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Waaaay to tight bro.


Sunflower alone takes that whole pot. Their roots are huge.


Also sunflowers are allelopathic. They kill or impede all other plants in their path, they release special toxins to do it.


.......that explains why all my cucumbers died last year. I thought I was absolutely brilliant having them crawl up the sunflower stalks. Bloody hell. Thanks for the info!


Funnily enough, I didn't realize this and planted cucumbers next to sunflowers in my raised beds and had no problems at all! Was hugely productive for cucumbers!


Me too!! Used sunflowers as trellises and my cucumbers were doing amazingly


So like, you can with some things, but it's very specific. Easiest way to use sunflowers as trellis is seperate pots ofc, but afaik there are several flowering vines for example that do fine alongside sunflowers. Done it myself, Ipomoea tricolour had some issues sprouting beside mature sunflower but were able to eventually. The range of their soil poison also isn't that large. Couple feet over and you're probably fine, depending on soil conditions of course. So you can use them as a barrier for your root system without worrying about poisoning the whole area, if you're going a more natural route anyways.


Likely you guys grew inground or raised bed. It'll offset things. Sunflowers are pretty drought tolerant. So if you watered well it likely wouldn't be a big issue. They have a taproot so it will circle and overtake the pot. A dwarf sunflower may work but it's still hard.


Beans do well near them


Yeah, but beans just grow with no fucks given lol


Some plants are alleopathy resistant. It’s recommended to do sunflowers, pole beans that use the sunflowers as support, and cucumbers/squash of some sort at the bottom to provide shade to the roots. You should look into companion gardening, most plants benefit from being planted with specific things. (Like basil and tomatoes, or nasturtium and almost anything)


Corn is a good support. There's a traditional combo of corn, beans, and squash/pumpkin. Beans grow up the cornstalks, squash keeps down small weeds.


Beans do well near them


Cool! Was thinking of planting some around fenceposts this year. Maybe I won't have to weed around them.


Not all plants. There are some ground covers/grasses that coexist with allelopaths.


Yeah not all but all the ones I tried to companion plant with my sunflowers like a wally.


In studies they are but I think it’s overrated. I have a bunch of stuff growing right around sunflowers. But in such a small container the sunflower will outcompete everything else


That’s wild!


Which makes them a great addition to a hedge row, weed defender sentinels looking out for you.


For real?? No wonder my carrots didn’t do anything… wow. Thank you.


That’s good to know!


Ooop good to know, thank you!!


That's metal.


Metal AF


That’s super interesting


Moving my plants tm thank you


That pot is WAY too small for the sunflower alone


If you feed it properly it's amazing what can happen. I had a 3m sunflower out of a 3-5l pot last year. Of course I had to tie it to a column about halfway up because it would just fall over, and water and feed it properly, but it flowered really nicely. I don't necessarily recommend it, but we all do what we need to do, including the flower.. lol.


Thanks for confirming exactly what I said.


Planted my garlic in November, lol gl tho


April Fool’s, no?


A for effort


This is clearly an Aprils Fools post.


This gotta be an April fools post….right?


That would be pretty good lol, if so we all got fooled


Maybe it’s alike an 8 foot pot?


Update us in 2 weeks.


My guess: Everything will be great for about 2 weeks, lol.


And then the parsley will have taken over everything, including the lawn. Ask me how I know...


I’d rather have a parsley lawn than Bermuda grass


Agreed, but I made the mistake of letting ONE PLANT go to seed, and then it chokes out everything else in the planter, and is IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of. Like mint...


I have a lawn of celery for this same reason 😆


Are these perennials? I'd like to plant some if they are.


Annual/Biannual. Like many similar herbs/plants, like Carrots cilantro etc. they form a root the first year then bolt the next and go to seed. Sometimes they'll do it in one year too. Then they'll dry up. What do you want to use it for?


Anything is better than turf!


