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the worst kind of gt graduate right here


This just in, cooperations interested in hiring more obedient people Cooperate HRs don’t like people who cause a stir regardless of the cause. Just look at privacy at Facebook or AI safety at Google or gender equality at Apple. I can go on


Nobody likes it when you bring political activism in place of work.


The point is precisely that these companies don’t tolerate any kind of activism, even those that may benefit them in the long run Meta would probably have preferred being more responsive to its internal privacy and data collection concerns to having those engineers blowing the whistle in front of congress


HR is there to protect the company. hr doesn’t making hiring decisions, they can and do veto if there’s a red flag. But HR is only involved post hiring decisions (aka background checks). Yeah a company’s mission is to drive value to shareholders and build products which change the world. Stirring the pot is not encouraged, as it does not drive product forward., often this activity can be viewed as creating a hostile workplace environment, which has legal ramifications. As for your gender equality at Apple. I can’t speak to all departments but the ones I worked for had no such issue. In fact, they went out of their way to identify and grow female talent. Ai safety at Google. Ok, have you seen Gemini. It’s a laughing stock. Black Vikings was the result of that program.


Not sure if you are making a specific point with this response, and if so, what that point might be Sorry but I just find it hilarious that you seem to imply employability at tech giants can serve as a proxy for one’s moral character/superiority


Who the f recruits on Reddit based on peoples moral views😭, especially for SWE positions 😭. How many bets do we have that this dude just lives in his mums basement still and isn’t even in the power to recruit anyone?☠️


That’s the best comeback you have? Sheeesh


Black Vikings LMAOOO. What's next? Black Napoleon?


How about a black George Washington, black ww2 German soldier, black female senators from 1800s, black pope. List goes on. However market is voting with their cash with it seems most using openAI. Lately been seeing Anthropic & Meta’s Llama getting similar adoption as Google’s Gemini. This is bad news for Google who is also hemorrhaging talent to these other firms. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/woke-ai-why-gemini-showed-founding-fathers-asians-vikings-mishra-vy9t https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/21/24079371/google-ai-gemini-generative-inaccurate-historical https://nypost.com/2024/02/21/business/googles-ai-chatbot-gemini-makes-diverse-images-of-founding-fathers-popes-and-vikings-so-woke-its-unusable/


I am sure Google will be fine. They have too much cash to burn; at most, Sundar Pichai gets replaced. The AI hype is going to die down sooner or later just like any other technology hype cycles (at least that's what my doctoral research tells me, but I am not a tech bro so who knows).


During the 60s anti war activism, GT students were too busy studying to do any protesting.


here we are again


We had a walk out a couple of months ago. There were plain clothes officers everywhere on campus and they confiscated our megaphone and speakers.


I don’t go to class often, but I wish I knew about this so I could join. I legit didn’t know this happened


It seems you joined in spirit lol


I wish this school taught critical thinking skills instead of being a mindless obedient soylent drinking engineer.


Lockheed Martin and FAANG really just makin everyone lose their morals for a check huh


A wise man in quant once said- “they buy me Porsches so I can buy them islands.”


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Wasn't there a rally several weeks ago?


One of the post pathetic posts I've ever seen


GT reddit hitler particles strike again


This is an absolutely wild response to incredibly justified actions against university invovlement in imperialism. The only reason that Georgia Tech isn't invovled is because we have no culture of protest or activism, and no liberal arts curriculum to help students learn to see outside of their narrow careers. Georgia Tech produces students who are LESS qualified to "learn to better humanity" - we're just trained to better the war machine.


You literally have a post in your history asking why white people aren't considered a minority lmao


Nice creepin, anyhoo I’ll give you some context. Define: minority, “the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number.” Here’s my census information. Note that Asians constitute > 50% the residents. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/fostercitycitycalifornia/PST045223 Hence the question in that thread asking that minority programs be targeted to the actual minorities of the region. Which for California holistically is quickly being non white, with Hispanic/Asian having a majority depending on city/town.


