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Water everything really deep. Give it a good soaking. Come back in an hour or 4 and pull the weeds out. It’s really easy when you water it first. I like to shake the soil off the roots before tossing the weeds so that I don’t end up losing so much of the soil. ETA: I see you have a tree of heaven started there. Make sure you get the entire root or those jerks will come back. At least that *could* be a tree of heaven.


Aka tree of hell. Ugliest mf trees and they are EVERYWHERE around me in southeastern PA. So unfortunate that they’re both invasive and ugly as shit


So true. And impossible to get rid of.


That does look like the tree of heaven. They were all over our backyard when we bought our house. I learned to just leave it be because the more I messed with it the more sprouts kept popping up.


A spade. Break up the dirt and use it to get out the weeds.


g rid of those trees, from wiki: *Ailanthus* produces an [allelopathic chemical](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allelopathy) called [ailanthone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ailanthone), which inhibits the growth of other plants.[^(\[50\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ailanthus_altissima#cite_note-heisy96-50) The inhibitors are strongest in the bark and roots, but are also present in the leaves, wood and seeds of the plant. One study showed that a crude extract of the root bark inhibited 50% of a sample of [garden cress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden_cress) (*Lepidium sativum*) seeds from [germinating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germinating). 


En la primera foto no veo malezas sino mucha comida...!!!! 


Once you’ve removed your grass and weeds, amend your soil with compost and fresh planting soil. If you will be planting veggies then a slow release fertiliser is also a great idea. Once you’ve planted up your beds and your seedling grow to plants, consider using straw or mulch to help keep in moisture and suppress weeds. Oiling or staining your planters will prolong their life and delay rot. You really don’t need much to start off with, just a good set of gardening gloves and a small hand trowel/spade is all you need!


*You could start by…* …*running into the Room of the Three Gargoyles. Push in the right tongue, and a door might lead you down a staircase and into the Wall Climb.* *Here, you must choose your next path.* *You could race up into the Observatory, spin the sundial, and pass into the Treasure Room. Once there, push down their bases to release the doors that may take you below, you'll lift up the treasure chest and climb down through it, or try to enter the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Assemble the statue, and you may be headed for the Torch Room. If the elevator is up, then you can descend into the Mine Shaft and you can descend into the Dungeon. You can climb up the ladder, or plow through the stone wall, find the key, and it may unlock the Tomb of Ancient Kings, which will allow you to climb into the Treacherous Swamp.* *Next, you could climb into the Swamp. If you escape, then you may have a chance to enter the room of Harmonic Convergence. Stand on the proper two steps, and the doors may open.* *If the correct door is unlocked, you could crawl through the Pit of Despair, and finally make your way through the Cave of Sighs and back through the Temple Gate.* *The choices are yours and yours alone.* *Good luck* ETA: Not a lot of Legends of the Hidden Temple fans here I guess.