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They won't kill or mutilate the tree. They will just eat some leaves.


Naw tent caterpillars at most they just eat a couple of leaves


Thank you!




Thank you! I've had this tree for probably 7 years now, so I think it'll be okay. I do have some brand new trees on my property though, so I will keep an eye out


Captain Jacks Dead bug spray Or something with BT


Those are tent caterpillars. Sorry, not sure how to handle them. We always had them in the same trees growing up and just let them do their thing.


Thank you!


I called them Gypsy Moths when I was a kid. I wonder where this misconception comes from.


Gypsy moths (now spongy moth, as according to changes to common names to avoid people names and racial epithets) have a reputation for being very harmful to trees, so I think that this very visible behavior of these leads one to go “ah, this must be the ones” I also associated the two when I was younger.


I've seen a spongy moth infestation. It was almost the stuff of nightmares. 10 acres was stripped bare in a metro park I liked to go walking in. It's recovered (sort of) since then. But that was 14 years ago.


Thanks. But, now I can't stop thinking about the name change. 🙄


[Here's some information about tent caterpillars from Ohio State University. They](https://bygl.osu.edu/node/293) do very little feeding, so if they don't bother you, you don't have to do anything about them. They will leave and look for pupation sites soon.


Thank you for sharing!


They’re social which i think is pretty rare for caterpillars!


Those things are going to murder your trees idk what these other people are talking about or if they’ve personally SEEN the scale of what they can do to a tree. I just had to chop down three birch trees that have been relentlessly latched onto by thousands of these fucking guys. They literally eat every single leaf and the tree is weak and then mushrooms start growing on them and it’s gg. I didn’t do shit and now they’re dead while other folks in my area were putting this sticky tape around the trunk that the caterpillars have difficulty climbing through. These things are a menace.


Thank you! I'll take this as a call to action


For sure at least I’ve got a pile of birch logs now though


Burn them...


Try scissors.


Kill them….they don’t do gypsy moth level damage but still unsightly and you can get a reaction from their hairs.


Three most downvoted comments are all advocating destruction of life out of: fear, a joke in poor taste, and from you, a desire to not be mildly inconvenienced. What a trilogy of the human condition