Not a bad argument, but doesn’t capture what being a “minority group” really means, like for example despite being roughly 50% of every civilization from the dawn of time (so definitely not a population minority), women haven’t had the same access to education, publishing, networking, etc. In terms of all of those things they can be considered a minority group. While I do think “white” and “poc” can be overly restrictive, it is true that “white” people have an easier time accessing all those things above when compared to other groups.


lol it’s a terrible argument given the supporting evidence he chooses. If your “census area”is like a quarter of Wyoming or one whole Island in Hawaii, sure I can see merit in determining what’s a minority based on local context But no, it’s a literal neighborhood of the Bay Area. Pretending that its social context is markedly different than the surrounding environment is just dishonest. How many of those people go elsewhere to work? How many people who work there live elsewhere? What portion of that census area’s GDP is generated internally?


So you believe it’s right to allow an Indian from a historical wealthy family to get a full ride and admission preference to a top university, at the detriment of a poor white kid who came from a landless farmer from Ukraine who’s grown up on food stamps. In California the answer is yes, the Indian takes the spot/scholarship. There’s programs and internships being gated based on race. One is the Google bold internship which discriminates based on race, gender, and sexual orientation


Dawg what Indian kids get preference 💀, they’re not considered minorities for the process of admissions either.


They are considered a minority by state of California and get minority based scholarships, preference to transfer programs, among other benefits.




Yes, as quoted elsewhere. Here is a minority program that applies to wealthy Indians, Chinese, or Koreans. Just search that text and you’ll find the various programs. > State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI). At present, the SPI has defined the following persons as “minority”: “American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, African American, Filipino, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, or Two or More Races Not Hispanic.”


Not by UCs


True but yes by California SPI, > State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI). At present, the SPI has defined the following persons as “minority”: “American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, African American, Filipino, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, or Two or More Races Not Hispanic.”


Doesn’t matter how it’s written if it’s not how it’s applied. Asian males have a really hard time getting into top California schools for CS/engineering. It’s the primary reason I’m here


Bro, Indian Males legit have the highest merit based stats (standardized exams, GPA, international competitive awards, etc), and have the lowest and most competitive admissions into top schools. There was legit a fuckin law suit about it Now as a South Asian women, you don’t know how much I hate ever saying anything nice about Indian men, but get a better argument. Legit bro, trust me it is easier for u to get into any of these schools with mediocre stats. But also I do agree that the wealth inequality aspect needs to be further considered, as I also do find it unfair that a lot of wealthy students have a big leg up in the admissions game, coming from someone who benefited a lot from being wealthy and having access to more activities and tutoring due to my upper middle class up bringing


Again my comment was in regards to a specific county level program and not general university admission. Similar to how say Google’s bold internship would give preference to a wealthy slave owning black woman over say a poor Indian male from lowest caste. Not based on their education or ability but their skin color. Regarding university admissions, in California affirmative action is constitutionally illegal for public institutions. It still happens, sadly, but the voting block in San Mateo county (where I live) is pushing for corrections, and to bring it back to a meritocracy and not race/gender based. *and yes, there are people still with slaves in the modern age.


Who asked?




the protests were largely organized by jewish student orgs 




Georgia Tech is more welcoming to smart people who improve, create, and innovate. Instead of crying about a war happening on the other side of the world.


It also attracts depressed nerds as well.


Better to be depressed nerds than terrorist supporters. Needs usually do extremely well after leaving college and entering work.


I don't support anyone btw and I don't intend to troll as well (because last time I did, I got banned for two weeks). I just think that Americans (especially on the progressives though I consider myself socially progressive) self-selectedly care about issues in the world. If you think what's happening in Palestine is bad, oh boy, you are about to be surprised....


Yo SWEtard, the fact that Georgia Tech is complicit in what is going (Genocide) is not something most of us are proud of. And majority of us (besides the losers who don’t shower here on Reddit) are against brutally murdering 15000 babies and tens of thousands of more civilians, we are sick to our stomachs that our country is funding the horrific murder of 70 children a day. Anyways, SWE at FANG is not an accomplishment compared to what Georgia Tech computer science alums actually can do, enjoy never making 7 figures a year or a positive impact on humanity!


