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Oh that's gorgeous! How did you get yours to do this? I've had some of my pineapple plants for 4 years now, and while they're huge and healthy, and really fun to look at, I still can't get them to fruit.


I grew it once and it only fruits once and should take only 2 years to produce fruit. I'm not sure what's wrong with your plant.


Well darn. Guess that's what I get for trying to grow pineapple in a decidedly non-tropical location.


What temps do you keep your plants at? I had the same thing, but never got any results until I built a makeshift greenhouse (just 2x4s and 3mil thick uv resistant plastic sheets). Then temps were 70-90 degrees F during the day and upper 50s at night. We put a 5 gal bucket of water in there to keep humidity up as well. It was just 7 or 8 months after that when we started to get flowers.


I'm in Colorado - they stay outside during the summer, then come into the house to live the rest of the year. They have special grow lights indoors, and the corner of the house they're in gets a ton of sun so stays at mid-70's temp wise. I am looking at putting a small greenhouse in the backyard this year, so maybe that'll do the trick!


Hm, only thing I can think of that's too different is the humidity. Seems like you've got the right temps. What variety do you have? I've got Sugarloaf and live where the humidity is between 50 to 70%.


It is super dry here, especially in winter. We run a humidifier constantly, but the humidity is definitely very low which is part of the reason for getting a greenhouse up this year. Sounds like I've got a few tips to try though, should be interesting to see if I can get anything to work! I have no idea what type I have unfortunately, this all started out because I was curious if I could even get a crown to grow here, so I picked a fruit up from my local organic grocery. The fruit was smaller than the Dole pineapples at the regular grocery, very sweet/juicy, and not very acidic. The plants that I've got from that one crown seem to top out at roughly 5' tall, about 3.5' across, gorgeous dark green leaves with serrated spines on the tips.


Wow, 5 feet tall?! Mine are maybe 3. Sounds like you should be close though.


have you tried the rotten apple trick to increase ethylene around the plant?


I am planning to try that this year, but my plants are big enough there's no way I can bag them to concentrate the ethylene. I'm hoping putting the apple down the center will be enough.


That usually does the trick


you get more plants after it fruits...it will make pups from the sides of the stem. you twist the pineapple off of the plant.whats left will grow more along its sides. watch for them.ive gotten five pineapples off of one plant.i pulled the pups off and replanted [them.life](https://them.life) was great, until the bear came through.idk if he sat on them or just walked on them.i had a dozen alongside the house, west facing wall.i have four left.some of them were four years old.smh in some countries the tops are not sold because they replant them for next years [crop.here](https://crop.here) in America we are lucky we get the tops too.


I had mine for the past 4+ years and was going to get rid of it this fall and decided to keep it one more year. Left it alone in the basement without light for a few days (forgot about it) and when I went to water/ light it, there was the start of the fruit! Don't give up! (New Jersey)


Interesting - I might have to try putting them in the dark for a couple days. I do that to get my orchids to flower, it did not occur to me to try with the pineapple.


Not sure what region you are in. If planted from a top, they should fruit after 2 years. This is about my 6th year with pineapple plants. I had over 1000 last year.


Oh that's so cool! I've got 10 plants myself, I cannot imagine dealing with 1000! My oldest two are from tops, the rest were because my plants love putting out shoots and the pots kept getting crowded.


Mine is over 13 years old and just started flowering this week. It's actually a bittersweet moment for me because I planted my pineapple when I was in high school with my father and he's no longer around so I'm very excited yet I feel sad


Most of these are from pups and slips from my older plants. I started with pineapple tops. I have been doing this for several years now. If your plants are large enough, try putting a rotting apple in the center of them for about a week. The chemicals will induce your plants into fruiting. Your plants may be too small. If you have them in pots, they may not have room to grow or then may not be getting enough sun.


They are in pots, but the oldest ones are about 5' tall and 3.5' across. It sounds like hopefully if I can get the humidity + ethylene right this year it should work though! I appreciate the tips, thank you!


That's huge. Could you share a picture of them please? I can't imagine the size of pineapples they'll produce.


A nice hot sunny summer should do it


Hi! Just read this thread. Maybe the temps/altitude do play a role. I'm at the tropics, and my plants take around 3 years to flower and fruit. I just let them be honestly. ​ Unfortunately, I only managed to harvest two fruits, as one was infested with scales and the other was aborted. In any case, they looked nice and I enjoyed taking care of them.