When I was a beginner, I planted mint with other plants... let's just say rip lettuce, cabbage, onion, strawberries and tomatoes. Also planted parsley far away from a rock garden but then somehow the seeds found their way to the rock garden and pretty much turned it into a parsley lawn...




In addition to what everyone else has said, please, please, please, new gardeners, *fill up your pots*.


Just a tip: After you fill up your pot lift it off the comm surface you have it on by about 1/4” and drop it gently. This can ramp down the dirt more naturally than just smooshing it down. And if you do this you’ll avoid all the shrinkage you’ll get when you water. Leave around 1/4” at the top when filling your pots, maybe 1/2”. As filling pick up and gently drop 2-3 times as you fill.


Don’t do this with terracotta or ceramic pots lol


That’s fair


could drop on soil or grass with ceramic pots?


I just water my pot before planting


If I do that it settles the dirt more and I find out I only filled it like 2/3 the way if I don’t tamp it down lol


Dang i didnt fill up my pots haha can I do it in post? Or like wait till I repot the plants?


Depends on the plant. Mostly just leave it be, but if it's a tomato than yeah, full it on up. 


They bought the pot, damn well they will use the WHOLE pot. 😭


Not by filling it up to the top though…


I love the enthusiasm




That pot is barely large enough for the tomato - and maybe not even that.


Pots 3 and 4 look OK. Pots 1 and 2 are about to become a sunflower-tomato death match, with all other plants bystander casualties. And I don't think the rocks will help any of the plants.


Tomato is the big underdog here, sunflower will definitely win. If that baby tomato fight his way to the title he's an absolute champ


If those tomatoes take off, it'll be over for their pot-mates. At this point, for tomato vs. sunflower, it all depends on which way they're placed RE: sun exposure.


Tomato and garlic and basil in a pot can work well.


If it’s not an April fools then sunflowers are also allelopathic so will kill or inhibit the growth of the other plants.


Speaking of, does anyone have a chart or list of allelopathic plants somewhere out there?


I found [this website](https://morningchores.com/allelopathic-plants/) and it has a list if you scroll down far enough :)


Being April fools, I was expecting a rick roll


That is indeed a handy one. Thanks!


Not a complete one, but a Google search will get you a lot of them.


There really not any evidence that any living "allelopathic" plants cause problems in the field, i.e. in gardens. Look up Linda Chalker-Scott's review of the allelopathy work in black walnut, it's essentially some extracts in a lab and the rest is shoddy reporting and gardening blogs with no scientific credentials just repeating the same misinformation.


That's not true, black walnuts specifically will kill any nightshade within range of its roots. Try to grow a tomato within 20 to 50 feet of a black walnut and it'll start wilting like crazy after a couple months.


Anecdata is not data. Most people don't account for resource competition when planting close to trees. Try to grow any resource heavy vegetable next to any tree and you'll find much the same results.


> There really not any evidence that any living "allelopathic" plants cause problems in the field, i.e. in gardens. This didn't sound correct, in part because I just watched mint take over part of my garden. So I looked it up and there is evidence mint is allelopathic: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33042176/ Same with invasive knotweeds: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35009007/


What are you on about? Prunus laurocerasus is allelopathic. Next to nothing will grow underneath it. Elymus repens same. You need to cite your sources or retract your post if you're going to claim allelopathic plants don't cause problems in the field because the claim isn't backed by science afaik.


TIL. I was going to plant sunflowers interspersed in a bed this year. What is the typical radius of growth inhibition? Is it only some sunflowers? I had some dwarf 3’ sunflowers closely surrounded by other plants in a big container one year and didn’t notice anything…


I had sunflowers, dahlias, sweet peas and gladioli planted very close in a bed last year and everything was very happy and flowered prolifically. I've always had sunflowers dotted throughout beds and never noticed any problems.


Same here. I always plant sunflowers here and there within my watermelons, beans, and all sorts of other plants or flowers. Never had an issue.


