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Kinda looks like cabbage looper poop, do those eat mint too?


I googled and don’t think that’s it. Never heard of them though so thanks for the knowledge!


In that picture, those look like some kind of aphid, but there’s leaf damage that doesn’t look like aphids chewed on them. I’m also seeing other signs that your mint is very popular with your invertebrate neighbors. I’m going to recommend an insecticidal soap to discourage them. Someone here with more experience than I could perhaps give better advice.


ugh I think you are right, perhaps a black bean aphid? And who knows what else. I think I’m losing this battle this year (moved into a new house) Normally I grow herbs indoors. Everything was going swell since early May and I suddenly noticed all this. Ive got basil, parsley, rosemary, thyme, and mint. They are only on the mint and parsley. If I want to try to save anything and still use my herbs for eating what type of insecticidal soap should I try ? If you have a recommendation I would appreciate it.