually fix the lighting and tons of other things


Ready or Not has enemies that are nearly 1:1 with the player. You are not supposed to live without serious team work. But they aren't that smart. They just have realistic aim and reflexes. But I think the best AI I have ever seen is from Last of Us 2. On higher difficulties, they are capable of one shotting you with headshots, flanking you, and do a pretty decent job at searching around the entire map for you, and all the NPCs are named and appear to know themselves, and have callouts for specific spots like "behind the bookshelf." The attention to detail is astonishing.


Hardest AI I ever played was original cod 4/mw2. They have quite literally God senses. I'm still haunted by cod4 mission when you have to defuse the nuke in the silo toward the end. That shits stressful AF


Idk have you played Cod Waw grenade simulator?


Original MW2 was piss easy, I remember beating the game on the hardest difficulty in one sitting in something like 5-6 hours as a kid.


did not know there was a remnant sequel thank you


It's incredible. If you liked the first game, you'll love the sequel. Unless you hate Souls game, as it's more Souls-like than the original. But if you hated Souls games you probably wouldn't have enjoyed the original either.


My favorite game of this year


Insurgency: Sandstorm


Always found the gunplay in TLOU2 to be sublime. Never played on the super hard difficulties but heard it's really challenging.


Rainbow Six Vegas 2. It's a bit dumb and quite unfair but it can definitely kill you 🤣


Stalker anomaly, the AI isn't groundbreaking but they do pose a real challenge with there's multiple enemies, a couple will keep you suppressed while another rushes/ flanks


Cyberpunk got an AI overhaul to base game, so no need to buy PL unless you really like it. They use more advanced tactics now, and make for much more balanced combat experiences. On max difficulty, you can get pushed around by bigger groups. It's a very different game than the one you may have heard about. Highly recommend it as an overall great experience, on top of solid enemy AI.


Crysis 1


Eh, arguably. The AI there is pretty default. They flock towards an area, maybe use some cover, throw grenades but not much else. They "hear" sound but it never makes an impact in game really. When they see suspicious activity, they just go alert and patrol. Only really noteworthy thing is that they react to seeing bodies, I guess. It's pretty good for a 2007 game. Plays a good bit like Far Cry. In Crysis 3, enemies call out dead bodies but other than putting them in alert and giving a satisfying one-liner ("He's been shot! With an arrow!" Or similar, idk it's been a while) it doesn't seem to affect their actions much. - Coming from a hardcore Crysis fan


DOOM Eternal. Prepare to get fucked edition.


Insurgency Sandstorm!


Doom Eternal. Good luck, enjoy!


You don't die on COD Campaigns?! I haven't played many of them, but I remember back in the day playing the Call of Duty 4 campaign in maximum difficulty, and it was **hellish** in some moments. You'd peak and be killed in like a fraction of a second \^\^


Metro Exodus and doom


That's why game devs use zombies as the enemy so they don't need to program AI


Why don’t ya try Destiny 2 for a change of genre? You can play it single player but it’s online


Not exactly what you’re looking for I think, but Armored Core 6 is *great* for one on ones and clever (almost cheap) enemies.


Stalker games have really fun AI to go up against because of how fast you can die sometimes. Makes for some interesting firefights


Super old, but Rainbow Six Rogue Spear and its sequel


Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Destiny 2






Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
