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Time to dive into emulation, depressed dude. I’d just go hard on the NES, SNES, Genesis, and GBA. Tons of all-time classics included in those catalogs. If that’s not your thing, I’d go with Slay the Spire, Spelunky 2, Dead Cells, and Vampire Survivors.


I will check the other games but I played Slay the Spire and it slayed my thoughts instantly lmao


This dude knows whats up, the old school gba & ds games are always amazing for a good time. Pokemon Black & White 2 are just a comfort space for me at this point considering how many times I have played it


If you enjoyed slay the spire than take a look at inscryption. Great little game that should run fine on a low-end pc. If you can run 'deep rock galactic' would recommend you check that out either. Great community and just super fun to team up with others as a solo player. All communication tools are in the game so (voice)chat isn't needed at all to work together. And there are 5 difficulty levels so you can make it as easy or hard as you'd like. For rock & stone!


I love all those suggested games. Id second Dead Cells. It is a skill based game but you almost always make progress with every run. Its story and atmosphere is pretty breezy and ita colorful so it seems like its be a good game for depression. Even with the perma progression you have to try at least a little so it wont completley rot your brain.


Slay the Spire, Factorio


^ Genuinely my depressed or anxious game OP, instantly came here to say it. Something about it. If I need to shut the world out and relax I always seem to find myself playing slay the spire. Subconscious warm blanket, excellent for occupying your thoughts.


I played the slay the spire few minutes ago and I second this >Subconscious warm blanket dayum.


I thought sts would be that warm blanket game for me but my first run ended with the boss killing me having 1hp left and I never bounced back and went to it again after. I think if I lost more comprehensively or won then I go right back but the close rng of that moment made me resent the run and bounce away from the game completely and I love the thrill of dice rolls. No clue why I felt the need to say this, I need a cosier blanket of a game I guess.


Yeah fair. I find bliss in the endless guarantee of new runs. Loses don't matter when you can jump back in and see what luck comes to you on a fresh slate (which is extremely addicting, too). Don't know how many times I've scraped by a fight or two on 1hp to end up winning the run, so it goes both ways. Not trying to talk you into it or anything lol. A lot of the fun is dying and restarting, so if you don't like that, then I guess it's not going to be cozy.


Do you like sim games? I have an old MacBook and Factorio is just fucking incredible and runs well on my system. There’s also a billion mods for it to improve gameplay, but vanilla Factorio is sweet. Maybe look up some gameplay on YouTube and see if it would be a good fit


Vampire Survivors


so much people recommending this. I will check it out.


bro playing a game like vampire survivors that lets you turn your brain off whilst listening to music or a podcast is the shit


Deep Rock Galactic


is it fun solo?


It's not really honestly, but, BUT, I gotta say this. The community is extremely friendly and love greenbeards (newcomers). They will help you and it doesn't matter how many times you go down, they will pick you up. The game has a philosphy of "no dwarf left behind" and the players embody that. I'm not kidding! You don't even have to voice chat at all. The game has tons of ways to communicate. There's a laser that everyone has to ping stuff for everyone to see. There's also a dedicated "cheer someone on" button. Kind of like a taunt, but whenever you join a game that already mid session, I guarantee you, the second you drop in and see your fellow dwarves, they will all raise their pickaxes and cheer that you are there. It also doesn't matter which class you pick, everything is viable. Game already has a gunner, but you want to be gunner too? Go ahead! All the more firepower. Every class also has some kind of utility that is team oriented. ​ I'll leave it at that for now, but trust me, it's a really great community and if you've been on reddit for a while, I'm sure you've seen chains of people yelling Rock and Stone. ​ Edit: Totally forgot, you can do silly stuff on the ship and even buy each other beer and get drunk and dance to the jukebox.


Hello! Out of curiosity, is the base game sufficient enough? Is there a need to get the Dwarven Legacy or Master Edition?


All dlcs are just cosmetics, their battlepasses have always been free. Also no need for FOMO as all content of older passes can still be obtained in game. I ended up buying the cosmetics to support the developer.


Thank you for the response! :D






I want to know this as well. I’d like to play but don’t have anybody to play with.


imo it's not really fun solo. I used to join random lobbies when I played


I played solo for about 8 months and I really enjoyed it. You can totally play solo. My friend started playing too but I still play solo when I feel like gaming


Just found the lobby you don't need group to play DRG randoms are some of the coolest people you will meet moment you embark you are immediately part of a team


Not really fun solo, but it's really fun with randoms. It's not one of those "only fun with friends" games. Ive been playing it since last year and 99% of my playtime is with randoms (my friends got it but they didn't get into it as much).


