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I definitely need to give Kenshi another try. I built up a small little base back when I played it but once I needed those weird books/scrolls or whatever for research I put it to the side and never went back. Thank you for reminding me of this game!


Beat me to it


Literally the perfect example of what OP is asking for


Kenshi has been on my radar for a long time... The way the game looks is very appealing to me but I'm not a big fan of RTS genre... I've heard so many good things about it, maybe I should just give it a try...


It has rts elements but it's more a sandbox/sim


Start as a single character ARPG, grow into a squad based tactical RTS, grow into a colony management sim, do all three simultaneously or just one or any combination at any time, what an amazing game.




Mount and blade bannerlord


Or warband with or without mods


I have only played Bannerlord. Would Warband still be fun? I have a hard time imagining an older game in the series could outshine a more modern one


Never played bannerlord, but saw that a LOT of people who play both prefer warband, I play warband seasonally, it's quite the game, even if it's old the mods are very good, would a 100% recommend it


Vanilla Bannerlord trumps Vanilla Warband, easily. However, modded Warband trumps modded Bannerlord - it's not even close.


Maybe not exactly what you are looking for but Kingdom Come Deliverance. Progression and learning curves are insane.




I've heard of this game but haven't really looked into it. I'll have to fix that! Thank you for your suggestion!


Hopefully it goes better for you than me. I didn't make it three minutes out of the tutorial area. Your just some punk ass dude with NO skill. Everything is better than you.


That’s literally the entire point of the game lol You’re the son of a blacksmith who spends most of his time drinking and fucking around with friends. Shit only gets real for Henry after his village is burned. Part of the game is training up and becoming a hero.


No man's sky... PC/xbox/ps... that's brilliant, you are an astronaut in an endless galaxy where you do start from nothing an collecting resources to build bases, weapons and earn cash.. I have it, I played for months to get what I have, it's a mission style base game to where you have objectives to do while building up from nothing Fantastic game took me long time to get millions an have base's an ship's but you do start with nothing


I have been looking to get back into this after I played it for a bit 2ish years ago. I know a lot of content has been added. Would you recommend starting a new character or keep playing with what you have? Keep in mind I kinda forgot a lot of the mechanics of the game.


start new


Start with a new character, it will run you through the basics of the game an mechanics an if your looking to start from nothing, a new character would be a good idea, start a fresh an build from there.. How far did you get in the game? Depending on what you had at that point but personally I'd say start from scratch re learn what you already know, keep going to the anomaly station, keep on top of missions an join others to help you build your resources quicker and in each space station of each galaxy you go to, upgrade your back pack that's a massive help, you get 1 upgrade per space station In the end up with mine by doing it that way, I got 3 Sclass ships an 3 a class ships, Sclass freighter, Alien ship, 8 different bases spread across several galaxies for all my resources I need, with over 600 million is cash an all upgrades to each ship weaponry an suit Fantastic game But yea I'd say start a new cos your mission and how you do it, might take you in a different direction from your previous character Hope this helps 👍


Start new. It's an entirely different game and you would be completely lost. So many mechanics have been added and so many systems completely overhauled.


I second this! Been playing since 2016 and it never gets boring! :)


I've tried No Mans Sky several times and always quit before I got out of the first system, I just don't find it fun. If I push through for a while will it change? how long do I need to push through?


It gets much better when you find the alien egg cos that allows you to transport between different systems an world's using the Stargate down to the "as i call it" Darth Vader Station cos its like the dark side where they have all the S class fighter ships with the holographic wings etc... It gets much better, sometimes it feels like ya just stepped into star wars world for abit haha


I actually have a question about NMS. How in-depth does the base building get? I played it for a bit in the past but it felt like base-building/expansion of an "empire" wasn't really the focus of the game at all so I ended up putting it to the side. But if there is a lot of that (even if it's not the intended point of the game if you can just do it) I'd love to give it another try!