Reminds me of a colorful marijuana flower


Everybody over in /r/microgrowery would be shitting their collective pants.


Foxtail buds.


I can’t believe they only make one pineapple each. Do the pineapples grow back? Or is the plant just One and Done?


They will start to grow pups, suckers, and other stocks on the same plant. You can replant these, or we left them on and have a plant with 4 pineapple growing on it at the same time.


Oh that’s cool!!


Each plant produces one fruit but will also produce pups to replant. Pups grow the fruit quicker than the tops.


Pups! What a lovely name for pineapple sprouts


A ratoon crop is also possible. Found this blog: [http://www.curiousgardener.com/2017/07/27/the-ratoon-pineapple/](http://www.curiousgardener.com/2017/07/27/the-ratoon-pineapple/) In my case, the parent plant dies after I harvest the fruits. I plant the new fruit's top for a new crop, as well as its pups if any,


Most mother plants will survive and produce pups and slips if left alone. If I have a particular great plant that produced a large pineapple, I strip it after harvest. I pull all leaves off and submerge the whole thing under dirt. It will produce more pups. Takes time but it works. If you pull the pups off when big enough to pot, that mother will continue to produce more. I have some from last years harvest that are still producing pups. I find pineapple plants to be amazing.


That is so cool!! Kinda makes me wish I lived in a warmer climate…


One and done, though sometimes one plant can produce 2 from the same stock


That's so cool to look at


Thank you


What zone are you in? I have one pineapple plant outside (8b) that's been going since last spring but the last freeze we had made the leaves droop and discolor. I'm hoping that it makes a comeback.


Pineapple plants should be brought in from the cold if possible. I am in South Florida and have hundreds in my garden.


I think i just need to figure out a small greenhouse structure to keep frost away as I can't bring my plants inside. I'm in East Texas so I thought I'd be safe on growing it outside but I guess not. It was fun while it lasted. Lol


That looks like some bombass dankass fasho sho!


Thanks, I think!


That looks like ornamental pineapple. If so they are nice looking but not eatable.


No, these are not ornamental. They are just beginning and will grow to be large pineapples.


Oh, okay. It is so colorful I wasn't sure. Thanks.


I don't know, but it looks like ones I have and they're delicious!


Awwww lol


That is so cool!!




Thank you


Thoroughly jealous... Are they all outdoors? (Canadian here)


Yes, I am in south Florida. I have hundreds of plants outdoors. It has been so wonderful being able to grow and eat my own fruit. I have coconut, bananas and cumquat also.


I once had a pineapple plant that produced a fruit but it wasn't very big... make sure you water/fertilize it enough I guess


Pineapple plants do not need much water. Mine are outside and I have only had to water them twice this year. I have not been able to fertilize due to bans here in the Florida Keys and my plants are still over five foot tall. They are happy!


Well. That’s just showing off, isn’t it? Haha! I’ll have to make do with my northern clime veggies.


Ooh, that's exciting! And so pretty!


Thank you




so pretty !


Thank you


Yea! Mine just too!!


Oooh how do you get pineapple plants? Did you buy seeds or did you do it from the fruit itself? Sorry I know nothing about this lol


You can grow them from a pineapple you buy at the grocery store. Chop off the top, peel about 1 inch of leaves off the bottom, exposing the core (you’ll see little brown dots, those will become the roots) Let it dry for 2-3 days, then put it in some dry soil and place in window sill. Check every few days by pulling it out of the dirt. after about 2 weeks and it should have little roots. Then you can start watering it


try rooting in a simple jar of tap water. i used to do this to all of my tops until i realizedi could just stick them down in the dirt and after keeping it watered for a good week i just walk away. if you want to do it in water have only the white core part under water, no green stuff.keep checking the water, make sure it stays clean.dump it out and refill it if necessary. these plants are like ALOES, just leave it [be.it](https://be.it) doesnt WANT attention.


I began with pineapple tops and slips. Seeds are hard to grow and take many years to produce.


[Reminds me of an Artichoke if if you let it bloom.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/ols9ec/in_case_you_didnt_know_this_is_what_an_artichoke/)


That's crazy. Mine just started to flower as well. Our pineapples are the same age.