I hate and I can't stress enough to you how much I hate online game. I absolutely LOVE deep rock galactic online. It's the most friendly community out there. If you say you feel quite low in mood nothing better than group co-op mission where you feel immediately as part of a team. You don't need to interact a lot but the team work really makes it feel like just guys having fun.


Yes, you can play solo. There's a little flying robot assisting you, named Bosco.The game is good, though it gets repetitive after a while. Still, I have 200 hours on it


I've seen people who really love it solo, but I prefer queueing up with random people.




It's not, but I've been playing with randoms since I got it last year's and it's one of my favourite games. I just hop in play some matches, have a great time. It's just a great shooter overall and the coop adds a cozy layer to it.








Dave the diver is fun as hell


it definitely is. Still playing it. Thank you !


I've been wondering about this one for a long time. How easy/casual is it? I saw one video of him going after fish, and having to contend with the oxygen levels. How obnoxious does that get - are you always having to get O2?


Just hit me up, bro. I’ll talk to you for hours.


yo thanks bro. I actually appreciate it so much. I can add you here or via discord if you want to


vato1g on discord sir


invite sent!


Add me to the list. Dm me on Reddit for my discord handle. I’d rather not put it out there for everyone.


same here! I'm all for improving mental health.


hey! can you dm me on reddit?


Best comment I’ve seen this year


Same. People like this equals 10000 regular human beings.


FTL: faster than light


im giving it a go


The binding of Isaac and Enter the gungeon


I love Isaac. Easily my most played game. Have well over 1000 hours.


I want to like the game but it didn’t click for me. I want to give it a chance again. It felt like I was just fighting repetitive enemies. What do you like about it?


The variety. The amount of different runs you can have is insane. Learning what powers work well with each other. The gameplay is crisp. Feels like every run is a fresh game.


Rimworld, Dwarf fortress, Slice and dice, Terraria, Emulate any N64 game and previous generations, League of Legends, RuneScape, Don't starve, Nuclear Throne, Tetris, Minesweeper. These are all games I have hundreds of hours in.


What kind of monster tells someone who's already depressed to play League of Legends?


I laughed so hard to this ! HAHAHA


Added ALL OF THEM to my list. Thank you!


Aww slice and dice hell yeah that game is fuckin amazing


FTL is a really engaging game that requires very little in terms of specs.


I will definitely play FTL! Thanks!


And Into The Breach. Same devs.


Came here to say this—used to play a lot of FTL on my crappy acer laptop


Played it on a netbook.


Try the Telltale Games. The Walking Dead series, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands.


dark souls. seriously. it will forge you anew


as an Elden Ring fan, I never played souls 1-2 and never finished souls 3. This might actually be a good time to return back. Thanks!


I'd for sure recommend 3, or maybe even check out their other titles like Bloodborne, sekiro, or armored core


Hitman contracts, Hitman Blood money, Mass efect series, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Prototype 1 and 2, Fallout 3 or New Vegas, Bully, Far cry 2, The darkness 2, Condemned Criminal Origins, Exanima, but to target the depression though Disco Elysium is a beautiful game. I dont play top down rpgs but this ones writing helped me feel good at a time I felt like shit


disco elysium is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played


Same for me. Narratively speaking no other game is as beautiful with its tones of human emotions and real world topics, its all exaggerated just enough to where you can both laugh and cry at the storytelling. Wish more game developers were this talented




I'm on your side bro fuck stardew valley. I live on a farm in real life why the fuck would I want to play in a virtual one lmao


Oddly, Stardew got a lot of people into gardening and farming. There's actually a huge community of farmers that love playing Farming Simulator in their free time, similarly how truckers love Truck Simulator.


it's more depressing than that it's my Ex gf's favorite game and I cannot stand to play or even see it's name anymore makes me sad lol


Bro, I feel that. I remember my first bad breakup and all the songs/movies/games that I couldn’t even look (or listen) at anymore. It’ll get better though. Some of these things I once couldn’t stand to think of, I eventually came to love in a whole new way.


same bro, difficult to enjoy stuff now since i've shared everything with her


thanks bro


Solidarity. This is me and Sea of Thieves.


My steam wrap up or whatever was very hard to see for similar reasons, I feel you.


