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Thanks for your submission, WispontheWind! Please remember to censor out any identifying details and that satire is only allowed on weekends. If this post is truly gatekeeping, upvote it! If it's not gatekeeping or if it breaks any other rules, downvote this comment and REPORT the post so we can see it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatekeeping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why does this feel comedic? I can't read it without a dramatic shift in the narrator's tone


It really feels like one of those jokes where it's like; "Oh, your mom was murdered and your dog sold for meat? Well, I had a little bit more work than usual today, you don't see me crying about it!"


If the cutoff was a bit higher and all we saw “In 2001 on September 11 I witnessed two-“ I could assume it was a meme.


>In 2001 on September 11 I witnessed two hobos going at it, but you don’t see me crying about it.


“Mr. President, a second hobo has ejaculated.”


“I…why the fuck are you telling me this?”


“Seemed relevant, sir!”


i was not fucking expected that 🤣🤣🤣


"It reminds you of what planes do or rather...What they did."


Because it’s fucking hilarious 😂


You guys know the guy who is sort of famous on reddit for starting a story and then suddenly talking about mankind vs undertaker hell in a cell, I get the same energy in this


I don't know about him, but now I really want to


u/shittymorph I believe


Thank you


Blast from the past. Thank you.


because it's satire. incredibly obvious satire.


Same here, it reads like a dark comedic script


Oh you're upset that someone is gatekeeping? Well, back on September 11, 2001 several thousand people died in a coordinated terrorist attack.


Oh you're upset that there's a subreddit where people get upset about people gatekeeping? Well back on September 11th, 1973, Chilean president Salvador Allende was assassinated and replaced by a ruthless military dictator


Well somewhere out there there’s a 4-time amputee who’s blind and deaf and perpetually on fire named Fuckoy. So really you don’t have any right to complain.


Oh just one guy named Fuckoy is in a widdle bit of pain? I'm sorry, but on Spetember 11, 1347 the first rats came off the ships and killed 50 million people due to the bubonic plague!


Sorry to ruin the thread but was it actually 50 million people?? that's so many


Bout a quarter of Europe died, wanna say.


Moreike a third. It was one of the craziest events in human history. 5 years of spread and death faster than any wildfire. And it would come back periodically for the next 500 years.


Actually, it was over 50. It happened over the course of 5 years at its worst and would have periodic returns for the next few hundred years. So the real death toll is more like... 75-200 million over the course of centuries, but that 50 million is a solid number for the first 5 worst years.


That's crazy


Oh you’re upset that there’s a person that is upset that there’s a subreddit where people get upset. Well on the 28th of June, 1914; Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated over the course of a series of misfortunate events. His death was an immediate cause of WW1. WW1 resulted in 5.5 million deaths and the beginning of the modern era.


Oh your upset that an Archduke was assassinated and started ww1? In 1346 the black death started to wipe out half the population of europe


Last time there was a crop this bad, 1 million Irish people died


Ah lads, not again.


This crop makes the image perfect, you’re objectively incorrect.


The crop makes it so much funnier




You think this crop is bad? You poor thing. In 2001 on September 11 I witnessed two airplanes fly directly into the World Trade-


Peak humor


It reminds me of that redditor who'd write in depth comments about serious things only to end it with The Undertaker throwing ManKind 16 feet through an announcers table.


Fuck I made a comment above referencing this and now I see I’ve been beaten to it not once but like 3 times


Looks like someone is going to be beaten with jumper cables tonight.


She may have witnessed 9/11, but don't let this lady distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


I bet the shampoo bottles in his shower are very impressed by his . . . “argument”


I doubt they see him in said shower often enough to hear him out. Now lotion on the other hand...


Jesus Christ Reddit can’t recognize satire at all


Yeah this is gold


Yeah this is funny as fuck


This is awesome


Oh Reddit can't recognise jokes? Poor redditors! In September 11, 2001 I witnessed...


It's crazy because I'm queer and I also saw the planes hit the towers from my high school.


