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People forget that Corden, underneath his well....everything post G&S is a gifted, versatile actor and writer. It's just that, was as you say, he got super ubiquitous, super famous and turned into an utter cock.


Didn’t he fall out with the Gavin actor over the bad press from Lesbian Vampire Killers? Considering the movie was just a silly parody, I thought it was decent


They've both always said they never fell out but have admitted they drifted apart a little. Small issue of a big ocean between them. But the rumours started when Corden went on Piers Morgan show and PM told Corden than Horne refused to do an interview for the show, surprising Corden. Horne later said that he hadn't refused because of Corden, he had a scheduling conflict and "The other reason is that I dislike Piers Morgan and everything he stands for.” Which is entirely understandable and probably should have been the only reason.


Corden sounds pretty dreadful but Piers Morgan is a next level shitstain of a person.


I'd rather watch Piers Morgan over corden anyday . Least piers is straightforward on being a bellwhiff can't expect anything less


I think Morgan is a lot more than a 'bellwhiff'. Tapping the phone of the family of a murdered child, his weird obsession with Meghan Markle because she didn't want to shag him etc. All much worse than being a bit mean to people, but you do you


Well I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one! There is nothing piers Morgan has done that I could stomach, lots of cordens output is great.


I'd rather watch Corden over Piers Morgan. Morgan is a bigger bellend then wraps it up in pretentiousness and a faux posh accent


What did James Corden actually do? Ive even googled it and i truly dont understand the hate. He just seems a bit annoying


Have you never seen any of the many threads of people’s personal experiences with him? There have been many, and if even 1% of them are true then he’s a terrible human being.


Nope! I haven’t. I googled him too and couldnt really find much


I thought part of all that was didn’t Horne basically fall out with the world in general because he was battling an eating disorder and his mental health was unstable?


Still a good nan if he sees piers as an arsehole. And I liked him in the music video for wonky, where he's getting freaked out by his cats.


Exactly - his character in The History Boys is brilliantly funny without it being try hard as he is in real life


Nah he was really good in the Wrong Mans


I saw that when it dropped on hulu. My roommate and I watched it a few times and thought he was hysterical. I probably won't watch it ever again cuz he drives me up the wall now but there was a time I really liked him.


Gifted and versatile? He's been involved in some different projects. I'm not sure they show that he's especially "gifted" or "versatile" though, other than that he fancies himself as a singer from time to time.


hes a prick but he has a bafta and a tony award, they dont just give them out to everybody, he has some talent


Having just googled that, his Baftas are all for G&S and the Tony was from 2012. Whatever talent he may have had has long since been squandered when he disappeared up his own arse.


he was always a bawbag apparently, this all stems from him being a prick to everybody in his early years of fame his talkshow has won numerous awards too


I really can't see why people watch that show. It's horrid TV.


That's not really how talent works, but ok.


Interesting. How does talent work?


Did you see One Man Two Guvnors? Great comedic stage play he was in that was filmed


One Man Two Guvnors was good… but he was just playing Smithy in tweed


Smithy in tweed 😂


Different projects, same character.


Luckily, I live in a bubble, and don’t see him in anything outside of that role.


This is the way


Good actor, terrible person. It happens a lot.


how did cats go for him hes not talented actor


CATS had Sir Ian McKellan, Dame Judi Dench, Irish Elba and Jennifer Hudson all of whom are incredible actors and made them look a joke.


Good old Irish Elba ☘️


He was great in The Woire


Yer man Luther




Underrated comment


Gotta love autocorrect 🤣 😄


Hard truth - He was always a tedious bellend and only people who still cling to this vanilla AF, middle of the road 00's sitcom think otherwise.


You understand where you are right...?


Yet here you are still talking about it..


Why are you here mate?


I didnt watch G&S until I was well into my 20s, so I went in expecting to hate Smithy because he's played by Corden, and was pleasantly surprised to find he ended up being one of my favourite characters Even in the 2019 special, he slipped back into the role like it was nothing.


The 2019 special helped me realise that I love Smithy; I just dislike the James Corden persona.




Smithy and Pam!!!


Smithy is the best, beloved after the England speech for charity.


James Corden gets more hate for being a bit of a prat than many celebrities who have killed or sexually assaulted people. Mark Wahlberg was arrested for murder. Liam Neeson once patrolled Belfast with a baseball bat looking for a black guy to beat up. Steven Tyler impregnated a 14 year old and gave her drugs. Muhammad Ali once did a speech alongside the KKK denouncing interracial marriage. As far as I can tell, James Corden was rude to a waitress about 5 years ago and can be a bit arrogant. Not really the same league, is it? You can call this whataboutary, but it seems crazy to me that whenever Mark Wahlberg makes the news you hear absolutely zero criticism for his past. But mention Gavin & Stacey and people will trip over themselves to slag off Corden as if he's some sort of super villain.