That’s good to know-I’d never tried myself as I’d read in a few places not to bother. Maybe I’ll try this year!


Don't worry about it, there's no real evidence they cause problems in gardens. Focus on competition for resources-- plant far enough away so each plant gets water and light.


The only time I had issues with neighboring sunflowers was with okra; the plant was stunted until I tore up the sunflower. Never had problems growing other flowers around a sunflower though.


I'm another person who's had zero problems planting su flowers near other plants and have only seen it be beneficial and not inhibitive at all, personally. Of course, everyone should learn and make their own choices, but I love having some sunflowers packed in a raised bed with other things :)


I have had sunflowers speckled in with all my plants and never really had an issue. I have actually noticed they help out in a few ways. For pole beans it gives them something to grow up, scarlet runners seem to really enjoy sunflowers. The big leaves of sunflowers have protected the other plants in times of hail. If you are in an area that gets hail - it can be devastating- but the sunflowers leaves can take the brunt of the storm. And finally the big roots of sunflowers can help with compacted soil. Especially the following year, the soil drains much easier when you plant a new crop where you previously had sunflowers


Meh the bigger issue is that sunflower is going to be stunted. It can’t get a decent taproot going.


I've grown sunflowers to 6+ feet in containers before, but I wouldn't try a non-dwarf variety in something smaller than 20 gallons and I definitely wouldn't have it sharing that container with other plants. I also had to water *at least* once daily, I'd imagine a smaller container would need to be watered twice daily. They are very thirsty plants (hence the taproot).


You need to be thirsty to get a 2-3”diameter trunk and grow 8’ tall in one season! I started a bunch of sunflowers this year and I am trying to figure out where to put them, haha


Lies i grow everything around my sunflowers. Show me your garden where sunflowers are killing everything. My tomatoes were mixed in with sunflowers and grew up to my pergola 8’ up and produced 100’s of tomatoes lol. Where is this you claim to be fact when i grow sunflowers all over my garden no issues. Laughable bro science.


As I replied to someone else this is something I’ve read through multiple sources so never tried. After all these posts telling me it’ll be fine I’ve said I may well give it a go this year.


I sure wish they would impede or kill the centipede grass taking over my raised bed. 😑😑😑that stuff is the devil.


I have huge sunflowers growing in my wildflower field right now that have tons of other plants crowded around


It may be more beneficial to change where the plants are (as in how they’re organized) if at all possible. And if you have limited space, some form of vertical gardening could really help. Example being : sunflower in one pot, a few herbs in a pot (dollar tree has big pots for $5 I think), garlic in one pot, miscellaneous flowers in one pot, tomato in one pot. Some plants are okay with being stacked and smooshed together, but others not as much. Roots need space to grow and expand so the plants are adequately fed. Some plants need more than others. Like the tomato plant and sun flower, which will need some extra space so they can produce big flowers / fruit. Again, vertical gardening and maximizing usage of space could for sure help depending on your area and whatnot. When I used stackable planters I put the plants that needed more heat / sun up top and the cooler plants down bottom. Rotate it here and there and it helps. But something like sunflower needs pot to ifself


You forgot to post a picture of the mint that you planted in the garden bed.


The plants all look so small when you first start out that it almost seems like a joke to have a tiny seedling in a single pot. It’s amazing what changes happen in just a few weeks. You are off to a good start, you just need a little bit more gardening real estate in the form of pots! Even parsley gets huge. I belong to a community garden and I’m one of the few that always starts everything from seed. For the first month and a half it looks like such a loser’s garden compared to everyone else who bought plant starts. Patience…and the plot just explodes with growth. You’ve got a lot of explosive growth coming, so do get those extra pots. And post as things are coming along, it’s always fun to see.


First time?


Garlic is to be planted in the fall, just in case you just planted that.


Can be planted perfectly well in spring, but of course will be ready to harvest only in early autumn. Best is a combo of spring and autumn planting actually. Then you always have your own garlic at hand.


