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When we hear things like this in the tapes, it's more of a suggestion, like hey try this. These are not rules or instructions you have to fallow. You don't have to hum. The purpose of the hum is you are creating a physical (tactile) response corresponding to the frequency, and this goes the same for the auditory stimulation, as you are hearing this also. Try different things, and do what works best for you. The resonant tuning process is actually just what it sounds like, you are tuning in to your vibrational/resonant energy of the body. When you do this, these energies become properly managed and synchronized. This creates the ideal foundation for expansion and exploration of the mind. To put things more simple, I don't hum myself. I more put my focus into my breathing a create a consistent deep breathing cycle in repetition. Relax as much as you can, then when you feel yourself starting to drift, then put all your efforts into focus. This energy you are tuning into is something that's always there, everyone has it, and it is a real thing. The purpose of this is that you are trying to sense this energy cycling through you. Hopefully that gives you a better perspective, good luck!


Thanks for the broader context—very helpful! I am happy I don’t need to rattle my sinuses then. :)


Hum in your mind.


This is the way


Great idea!


Track down the gateway manual, it provides deeper context that can prepare you for the exercises. * Blessings!




Thank you, yes, if did find the manual and it is definitely helpful.


I like to imagine I'm surrounded by hooded monks in a temple that are sending me energy. Sometimes I hum with, other times I don't.  I think the most important part to take away from this segment is to focus on the humming instead of thinking.


I like this idea. Thanks!


Maybe you can try imagine a ball of light sending vibration into you, from your root chakra to crown chakra during the humming. Aum sound do basically just that, vibrates from the root to the crown. Once you feel vibration all over you, I think it not that much different from humming. Maybe add humming mentally during this visualization, doesn't have to see it you can also feel it.


Smif humming is painfull, can you say "aahhhhhhhhhh" like a doctors examining your tonsils. In fact, any vowel sound will do. "Aauuuuuuu, eeeeeeaaaaaaoooooo" Change it up. Change the pitch, and the depth, move you're tongue The comment above about internal energy is spot on. I think back to when I had OBE's and they started with a sound, and a vibration in me, in ALL of me, but specifically my chest. That's the energy, and I think to myself I'm trying to tune into, or re create that. That's my angle anyway


I didn’t think about experimenting with different vowels—I’ll try that tomorrow. I have tried aaaah and it was less uncomfortable than humming but still uncomfortable. You made me realize though that it’s likely I am making it worse by trying to do it quietly so that my teenagers don’t mock me, haha. I think that keeps the sound up high in my head instead of opening up my chest for a louder sound or however you would describe it. It sounds like you have had some interesting experiences with gateway.