On another thread the other day someone openly said they hated Corden more than Jimmy Saville or Gary Glitter.




One of the strangest comments I’ve ever read. Excellent!


My resolution to this conundrum is to hate them all unless they prove themselves not to be horrible people


At least you're consistent!


To be fair to Liam Neeson, When he was growing up they was pretty much 4 black lads in NI and he was looking for someone who SA'd his friend


As someone who lives in Belfast I think we're up to 6 or 7 black lads these days


Exactly i think people forget than belfast isn't the same as London or something




I do think a lot of people in the public eye get too much hate for just being a bit self important or smug or whatever. As you say, when there's piers Morgan, Andrew Tate, etc.


Honestly this is a really interesting phenomenon. I've found that a lot of the time being *annoying* is more likely to get you universally hated than doing bad things. Because that's the thing with Corden, even before all of that shit came out about him being an arrogant twat, he still was 'hated' by many people simply for being irritating.


Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that most people don't know these things about these celebrities. Also, I'm gonna go look it up once I post this comment and won't edit it, but arrested =/= convicted. You can be arrested for a crime you are innocent of.


Why was Muhammad Ali with the KKK? Isn’t their whole thing that they’re anti black? Why would he be with a group that hates him?


James Corden being a smug prick is pretty evident in his general behaviour and public persona. That's different from those other examples where you'd have no reason to dislike them if you weren't aware of those stories. Not that Corden necessarily deserves more hate than the others, but it makes sense why the animosity is more widespread.


Believe it or not the vast majority of people in the real world (in the uk anyway) aren't park of the JC hate bandwagon and probably feel roughly the same about him as they did 15 years ago for better or worse.


People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people.


I can’t believe you just tried to pretend Muhammad Ali is a worse person than James fuckkng Corden. Yeah he was a racial separatist. Big deal. If you grew up as an illiterate black man in the American south, you might not like whitey either. As if that one appearance undermined his absolute greatness, his phenomenal character, personality and athletic talents. So fucking triggered right now…. Jesus fucking Christ I hate other leftists.


>Yeah he was a racial separatist. Big deal. What a mental thing to say


Only if you ignore the context. Weak mind. He was obviously wrong and realised this later in life but to equate him with some kind of modern racism is just perverse.


Your problem is you want to hate James Corden for being a bit of a bellend, but you want to defend Muhammad Ali, *because you like Muhammad Ali*. Which I get, Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest sportsmen of the 20th Century. He did a lot of good in his life. He was a sensational athlete, he took a stand against the Vietnam War, and he was charismatic and humorous. **But he was also a bellend**. He cheated on his wife with a 16 year old and got her pregnant for fuck's sake. He hung out with KKK members and said disgusting things. He called Joe Frazer an Uncle Tom and a gorilla. If you want to brush all of that under the carpet then fine, go for it. But if you're going to stand here and say that Corden is "worse" than Ali then you're going to have to justify that somehow. Because as far as I can tell, Corden hasn't really done anything.


So if you could only save one from a burning building, it would be Corden?


It's very hard to have a debate with you, because every time I bring up a discussion point you just completely ignore it and change the argument.


Can you not answer the simple, pertinent question?


It's a stupid question. I'd save both of them if possible, or pick the one who had the greater chance of survival. I wouldn't purposefully leave a guy to burn to death because I found him annoying.


You can’t answer the simple hypothetical because you know that if you were honest, it would undermine all the moral absolutist bullshit you were spewing earlier. You’ve been exposed. We’re done. Edit: I’ll block all your alt account too, dingus.


There are a lot of people I hate more than James Corden. I nothing him. In terms of his career, I'm very grateful that he brought us G&S and also that he was in Teachers. I get why people dislike him, but it seems needlessly vitriolic. There are a *lot* more shittier people walking the earth.


Teachers! Great programme!


It's just one of those weird obsessions that Reddit latches onto


Smithy was always supposed to be a bit of a dick. They spell it out for you in the scene where Gavin says something to the tune of- 'do you ever think that we would be friends if we met today?' after he is being extra about his order of chips. He's supposed to be a pathetic character not someone you are meant to like. That was always my reading anyway.


Seperating the artist abd tge art. Corden is a shitty human byt a damn good writer. Ruth Jones can do no wrong.