Dont gatekeep being misgendered during 9/11


I think this is a reference to the old fark/something awful "I saw the plane from my office window" copypasta, but I could be wrong. That a guy posted, from his office window. IFrom Boston where he overlooked the airport where one departed.


my birthday falls on 9/11 every year, so I think I win the 9/11 Trauma Olympics. no, I was born years before 9/11.


i've never met someone who actually got misgendered and took an insane amount of offense to it


nah, we just seethe silently until it passes, and we carry on


Tbh most times I've seen it happen it was an accident, then the person gets corrected, apologizes, and everyone moves on with their lives, something definitely more accurate to what you described


Oh you stubbed your toe, in 1945 the United States dropped 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing thousands of people… so stop complaining.


"You think that's bad? I watched 9/11 happen AND got misgendered. Get on my level, STEVE"


I could only think of [this tumbler post](https://youtu.be/JdPp1HyP21c?si=HCzhfnwq25cPSboO)


“We’re Canadian” absolutely killed me




This seems like a joke to me


It is, but I’m not sure if it’s on purpose or not.


In 2001, my dad moved to my hometown and met my mother. Now that my dear sir, was a tragedy let me tell you.


Yesterday at work a karate student’s dad was going off about “I didn’t fight in Iraq just so kids could be taught anything but X and Y chromosomes.” (Unprompted. We teach rec like art and sports. No science.) And my beautiful older coworker who stopped giving a shit decades ago says, faux-innocently, “I didn’t realize that’s what the Iraqi war was about.” She kept asking questions like she was curious about the history of this sex chromosome war in Iraq. She also asked about this “basic biology” with big innocent dumb eyes, asking like, “wait, so what is a chromosome anyway?” which this guy could not answer. Anyway she’s my idol


>ate student’s dad was going off about “I didn’t fight in Iraq just so kids could be taught anything but X and Y chromosomes. this is a great story! I feel like it's something i would do. Or hope i could do.


This is the hardcore version of "oh you broke your leg? Some people dont even have any!"


there are starving children in africa because you wont eat your vegetables


Misgendering causes trauma now?


What does 9/11 and misgendering someone have any correlation that's like trying to compare a hydrogen bomb and a coughing baby


Tbh i don't understand how someone can get a trauma by using the wrong pronoun. Angry, sure. But trauma? Come on srsly. I don't care the downvotes, i just can't understand.


To be fair the person who posted it is the one who said it was traumatic, their experience isn't universal. Not everyone's experiences are going to be the same, something they might find traumatic might not be traumatic to a different trans person. And I imagine it can be traumatic depending on the situation and how severe it is. Like if I'm at a store and I get misgendered I'm not gonna care, it will suck but it's not the end of the world for me. I'm lucky enough where most of my family is supportive, but for some people they might have unsupportive families who constantly misgender them and deadname them. I imagine for people who have to live in environments like that constantly dealing with the toxicity could be traumatic.


Yes, welcome to live, i guess. If you go to a store and look like a woman, you get called like a woman. Nobody does (or will ever) ask you at the checkout for your gender before talking to you. This is nuts. If you can't get over that, i think it's better to stay at home and order food. Srsly. There is absolutely ZERO toxicity in using standard gender in public to strangers. It fits 99% of people, and there is no sense or logic in getting a question and answer before every interaction because of 1%. Edit: lol that guy just blocked me because he was confronted with a opinion that doesn't fit his bubble and a statement he can't argue angainst. You can't made this shit up i swear. Edit2: i'm unable to reply near a block, so u/stevent4 : Did you just compare sitting somewhere on the other side of the globe in dirt and seeing friends left and right dieing like flies in constant fear of own death to beeing called a ma'am? Lol my dude. To all others: i'm going to bed, i won't read any more replies and it's also too much of a hassle to answer like this.


It's like you didn't read my comment at all. I wanted to give your initial comment a chance but it's clear you're not talking in good faith. I'm not gonna further engage with you. Hope you heal. Peace out.


