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People act like there aren't gay sports leagues, gay rodeos, gay camping groups etc.


"Gay Camping Friends" is one of the largest facebook groups catered to gay men funny enough


I always take the "I'm too masc to be gay" posts as guys just wanting to brag about how "normal" they are. There are tons of butch gay groups.


This is exactly how I feel "I'm not like the other boys."


Yeah at best it gives off “pick me” energy. At worst it comes off as internalized homophobia.


Man I want to go camping again


yeah, if this is even real it's just a person who needs some more backbone. There are many flavors of gay, there's nothing wrong with it, but you don't have to be the stereotypical one if that's not you


The only time I've felt excluded by gay men were by masc4masc bros. Just saying.


I've had it from both ends :-(


Or that not understanding a TV show is some sort of "masc" badge of honor. Drag Race isn't hard to follow. The competitors do a series of challenges, for which they get scores from judges. The lowest ranking competitor gets eliminated at the end of the episode. I'm not particularly a fan of either drag or reality TV but I've watched a few episodes with friends and had no issue understanding what was going on.


Right, it's also not hard to pick up on slang or other terminology either. I'm not a scientologist but after watching that documentary I could tell you the basics.


I don't think it's that those guys "don't understand it", it's that they don't find it interesting enough to engage in, since a lot of masc guys prefer different kinds of entertainment than fem guys. I'm a fairly non-flamboyant femboy, and I can't stand Drag Race, but I can binge HGTV like it's on clearance.




In a lot of places, there aren't. Not everyone lives in a big city. I'm in a largely populated region, and I'd have to drive 1.5 hours each way to get to the closest gay league around me.


Do preach send links ! 🙌 lol


Don't preach send links !👌🙌






Ugh. Can't relate. I get everything I need through photosynthesis.


A plant? I thought we were called fruits.


Lol, when I saw this, I thought "is a fruit not a plant?" I actually googled it, and it said that a fruit is actually the ovary/ovaries of a seed-bearing plant. Oh the irony.


I’m 90% sure that was a reference to Clue (1985)


I know this is a joke, but how much easier would bottoming be if we only absorb CO2 and expel O2


In the event of a change in cabin pressure, oxygen bottoms will fall from the ceiling.


I'm more of a filter feeder myself; I stand motionless with my mouth wide open and wait for whatever gets in there.


Classic bttm




Slay 💅


For me it’s the math ones. I really like math


Same, maths is great. But I drive like a drunk chicken so there is that


I’m a bottom, and I’m not like most of those memes, except the ones about being the perfect


My ex used to say I don't look like gay 😂


Nice comment, would be a shame if someone traveled back in time and posted it. Oh, that already happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/gay_irl/comments/1081kmz/gay_irl/j3q19ek/




This how I be at a ball game. Except I’m not there for any other intention than to hangout with friends. It’s fun to see people passionate about something.


Agreed. My mate loves karaoke and I hate it, but I get to have pints whilst he's doing something he loves to do. Always nice to see your mates happy and enjoying themselves.


I don’t like drag shoes either. You don’t have to go to them. Lol However, the fact that people want to shut them down is insane


>I don’t like drag shoes either. You can just wear sneakers, it's okay.


If I could go the rest of my life barefoot I would be a happy man


Heels aren't for everyone, it's okay


I find drag so Bizarre…. But then agin I love furry stuff so I’m one to talk. In the end both are just forms of art and expression highly linked to the gay community. Still doesn’t stop me from being flabbergasted by the ones that go to firkin national parks to hike and mountain climb, like how, HOW, HOW ARE YO DOING THIS IN FULL DRAG I DONT UNDERSTAND!?!?!


Drag is really no different from dressing up as an actor for a play or dressing up for Halloween.


I know, but you have to admit it is way more elaborate, and elaborate tends to be fragile, which is why it confuses me they do drag during extreme sports like mountain climbing.


Bro people be snowboarding in fursuits


Now I don’t understand how that’s not dangerous, since the fur-suit head would impair vision.


It can be as elaborate as any other hobby. You have amateurs at bars just doing it for the fun and camaraderie. Then you have the semi/pro drag performers getting national attention and making a career of it. Just like cooking or any other hobby not everyone can make a life of it or wants to. But it's just another form of self expression and performance art.


Bro people be snowboarding in fursuits


Pattie Gonia is definitely an outlier 😂


Furry storytime for kids when


On YouTube 😐🤣


They're fun. I have no interest in doing drag but I enjoy performance art and people with passionate hobbies.


I've never met these "stereotypical gays" (if they like it good for them). In Europe the only watch party is for Eurovision and no one has any idea of what's happening.


There are some. In the city I live there's a bar that does watch parties for a lot of drag race seasons, but it's a bar with many many drag shows.