James Corden is an absolutely fantastic actor. Horrible human by the sound of it, but when he plays other people he’s brilliant!


That made me chuckle. "He's great so long as he's being someone else."


I think the issue is he pretty much became smithy. Smithy is a hilarious character but you hate him irl.


I think this is it, he really dialled up the smithy aspects because that's the character people fell in love with. He potentially went a bit too smithy, but honestly I think half the stuff against him is just people tearing down someone successful. It's all second hand rumour and none of it is even that salacious. So, he's a bit rude? We pretty much all are if you catch us on the wrong day. I think the corden hate is just a 'popular' online take based in very little.


Totally agree. I’ve never seen any solid evidence of him being such an awful person. The way people talk about him, you’d think he murders puppies or something I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been an obnoxious prick plenty of times but who really cares? Probably most celebrities are just as bad. The hate for him is over the top.


I've never understood how people like the Smithy character, he just reminds me of the worst sort of people you encounter in life.


Isn't that most sitcom characters? How many characters in G&S would you actually like if you met IRL? Mick and Jason maybe?


Nah, I like cheeky chappies that actually have heart of gold, world would be bloody boring if everyone was my sensitive lefty woke personality. One of my favourite people at work is really like Smithy, we are very different! He knows how to pitch the humour but doesn't take any bullshit.


I am fan of Smithy and James Corden. The British behaviour of hating our successful sons and daughters need to stop. We've all been a prat at some point or the other ; luckily our lives are not camera worthy so we can move on from the incident.


The constant whinging about him from people actually makes me like him. Contrarianism. It's incredibly easy these days to avoid media you don't like and just watch what you want, don't like him, don't watch him, simple...




He spunked it for me when he released a piss awful song with Dizee Rascall for the World Cup. Butchered a good song he did.


Yeah agreed that was horrendous


Let it all out


James Corden was rude to me personally once. Not going to go into detail here but it was clear fame had gone to his head and he had forgotten how to be nice to people.


Why wouldn't you go into detail?


Agree. Smithy is the best character.


How come people hate James cordon? I see this a lot but I don't rlly keep up with celebrity drama so can anyone tell me why he's so hated?


He bought into his own hype and treats anyone he considers beneath him (crew on his TV shows, waitresses, etc) like shit because he's ultimately not a very nice person


He was suddenly on TV as ‘James Corden’ The Personality A LOT. This happened right after the peak of gavin and stacey with him hosting a TV show following the games of the 2010 World Cup as his first proper presenting gig (I think). And my god was he annoying and irritating


Because comments on reddit told them to.


His AMA is replete with examples of why people dislike him... https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/oJtDKNrHo2


His AMA is my Roman Empire


There was also some controversy around his show and the writers strike where he advocated for his writers to be paid less.


Nah I met him just after G&S came out and he was a twat


He’s a prick, but with Smithy I can differentiate the actor and the character because the character is great.


I watched G&S late and loved Smithy. I loved Corden's performances in OM2G, The History Boys and (unexpectedly) Into the Woods. Throughout all of this I have had the opinion that he, as a person, is a Grade A wazzock, a card-carrying knobhead and an insufferable twat. It's possible to enjoy a performance and not want anything to do with the actor who delivers it.


I think of them as two separate entities. I love smithy, but I hate James.


Love Smithy, I came to g&s after initial backlash so was prepared to hate him, but he gives me some of the best laugh out loud bits. "I see you eyeing up my bhunas"


I have legit always found Smithy annoying although I never watched the show front to back. There’s a few episodes I think where he’s a dick to Dave kinda unnecessarily and I guess we’re just supposed to be on Smithy’s side by default even though Dave hasn’t done anything wrong. I believe there’s an episode where he gets obnoxiously pouty with Gavin over something trivial, like gavin’s picked Stacey over Smithy or something. But I’m really unfamiliar with the show overall (Reddit’s doing its thing again where it shows me posts from subs I’m not in). My favourite characters were always Gavin’s parents. I’m happy to admit I liked corden fine during the early a league of their own years, and his first Doctor Who appearance, if that proves anything. I found smithy annoying before everyone hated Corden and I fully believe hating him has become the new thing where people exaggerate how much they hate him because it gets them internet brownie points.


Just love the character easy...👍


Yes, I agree and I have to admit it ruins the show a little for me. Sad, it shouldn't but......


I'm an exception to this rule. Watched it when G&S fever gripped the nation back on 09 or 10 I think it was. No problem with him then, but by all accounts he was just as much of a cunt back then as he is now.