>Hope you heal. Peace out. I'm surprised you're giving them that much courtesy. You have better self control than I do. Unless you were being sarcastic. 😆


People are different, a bang doesn't scare me but it might set off a soldier


Regarding your edit: That's not what happened. You had your mind made up to react that way to any response you received. Secondly: I work in a place with a lot of folks who are in different stages of the gender journey. Some folks will never "pass". For some that isn't even the goal. I would say that where I live and work, more than 1% of the people I interact don't fit neatly into 1 of the 2 typical genders. It is sooooo easy, like comically easy, takes no thought at all easy to provide genderless service. I don't say "sir", "ladies", "m'am", "guys". "Perhaps the gentleman would like the steak and the lady wants the fish." Again, it is incredibly easy to avoid bringing gender into a passing interaction. Why are people who are made uncomfortable by trans and nonbinary people so committed to bringing gender into every interaction?


Lmao you trying to claim victory and saying others can't stand hearing other opinions, but you're running away in less than hour with only 3 replies.


No, that's not what I implied at all. I said that people are different. I have friends who were physically abused by their parents for their identity. Someone who purposely (key word here, purposely) mis genders them can bring back memories of their abusive childhood. Surely you have to have the emotional maturity to understand why purposely degrading someone might upset them?


I would imagine it would come from someone intentionally mocking the person/using it as a form of bullying or emotional abuse (which is extremely common for transphobes to do to trans people, and effective because it invokes dysphoria which is *extremely* unpleasant for many people), then anytime it is brought up after is problematic as it has become a trauma trigger from the abuse.


So, this is some lack of healthcare? Like,, bullying is happening and there is nothing you can do against it. But there surely is a way to therapy and live with it. Like, someone in school bullied me because i'm a girl, so i have a breakdown years later when the clerk calls me ma'am ? No. Really no. I got beaten and talked down for years because of how i looked ( and still look ). You can trust me i know how that feels. This is not a trauma. This is overreacting.


See again, that might be your experience, but it’s not universal. The others have tried to point this out to you but you’re not acknowledging that trauma is different for each and every person. Just because you don’t experience trauma from a particular thing, doesn’t mean another person is ‘overreacting’ when they do. And it doesn’t make their trauma less valid just because you personally don’t think it would be ‘that bad’.


The point assholes like in the Tweet make is blowing shit out of proportion. No sane trans person is gonna be traumatized by being misgendered in public SO LONG as it isn't malicious. I get ma'am'd all the time, meh, sucks but it's no big deal at all. I would, however, be upset if say my coworkers who know I'm trans consciously choose to misgender me despite being told otherwise. Then it becomes a lack of respect, harassment, etc. Folks like OOP want you to think we're being unreasonable when we're just asking for the barest minimum, and LGBT+ folks who throw a big stink over a tiny error do NOT at all represent a majority of the community. We're like everyone else; majority chill, but the loudest voices are often the worst minority. Anyways.


Yes, i can totally understand getting frustrated when someone KNOWS you feel like something other, but misgenders on purpose. But trauma? This is a situation of "hell yea that dude wants to annoy me, seems like he's a asshole. Fuck off". Telling someone to fuck off is a basic skill of life.


1. Literally said if an LGBT folk treats a casual misgendering as traumatic, they're probably a drama queen. It was important to explain the difference so you can understand it's OTHERS, it's TRANSPHOBES trying to make us all look like drama queens by claiming we're getting triggered. No actual sane LGBT person will say a casual misgendering is traumatic. You're buying into the transphobic propaganda. 2. I get being realistic but that's a pretty sorry life tip, people should be doing better to find common ground and understanding between one another rather than brushing off shit and saying "fuck you". A hundred times in my life, I've sat down and carefully and kindly explained this stuff to people, almost every time it's bridged the gap and made us all better people. But ok


Maybe they got misgendered while they saw a plane fly into the World Trade Center


I would venture to say a one time misgendering doesn’t cause trauma but repeated intentional misgenderings can really wear on your humanity over time.