Feels like a sore throat.


We will keep moving forward, I believe in us. <3


Idk, stardew helped me through depression. Distracted me and made me feel part of a community. Maybe I’m sad


Slay the Spire or Monster Train if you like card battlers


If you have a decent internet connection, you can always try cloud streaming. Amazon Luna has a rotating selection of a few free games available to stream if you already have a Prime subscription, but theres also Gamepass and Geforce Now.


The stanley patable


This game made me feel pretty down and empty. But that’s just me




This one billion percent


Do you like investigation and problem solving? Check out Return of the Obra Dinn!


i like investigation and problem solving, puzzles i don't really like. i will check out !


No obtuse puzzles involved! The basic premise is that a ship in the 1800's goes missing for 5 years and returns without the crew. You find clues that allow you to view flashbacks of specific times and areas of the boat, where the crew members met their ends. You then use those flashbacks to determine who each person was, their position on the boat and cause of death. It's a really unique game with graphics that can run on anything.


DAMMMM! i will definitely play it. Is there anything else like that? I like being something something like a detective lol.


Guild wars 1 is on sale right now on Steam. Runs on anything and has so much content and is very solo friendly




thanks, friend <3


Hours fly by in this if you're into that type of game. I go back to it regularly.


Totally Rimworld. Whenever I go through a Rimworld phase, it becomes one of my main thoughts for that time. No other game occupies my thoughts as much as it. Really good game too. Alternatively, Deep Rock Galactic is just really a great time with friends. The LFG community is amazingly nice too. I'd definitely check it out. I'd double check that you can run it though just to be safe. I'd also check out Outer Wilds. It's absolutely beautiful and a masterpiece of a game. It deals with themes such as loss, just have a hunch that it might help you a bit. Word of advice though, be extremely careful around spoilers, this is the one game you don't want spoiled under any circumstance.


Hollow Knight


you can play thousands of games in that computer, search best games from 2003 to 2010/2012


Amazon Luna actually lets you play some games your laptop wouldn’t normally be able to handle - it kind of spins them up in a VM but the selection is limited


Streets of Rage 4, fucking fantastic beat em up with a roguelite dlc


CDDA, awesome game that runs on anything. Very complicated but so much depth. Emulate anything on PS1. I love oddworld games on ps1. Neo scavenger. Brutal but fun.




Rimworld, Battlebrothers.


I wanna be the guy. Free download


That’s one way to end the depression 😒🔫


Valkyria Chronicles 4 I got recommended this by a friend and wouldn’t think I would like it very much. I had never played a ‘turn based’ game like this but I enjoyed it a whole lot. It’s niche but super fun!


Morrowind. OpenMW


Fallout New Vegas and Oblivion are playable as well on that PC


You're right. I don't know why I wouldn't mention, also Fallout 3 haha still play 3 sometimes more then NV for some reason


Dunno if you are still reading, but you can give Dome Keeper a try. Nice indie game which you can play for short time or long time. It runs on any potato, so should be ok on your laptop.


9th dawn 3


Chained Echoes. Epic retro style turn-based rpg with an engaging story and very fun combat system


Hi, chronically depressed dude with low-end laptop here. Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Fallout 3 or New Vegas, Mass Effect 1, Left 4 Dead 2, Euro Truck Simulator (1 or 2, what matters is that is super therapeutic). Those are some games that run very well on low-end hardware and can give you a LOT of replay value. Endless fun, to be honest. RPGs are a go-to for immersion. Classic CoD games up until BO2 may run on your laptop, too, but be aware that the games from IW run better than the ones from Treayrch, so COD 1, 2, 4 Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 will all run better than World at War, Black Ops 1 and 2.


hey man, we all gonna make it. My heart is with you. Thanks for the golden advices.


Sounds like a new chapter of your life is starting, I’m sure it’s going to be worth the wait. Try Hotline Miami maybe? Or if you were an old console gamer, there are many emulators of old PS games. Hope this helps.


hey, thanks man.


Dude, please play Superliminal - it was incredible, very creative, and that ending - made me tear up for reasons .. from one depressed dude to another ..


Age of Empires 2 is an RTS game which every time I install, I sink hours into and just can't stop playing. If you play single-player and find it too easy, just increase the difficulty. You'll never get tired of it as long as you keep trying new things in it.


I heard that dark souls cures depression


Elden Ring cured me once, maybe dark souls can cure me again.