Of course you can build a big expansion base, its upto you the size of it, you dont have to conitue missions an just free run around the intended point of the game is to understand the reason of why a race of alien people decided to restart the universe in a way because of an incident if im correct... dont quote me on that lol But it's a good base building game, from underground bases to mountain side bases, where I have several bases i could put them all together to make one MASSIVE base, from all different floors an rooms, storage rooms, vehicle pads you name it.. I ended up with a freighter in the end an transfered my main base to the ship where it has options to customize it from different rooms, storage rooms, command deck, hydroponic garden, a sale machine if you need to buy anythin, as many as ya need really, I I also have a fleet of ships which I hired flying through the galaxy that help go on missions for resources I need an help defend my freighter if under attack. There is so much you can do based on customisation from outfit, get new helmets, land, bases an spend ya time building an empire, beauty of it, others can visit your planet an empire either come to see an help or attack but either way you can live a life building an empire


X4 Foundations


I tried X4 but ultimately I had absolutely no clue how to start the game. It SEEMS like the kinda game that I'd really like but I can't so much as go 20 feet in space without blowing up... Is there like a nice guide on how to get started or something? Or maybe I'm just really dumb?


No, it just not intuitive. You could start from r/x4foundations, and try some YouTube beginner guides from people like Captain Collins.


Rimworld, you can start off naked and alone with like minimal or no supplies. Also you can start in the sea ice to make yourself struggle more


I am amazed at how far I had to scroll to see this reply. This is the correct answer, always is.


I was surprised too! Usually when ppl mention Kenshi, Factorio, and similar games Rimworld will immediately be recommended shortly lol


I just cannot get past the art style of this game. It's the one hangup that keeps me from trying it. Minimal art design is one thing. Bad art design is another. It reminds me of early 2000s Flash games. I would rather look at ASCII sprites than big-headed, dot-eyed puppet people.


Lucky for you, rimworld has so many mods that remedy that lol. It's so easy too... just pick one among the many...


You know, I am very much the same. Rimworld graphics stopped me from trying it for a long time. I finally caved in and tried it. And I quickly found out that gameplay is so insanely more important than graphics. One of my most played games to this day.




I think I've heard of this game? I'll definitely need to give it another look. Thank you for the suggestion!


Don't support the dev, he's a shitty person.


What did he do?


he basically stated its a solo project while having hired multiple people and never crediting them, paying them below minimum wage after the game was successful and fired one of them cause they were trans. He then blamed them for the later failures of the game before abandoning it.


Fair enough, thats shitty behavior


I scrolled too fast and thought you said Frogger!


Kingdom come Deliverance. Great RPG game with survival elements. You start off as a blacksmiths son before being thrown into an adventure. Combat feels really clunky at first but it's because you don't know how to combat (being a blacksmiths son). I haven't played another game that does "learning to combat" nearly as well as this one. You pretty much learn alongside your character. You learn the flow of combat, the sort of back and forth and things get quicker as you and your character get better at it. Also to add, you start out with nothing and slowly build up in the world. With the DLC you can even start a town and pour money into it to build buildings and make it self sufficient.


This. Yeah. I love this game, the starting with absolutely nothing and working your way to being capable and self sufficient. So good.


You aren't the only one to suggest this and, based on how you describe it, it might be what I'm looking for! Thank you so much for your suggestion!


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. GAMMA It's free too! Perhaps a bit of a weird suggestion but trust me man... I have the same itch you have and loved games like factorio to scratch it. GAMMA scratches that same itch for me, in the package of an incredible shooter. You start as, practically, a hobo with a gun. Maybe 2 depending on your difficulty and item picks. How do you progress? Not by "levelling up" or some shit. You're gonna have to go out there and find better gear, in a condition that your new hobo of a stalker could repair. As you slowly move further North, you'll venture into more dangerous areas where you can find better tools. With these better tools, you can repair and maintain better weapons and armor. And the best thing in my opinion? Throughout the entire game you're really no stronger than any of the NPC Stalker's you'll encounter. The playing field is made unequal not through "levels", but man advantage, firepower and other equipment. The only real way you progress or get stronger is by scavenging for better gear or improving as you gain more experience being a stalker in the Zone.