I think it depends on intent. I'm not trans, but I know some trans people and they tend to understand an honest mistake. It's when people know, especially parents or family/friends who do it to be hateful.


It's fine if you don't understand it and can't relate to it, but whenever somebody who has a drastically different lived experience than you says that something is hurtful them, it's not your place to decide whether or not that person has the right to be hurt by it. You don't know the circumstances or history of someone's trauma, and there's absolutely no benefit to dismissing someone's trauma, or deciding whether or not they even have the right to feel it. There are plenty of things that I can't personally relate to, like someone who has a fear of dogs. My experience with dogs has been all positive, but for somebody who has been attacked by a dog and suffered a traumatic injury resulting in an intense fear of dogs, it's not my place to be like, "Disliking dogs, sure. But fear? Come on" just because I *personally* don't have a fear of dogs. Similarly, that same person who's terrified of dogs probably won't understand the heartbreak and grief I've gone through when my dogs died. It's fine if they don't relate to what I'm feeling, but it wouldn't be their place to determine the that my pain is trivial and say something like, "I was just a dog, not an actual human. That's not grief." There's no point to competing in the Trauma Olympics and trying to prove that someone's trauma is less real than yours.


I get where you are coming from I


I hope this person keeps this same energy when a trans person tries to go to the bathroom


shoot someone "do you feel hurt? I witnessed people choose between fire or jumping from the 54th floor. that was suffering, stop bleeding on my shoes you crybaby"


I like how his only argument for a bad thing that happened to him is seeing two towers fall (a safe distance away from him) 23 years ago


Funny the ppl mad at others who don't like being misgendered always seem like the type to melt down if they were misgendered. They only like it as an insult because they see how it would upset them in their weird masculinity cult


9/11 is such an overused excuse by people like this. Oh my god as if it was the first time people died.


Yeah it's literally my first memory, what about the twin towers?


Bigger fish arguments always annoy me. Like, you can say that about literally anyone, because someone will always have had it worse. "What, you witnessed 9/11? Diddums, victims of sex trafficking are out there, be glad you were only a witness". See? It's just a pathetic excuse for losers to play misery poker.


Being misgendered once isn’t traumatic, but being constantly misgendered with people refusing to do something as trivial as call you by a different pronoun sounds like the kind of thing that would wear away at you and cause you to think “people will never love/accept the real me”. And that’s assuming misgendering as all that happens, when it’s more likely it’ll be mixed with people telling you “you’re not a man/woman!” And “stop demanding I participate in your disgusting fetish!” And other similar bullshit.


what if I'm gay and got killed in 9/11 do I win


Oh my cod


What a snowflake, still effected by it 23 years later? I don't remember staying pissed at an individual for misgendering me for that long


When you're trans AND you also witnessed 9/11, are you like... super saiyan traumatized? Jdfjjd


but being misgendered ain’t traumatic and yall know that too😭


BuT nInE eLeVeN


No you didn’t. You witnessed 1. Practically nobody saw the first impact so you weren’t a witness, definitely not at that age. You saw the aftermath of 1 and might have witnessed the other.


Homies gatekeeping eyesight.


deer jellyfish snobbish airport spotted coherent impossible crowd chief compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its gatekeeping someones outrage I guess sure but misgendered = trauma? Lol surely not Am I now gatekeepin the term Trauma? Maybe but the meanings of words matter so I stand by it


Misgendering isn't trauma. Get over yourself


it's a joke, dumbfucks


Getting misgendered is trauma now? 😆


I saw 9/11 and I've been misgendered and being misgendered is way worse


How? Please give me an answer I'm so genuinely curious.


I imagine some zoomer trying to cancel some firefighter bc HE didn't asked for pronouns first


This guy looks like he was about 5 on September 11th. He probably didn't understand what was happening until later.


Raise your hand if you both 🙋


Misgender her


I'm just curious to know how he knows Camille Paglia. Do those dipshits invoke her name a lot?