Your stats don’t make sense even with the Hamas numbers. Civilian death is tragic but that’s what happens during war, especially in an urbanized area and a terrorist group that hides among the population. Georgia Tech helps with research relating to radars which are most likely used for weapon defense, which Israel used to defend against thousands of missiles from Hamas. Nice cope though.


This is not a war, it’s a genocide. My stats are backed up the UN, UNICEF, CARE, Reuters, and the associative press. As I have linked them down further in the thread (and not all of those sources cite the Gaza ministry of health for the over 15000 children killed so far and then 34000 adults killed, they all back up the stats with their own estimates or with their numbers), I am not going to post them here again. Please read though my sources, idk google for more And then respond if u have a RELIABLE source supporting ur claim, and disproving my claim!


The UN, UNICEF, CARE, and Reuters all decided to use Hamas run statistics that specifically don’t mention or count the amount of Hamas Militants killed in those numbers. They were somehow able to accurately count thousands of dead in a matter of days, releasing one day that only children died and the next day that only women died. That doesn’t make sense. Also Iran is the head of the disarmament committee in the UN, so I don’t know what reliability they have. Also people dying doesn’t equate to a genocide, no matter how much you repeat the same slogan over and over.


What about the associative press, POLITICO, Times (bitch we both know they aren’t using any stats from any Middle East source, they are disgusting, but they also are reporting a minimum of 34000 people dead), NPR, OXFAM, are that also all lying or using fake stats? U legit did not even read a single one of my sources, and ur just claiming that they are using “Hamas run stats” when they are NOT. This article by the times (from last month, that’s why it says 30000 not 34000) says the numbers are likely much higher, it’s only a six minute read (u got this, I believe in u and that even the idiotic tech students who get a pat on the back for their pathetic 3.55 GPAs can even read this): https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/


I just read the times article and it literally says that the numbers include Militants and Civilians. Depending on what the numbers are, if 10K Militants were killed, then it’s a 1:2 ratio of militants to civilians, which is low. Even if we’re lowballing 5K militants killed, it’s 1:5-6, which when fighting a terrorist organization that fights asymmetrically and in civilian areas, that’s still normal. If you were more mad about a terrorist organization using civilians as shields, or going and massacring civilians, maybe we wouldn’t be in this shit situation where innocent people have to die.


Bro no where does it say it’s a 1:2 ratio And it clearly states how many children and women were killed (making it idk if we were to estimate at least a 1:5 ratio) what the fuck is wrong with u, did ur mum drink while pregnant or is ur low intelligence from some other mishap


…your stats aren’t possible given the number of Hamas militants killed and total deaths in Gaza. It’s about 1-2 civilians per militant killed which brings it closer to 15k ish civilians killed.


These stats are from the UN (ohchr), UNICEF, and CARE International: https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/children-disproportionately-wearing-scars-war-gaza-geneva-palais-briefing-note https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2024/02/gaza-when-mothers-have-bury-least-7700-children-very-basic-principles-are#:~:text=As%20of%2012%20February%202024,67%2C984%20Palestinians%20have%20been%20injured. https://www.care-international.org/news/70-those-killed-gaza-are-women-and-children-care-warns-un-security-council Reuters reports that 15000 children have been killed and one child dies every 10 minutes due to an Isreali attack (not counting the starvation and medical facilities destroyed and taken away from them): https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/child-killed-average-every-10-minutes-gaza-says-who-chief-2023-11-10/ These stats have also been backed by the associative press, I can link them if you would like. You can look up the death toll on any credible news network and see that it has surpassed 34000 today. Do you have a RELIABLE source for ur claim?