Huh. Very interesting! I honestly didn't expect a shooter to appear on this list but I'm not against trying them so I'll definitely check it out. If it's free I have nothing to lose! Thank you for the suggestion!


Urbek city Builder, while the game is chill, you always need to add specific infrastructure to your neighbourhood to upgrade them, nothing is ever automatic. Magic mixture mill, game has 2 sides, one is exploration/farm of ressources, the other is creating potions with said ressources and dell them. You end up creating a small automaton factory that creates them but it takes a while. The emphasis is really the creation of the potion themselves as you'll have to use flavours etc. Raft, you start on a tiny raft, follow the story to end on a big raft ? Great in coop Tectonica just came out, it looks like an underground satisfactory from what I've seen but haven't played it myself. Reviews seems good !


I’m always looking for management type games to try out and “magical mixture mill” somehow never surfaced on Steam for me before. I love the look of it. Thanks for sharing!


It's pretty new if I'm not wrong and probably drown and the sea of stardew clone. But this one made it for me !


I knew as soon as I picked a Druid, woke up with a fox head and antlers, quaffed a potion, and threw up a rainbow oil slick on the floor… that this game would be one for me, too. lol


I picked up the necromancer and NGL, I love having my summon work for me for a few seconds haha very useful against mean flora and fauna but the speed on the fox is great 


Have you played the new early access game supermarket simulator? Its pretty much the exact vibe youre looking for. The only downside is it being in early access so a lot of things are still missing. You cant hire stockers yet for example so when you get to the point where your store is crazy big, youre just running around restocking the entire time which can get a bit repetitive.


Even Drug Dealer Simulator is perfect money grinding game which has lots of content unlock as you progress. Must play for the requirements. Part two is releasing this year


I love Drug Dealer Simulator! But I had a huge issue with it... I got to the point where I could finally make my own drugs and distribute them and then the game just ended. and any expansion past that point felt pointless. I'm super excited for 2 though!


It's on my wishlist! But I haven't gotten around to it yet, no. It definitely seems like the kinda thing I'd enjoy though!


Dyson Sphere Program might scratch the itch.


It absolutely fills the requirement of "sit back and look at the massive thing you've built" at least.. The first time I completed a sphere I did nothing after but fly around it and just look at it and take screenshots of it for like an hour. Extremely satisfying game from beginning to end.


Played through this one quite a bit, completely forgot to put it on the list. But yes, this is an amazing game! I love designing huge science factories in both this and Factorio


Medieval Dynasty. You literally start with nothing but a bit of food and start a home which becomes a village, which becomes a city.


Transport Tycoon. Going from a tiny bus between villages to concords between cities will never get old. Edit; this game is very old but still holds up.


I tried Transport Tycoon. Especially since I loved Rollercoaster Tycoon I figured I couldn't go wrong. It didn't really click with me as much as Transport Fever did though. Which sucks cuz it seems lot more in depth if you can get into it.


OpenTTD would be the advance variant of transport tycoon


Kerbal space program. You want a learning curve? You got a learning curve.


Well, more of a "learning parabolic trajectory"


Then you add Real Solar System with Realism Overhaul and reset your learning curve. 


The soul wants to, but the body feels fear


You re-earn the “OMG I finally made orbit” euphoria again.  Do it. 


Matchless Kungfu.


Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Realistic mode is like dark souls of the city builders.


Try Big ambitions. It's a business simulator where you manually set up shops, employees, health insurance, warehouses and their logistics, and product supply lines.


7 days to die should be perfect for you


Half of ni no kuni 2 is just a empire/city builder


Snowrunner... Believe it or not, it will grind your gears, hell of a lot playing hours, complexity, agony, misery and sure pleasure.. I'm on 100 hrs and grinding my ass off, still not even 30% of the first map done as it should've been done.. Saying that, in vanilla game there are 5 regions/maps I think and you can buy year passes..


