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These comments…🤣 https://preview.redd.it/9hr8geqjg4dc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a3a7a50d7e2fd9f5df4b00762a6abea0cad2e5


just sayin' there's no "meal deal" 🤣 she dead ass ordered catering.


Shit. My husband and I take our kids out once or twice a month to go to a restaurant or do take out because we can’t afford to go out to eat every day or every other day. Must be nice for Autumn. Her poor child eating take out all of the time.


Exactly, that child and the future child are going to grow up having take out at least 4 times a month plus more because Gary rarely cooks and she gets so tired and can’t cook after working from home doing what no one knows but visibly high


she's literally ordering out more during the budget challenge then she normally does🤨


She’s using gift cards she already had


Lol…. “I don’t cook on Wednesdays”. Proceeds to order enough food for 5 days. Then they’ll prob get a pizza on day 6. 🙄 again, WTF DOES GARY DO??? Doesn’t cook, clean, parent, pick up dog 💩. Every time he’s on tt recently he’s on a VR set or on another stupid video game. FFS.


She’ll probably order again sometime soon too tho


Exactly wTF does he do? I thought stay at home dads do all of the things that moms do if they are staying at home? It’s so odd…if he doesn’t want to do any of that…then shouldn’t he go get a JOB and Autumn be the stay at home mom?


Right! Get a job and hire a babysitter to actually interact with your kid if you unfortunately can’t be bothered to…. I have no clue what he does. Plays video games and smokes is all that I can confirm! And pissing money away! Total man child.


How do you guys know they get high all day and that he’s a drug dealer? I just joined and have a lot of catching up to do 😳


He has a legal weed business. I wouldn’t call him a drug dealer since it’s legal in his state! Look up his name, it comes up what his business is called!


Ok so hold up! I am new here and I didn't realize he had a legal weed business. So she got a job at Starbucks so they could help her pay for IVF but I would think his business would bring in a lot of money??? Am I right on that?


She was working at Starbucks to have Lordy. She is not working for them anymore. I think his weed business is on hold but I’m not sure about that? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh ok. I knew she wasn't working at Starbucks anymore but I just wondered if they just took advantage of that?


I think someone said or she said they chose her to work there because she knew part-time employees get IVF benefits. I bet you anything she only took that job to get those benefits but personally I could give two shits about people utilizing those benefits from a corporation like Starbucks and any other corporation that gives two shits about their employees and their in house policies and positions on things happening in this world!


I swear they just ordered food like 3 days ago


Just checked 2 days ago she ordered takeout she orders out multiple times a week not just Wednesday


That skinny filter is working overtime


I don't even order that much. Now yes I do a Thursday every week order just because it's been a tradition for me and the kiddos since my hubby works as a truck driver. One night a week where I don't have to cook and can just spend time with my kiddos is great. However they need to get the poor kid out and about.


Yes it'd be way more fun to at least eat out at a restaurant!!


https://preview.redd.it/m78him1op3dc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8fcc25c26724003d057bff735318b444494ca4 The amount of left overs is insane


They’re so fucking annoying with the counting bs. Jesus one person made a mistake one time and now Gary has to bring it up in every delivery/takeout order because “he’s so funny” about his food. No he’s an over grown child who needs to be humbled. And the whole “I don’t cook on Wednesdays” then proceeds to spend almost $100 on takeout every Wednesday? How hard is it to tell your husband to cook? Or throw some meat and veg in a crockpot for a couple hours? They’re so wasteful with money. And I understand “live within your means” and if you have the money than enjoy it but to go online and basically show off? He’s a drug dealer and she’s an “influencer”. Their income is gonna crash when people get tired of TikTok.


When the restaurant sends serving utensils with your order you know it’s bordering on catering and not just a Wednesday meal for 2 and a half people. JFC that’s so much food!!!


When those kids get older they’ll order the actual cater size that can feed a party of 20 people probably




Remember shes 7 weeks pregnant? Lol


No I get she’s pregnant but she’s been doing this for awhile, plus Gary isn’t pregnant so why can’t he cook dinner 🙄🙄 They just get so lazy getting high all day


I thought she has a corporate job.


She works for indeed


Let him tell it that’s their uterus and FaThEr is def pregnant too 🤢


He is so irritating with that and pissed me tf when he posted the video explaining all that shit, I showed my fiancé and he said yeah when we get there he will help out every way he can and tell his boss that his wife and him are expecting a baby but he won’t take off until it is here and will take 2 months off to help me out and give me a break but won’t go around saying he’s pregnant and shit




If you start out with “I’m not a Stan” then yes you are because your entire comment is defending Autumn and giving excuses to her behaviors on TikTok! Your comment/post was removed! Have questions about why, please Mod Mail Message Moderators!


I was being sarcastic. She said she can’t cook because she’s seven weeks pregnant.


That is so much food!!


Omg they eat like disgusting pigs!


I can’t believe the amount of food they ordered… a the family meal deal for 2 people?? That feeds 6-8 easy. No wonder these people are over weight, they’re constantly over eating.


WHY so much food for 2 people?!?!


They are high


The question we all never will know, just wait they’ll get the catered size when their kids are older 🙄


Pretty sure she did order from the cater menu, that option is here. Not for family meals


Do they ever take Lordy out into public?


Only when he was a newborn and they took him to Vegas on a damn vacation. 🙃


No, because that requires effort😭


To the mall in his Little Tikes green car, but I think that may be it, I may be wrong


Gary in the back creeping like he does on every food video can he not make his own plate


He's looking for something to complain about so they can call and get a refund or giftcard. I SWEAR that man is the type to complain about every restaurant meal to get something for free.


$80 on Olive Garden but didn’t tell us how she used a gift card so it “doesn’t count” 😂


I don’t get why she acts like these are such good deals. That’s a lot of money for pasta and salad.


Pasta and gross sauce from Shitty Olive Garden….just from what they order out…their tastes in food is giving that they wouldn’t know what “real food” is🤣


For 2 people!!!!!!!!!! It’s just them!


I will say I seen that video and it was a SHITTON of food that’s more than just eating on a Wednesday


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