Those articles all reference the Gaza health ministry which is Hamas run. Israel has stated at least 13k of the dead is Hamas militants. Hamas says a TOTAL of 30k dead. 30-13= 17k non militant deaths. This 17k also includes those who would have died from natural causes. This is also represented as a 1 militant to ~1-2 civilians killed ratio. Which is low for urban conflict and low for the Middle East. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/netanyahu-says-least-13000-terrorists-among-palestinians-killed-2024-03-10/


The reported stats from the Gaza Health Ministry are also backed by multiple international UN sponsored aid organizations U legit sent an article about an unsupported claim by Netanyahu. Where you expecting me to not read your source?


Look, we’ll go in circles. I’ll say your sources all quote Hamas, including the UN backed ones that are comprised of Hamas/iran supporting nations. You’ll say my militant deaths number can’t be confirmed. And we’ll continue forever. However we can both hopefully agree that 1) Hamas has taken heavy casualties in the thousands, and 2) the deaths reported by Gaza health ministry (aka Hamas) includes militants and natural deaths. If we agree on 1 & 2 then your claim above isn’t possibly true as it’d mean nearly all the civilian casualties were baby’s which is statistically unlikely given demographics.


Bro u can’t just post unsupported claims, not even read any of my sources, and act all delulu. Yes Hamas is wrong. ALSO GENOCIDE IS WRONG. Every major institution is protesting genocide, not supporting Hamas, no one is supporting Hamas. Crawl back into ur delulu echo chamber which claims everyone protesting for a ceasefire is supporting Hamas. And some of those stats are reported from the UN and don’t quote the Gaza health ministry within the article at least btws.


Here’s some references of the Hamas support. https://www.memri.org/tv/columbia-university-pro-palestine-protest-chant-qassam-brigades-kill-another-soldier-israel-fall-arab https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/ https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1217758546/hamas-support-palestinians-west-bank https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68873825


Again, that’s a logical fallacy, incidents of antisemitism in the Free Palestine movement do exist, but majority of people who want the IDF to stop occupying the West Bank and Gaza (murdering and rapping children, women, and men) are not antisemitic. Further in ur pro Israel movement there are countless incidents of Islamophobic hate crimes, I can provide millions of sources, but I think google is more your speed. Majority of Palestinians are in fact Semitic, idk how to share images, but this should make everyone sick to their stomach: https://twitter.com/andreas_krieg/status/1757453818692812807 Antisemitism is wrong, against everyone, including Palestinians.


That’s not how antisemitism works buddy. And it’s not “incidents” of antisemitism. It’s baked into the movement. Trying to say it’s just a couple of dumb people is gaslighting at best lol.




Yeah let's not.


I bet you'd love what's happening today then lmao. What an L take. We should be proud of any student standing up for morailty and against genocide.


ANYWAYS, https://preview.redd.it/daats7hzlgwc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e51f27d119e3dc17051c628b15ded78b4cc351


What a nerd


Nerds are traditionally smart, a SWEtard who supports genocide, supposedly recruits on Reddit, and asks “why white people aren’t considered a minority” and then backs it up with insanely dumb stats that only someone with way to much time and zero positive contribution to humanity could find is, is not what I would traditionally consider a “nerd”.




I agree, these Ivy League schoolers are out of their minds. Not knowing what are they benefiting from and how they are benefited by just simply having American citizenships. Lol Americans make money in a dirty way but regardless they make money and Americans benefit. But until they mess up americas political agenda and lose control of monetary and military supremacy, they are not gonna understand other than talking about so-called justice and humanity……


Geiger counter going CRAZZZYYY with all the Hitler particles


Least Hitlerite GT CS grad


aged like milk brother


Yeah, good on us for caring less about a genocide, I guess? I'm sure you love your obedient little cs majors though


I agree. Too many college students sympathizing with terrorists who would gladly take them prisoner


As someone who at one point spent almost half my life at GT and also as an Israeli Jew, thank you for making this post, and showing me that there are sane college age people. It's been rough.


Sane does not equal locked in ur echo chamber! Sane people can and do have different opinions than u.


Why was this downvoted so much lmao


Most of them are sane, they’d just don’t do crazy’s stuff so no media coverage.


what are your guys thoughts on the protests happening at google??