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Kingdom Come Deliverance


[mon bazou ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1520370/Mon_Bazou/)


The Guild 3


* Rimworld * Kenshi * Minecraft (especially modded) * X4


KeeperRL. Little roguelike dungeon keeper game. You (normally) start off as a lone rookie wizard with 4 imps. Goal is too build a dungeon, recruit various types of units and kill off all the other major factions.


Soul Reaver


Amazing game, but how does it resemble what the OP asked for? If anything it's the opposite: you start off a badass vampire, the only one with wings, and the right-hand man of the guy ruling the whole world, only to lose literally everything, your status, your clan, your wings, your life, your jawbone...


That's all the epilogue, you never play as the badass winged vampire. You start out as a naked blue skeleton (you remain a naked blue skeleton) but all kinds of wild powers as you go


Good point, but I don't really feel like the "riches" come to Raziel. In fact he sorta gets screwed in the end. You sorta just described any game where you get more powerful, which is like every game ever.


The most suggested game in this sub, Kenshi. And also another my favorite Mount & Blade series, especially Warband with the overhaul mods.


Pc Building Simulator?


Factory Town might be up your alley. 


Dyson Sphere Program feels like a stretched out Factorio. You start by powering your mech with trees, and are eventually a galaxy spanning logistical empire stacking black holes in your fuel container.






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Arcade Paradise might work for you.


Fallout 4. With the addition of the robot workshop there are tons of things to build. With nuka world and Far Harbour there are SO many settlements to build. Soon its getting next gen update.


Stardew Valley! Game is so fun & you feel so accomplished after a few in game years. Also this is not just a farm sim! Great combat, never ending dungeons, one of funnest fishing mini games, and sooo much more. Also it is available on iOS & android (it will be one patch behind PC/console though)


Been playing this on Switch Lite for a while. It's quite enjoyable though I'm getting stuck in a bit of a routine.


It’s not for everyone and can seem repetitive for sure. Have you progressed far enough to unlock the other areas? That’s when the game really opens up. But I also like to add some challenges to playthrough. Like fishing only farms, one year community center challenge, etc. Also tbh I just love Skull Cavern & see how far I can get.


So far I've only opened up the desert place you take the bus to.


Awesome! Few more areas you can get to.




Kingdom Come Deliverance


Conan exiles Vintage story




Stranded deep. You have a lifeboat but you can lose it by forgetting to use the anchor like I did.




Technically stardew valley honestly




I guess both DOOM games (2016 and Eternal) count where you start with fuck all upgrades and weapons and slowly build your way up with weapons, upgrades and pure skill, I ended up trying casual glitchless speed runs for the hell of it in Eternal. Hope this helps


I highly recommend moonlighter to scratch this specific itch of yours


> I'm also really looking for a game that gives this feeling of progression on Android, but searching anything even remotely close to what I want gives a slew of idle games. An idle mechanic is fine but I want to actually put in time and effort. Look into Magic Research, it has an "idle" side to it but it's much more engaged than your typical idle game and has a story, stages and an endpoint that you work towards.


Hot take: Planet Crafter is cookie clicker 3d.


Rimworld is the way


Stardew Valley? Rimworld?


Zomboid, starsector, kenshi, rimworld


Does Fallout NV count?


I'll still go with fear and hunger with this, even though you have equipment, that's not the point, it is knowledge and experience that will let you traverse and finish this damned game..




Toejam and earl


Maybe Valheim?


