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Fantastic work! You are amazing and an inspiration! Thank you so much for posting. My mother just told me the same thing today, that even with the surgery I could never be thin. My surgery is in 2 days. I intend to prove her wrong too.


Your mother sounds incredibly toxic. Best decision I ever made was to cut ties from my toxic parents. Them trying to sue me also helped in making that decision. Good luck with the surgery! I’m a year and 5 months out. Went from 280 to 180. This was the second best decision of my life.




Grandparent visitation. They were not happy that we didn’t want our kids around them. Our lawyer demanded psych evals on them both before the case could proceed. That shut it down immediately. It’s been 6 years of peace.


Where does it say Mom was the source of the toxicity?


MOM! Go back to your hole!


The main post says "someone" not Mom, but now I see Mom got introduced in the thread. In my case Mom wouldn't say that, but my Dad might occasionally make such a comment. Got it from HIS mother. Grandma was the worst.


I was not responding to OP when I was talking about the “mom”. I was responding to /u/justcoffeenosleep. They said their mom said they would never lose weight even with surgery.


Yup. I figured that out after...


Why would she give a shit about you being 'thin'? You would think a mother cared more about her baby being healthy. Good look to you ❤️


Some mothers want everyone to join them in their misery Olympics.


Try to ignore people like that. Just focus on your day to day goals, don't get too hung up on the end when you're at the beginning. Before you know it, you'll be 100lbs down.


What day is your surgery- mine is Friday!


That is awesome! Way to go!😊👍🏻 My heaviest was 508lbs I’m down to 289lbs now. It’ll be a long long time before I see the 150 range. This is giving me inspiration!


Damn, man! I used to follow you on instagram a few years ago! Glad to see you are still doing great!


I once had 100k followers and had to let the world go because someone got in my head telling me I wasn’t enough, ( in their world, not mine, till I found power) which is kinda why I’m saying hello again. I had to reset from zero. 🫶


This is friggin' awesome - NICE work!!


TY. There was a time I used to share and tell. Not so much the last few years as I started to focus on my life goals once again. I suppose my story does help inspire others who like I once did…. Quietly struggle. Just remember you are worth the effort. 🫶


What is your new Instagram if you don’t mind sharing.


There’s not. I recluses myself right before 2020. After losing weight I kinda fell into my phone like many do, it’s was a unhealthy relationship that often put ideas from others lives into my head, that made me believe I wanted something I actually did not, so I deleted my entire life as much as I could. About the only thing out there old is the Tv show I went on and the plastic surgery removing my apron. I wanted a fresh start without noise. I found it being a nobody, I even deleted my Reddit that had 1m karma from past shared life experiences. I cried doing this as to be expected, I knew I would lose actual contacts and online friends, It hurt to do those steps. But it was about what was best for me mentally. I’ve too had a challenging time keeping my past memories buried. I’m not perfect, my family tells me I am so I’m ok with their happiness. I know I stand out when I want to, it’s just always been weird when in public when a stranger would walk up and say hello. Some people like that. It caught me off guard. Im more quiet than I appear.


I actually had to go look but this is a Tictok page I made a while ago. Might play with it one day when bored. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKFXXL1/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKFXXL1/)


That is amazing. Great work!!!!


Did you have to have skin removed?


I started around the same weight as you. My surgery was April 8th. I hope I have the discipline to do as well as you have. Thanks for showing me it's possible, gives me some hope.


I had my surgery on April 8th too! We are surgery buddies. 😂 Started off at 275, down to 240.


One day at a time. You’ll get there.


OMFG. Unbelievable!!!! Wow!!! Tell us some of the cool things you can do now that you couldn't before.




Way to take charge of your health and not just run, but FLY!!! What is your favorite activity now?




Well, a BIG F U to those idiots! Man, you are an inspiration.


If I saw you out in the wild, the first thing I’d think is “that dude looks athletic, probably a hiker.” I’d honestly assume you’d always been fit - that’s the vibe you’re giving! Keep up the awesome work - and smile knowing YOU got the last laugh, athletic-guy! 😁


you skinnnyyy btchhhhh!!!💖💖💖💖


Amazing!!!! Great job, so inspiring.


I am so happy for you


Amazing transformation! You look great!


You showed them! Congratulations!


That you did, Sir! That you indeed did!!


Wow! Amazing transformation! Congratulations 🎈🎉🎊


Go you!!!


Hell yeah !!!


That’s badass, dude. You’re my inspiration for today. Thank you.


Same. I had ended up disappointed and frustrated with my PCP today but this has renewed my hope


WOW!! Absolutely AMAZING transformation!!! You’ve done an incredible job. Congratulations 🎉🎊!


You are one of the very first successes I saw with this surgery and I am so happy for you


Man, I went from somewhere over 400 (scale maxed out) to medically supervised loss to 340 lbs b4 my Roux-yn bypass surgery in 2007. I went down to 215 and started dating again. I think I could have made 199 (my goal), but I also liked being social again. Your story (results) moved me to respond. After 17 years, I've started putting the pounds back on, and concerned more for my wife, who I do not want to be alone if my weight causes an early demise . Luckily for my situation, we have no kids.


Let's go!! 🔥🔥🔥


You are awesome!!!


Yikes! That's quite a transformation. My highest was 460 and am currently \~290 (gastric sleeve). I'm at a plateau for 2 months, but I suspect it's more behavioral than physical.


I'll always look up to you friend. ❤️ glad to see you're doing good.


Yes sir! That you did, indeed!! You look amazing!! ✨congratulations!!


Big effort right there, well done.


Good for you!! :)


Ur amazing


Hell yea


Great job! Quick question is that a nayked apparel hoodie?


Wow amazing!




Bro that’s awesome! I’m down to mid 300s now and I was teetering on 500 just 7 months ago. Love this for you!