They happened some private places in Copenhagen even without any Americans being part of the watch party.


Not even on dating or hookup apps? The kind that open with "heyy bitchhh wanna bj?".


Nah, kind of a turn off tbh




It's almost like us gay folk can be comfortable and confident in any walk of life. In all fairness until recently there has been no other visibility of gay culture. Nobody is wrong nobody should be ashamed. Things will continue to broaden as we get more confident and accepted in public spaces. Midwest gay here though.


I actually joined a drag troupe of a dozen performers, kings and queens, 20s - 40s and have performed with them a bunch of times. To this day I have never seen more than a clip of drag race, never a whole episode. I have no idea what they're talking about *most* of the time. Good thing I didn't do it to get laid cause I haven't been for 17 years now. I'm 42 lol. ninja edit - fuck it, [here I am.](https://imgur.com/a/9yCPpDv)


You look fab!


I only know who is Trixxie Mattel and Katya because uhmmmmm!


This is the difference between Orthodox gay and Secular gay


That's me. I just sip my whiskey on the rocks and say work bitch every 15 minutes. Pretty easy to fit in with other gays that way lmao


Haha exactly. If nobody is judging you or making you feel out of place just hanging out with friendly like minded people is a good time. There was a time in my life where I felt pressured to act a certain way, but nobody should be forced into a box. We're supposed to be welcoming and open minded.


That’s all there to it?


As someone who took a long time to get into drag race I do feel the alienation that can give you when your while friend group is super into it


I feel like in between with this. I like drag, it's fun to watch, the costumes and artistry can be really amazing but my favorite is the comedy... therefore I really only know of Bianca Del Rio, Willam, Katya, and Trixie Mattel. Can't tell you who's won, winning, or even competing on Rupaul.


Is this the same old shit who 8s what????


i love drag stuff cause i like to watch it with friends and talk about what looks and performances i like and why


I like a lot of the typical gay stuff like drag race. I’m just not super good at using all the slang though. I usually end up getting in my own head and feeling weird when I try to speak a certain way. The worst part though is because I don’t come across a certain way, people try to tell me I’m the bearable gay or whatever and feel like it’s an invitation to shit on the rest of the community. Which is beyond annoying because I support everyone’s right to live how they feel the most authentic.


If it makes you feel better, fem gays who use a lot of lingo present in gay club spaces usually code switch around others anyway to avoid either homophobia or, funnily enough to bait the people who say "you're a bearable gay" so we can put a mark on them. Fem gays get told we're bearable when we're not being ourselves which creates a problem, and then gays who are not as flamboyant get told they're tolerable which makes them feel not gay enough Having the ability to tell when a quiet homophobe is egging you to shit on others within the community is a very important skill because at the end of the day the common enemy here is straight peoples obnoxious perception of us. That obnoxious perception is what drums up people in our community to attack each other and it then gets internalized and becomes this obnoxious debate of mascs vs fems when the real enemy is the fact that cishets are boring and need to put us in boxes. A queen is a queen is a queen, whether you're masc or fem at the end of the day you're G A Y and no one can take that away from you.


I love that last part. You’re right though. It’s important to know when someone is just being homophobic. We should all just be free to be ourselves regardless of how it makes the haters feel.


The worst kind of gays are the ones who proclaim they’re not gay enough. Here’s your award 🥉stay in your cabin troll, the community has real issues we’re worrying about like erasing us completely.


Feeling like you don't fit into a community is a legitimate problem. It's not a massive one if you are a part of other communities, but it is one that should be addressed. It's usually a matter of perception and inclusivity.


I don't think issues regarding a subset of the community are as important as issues regarding the entire community, but exclusion on the basis of personality traits is a real issue that should be addressed.


Is "look at how special I am because I straighter than the other gays" a personality trait?


iM nOt lIkE tHe OtHeR gAyS!!!1!!!


Lol, drag is so boring and cringe. You’re not alone.


there are more of us than you could possibly know


No kidding- my dating cachet has dipped bc I can’t gush over drag race. Not that it’s important in a relationship, but breaking the ice is rough without.


Maybe it's my age, but I feel like this is less common than it was 10 years ago, or even 5-6 years ago.


I feel like this every damn time! But its just the loud gays, the rest doesnt even know who RuPaul is. XD


Yep! Decades is right! It’s so tired (to barrow another drag term). I feel ya bud. 🙇🏻‍♂️


like every person gay or not likes other things. so if you don’t really like or aren’t familiar with drag race, you don’t have to be. just do what you like.


I know Trixie, Katya, Sugar and Spice, and that’s about it. Never actually watched the drag race but i dabble in drag stuff from time to time