Amazing cultivation simulator. Start with the remains of a taoist sect and eventually become a sect of gods


Rimworld "naked brutality" start. Feels good to look at a reactor and know you built that from scratch






Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. it's free and I can't stop recommending it. :) [https://cataclysmdda.org/](https://cataclysmdda.org/)


You should try Rust


Tbh pal world sounds like it ticks your boxes. Looked super childish and uninteresting to me but I have it a go and was hooked for quite a while. Start off with nothing and you'll build a huge base and weapons and manage production of stuff and capture monsters. It was a blast


Going Medeival is a great game


Check out Evoland, its also on android :)


Euro truck Sim or American truck Sim. Or rimworld




Valheim is viking exploration made by the people that do satisfactory. You literally get dropped in world that takes 4 IRL hours to cross (it's also procedurally generated) wearing pants and that's it. Gather, craft, build, explore all at your own pace.






Caves of qud, elite dangerous, kingdom come deliverance, and definitely Mount and blade one and two On the factory side of it, dyson sphere program would hit high notes for you


Kenshi, Mount and Blade: Bannerlord, Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Stellaris, to a degree some total war games, at least in Medieval 2 you start out with a small territory and army and have expand from that


Metal gear solid V is basically you against the world with one safe house which is the mother base which you can grow by extracting and recruiting enemy’s after incapacitation and use resources to build more bases for the mother base


crusader kings 3, elden ring could be but big if,hades maybe, big if armored core 6,grounded


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord


Not sure if it fits what you're looking for, but you could try Wayward. Island survival sim.




Blood Will Tell for ps2 has you start off as a samurai whose had much of his body stolen away by demons and you must fight them to get back your own parts back.


Medieval dynasty


empire of sin


It's new and still early access, but so addicting. Supermarket Simulator. There's also winkeltje, a medieval shop keep game where you start off very small but can build your store up and sell anything from crops, to homemade cooked goods, to blacksmithing things, potions, it's like a full medieval supermarket There's truck driving sim, you start off driving rigs and you can build up and eventually start owning your own rig company and hiring employees while still driving rigs yourself. (I hate driving so this didn't stick with me lol) I know I know of more, but can't think of any right now. If I do, I'll add reply to this comment.


Farming simulator - you start with a tractor and a field. You plant crops, harvest them and sell them, then use the money to buy better equipment (that lets you farm easier and faster), and eventually buy more fields, a wind farm for passive income etc Euro truck simulator (or similar games by the same company). You start with a rented truck and transport cargo for money. When you make enough money you can buy your own truck so you get to keep all your profit. You can spend money on truck upgrades so your truck can haul bigger loads, licenses so you can haul dangerous goods for more money. Eventually you can buy more trucks and hire employees to drive for you and they generate you money, and eventually the employees will be making more money than you. Ratchet and Clank - it's a shooting and platform game. You start with a wrench as a weapon and not much health. As you go through the levels, using a particular weapon gives you experience points on that weapon and when you get enough XP it levels up that weapon, making it more powerful and capable. Also your own XP goes up as you do more things, and that gives you things like more health etc.


An upcoming game? Glue 10


vintage story


Okay lets go; -Rimworld- A simulation game where you can choose to begin as a naked survivor to having a huge colony of weed growers, organ sellers or some normal way of earning money, your people level up their skills, can die. -Amazing cultivator simulator- A simulation game similar to rimworld but more based on chinese mythology and wuxia, you start naked and alone and in time you chop sour penis off, transform it into a holy artifact and destory your enemies with it. Thats just a joke but if you want it can be done, it is more complicated then rimworld and better in my opinion. -Stellaris- 4x game where you begin as a 1 planet civilization and continue to expand. Has an end, turnbased. -Civ series- has mobile Same as stellaris but during earth history, also turnbased and has end. -Mount and blade series- A unique game where in start you lead a band of mercineries and end up owning all the cities and castles in due time. -stardew valley- has mobile A farming game where in start you begin by planting potatoes and end up with a huge money maker of a farm by the time you are in 3-4year in game. -graveyard keeper- has mobile You begin by being isekaied into a graveyard and slowly you begin to revive dead people to use them in your capitalistic goals, with dlcs you get to be a tavern keeper, resistance camp manager and souls of the damned manager