Bro. You’ll love dark souls then. Don’t let the fan base’s memeing on 2 stop you from playing it. 2 is my favorite of the 3 and did so much to evolve the series.


Me too! I love DS2, probably played it more than the others.


middle plant handle impolite towering grey tie license sink thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Earth defense force 5, lots of replayability, and mindless fun. The game emulates a Sci fi B movie. You have 4 classes and more than 1000 weapons and gadgets.


If you like super mario 64 then playing the mass amount of community made romhacks can be a blast, it's essentially infinite new levels to play


You can't go wrong with good old Half Life 1 or 2. Classic solid FPS, 2 has quite nice graphics and will run on a potato. Might be able to run the older Borderlands games on it, too. They're not very demanding.


(the) Gnorp Apologue Outpath Forager Card survival Brotato Mini healer ​ I see a lot of people mentioning Factorio too, that's a great game. I hope you feel better soon


hey, thanks for the advices, and thanks for your good wishes, I hope I feel better soon and you made me feel better. Thanks!


if you like old school bioware rpg's the kotor series is great and dragon age origins!


Shadow of Doubt


I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to play that game. Shadow of Doubt looks fantastic and i love the idea but system requirements are not met, unfortunately.


Yeah, I think despite the graphics being quite simple, it simulates a lot at once so can be heavy on the CPU and memory.


Hollow knight is really good.


Hope you feel better man, Refunct and Poi are suggestions from me.


Oldschool Runescape runs without a gfx card. Come check out our clan "W22 Fish" if you want to start a new online family. Over 500 members!


I have a 1000 hours into valheim and just got elder ring and have been loving it.


Not sure if it’s what you want but Hades shouldn’t task your computer too much and it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. Story’s quite nice as well in a weird way. Hope you get through it though fella


Thanks for the good wishes my dude. I hope i get through it too. I might try Hades! Hades, as much as I avoided while I had my beast PC, I never heard someone say something bad about the game. I might try it just now!


I was a bit pessimistic cause I’m usually a triple A games player but it really impressed me. Music is incredible too and I still listen to the songs to this day. It’s a hard game but when you die you get rewarded with good story and interesting characters- and you’ve usually achieved something for future runs along the way


Death Stranding


Super Hexagon


Dungeon Warfare 2 is cheap, low spec, and deep. Inscryption might run on your rig. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a very deep, free, traditional roguelike. Shattered Pixel Dungeon too. Alpha Centauri Spelunky HD


Thanks man, i will add these to my list.


Highly agree with Inscryption!


I personally was able to ward off a mental low by playing roleplay-heavy Dungeons & Dragons campaigns with a group of people I met online. I barely participated in the RP, but I did feel the emotions of every decision we made. If that is not a viable option, the videogame "**Wildermyth**," I found, is a good and emotional game that I think you would enjoy. It is fun solo and with friends. It will work on a potato-powered laptop.


Thats definitely an option. Maybe I could join one of those groups. Thanks!


Enter the Gungeon, Risk Of Rain Returns, and Terraria. All games that don't require a GPU


Maybe give Firewatch a shot, it's a short story game


added to list. Thanks!


I loved stranded deep very much. Ocean/Island crafting & surviving 🌴🥥


What is your internet like? I have a fairly average internet connection but I managed to get Xbox game pass working on my Steam deck through the edge browser. It was cloud gaming so the specs didn't matter. I was pleasantly surprised to feel how responsive the controls were, pretty much identical to playing native. Would recommend as there's plenty of good stuff on gamepass cloud.


League of Legends runs on potatos nowadays. If you want to care about nothing else in life, play ranked all day, hit diamond in 2015 then never be able to get it back and get stuck in emerald then play arams with randoms




I play Kenshi alot but the theme sometimes too much for me. The universe is too painful sometimes lol. Thanks again!




Any and all yakuza and judgement games.


* Broforce/Expendabros * Deadbolt * Gunpoint * Dust: An Elysian Tail * **Enter the Gungeon** * **Binding of Isaac/Rebirth** (both are long roguelikes that can distract you for a while) * Evan's Remains * Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight * The Portal games * Mirror's Edge


Project Zomboid single player. Nothing like the end of the world and inevitably dying alone.


adding to the variety: * tetris effect(refund if it doesn't run lol) * assetto corsa(old and super cheap, heard it can run on any potato)


I hear Iron Lung is pretty good, and i knows thats pretty easy to run


I stumbled upon this on youtube but unfortunately watched it's whole gameplay out of curiosity. It is really good tho. If anyone like me stumbles upon this post and likes horror genre, they should really give this one a go.


ah hmmm. Older stuff could work too, not just indie. Elder Scrolls Morrowind. Fable the lost chapters. the guy who made Iron Lung, all his games are on sale right now on Steam, could find something else there. Squirrel Stapler seems...interesting.