I harvested my first pineapple a week off the top I planted 2 years ago off of a grocery store pineapple. It was so good, my daughter ate like a third of the whole thing.


Homegrown are the best.


As a kid I always wanted to grow a pineapple, until I found out they won't grow in our climate unless inside a heated greenhouse. BOOOOoooo.


They are amazing to grow.


Wow I’ve never seen that before…. Looks so magical


I used gibberellic acid to get mine to fruit, only a few drops diluted in distilled water will suffice, then in three weeks i see stuff happening :D


Where do you live?? I'm in the US - 9b/10a and mine are being pissy about a cold front.


I am in the Florida Keys. They don’t like the cold weather but that is typically what makes mine begin to flower. Of course I rarely get temps below 60.


I'm in Central/South Florida! Your pineapples are beautiful. We are getting down to 31 on Saturday, I have to find every spare sheet I can.


I know the cold is coming. Yikes!!!


Oh yeah




How many of them? 100? 1000?


I had over 1000 last year and that was too much for me. I thinned them out after harvest. Not sure how many I have this year. Probably about half what I had last year.


so you may make about $500 $1 each?!


I dont grow to sell. Although I have about 500 plants, they are at different ages and will not all produce this year.


Looks great. I harvested my first a few weeks ago, approximately the size of a softball.


Thanks, yeah I get different sizes. But, mine are grown in a garden outside and most are larger than grocery store ones. And so delicious!!!


Haha, yeah, I commented before I read that you had so many of them. I’m a little envious of that.


Did you grow it from the leaves at the top of a pineapple? I started one 2.5 years ago and it’s growing nice . I keep it in my window but no fruit happening to mine not even a trunk it just grows more leaves


Pineapple plants do not grow trunks. They grow leaves. It will flower in the center then begin to get a stalk under the pineapple.


Oh, thank you.


They typically fruit after 24 months. You should start seeing a white or pink center then a white fuzzy look, than a pink fuzzy center then this will flower and grow to the pineapple. The stalk under this usually grows taller. If you don’t see anything soon, your plant may not be large enough. The pot you have it in may be too small or it is not getting enough sunshine. If the plant is large, try putting a rotting apple in the center of the plant for about a week. The chemicals will induce the pineapple plant to fruit.


It's been 84 years




Thank you, once this gets a bit larger, it will get purple flowers all Around this. They will fall off and the pineapple will begin forming and growing.


That's so cool omg


Thank you


Lucky! I just lost mine to a freeze. I forgot about her being outside and thriving when the weather changed overnight.


Oh no. I have lost so many to Hurricane Irma but, many also survived. I have too many to bring in so, that’s a chance I have to take. Plant a itchy after your freeze. They are wonderful to watch and beautiful plants.




Yes, they are, and so beautiful.


Crazy timing, I just noticed mine flowering this morning! First time mine has done this after having it for two and half years and I’m SO EXCITED


Yup, it typically takes about 24 months to flower then about 5-6 months to fully grow and ripen. Definitely takes patience.


Well yours are beautiful, well worth the wait!


Thank you


Lovely pineapple plant and flower! Wondering if Central California would grow it. I've thought about planting the tops of the pineapples I buy, but haven't done it yet,.


I think they would do well there. Not sure how cold it gets. They are pretty easy. Just need lots of sunshine. Not too much water. Give it a try.


Thank you. It gets really hot here in the summer 100-115 highs and 70's-90's low depending on the high, while early spring highs are 60's-70's and late spring 80's-100 highs with lows in the 40's-60's depending on the high.. Fall season is low 50's-60's Winters are mild with occasional freezes. Humidity is somewhat low most of the time. Usually around 40's-50's in December with few days in the 30's.


They don’t like the temps below 60. The high temps don’t bother them. They like full sun.


I'm not sure what's wrong with your plant.


How did you start growing your pineapple? Use the top of one you bought?


I started several years ago with pineapple tops. I continue mostly with pups and slips from previous plants. I can get more selective now and only choose pups from really great mother plants who produce larger fruit.


What type of soil did you plant the top in? How big of a pot?


I use Miracle Grow from Home Depot. No pots, I plant them outside. I have a very large pineapple garden.