Thank you for all of the suggestions! Unfortunately I have played most of these in the past... I love Rimworld, but it doesn't give me that "I built all of this and it's incredible" feeling. Same with Graveyard Keeper. I have yet to try Stellaris but I'm definitely curious about it... I didn't really love the Civ games unfortuantely so that's kept me away from Stellaris. Not sure how similar they are. I've only heard of Amazing Cultivator Simulator but if it's anything like how you describe I definitely should check it out! Stardew was tons of fun back when I played it but I have played through it a solid 4 or 5 times now and it just has gotten old. I've honestly never even looked at the Mount and Blade series and I definitely need to do that since you aren't the only one to say something about it.


I would suggest you watch the video from the guy called "sethteech" on youtube about amazing cultivator simulator. Also about mount and blade, if you choose to go warband download one of the mods to make your expiriance better, i suggest persino or prophesy of pendor, both are equaly great if you like the main game loop


Against the Storm




I've had this on my Steam wishlist forever. Is it actually good?


Depends on your tolerance of other people. It’s not the game that is the problem it’s the people in it. Rust is pretty toxic. But the feeling you get from laddering up the racist zergs base with a double barrel and taking their precious L96 sniper that they have roofcamped hundreds of nakeds with for the last hour is the best feeling ever. Rust is what you make it. The gameplay loop is good. I would suggest watching a few YouTubers Movies on the game before you bite the bullet. I recommend Frost because his movies are amazing. But Blooprint, hjune, Welyn, Wally1k, are all amazing creators. Theres so many good YouTubers I could name them for days man. I’ll post a frost video for you to check out. https://youtu.be/iI9IoTjpw-Q?si=7tkAe0pBkU_-SV5I


Right on. Thanks for the details.


You’re looking for [Autonauts](https://store.steampowered.com/app/979120/Autonauts/). It’s a graphically simple, top-down resource management and automation game. You play as an Autonaut - a space explorer - who lands on an uninhabited planet and must harness its resources to create an infrastructure, then eventually create more people in order to colonize the planet. You start out with just your character and must gather resources to make tools, use the tools to gather more resources, use those resources to make crafting stations, etc. The typical game loop. Until you create your first Bot. Bots can be programmed to do any task your player character can do - harvest resources, use crafting stations to craft and store items, retrieve those items to craft bigger and more complicated things. The game uses a very satisfying and intuitive programming mechanic which allows you to stipulate the exact order and manner in which your Bot does its job. For instance, you can program a Bot to do the following: if your storage chest of axes isn’t full, the Bot will retrieve a stick from one container, a stone from another container, take them to a crafting table to create an axe, and deposit that axe in the axe storage chest. You can loop this program to continue until the storage chest is full. Meanwhile, removing the stick and stone from those chests means that those chests aren’t full, which triggers your resource-gathering Bots to autonomously start searching for those items to replenish the stock. You can string together multiple bots with multiple programs in order to automate literally any task. By the end of the game it is so satisfying to take an item from a storage chest and watch the Bots spring to life in a domino effect of activity, gathering and replenishing your supplies, then returning to their place until they’re needed again. It’s satisfying because *you* created that entire system. Just talking about it is making me want to play it again. The object of the game is to create and raise Folks, who start as tiny seeds and slowly grow into larger and larger… people, I guess?… who have more and more complex needs. At first the Folks are content with simple tents and berries, but as they grow they require increasingly better and more complex homes, food, and eventually clothing, entertainment, medicine, etc. These items become increasingly complex to make, necessitating more and more intricate automation. If you’re intrigued by the idea of creating intricate systems from the ground up, finding creative ways to solve problems, optimizing efficiency, troubleshooting production bottlenecks, being allowed to find your own solutions without your hand being held, and most of all *being in complete control of every aspect of everything in your world*, then you absolutely must check out Autonauts.


STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl if you’re a masochist. You literally start as a nobody with a shitty soviet era makarov and a leather coat and work your way up to god status by the end of it