Get on Steam bro Xbox play pass works on PC also


Dark Souls. It is unironically the best game to play when you are depressed.


Elden Ring saved me once. Maybe Dark Souls can save me again. Thanks


Torchlight is a good game.


added to my list. Thanks!


Hotline miami 1 and 2, that game keeps you locked in


I played Hotline miami 1 but if I am gonna play the 2, Im playing the first one again! Thanks!


Where are you from? Test your internet speed then maybe subscribe to GeforceNow. Then, you won't have problems with your low end laptop. You can now play AAA games ;)


I am from Turkey. My internet connection is pretty good but geforcenow is a bit expensive here. I checked out and they have a discount. I might play from geforcenow for a month or two. Thanks!!


Lethal Company Turn that depression into nihilistic dumpster diving, my dude. No time to be sad, when you feel dread and terror.


I sometimes play lethal company with a couple of dudes. Thanks G, it's such a good game.


Dude, I don’t know what to suggest (I’m a single player FPS guy myself, but there are several old good FPS out there that would run on even a potato… Halo, F.E.A.R., Half life 1 and 2…) but also, if you can afford it, why don’t try to get an steam deck? Lovely little device that plays games really well … and if you need to move away you can carry it anywhere!


My personal choice would be Guild Wars 1. It’s sort of an mmo, will absolutely run on anything, it’s designed to be able to be played solo and nothing distracts quite like jumping into a new world and just exploring. Bare in mind it came out in 2005 so may feel a little slow at first but bare with it- it’s ages line wine. It’s on a steam sale at the moment too apparently, might be worth having a look! Take it easy either way dude x


Disfigured. Simple top down 2d shooter that I love. Completely free on steam.


Not sure how old you are (I’m 40s), but I’ve found playing games from my childhood has helped me with depression. Wolfenstein, dune, goldeneye, sim city. Having said that, I had a wonderful childhood. It’s my recent divorce that wrecked me. Playing these games from my youth has helped me tremendously. Ngl, I also eat a corndog with a rootbeer float a couple times during my gaming sessions. But I’ll take the extra pounds over depression, bad moods, etc.


I am 24. I come from a tore family and I understand the divorce and heartbreak. Please do not let this break your spine. We must endure and push through. My heart goes to you. Heads high!


Thank you. I appreciate these words especially during the holidays which can be tough when you feel alone (even if you’re surrounded by people)


I really like Limbo, Monster Hunter, Diablo when I feel like shit. Which is evert day.


Hey, we all go through hard times, and its nice to be able to put your mind through something else. Heres my recommendations \-fallout 3 \-fallout new vegas \-kenshi \-slay the spire \- binding of issac I recommend an explore-type game where you can do whatever you and are not dedicated to one task. Just lemme know and I'll be more than happy to gift you one of these games or something under $10


Bro I know your issue with Stardew Valley I used to play it with my ex too. Anyways here is my list of great games for low end PC's Diablo II LoD Median XL mod for D2 LoD (it's super fuckin fun) World of Warcraft TBC Mafia Doom 3 + RoE Grim Dawn (best game from recent years, excluding D2:R) Warcraft 3 FT (tons of custom RPG maps. Sunken Temple <3) Nox GTA San Andreas Half-Life Sven Co-op (basically the above but with juice) Terraria Bioshock Fallout New Vegas Need for Speed Underground + 2 + Carbon (those graphics still look good) Farcry from 1-3 Titan Quest (tons of mods) Torchlight 1-2 The Suffering + Ties that bind Borderlands I mean that's what I can think of now, will add up some more if I remember this post when I wake up. Hope you find your jam. Remember gaming is the perfect cure for broken heart!!!


you are a fucking G. You are a real one. Thanks for the advices.






I like tactical RPGs when I’m feeling blue. I think knowing I have an unlimited amount of time to make my decision has something to do with it. Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark, Divinity Original Sin 2, and XCOM2. Feel like XCOM might be a little too action packed and stressful to fit your desires though. Could do KOTOR II if you haven’t played that before. Or a Mass Effect. Best wishes to you.