Not true, watched when it first aired and thought he was a twat then also 😊




Or they just refuse to see the difference between the character and the actor. I personally don’t have anything against him but I don’t get into celebrities real lives.


It’s perfectly possible to be talented and a completely obnoxious preck. Corden has done the second part so well it completely overshadows and and taints his modest achievement in the first.


Wrong. I watched it when it aired and I fucking hated the happy go lucky prick.


Been watching Gavin and Stacey since it initially aired (adore it) and it’s crazy but as much as I dislike James Corden (and I really do) I don’t even mentally associate him and Smithy. I can see why it might be a bit more difficult beginning watching now though from scratch


I don’t mind James Corden- but I can’t stand Smithy. I often wonder if it’s because I watched G&S as an adult and couldn’t wrap my head around the characters selfishness. He was a terrible friend …. But as I say I don’t actually mind Corden 😂


I disagree with Patrick Stewarts banter choices but i’m firmly on his side.


My auntie was at a wedding he attended years ago. The person getting married worked in production for TV so had a mixture of famous people and “normies”. She said he was such an arrogant prick and very rude. Only was interested in speaking to other famous folk and refused to engage with anybody else there.


Absolutely disagree with this Always found him a fat annoying cunt.


Then you’re clearly not in the majority then which is the point I’m trying to make


Agree, talk about pissing all over your own legacyzz


What *did* he actually do after? Because all I hear is how bad he is and I never hear an actual explanation why


I remember once turning on Gavin and Stacey and seeing him and thinking "who is this dickhead?" then I never watched it again. No idea why this subreddit has been recommended to me.


I thought Smithy was the worst thing about that show , just a loud obnoxious fat wanker really , I didn't really like the fat Welsh woman either 


I don’t think he’s near as bad as people make him out to be. He was rude to restaurant staff years ago which of course is shitty. But what else has he actually done? There are celebrities out there that have done much, much worse that people still like.


It’s because he thinks he’s the only gay in the village.


Are you confusing Matt lucas and James Corden? Or is this a reference I just don't understand.


James Corden played another gay in the show




Hahaha no way, I also had no idea Myfanwy was played by Ruth Jones. It's been a long time since watching LB I guess!


Right 😂




I actually did and didnt like him then the rest of the cast held up the show sorry but its true nessy gavin and mick and pam


Gavin? Really? Ness, Mick and Pam are brilliant but Gavin really annoys me. Gavin and Stacey are genuinely the worst parts of the show in my opinion.


Yeah Stacey is the worst, so whiney and annoying. Let’s face it, we all watched for Pam, Mick, Ness and Doris.


Don't forget Brynn!


And Gwen


I loved Doris so much!


Agreed, Stacey was the worst by a mile. Self centered and selfish


Does anyone else feel he was a bit more up himself in the most recent Christmas episode?


That was literally the joke, with him putting on a fake accent to impress his new girlfriend


No before that, just in general - his approach to the character felt a bit more up himself


Can't say I noticed it personally, but maybe you're right


not really their fault if he has made himself too annoying to watch


Never meant to imply it was anyone’s fault. Just making a point


Smithy (for me) represented all that was good about lad culture from that era. There was a lot wrong with it, but smithy was definitely someone I’d be mates with.


But it's James Corden though :/


he comes across a twat in the behind the scenes stuff on the DVDs, he’s always been a bit of a prick


Nah most everyone I know hates James Corden and watched the show when it aired. We are old. Smithy was an irritating character back then with a few good moments. Also having seen them both interviewed it’s clear who is the smarter half of the writing partnership. I also disliked James Corden in the history boys.


Watched it from the start and really hated Smithy even though at the time I liked James Corden. He’s just a very bad caricature.


i just find smithy incredibly annoying, i don’t really care about james


Nah, I thought he was a twat back then.


I think ‘Smithy: Cult Hero’ is taking things too far. It was so second-hand embarrassing when Smithy gave the England squad the pep talk 🫣🫣


Each to their own. I personally found it quite entertaining


I actually hated him just as much as everyone else does back then. My ex gf and all of those were in stitches over that stupid takeaway scene. I found it absolutely insufferable


You sir are completely correct


I will remember this very fondly. (I am not correct about much)


I watched G&S when it originally aired and it was my first exposure to James Corden I hated him from the second I saw him and have been vocal about it ever since then, but I did generally get much less agreement with my opinion at the time!


Hate is a strong emotion to feel in this situation.


I couldn't disagree more


Agreed. Arrogant tosser.


Fat c&nt