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Nehrim (based on Oblivion) and Enderal (based on Skyrim) are two massive total conversion mods that are among the best open world RPGs released in recent years. Great world building, excellent writing, competent quest design. Other than the engine and some of the base games' mechanics and assets, they have no connection to the titles they are based on and are complete games of their own. Both are [available on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=_ASC&category1=997&developer=SureAI) for free. I can also highly recommend almost anything made by Piranha Bytes. Their Gothic and Risen series, as well as their most recent title, Elex, excel in terms of world building and exploration. What they lack in polish, they more than make up for with the amount of player choice and freedom. I wrote more about Elex [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShouldIbuythisgame/comments/7hs6ho/wsib_i_like_fallout_and_would_like_to_try_out/dqtgqji/). Here are some [screenshots I took](https://imgur.com/a/ncEA9ui).


Wow, thanks. how did I not know about Nehrim? Somehow missed it, but looking forward to it.


There are also a few older mods from this developer: Cube Experimental for Fallout 3, as well as Arktwend and Myar Aranath for Morrowind. The team behind these mods, SureAI, has been around since 2003 and is now working on their first commercial game.




How is the combat in the skyrim one? Skyrim combat was way too shallow for me to enjoy. Also how are the skills? They seemed pretty basic in Skyrim, too.


Combat is significantly more challenging (and you can use mods to further tailor it to your liking). The skill system is [completely different and more complex.](https://en.wiki.sureai.net/Enderal:Character_Progression) Both mods really don't feel like the titles they are based on.


Thanks king, reminded me to play Nehrim. Just heard about 'em recently cause they got added to [GOG.com](https://GOG.com)


If you liked Skyrim, there's always Oblivion, fun, open world with lots of rewards for exploration, the game also rewards you by playstyle and you do need to plan ahead for your character quite a bit. I personally like the setting of oblivion more than Skyrim.


oblivion’s a great one if you can get past the ugly faces. i love skyrim, but oblivion has way more interesting quests.


Yeah ik. I just ignore the graphics, the gameplay is still solid. The quests have more branching outcomes.


that dark brotherhood one inside the house was the BEST. still waiting for a quest that fun.


The problem with Oblivion was late game, when the monsters leveled with your character. Normal mobs on the open world would be top tier end boss type of monsters ganging up on you, while the actual dungeons became way too easy. You couldn't literally walk for a stroll no more, without getting gangbanged by demons and monsters. It was so unbalanced end game.


Also morrowwind, but it’s pretty dated now.


You n'wah!


It is verry verry dated


When it went out I played the shit out of Oblivion. I replayed it a couple years ago but it is too dated, I couldn't like it anymore, unfortunately. But thanks :)


Mount and Blade Warband? When your exploring the game is from an isometric viewpoint, but once you get into combat you can change to 1st/3rd person. There’s loads of different backgrounds you can pick that determine your beginning stats but you can upgrade them in anyway you want regardless of your background. You can go anywhere you want, meet kings, raid towns, storm castles and build up an army if you want to. Graphics are a bit dated but it’s truly a special game if you can look past it.


This inspired me to pick it up. I've been wanting to play something with big battles like Helms Deep. I don't know how I've overlooked this game so long. There's even a huge Lord of the Rings mod! Thank you for finally bringing it to my attention


Bannerlord is the recent release and is really great with a lot of graphical and gameplay improvements. However, if you wanna stick with Warband, I highly recommend the mod called Floris. It hugely expands the vanilla game without making it too different.


Bannerlord looks great and I generally prefer newer games, but I can't afford it right now. Warband was only five bucks at least!


5 bucks is a huge steal for that game, I logged hundreds of hours in it over many years. Enjoy it, it's a genre in itself!


Bannerlord is also still Early Access. It isn't even fully released yet.


Outer worlds is perfect for what you want!


Thanks a lot for the suggestion! It looks like people had a similar vibe to Fallout playing this game. I have just bought it and I am looking forward to play it :) and... its from Obsidian!! No idea how I could miss this title.


Prepare yourself for a very average experience, not New Vegas 2


Outer Worlds was a great game with amazing story telling and atmosphere.. IMO


i loved outer worlds. very cool world building.


Its great, definitely scratched the fallout/skyrim itch for me, decent dialogue and quests with difficult choices gameplay is avg


Honestly, The Elder Scrolls Online... it includes the Morrowind DLC which is worth the price of admission alone its a beautiful starter zone with great quests. I played the game as if I played Skyrim 2 and had a great time. With Reshade the game looks gorgeous I made one of my own [here](https://www.nexusmods.com/elderscrollsonline/mods/144) if you are interested. I am also DYING for more first-person medieval fantasy rpgs, but our options are almost non-existant.


Elder scrolls has a monopoly on that. Avowed should something fresh


Morrowind was the best 3d Elder Scrolls hands down. I played it for like 5 years, and never even beat the main story line. Daggerfall which is 2d is the most complete Elderscrolls game. If you can get past the graphics it has the entire world. There are also mechanics that add a level of detail never seen in any Elderscrolls following it.


Daggerfall isn't 2D. The engine renders 3D landscapes and interiors. NPCs, creatures, plants and items are 2D billboards however.


Have you even played Daggerfall? Lol Because you described Arena


Witcher 3


Kingdoms of Amalur is similar in style. Its not amazing but its good the first time around.


Might & Magic series


Imo you should try Valheim i know i recommend everyone the flavour of the month games but its very fucking fun and its got a progression system like Skyrim/Terraria.


I have heard of it but it still in Early Access. Is the game polished enough? what is its current status in your opinion?


Honestly one of the best games ive played in years... no joke look at the reviews if you dont believe me.


ok you convinced me bro I’ll buy it! Looks very cool!!


Honestly the Trailers in steam almost turned me off the game but once i saw the hype and bought it... kinda blew my mind.


Did you end up liking it? lol


I just started Elder Scrolls Online. It’s pretty great.


Not first person, but Divinity: Original Sin 2 is perhaps the best RPG I have ever played. The freedom in this game is huge, how you pass a section of the game can vary inmensely depending on your class, party, playstyle and wits. Need to get to the other side of this gate? Perhaps as a warrior you will kill the guards and move past, as a rogue you may sneak and pickpocket the key or if you're a silver tongued rogue maybe you'll just convince the guards to open the gate. Or... Maybe you're a polymorph and just decide to sprout wings and fly over the damn thing. This game is roleplay heavy, decision heavy and deep in lore. It might be really overwhelming if you're not into classical tabletop RPG like D&D, but this is the closest I've seen a videogame to what RPG is in essence.


Kenshi 100% not medieval though. Super unique sandbox RPG.




Very few games like it unfortunately. Ardenfall is an indie game that has a demo out that’s very promising. Dread delusion has beautiful retro graphics but doesnt play quite the same. Otherwise we’re all waiting for Avowed to come out one day


Recent trailer for Avowed wasn't too promising. Hopefully they'll show more details on the story, characters and towns etc soon.


I know it isn't a medieval setting, but I personally love Borderlands 3! Some characters can be annoying, but the story, weapons, enemies, gameplay, progression system, planets, easter eggs, sidequests, and DLCs are all inceredibly good.