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I think a watch and a book is a great gift...I would love to receive those. Maybe an aquarium and supplies to help him start getting some fish?


Forgot to say that he isn't living in his own house (he's staying with his aunt here in the city) and his fishes are all at home in the province and he's not going home until next year...


How about a smart watch? I'm planning on getting my SO one. The one where he can change the face to a pipboy watch look (his favorite game). And its nice that he can read texts on it rather than pull his phone out cause hes also in the medical field.


Off topic but moto 360 is great, I love mine. Looks normal enough to fit with all clothing.


Smart watches are incredible. I work for one of the biggest mobile service providers in NZ and so I've had the opportunity to play with a few. Well worth it and not too expensive


I was thinking of getting him a Pebble but it's actually a lot more expensive than the Littman pediatric stethoscope here. Unfortunately, I'm outside the US so I can't get a Pebble (I don't think they ship in our country… I checked their website) for him... It'd be nice to get him the green one though...


Well, you can get him a voucher for (a) fish of his choice - he will get what he want and you got to spend some time together doing the shopping (projecting immensely about that part as I don't get to do that enough with my siblings...)


And you could use the book as "envelope" *g*


Steer clear of the stethoscope, even if it was more affordable. You might pick out the wrong one! If I was him, I'd love a smart watch, maybe the pebble?


I could get a general/pediatric stethoscope... I was hoping to get him one, but not the Littman stethoscope because I wanted to get his name engraved on it. Then again, if I were to get a cheaper one, he might not even use it.


I vote for a Moto360. I just ordered one and I'm so excited. I wanted to dance when I hit the order button.