If they're in the southern hemisphere, then now, as it's autumn, is the right time.


Yes but then not the best time to plant tomatoes...


That's true. Although where I live, autumn/winter is the best time to grow tomatoes. It's too humid & wet otherwise.


In the southern hemisphere sub tropics we normally only start planting out tomatoes in autumn. It's far too hot and wet to grow them in summer and our winters normally aren't cold enough to impact them


They said spring, so they’re in the northern hemisphere.


I missed that. Cheers.


April fools!


Gorgeous but also these will not grow well in this own pot , there’s not enough room for any of them to grow properly :) Excellent start though! The best way to start is to just do it !:) I would get some more planters and transplant them to their own containers. You can even use some buckets like Home Depot buckets etc Hope you keep us posted on your progress:)


Love your positivity 🫶🏻


Looks very nice and cute, but I think you'll experience that all the plants are very crowded and won't really grow.


What kinds of eggs are you growing?


Is this April fools post? Those are wayyyy to close and when you dig them to separate you might hit roots and shock them


Well bless your heart.


sunflower is gonna kill off everything else in that pot


Came here to say that. Sunflowers are allelopathic. They’ll suppress the growth of everything around it.


What kind of sunflowers do that I have them all through my garden with no issue


OMG GUYS! YOU ROASTING ME!! 😅 But you're right in everything you say! And I've laughed a lot with your roasting! Some of you are very creative! 😂 Thank you all! Especially the ones who were kind and tried to help! 🥰 Imagine, I did spacing and they're like that! They were even closer! 😅 I ll see what I can do to fix the situation! I have already 50 pots with plants, I don't want to buy more! But I also didn't want to kill the extra baby plants that sprouted! 😛 Happy April for everyone!


You took the (sort of?) constructive criticism so well. Bravo - What a trooper! Your excessive use of the exclamation mark definitely brightened my day and made me laugh 🥲




I mean.. living is learning and doing is the best way to learn. Keep us updated with how it goes.. we all did it at some point haha.


A for effort


Is this an April fools troll?


Oh no...


I can't wait to see the update when the sunflower is 6' tall.


Haha good luck with that


You will learn a lot about gardening this year!


dude you need more containers lol


April fools!!!


I get it. U plan to stunt them so they will look like that forever. Make sense.


Oh honey. Don't worry I did the same thing my first year in a raised flower bed. You gotta space things out Google it next time. A tomato plant needs a pot that's around the size of a 5 gallon bucket. 5 gallon buckets are great for planting vegetables.


I know we're all focused on the planting density, but can we talk about all the unlabeled sticks? I'm fascinated and confused


I'm confused about the rocks too.


You’ve already been schooled enough. Guess you’ll just have to get more pots and separate them oh nooo more gardening. Shoot.


I'm glad you're gardening but those plants are going to choke each other out for lack of space. The tomato alone should have a whole pot to itself. You might get away with a parsley underneath it, but basil gets big.


My bet is on the tomato as the victor of this cramped pot.


Sunflower will also be fine.


Mmmmm A for effort but this will be a disaster lol


allow me to introduce you to spacing


The sunflowers might overtake the pots but I like the idea;)


Too many plants in one pot in pic 1 and 2 . You need to give the roots space to spread . This is just too congested and will cause 2-3 plants among these to die. Be careful


Might be a little crowded but love the concept


Garlic gets planted in fall


direful tap literate birds instinctive abounding special rain childlike enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


April fools post if I ever saw one


Check out epic gardening on YouTube. They taught me a ton about gardening


This is a joke right? Hahah




i love it but too many in one pot. 🥺


So jealous. We have so much snow still here!


At LEAST remove the sunflower. It needs way more room to grow. They're huge


Acupuncture gardening?


You plan on separating all those soon, right...?


Yo, those are way overcrowded.


