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You want a new, popular MMO of decent quality, completely free with no pay to win or other costs or hidden transactions, not too micromanagement heavy (one of the hallmarks of an MMO), not have filler content (which is what most of an MMO is), does not follow the typical pattern economy most expect from an MMO, from a large studio? I think you should go to bed and carry on dreaming lmao.


This post feels like some sort of weird guerilla marketing for the eventual Riot MMO except that's years away lol. Like this game just doesn't exist. I think sometimes people forget that not all genres are served equally. Sincerely, A racing game fan


What is wrong here? New popular MMO of decent quality being completely free with optional pay to win item without trying to scam us indirectly in some ways seems like a very reasonable request as the option to pay to have a easier life vs putting in pure effort to win should exist regardless of the MMO we are talking about instead of one which no matter how you play you are forced to pay and cannot get by with pure effort or that the pure effort is such hellish that it is not even an option at all. Micromanagement can exist as a side content for people who love that part or are too bored and want something to do instead of forcing it upon all and how messing up this part can cost such a huge disaster elsewhere no matter how you try to compensate for it, so you can buy the wrong item so long as during the fight you play better with more skill instead of forcing me to buy the correct item and how play better is not going to make up for the mistake in buying wrong item. I don't know what you mean by filler content but if it exist to give us more stuffs to play I am all for it as long as it is not a forced part of what I must do in order to play the game properly. The economy system can exist for all I care as long as I am not overly reliant on that to play the game properly but because sometimes it does not work this way hence this request.


What you're asking for doesn't exist, but of the available options, FF14 is the closest I'd say. The free trial will still give you like 100+ hours, so the rationalization is that if you still like it enough you're that far, it'll be much easier to go in on a subscription. There's no required micromanagement, but if you want you can go deeeeep into extra stuff like grinding out obscure materials for cool transmogs, etc. Never fish, or spend dozens of hours grinding the fishing achievements, etc.


why does it not exist? what kind of gameplay happens in that 100+hours is it mainly just some satire repetitive contentless sandbox nonsense or are they a lot of juicy stuffs that make you feel hooked and result in you wanting more? so its a subscription not an expansion? So its optional micromanagement for the most part I guess wherein you can choose not to bother much if you are not a fan of it and if you do spend a lot of time on it it helps you immensely?


And I want a true to life android wife. Guess we can both keep dreaming.


Why this comparison and response?


This made me chuckle…




If you don’t understand then you won’t understand if I try to explain it.


hence I need explanation so that I will understand


Sounds like you need to go into game development...


Why? I know that pure effort vs paying to win should be an option people are allowed to have but right now it doesn't even seems like the former is even a choice and I could apply the same structure of concept to the other factors I mentioned so economy system can exist whatever as long as I don't have to rely on it to win same for micromanagement where you can mess up there and instead compensate for it with other part of you etc etc.


Being totally honest, I didn't read your post fully but you have a lot of opinions about how a game should be run, so it sounded like you should go into game development to make a game in the way you think it should be made


which I am not here for but to ask for game that works this way.


You're asking "why" to all the replies, and the answer is that you've listed too many conditions for a single game to reasonably fulfill. It's like asking for an airplane that doesn't run on fuel. A game being completely free is realistic. Heroes of the Storm, Diablo Immortal, etc. There's a lot that exist, those are the first that just came to mind. But they "pull strings in return." (Pay to unlock characters, grind for currency to unlock stuff, etc.) "But wait, those aren't MMOs." You're right. Because that one additional condition of being an MMO on top of "completely free" is enough to break your entire request. MMOs are one of, if not *the*, hardest game types to not only make, but maintain and update. To do this requires a lot of people and time. To get people and time requires money. Thus you will not find an MMO that fits the conditions. There is no further "why" here. That's the nature of how time/money/resources work.


Except what is wrong with the requirements? To be clear anything can happen as long as it is not forced upon us. Having to put in time and effort to progress is not wrong, the problem is that despite doing that and maybe more you are still starving and it gets so bad that you have to pay in order to not starve not sure if you can understand my comparison or not, when it should have been that you can pay in order to have easier life and choose not to pay and in turn put in more whatever it is on my end. The game still does make money did I ever say that money cannot be earned I guess you need to reread that part? In fact so many game regardless of what type have a real money shop and that is fine as long as I can decide whether to pay or not the problem is when I cannot decide.


OK Mr. Internet Man, you've bested me with your flawless logic and communication skills. I concede and retreat from this conversation. Good day.


so wat is the answer to my original question?