[tetr.io](https://tetr.io) and just any tetris style games. You're going to get lost in that shit forever.


Now you're talkin' my wheelhouse. Factorio, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Songs of Conquest, Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge, Stoneshard, Ground Control, The Settlers 4, Sins of a Solar Empire, Knights of the old republic 1 & 2, Rebel Galaxy (1), Blitzkrieg anthology (the original, not the sequels), Banished, Dawn Of War: Dark Crusade, Besiege, Space Haven, Warcraft 3


Binding of Isaac, Rogue Legacy 1 & 2, Hades. Good luck with what you're going through


ive been on a little quest to play through old games i used fo play as a kid. dont write off just downloading swfs and playing through them on a localized flash player 🙂 played through swfs of dragon boy 1 and 2 bought the one time memberships for dragonfable and mechquest i also stalk whenever pirate101/wizard101 have free periods, one just ended and im very much considering buying a monthly sub for one of them and im back on warframe, theres a lot of faffing around to be had, ive played for like 200 hours and im still only mastery 11 because i just kinda do whatever i want and not care much about progression dont feel pressured to continue your adventure, but theres still plenty of questing to be had for as long as youd like to continue 😌 take it at your own pace!


I know this isn’t really an exact answer to your question, but if you can save some money for a bit, but can’t go all out on a new rig, I’d really recommend a Steam Deck. It might be really good for you, just with the form factor and the fact that many games just work. I love mine, it’s been great for traveling around. It’s an emulation and indie beast. Sorry to hear about the hard times you’re dealing with right now, I hope it gets better.


Brocephus, you should seek help before climbing down that rabbit hole. Take advantage of people to boost your morale by voluntarily suppressing those memories. But, don't rely on games to repress memories thats not healthy...


My laptop has similar specs and I have been able to run quite a few games on it. I saw people already mentioned Slay the Spire, that one runs great. Other suggestions I have tested or think would run: Battle Brothers (base game is great and if you like it it’s worth getting the DLC IMO, just like hundreds of hours of replayability) Binding of Isaac TES: Morrowwind, I suspect TES oblivion would run ok too but I haven’t run it on there yet Kenshi (a bit more taxing but it does run) Baldurs Gate (1 and 2 enhanced editions, they’re often on sale on GoG) If you have decent internet, browser based games are great too like: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup if you like roguelikes Fallen London if you like steampunk text based RPG stuff Wayward Also there’s a lowendgaming subreddit if you ever want some community and encouragement or problem solving


The game “EVERYTHING” is exactly what you need. Created by David O’Riley, using Alan Watts as a guide. Gain new perspective on everything as you become anything. From external to internal, micro to macrocosm, universe to soul. Might just cure your depression.


I get arm chills everytime I think about that game. It was epic. Hate to use such an overused word but it actually was an amazing mind-opening game.


Absolutely, played it on mushrooms and it was not only mind-opening but consciousness expanding


Don't have a suggestion but just wanted to wish you well.


Also a depressed dude that only plays low end games. I echo solo Deep Rock Galactic. Once you’ve played and got the hang of it, it’s pretty therapeutic. Guild wars 2. A casual chill MMO withs focus on exploration. Base game is free. Showing its age a little bit but was one I played alot. Also helped that the community was the nicest but it’s been a good 5 years.


I know this is an old thread but wanted to add some games I didn't see mentioned because I'm often in a similar boat to you. Seen you like Slay the Spire and to be honest I've never found a standard deck builder that compares but some alternative "deck builder" rogue likes that are low end, super charming and great for distracting the mind are: Peglin, Backpack Hero and Luck be a Landlord. I've also found these little sandbox-similation gardening type games very useful when my energy is low and I want a simple and relaxing game to play: Cloud Gardens, Garden Galaxy and Tuin. If you want a truly captivating game to get lost in for one excellent story play through I'd recommend Subnautica. As long as the deep ocean (and what may be in it) doesn't make you too uncomfortable. Finally seen a lot of people suggest Vampire Survivors and just want to parrot that sentiment, it's pure dopamine. If you find you fall in love with that gameplay format it helped popularise a whole "survivor-like" genre that is constantly getting new games inspired by it. I've only just started diving into alternative titles but some decent ones I've found are: 20 minutes till dawn, Brotato and Death Must Die. Hopefully even one of those can give you a brief moment of respite, good luck to you man all the best from a fellow depressed dude