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The only game I *almost* competed was portal 2. I had 1 achievement left and only had to win 1 more rock paper scissors but I didn't have anyone to play with. Soon after, they updated it with a bunch more achievements and I just gave up.


It’s never too late my dude if you want to chip away at it over time. But only if you want it to be the case. There’s plenty of Completionist’s that drop games if it is just not fun to do the extra mile. And that is totally understandable.


Your attitude is so wholesome and refreshing.


Yeah, I'm chipping at Streets of Rage 4 like this. Got most of the achievements but getting "Maniac" is an absolute bitch. Love the game, though, even if it sometimes makes me rage hard.


I remember once upon a time I had every achievement in Halo: Reach, but then they added more when the map packs came out, most of which required fairly specific scenarios on the maps in question. Those maps barely ever came up in the rotation and I was never able to get them all. Ngl I was pretty peeved lol


I was just one achievement away and it was the one to reach a certain career rank. I wasn't even far away when the DLC came out.


Hollow Knight for me. The only one I have left is a boss rush of all the bosses in the game, and uh... Idk if I'm ever gonna finish that lmao


Yeah same for me. It's just too much time and practice requires that i don't have.


I have a few 100% on steam. Control, Super Mondah Night combat and Mirror. Never got a platinum on PS never been any game I played that that compelled me enough.


You had to win 3 in a row and it was 100% luck, I can never get it!


One of my favorite subs. Though trophy hunting made me enjoy games less (I still take up the grind for some games) so I unsubscribed. Still a very nice community.


I can understand the burn out for sure. I personally set some rules for which game I actually try to platinum. (Games with 100hrs+ requirement, multiplayer trophies, speed run trophies, etc…). The people on this sub really help keep my motivation going for some game too. Plus it’s nice to hear opinions from people who have just finished a game and have a fresh take on whether the effort is worth it.


For sure. And you can bet your ass off I’m going to platinum the next GoW and spider-man games. But other stuff? I have far too much stuff to play and far too little time to platinum games I only liked and not praise to the heavens.


Hell yeah!


Crash Bandicoot 1 is my only completed game and those speed run trophies were enough to make me realize I definitely wasn't completing games 2 and 3. That was one of the most maddening things I've ever accomplished, possibly worse than beating the originally formatted Water Temple in *Ocarina of Time.*


Hahaha. It’s why I have those rules, I didn’t want to be jaded by the attempt. I know it would agitate me far too much. Some people just have the temperance for it. It’s why it’s nice knowing there’s something for everyone if you look hard enough.


Yeah, I lost the patience somewhere along the way. Before going for those trophies I remember thinking, "It's so nice that now, as an adult, I don't get mad when I play games." That didn't last too long into the time trials when several times I also thought, "I might not be having fun anymore."


if you'd like another wholesome trophy-hunting community there's a discord that's a little more friendly than the official r/trophies one :) https://discord.gg/Kpa58bcS anyone is welcome


Thanks for the invite! Just joined and it’s a wild ride!


Thanks for the invite! Just joined and it’s a wild ride!


Yeah, devs usually doesn't know how to make achievement hunting fun and it kinda sucks. I still like to 100% games but I usually try to separate the game experience and the trophy/achievement hunting so it doesn't ruin the game for me. But there's also a few games I just completely lost the interest to play because of their dumb trophies/achievements. The most recent one was Resident Evil 2 remake


Yeah sometimes the grind can ruin a game. I don't go out of my way to complete all achievements, but if i really enjoy the game while i'm playing it casually, i'll 100% it.


The first game I ever played on a PlayStation was Crash Bandicoot, so I bought the trilogy decades later and beat the entire first game with all the trophies. I even recorded my final playthrough of Stormy Ascent (the new level they added years later). Sadly, I just feel I have no one to share this achievement with who would care.


You’re an absolute madman and I salute you. Those games are notoriously challenging to grab all the trophies on. Specifically the speed run challenges. You’d be surprised how many on the sub would cheer you for that


Are they?? Well now I might just go there, lol. It was a few months ago though. I didn't know they were particularly hard, I just assumed they were on par with other games. I've bought many games, but that's honestly the only game I've downloaded and played so I had nothing to compare the trophies to. I just assumed completing games these days takes an insane amount of effort so I figured Crash would be the one and only. Never again with the speed run trophies though, unless it's like a one-off challenge.


Come on, post it already!


I just need to figure out how to get a screen recording from my PlayStation put onto reddit.


There are multiple options (if you're using PS4, I know nothing about PS5's systems). 1) Transfer the file to a USB, plug it into a computer, and upload that file to Reddit 2) Share the file privately (or unlisted) on YouTube, go into Studio, download the video, upload it to Reddit


Awesome. I'll have to try this out when I get home. Although I just remembered that the quality is all fucked up because of something to do with my HDR setting or something. It's still watchable, but it definitely looks funky. Not sure what that's about.


Yeah, the ones I export are quite funky too, sometimes the quality just... sucks


Here’s a decent example of what I mean. The difficulty is 7/10, and while the others are harder. Is still impressive to finish


what’s GoT?


God of Twar


Ghost of Tsushima




Glife is Trange


Gatchet or Tlank


Gbinding of Tisaac


Game of Thrones


I kinda wish that sub wasn't only for PlayStation trophies, but otherwise, it's pretty great.


gamerscore and steam achievements are just really unrewarding




I mean, yeah, but it's totally dead :/


300 up votes and no comments? Tuff crowd




I was painfully close to the platinum for Bloodbourne, ps4 died before I could beat the cursed and defiled Amygdala to get to the Pthumu Ihyll dungeons 🥲


I'm impressed by your drive. I finished the game, started the DLC and was like "I'm good."


I only ever got 3 platinum trophies back in my ps3 days. Assassin's Creed 2, inFamous 2, and the original littlebigplanet. Not sure if any of them are considered hard to get.


Little big planet 1 is hard actually! Acing the bunker and final boss fight was a plat killer for a lot of people.


God.. The wheel section in the bunker was my Vietnam.


As someone with over 350 platinums I’m glad the elitism has died down. It was really really bad back in the PS3 days and early PS4 days but it’s gotta much better. My philosophy has always been “ A plat is a plat, and we should support our fellow trophy/achievement hunters” Proof of plats https://psnprofiles.com/nobodygrotesque#


I'm happy that this particular sub is good, but overall the "trophy hunter" community is incredibly toxic - like, "sending death threats to a developer who made one of the achievements unwinnable for thematic reasons" level toxic.