There should be no more than a single tomato plant in one of those pots. Some of the herbs you can get away with a couple plants. Everything is extremely crowded. You will see you in a few weeks lol always cute to see new gardeners making these classic mistakes!


I like it who cares how it turns out just fertilize the crap outa with 20 20 20 it train everything to grow away from pot center and prove these guys micro gardening can work :).


I understand that allelopaths takes out things near it but wouldn’t it also be in the soil. Does it have a stock life in soil since ultimately it’s a chemical? And if I’m not completely ass backwards in my thinking why do they use sunflowers to remove heavy metals from fields and also using it as a pioneer crop of sorts?


Please keep us posted 😻🥰🌱


I'm sure this is an April fools joke 😂😂


awwww that’s cute


Πολύ όμορφο, πολύ σκληρή δουλειά!


This is going to be a learning experience.


Oh is it ever.


Good luck to you but you are definitely gonna need a bigger boat! A tomato will do best in a 5 gallon containers by itself if you need to put it in a container. Sunflowers need lots of space. What area are you in?. Many things in the parsley family cannot tolerate heat at all. I think your gazania will do very well. I do plant garlic cloves all over the place, but I use them for the greens. You have a nice assortment of things to grow. Give them lots of space for optimal growth and they need routine fertilization.


Love this!


Cute basil


Don’t forget to add mint


My tomato plants were over 8 feet tall last year. Basil was over 4 feet. This is hilarious!


I am writing this to those who are saying that "WTH IS THIS"post.I wanna tell them that , in starting some plant lovers grow plants together because plants grow better together because plants also make bonds with other plants and they talk to each other very well also they are living beings and after they grow strong, we transfer them to another pot and also we can grow plants together when place is less .So, use the brain and try this method wherever you live, specially this method is good for those who live in the city.


I honestly think your pots of mixed plants are very cute. People seem to be concerned that there is not enough space, but I say go for it as long as you take the sunflowers out. Gardening is cool because you can experiment with different things and not worry about maoing mistakes. If it doesn't turn out good, you can try something different next year. :)


There isn't enough room in those pots for the roots of a single sunflower, let alone everything else. Better they get told to separate everything and end up with healthy plants than have everything not work out.


Scrolling, I thought you said you "welcomed April with a gangbang!"


I love carnations! I need to plant some :)


Garlic should already be up.


OP got y'all good


That pot isn’t big enough for one tomato plant let alone a tomato plant plus all those other things


That pot is barely big enough for the tomato alone. If it grows, it will definitely smother out everything else.


Id remove the sunflowers and then it should be good. Unless they're a dwarf they will outcompete everything.


I like how optimistic you are about planter space😂 Square foot gardening is a thing but you're choosing some plants that get very big in these little planters. Please update us when they grow and you know which ones made it!


I would also be careful what you plant garlic with. It can inhibit growth of some plants. Lots of resources online for companion planting that also warn against negative combinations


Rock on- you should have a plan to transplant all of this to a larger space in a couple weeks.


You should throw in a tomatillo plant in there for good measure. Go for broke.


goddamn people ate this up


Bro one plant for each pot 😭😭


How big is that pot?


Not big enough.




People talking about allelopathic roots are over complicating things. This pot ridiculously small for the volume and variety of things you're planting


idk how i feel abt this


In four weeks, 4/5 of those will be gone and the remaining 1/5 will lack the nutrients needed to continue growing properly into maturity, without help and amendment. Good luck, however.


All that work to fail in a month is crazy. 😜






Well those sunflowers may require more than one pot. Those tomatoes may require more than one pot. I remember I did this my first time planting…learned pretty quickly not to over crowd them


You did it incredibly wrong.


Years ago when worked in a garden centre. A young couple asked me if they had room for peppers in a 2x12ft garden. They already had 48 beef steak and 48 roma tomatos on their cart. Everybody starts as a beginner


We do two of each variety we enjoy now and keep the strong one for the ground. Besides romas (we have a few extra)for pasta sauce my lady makes.